Life felt more real to me before the internet. I remember when I first started using a computer, windows 95, I would mess around with the settings and sometimes spend a few hours trying to get a word program do format how I wanted or playing the stock solitaire game or trying to get the dial-up connected then waiting 5 minutes for a picture of a tree to download then being amazed once it did. But, after a few hours, I would feel antsy, and angsty, and a little crazy, like I had all this pent up energy that was stuck inside me that I had to get out. I sort of felt like I had been in a trance like a prisoner, unable to move for the last few hours and I needed to escape. I would go outside or talk to someone and feel better, but I wouldn't feel really refreshed until I slept that feeling off for the night, then I would feel back to normal in the morning. This sounds weird, I suspect, but it really was how I felt. Now I have become such a permanent prisoner to using forums for communication and distractions in 5-minute pieces (games, forum threads, reddit gifs and clever contests, YouTube videos, etc.) that I don't even think about about getting a 'reset' by sleeping it off or going outside anymore. I just want the next 5-minute attention fix. It's a drug, and I think it's going to only get worse with social media for the next few decades. Who knows where it will lead, but I'll be long gone by then so I don't care.