

the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
Apparent grief leading to mendacious and duplicitous actions, which asymmetrically mimic the alleged actions of those they accuse as responsible.

I do wonder if it's wise to mention them so conspicuously though, they eat this shit right up.
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Dec 19, 2021
I think of misplaced grief. I do understand their concerns, but I don't think policing the internet is the answer. I have the utmost of empathy for their grief, but I think a better way to help suicidal people would be to address the problems that tend to make life intolerable: lack of affordable housing, addiction, trauma, inadequate access to healthcare (for mental and physical health), food/income insecurity, to name just a few. There are plenty of torches that a person could pick up in an effort to make life a little easier for people who are suffering. Of course, solving the big problems is a lot more difficult than shutting down a website or amending legislation. I guess it's a lot easier to vilify websites and the people who use them than it is to actually effect meaningful change.
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I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
These people think that this site and the people on it 100% killed their child, which is ridiculous, but grief isn't always rational.

I feel bad for them, mostly. I know my own family will be devastated when I ctb.
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Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
I think they're mere puppets in a grander, more vicious scheme to curtail free speech on the internet and turn the internet into something like the crap they have in the People's Republic of China where the Chinese Communist Party basically controls the internet in a totalitarian way. They control it so much that no Chinese citizen is even allowed to mention the cartoon character Winnie the Pooh because the dictator Xi Jinping is likened to it.

Although F26 are a group of parents who've lost their children to suicide, their legitimate & understandable grief is being used to manipulate them like little puppets by dark, totalitarian forces who are against the freedom of expression and the relatively free nature of the internet as it currently exists. I mention "relatively" free because governments and tech giants like Google already wield a good deal of control over the internet.

Our struggle to keep this forum running against rabid hordes like F26 and the mainstream media scum who want to shut us down is a glorious and heroic fight for the freedom of expression, a free internet and individual liberties!
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Someday, I hope to see you in the light.
Dec 10, 2021
They misunderstand the true purpose of this site. Despite my suicidal ideations, I've also found great comfort in connecting with the other members. It's given me a sense of relief to be among those with whom I can be myself & speak freely of my most private, "morbid," thoughts without judgment. People on this site may not necessarily understand everything I have or am going through, but they understand the feelings those experiences have left me with. To have that connection with another human being is immeasurable in its ability to start the healing process.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
A fair amount of delusion and intentional ignorance. They don't actually care what anyone has to say here unless it can be used to further their own petty agenda. Anyone who joins their cause and isn't doing so out of grief definitely has a hero complex and is only trying prop their own egos up by putting minimal effort into "saving people" even though they're also too dumb to realize their actions are likely directly pushing people even further into whatever despair they're in already. They're also the kind of morons who look at criticism of themselves and go "nah see, that's what [the other side] is actually doing all along!"
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Nov 4, 2020
Anytime I hear the word 'gang' I think of the rapper Wiz Khalifa and the Taylor Gang


Dec 27, 2021
I definitely agree with the misplaced grief part. It's easy to think people ctb because of this site. But anyone who searches up the site was suicidal in the first place. I think that the joke we call a healthcare system is to blame. That people would rather go on here than call up a hotline. It just proves the mental health system is not working, but of course, no one brings that up. All they just do is post the hotline number.
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Better never to have been
Jul 4, 2021
Angry Karens pointing fingers and looking for something to blame.
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Sep 3, 2018
While I can sympathize and understand where they're coming from, I consider them trashy piece of shit people cause they don't actually fucking care about other kids or adults killing themselves. They're only using that and others accusations to get revenge for their own selfish reasons. There's no reasoning with them, there's not point in talking with them cause at the end of the day their grief and hate outweighs any compassion or understanding. Plus I hate how they think closing this site is going to miraculously stop suicides from happening especially kids from doing it. Kids were killing themselves even before this site existed and will after this site is gone. So the whole campaign is pointless and they are too blind and uncaring to actually get their heads out of their asses and address the reasons why people are suicidal or why their children killed themselves. Also another thing that pisses me off is that they want to put ALL the blame on this site, but never do they ever blame themselves. Maybe they were bad parents and their children killed themselves partially because of it, but hey parents and breeders never do no wrong I suppose.
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Sep 29, 2021
revenge group. They need treatment for PTSD
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
A fair amount of delusion and intentional ignorance. They don't actually care what anyone has to say here unless it can be used to further their own petty agenda. Anyone who joins their cause and isn't doing so out of grief definitely has a hero complex and is only trying prop their own egos up by putting minimal effort into "saving people" even though they're also too dumb to realize their actions are likely directly pushing people even further into whatever despair they're in already. They're also the kind of morons who look at criticism of themselves and go "nah see, that's what [the other side] is actually doing all along!"
The "hero complex" people are the absolute worst. They are all over Reddit (and the rest of the Internet, etc.)
I remember one person in particular acting like it was their god-given right to imprison people who were suicidal, to call the police on them and wash their hands of the matter.
I think they even referred to themselves as heroic lmao.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
The "hero complex" people are the absolute worst. They are all over Reddit (and the rest of the Internet, etc.)
I remember one person in particular acting like it was their god-given right to imprison people who were suicidal, to call the police on them and wash their hands of the matter.
I think they even referred to themselves as heroic lmao.
It's truly deplorable. I've met many people like this too, the ones who call the cops or an ambulance on anyone who even mentions suicide or self harm. My sister's friend once had my sister sent to the ER for cutting herself which ended up costing our family $5000 even after insurance paid the rest off. (It was something like $20,000 before even though she wasn't in actual danger and the marks weren't even fresh).

Where I come from even though some people understand the police and medical systems are flawed, those same people are always willing to air their self-righteousness out whenever it comes to suicidal matters. Funny how so many people in my state like to say "all cops are bastards" but will still threaten to call them on you if you tell them you're going to commit suicide soon. I once had someone directly threaten the psych ward against me and they claimed it was justified because at least I'd still be alive. These people only care about quantity over quality I guess.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
It's truly deplorable. I've met many people like this too, the ones who call the cops or an ambulance on anyone who even mentions suicide or self harm. My sister's friend once had my sister sent to the ER for cutting herself which ended up costing our family $5000 even after insurance paid the rest off. (It was something like $20,000 before even though she wasn't in actual danger and the marks weren't even fresh).

Where I come from even though some people understand the police and medical systems are flawed, those same people are always willing to air their self-righteousness out whenever it comes to suicidal matters. Funny how so many people in my state like to say "all cops are bastards" but will still threaten to call them on you if you tell them you're going to commit suicide soon. I once had someone directly threaten the psych ward against me and they claimed it was justified because at least I'd still be alive. These people only care about quantity over quality I guess.
Man, that is horrid.
Calling the police on the suicidal is becoming so common that people who are abusive are using it to control people who have never even expressed thoughts of suicide.
It's not as if the police are going to require much proof besides "He/She said they're going to kill themselves!"
It's very easy to fuck with someone and do permanent damage by sending over a "welfare check", whether the person is legitimately suicidal or not.

I have had some conversations with other people who expressed the desire to end their lives and I told them outright, in some fashion of "I will not be calling anyone, if you say you want to do this and if you say you don't want to be locked up, I will take that statement at face value and I will not try to 'save' you. So if you have some hidden desire or agenda for me to see through a facade and call anyways, I'm the wrong person to expect that from. Unless you outright demand that I call the police or ambulance to come get you, I'm not doing it."
Because I swear, some people apparently want their "No, don't!" to be interpreted as "Yes, please do!" and they are not making it any easier for the rest of us to be taken seriously.

Even so, it's rare that hospitalization is helpful in any of these cases, besides those of the attention-seekers.
Like in your sister's case, it usually just leaves the person with more headaches to deal with and even ptsd.

Oh yea, that whole "at least they'd still be alive" thing was nearly another direct quote from the "heroic" moron I mentioned.
That's always their defense.
As you said, they don't care about the "quality" of anyone's life, just about how long they can extend their inhaling and exhaling.
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