

life is pain
Oct 8, 2023

As the title says, I would like to know what bothers you about society or humanity
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Jul 3, 2024
The way most people find money and power more important than caring for each other.

(And obviously living in a world where that's made possible or likely since you need a lot of money to survive)
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Jul 12, 2024
The way job searching and education work. I know I'm smart enough to do SOMEthing meaningful, but I'm not good enough at applying to and interviewing for jobs to have a chance to. And education costs so much money and there's no guarantee of a job afterwards. What the hell.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
Everything about society and humanity bothers me. The worst thing though would have to be how I was born without my consent and have to participate in society just because I was unfortunate enough to be born human. I wish I could've been a cat instead so I wouldn't have to deal with any of this human bullshit. Cats have the best lives. They don't have to work for anything and get everything
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I don't want to get used to it.
Aug 11, 2023
Dishonesty and bad faith. So many lies that bury the truth, to the point where not lying is basically crippling yourself societally. Everything is about appearance and not substance. Manipulative and incendiary misinterpretation done on purpose. Always assuming the least charitable interpretation, even when it should be obvious that wasn't the intent. Never taking responsibility, always justifying or deflecting or denying and being rewarded for it because that's how people judge one another - as long as there's plausible deniability people will defend you and no matter how much you change, redemption is not allowed if you made one mistake. That I'm part of the problem.
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73 IQ genius
Aug 18, 2024

As the title says, I would like to know what bothers you about society or humanity
your basically trapped in this world and people just go "that's life" because if they legalised euthanasia then no one would be good little goy slaves
The way job searching and education work. I know I'm smart enough to do SOMEthing meaningful, but I'm not good enough at applying to and interviewing for jobs to have a chance to. And education costs so much money and there's no guarantee of a job afterwards. What the hell.
Real shit. Especially if you're ND
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
your basically trapped in this world and people just go "that's life" because if they legalised euthanasia then no one would be good little goy slaves

Real shit. Especially if you're ND
Sadly, we were all born to be wageslaves. Our parents were all conditioned and brainwashed into having children, creating more slaves for the system to use and exploit
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73 IQ genius
Aug 18, 2024
Sadly we were all born to be wageslaves
Be a good little goy! Crapitalism is actually really good for the world and doesn't cause any suffering!
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
Be a good little goy! Crapitalism is actually really good for the world and doesn't cause any suffering!
The funniest and saddest thing is how wageslaves don't even realize how they're suffering and being exploited. They're prisoners who think that they are free. I find it sad tbh. Well, I guess that ignorance is bliss
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73 IQ genius
Aug 18, 2024
The funniest and saddest thing is how wageslaves don't even realize how they're suffering and being exploited. I find it sad tbh
They do. They just don't blame the right people

"I hate my life, day in day out, it's so hard! Must be those dam incels!"

They are so hooked on goyslop that they blame their depression on everything but the gov. They'd rather take jewmeds and work 9-5 than accept that there favourite politician doesn't care about them
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73 IQ genius
Aug 18, 2024
The funniest and saddest thing is how wageslaves don't even realize how they're suffering and being exploited. They're prisoners who think that they are free. I find it sad tbh. Well, I guess that ignorance is bliss
They are all miserable
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Oct 10, 2023
I blame society for my cbt, along with my parents who constantly threarened and put me down and hindered me from fitting in and making it in this dog eat dog society we live in. It is really all about competing for money and power. If you aren't able to compete because you don't have resources, looks, intelligence, confidence, outgoing personality etc, then you are put down and the less you have the easier you are trodden on and the more depressed and oppressed you become till you can no longer survive in this world.
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*~ 絶対に 全てを取り戻させてもらう ~*
Jul 5, 2020
Slavery, satanism and most people's ignorant supporting of it. The fact that most human beings don't know how to be real humans and don't seem interested. The fact that lovelessness is a possibility at all...


|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
That's funny, because satanists (most of whom are actually atheist) have done nowhere near as much damage as religions, like Christianity, have done. You don't see them marching down the street, screaming about being prosecuted while also discriminating against queer people, being sexist, dehumanizing and abusing children, making people feel guilty about things they should feel guilty about (e.g. sex), fighting for a fascist government, etc.

(I'm not saying that all Christians do this, rather I'm making the point that you can't go around pointing fingers at shit like Satanism when they historically and as of present aren't the ones using their religion as an excuse to screw everyone over)
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*~ 絶対に 全てを取り戻させてもらう ~*
Jul 5, 2020
That's funny, because satanists (most of whom are actually atheist) have done nowhere near as much damage as religions, like Christianity, have done. You don't see them marching down the street, screaming about being prosecuted while also discriminating against queer people, being sexist, dehumanizing and abusing children, making people feel guilty about things they should feel guilty about (e.g. sex), fighting for a fascist government, etc.

(I'm not saying that all Christians do this, rather I'm making the point that you can't go around pointing fingers at shit like Satanism when they historically and as of present aren't the ones using their religion as an excuse to screw everyone over)
They created religions as psy ops, infiltrated them at the highest level, and they've always done the most damage, I'm not talking about the Hollywood version but true satanism, or if you prefer "the old religion" as they call it. They manipulate and kill behind the scenes, because you don't see them or fail to identify them doesn't mean they don't exist.

Mark Passio described it in details admirably in much of his work if you're interested.


|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
They created religions as psy ops, infiltrated them at the highest level, and they've always done the most damage, I'm not talking about the Hollywood version but true satanism, or if you prefer "the old religion" as they call it. They manipulate and kill behind the scenes, because you don't see them or fail to identify them doesn't mean they don't exist.

Mark Passio described it in details admirably in much of his work if you're interested.


Jun 11, 2024
If society didn't suck so much then we wouldn't have to kill ourselves
The way job searching and education work. I know I'm smart enough to do SOMEthing meaningful, but I'm not good enough at applying to and interviewing for jobs to have a chance to. And education costs so much money and there's no guarantee of a job afterwards. What the hell.
getting a minimum wage job shouldn't be so hard
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Jun 11, 2024
They created religions as psy ops, infiltrated them at the highest level, and they've always done the most damage, I'm not talking about the Hollywood version but true satanism, or if you prefer "the old religion" as they call it. They manipulate and kill behind the scenes, because you don't see them or fail to identify them doesn't mean they don't exist.

Mark Passio described it in details admirably in much of his work if you're interested.
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I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
Income inequality. It lies at the root of nearly every economic problem on the planet. A small handful of men have accumulated nearly all of the wealth and the power that comes with it.
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Even the stars make room for new stars
Sep 3, 2024
Wealth and power inequality. Somehow I believe that if this would be more evenly distributed (through a basic income), most of the world's problems would go away.

I think concentration of power and wealth is innate to humans and even nature though, so it wont go away. It will get worse. It's one of the things that makes me so depressed about the world today.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
We're in 2024 and true communism is yet to be implemented. The revolution will not be televised, because it willnever fucking take place.
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Aug 24, 2024
Even if I had a whole day to type, I couldn't cover it all. Here's the short list.

People refusing to take responsibility for their own lives and instead want everyone and everything else to care for them, feed them, house them, and think for them. People like me (and millions of others) who bust their asses at jobs (plural) they absolutely hate to provide for those who refuse to do a damn thing for themselves (I am not referring to those genuinely disabled, of course) and are still so fucking broke they can't pay their own bills. This, combined with a society of ever-growing "me only" people, is really fucking things up. We went from a society empowering ourselves to create, build and try to make a better life to the "me first" generation to the "me only" generation. By "generation", I don't mean age. There are many seniors that come into my store that are "me only" and don't give half a damn about another person unless they can get something from them. There are a lot of weak, self centered, entitled people now - more than ever.

The rampant over use of legal and illegal drugs in place of trying to help oneself. I work in a pharmacy and there are SO many people on so many anti-depressants, but we're the most depressed we have ever been as a country. Isn't working, is it? We have drug companies pushing doctors to prescribe deadly things like Ozempic to teens instead of trying to get them to - I don't know, actually change what they eat and go outside for a walk. Try that first, for crying out loud, before paralyzing your digestive system! The whole pharmaceutical industry infuriates me because the goal is to keep people on drugs as opposed to curing anything. There's no profit in a cure, but sure is to have life long customers.

Technology like phones and computers are supposed to connect us better, but we see much fewer people in person now than when I was growing up. People spend so much time on devices that they don't interact with actual people, nature, or anything else.... then society asks stupid questions like why are people so depressed. Duh. I am so glad I grew up in a time where there were no cell phones, no internet, and definitely no social media.

And other random: nonsense politics, which is more like a sick reality show than an actual election, rampant wastefulness, government overreach, the whole "virus panic" bullshit, extreme inflation, illegal aliens (I am 100% for legal immigration), toxic crap in our food, water, skies and in drugs, parents who can't or won't parent, adults having the emotional maturity of children and refusing to grow up, schools that graduate kids who can't count to 40 (I am not making that up - we hired one at work), and the constant state of stress, rush, hurry, and push harder and faster. On the note of schools, not only are they seemingly not teaching kids to count, but they also can't read and comprehend, write, understand basic economics, and have no practical skills. Things like home ec and shop are long gone. I still credit home ec for teaching me to cook from scratch and I still use those skills today. Most people can't do things my parents and grandparents did like garden, fix things, budget, cook, and have basic survival skills because no one has bothered to teach them.

Finally, the over-sensitivity of people. YES, there are folks with genuine mental issues and I am not judging at all! I was born over sensitive and it has always been a curse. But, I am talking about as a whole, it seems so many people are so weak, childish, and easily offended by every. single. thing that one bad word can break them. We have/have had employees crying for hours in the break room because a customer said one critical thing to them. I've had customers go into hysterics and 25 minute tirades at the pharmacy because they have to pay a $5 copay, but yet they reek of cigarettes and are covered in tattoos, so clearly they have some money. It's crazy. WAY too sensitive. We've lost our ability to fend for ourselves emotionally.

I think we might have reached a tipping point and I'm not sure we're ever going back to a calmer time.
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Mirrory Me

Mirrory Me

"Life's a mirror, but 'whose' mirror?"
Mar 23, 2023
Well, one thing is Christianity. Or any religion that claims to be the only truth.


Aug 24, 2024
Everything about society and humanity bothers me. The worst thing though would have to be how I was born without my consent and have to participate in society just because I was unfortunate enough to be born human. I wish I could've been a cat instead so I wouldn't have to deal with any of this human bullshit. Cats have the best lives. They don't have to work for anything and get everything
Stray/feral cats have to work for everything and and spend their existence hunting for food and defending territory. It is true that housecats don't have to do a thing, though, just ask mine. :)
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May 6, 2024
Aspects of dystopian fiction I read and watched since the 80's has come to pass. We did a reverse 1984 and gave our personal privacy away to tech bros and governments.

The neoliberals/libertarians/conservatives, and capitalism, thats created gross, absurd levels of inequality across the world, and destroyed the climate. The masses are suffering, and the global south particularly will suffer the most in terms of climate change. Be it overfishing, destruction of natural habitats, and ecological damage, all in the name of growth\consumerism and the bottom line. Only ~9% off all plastic actually gets recycled. Microplastics in the water supply, in our testicles and our brains.

Religion and politics should never be mixed, but whether it's the middle east, myanmar, india, africa, hungary, or the united states, etc., it just doesn't stop.

The west still has no moral authority, still join together as former colonists, settlers, through exploitation, as brutes in suits, and all the failed economic and foreign policy still reverberates. Financial crisis and austerity programs certainly helped the rise of the far right globally.

The purpose of technology was supposed to make our lives easier, so we'd have more time for ourselves, for each other, and for leisure. But labor exploitation has made sure that would not be the case. Even using surveillance technology to control workers. The destructive use of technology is a whole other can of worms.
And we're long overdue for a four-day workweek.
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