

Jun 3, 2022
it definitely exists imo. i believe i've been gangstalked myself on-and-off by u.s. government organizations (?) over the years for whatever reason but for now i think they're just putting thoughts into my head from a distance. i guess they learned not to make it too obvious.

however, i also believe that most people who claim to be "targeted individuals" are just very paranoid. that's the thing, though; isn't that kind of an indictment of the human body and mind? if they're not getting gangstalked, then their bodies/minds have created the illusion that they're getting gangstalked, which is just as bad imo.

i still do believe gangstalking is real, though, and i mean "believe" in the way that i "believe" fire is hot. i think finding out about sites like kiwifarms is what made me fully convinced of it, and i know sites like that are technically for "cyberstalking", but i fail to see how that makes it any better. such an evil fuckijng world

i don't even know why i'm making this thread honestly, i just know kiwifarms is in some extremely hot water at the moment and i've been researching gangstalking for a few months now. i gyuess i just wanna know what u guys think of it or if u think u've been affected by it. again sorry if tyhis op is ramble-y or weird or whatever im just rly tired and wanted to put this out there
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Jul 31, 2022
it definitely exists imo. i believe i've been gangstalked myself on-and-off by u.s. government organizations (?) over the years for whatever reason but for now i think they're just putting thoughts into my head from a distance. i guess they learned not to make it too obvious.

however, i also believe that most people who claim to be "targeted individuals" are just very paranoid. that's the thing, though; isn't that kind of an indictment of the human body and mind? if they're not getting gangstalked, then their bodies/minds have created the illusion that they're getting gangstalked, which is just as bad imo.

i still do believe gangstalking is real, though, and i mean "believe" in the way that i "believe" fire is hot. i think finding out about sites like kiwifarms is what made me fully convinced of it, and i know sites like that are technically for "cyberstalking", but i fail to see how that makes it any better. such an evil fuckijng world

i don't even know why i'm making this thread honestly, i just know kiwifarms is in some extremely hot water at the moment and i've been researching gangstalking for a few months now. i gyuess i just wanna know what u guys think of it or if u think u've been affected by it. again sorry if tyhis op is ramble-y or weird or whatever im just rly tired and wanted to put this out there
gangstalking is bullshit
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peace out ss
Mar 11, 2022
don't take this the wrong way, but i'm curious how you say that
however, i also believe that most people who claim to be "targeted individuals" are just very paranoid
but also note that you, yourself, are a victim of it. what drew you to that conclusion in your case?
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
It sounds like you have a bit of psychosis, I'd go to a psychiatrist to get antipsychotic medication, you'll feel better
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Jun 3, 2022
don't take this the wrong way, but i'm curious how you say that

but also note that you, yourself, are a victim of it. what drew you to that conclusion in your case?
good point. it just feels/felt real to me, idk.. but then again it must feel real for anyone who thinlks they're being gangstalked, even if they're actually not. i probably should've specified that i don't think i'm CURRENTLY being gangstalked (just being experimented on), but idk i just.. definitely feel like i have been in the past. things have just added up so weirdly, i dont even know how to explain it other than "people have acted very strangely around me sometimes and it goes beyond just giving me weird looks".

all i know is, even if it's not happening to me (and even if it's NEVER actually happened to me), gangstalking definitely does exist in some capacity. there's just too much evidence pointing to it being a real thing that happens, even if it's not as prevalent as some people think it is.

It sounds like you have a bit of psychosis, I'd go to a psychiatrist to get antipsychotic medication, you'll feel better
i appreciate the sentiment but i've been having a really hard time trusting literally anyone in any position of power lately. ia m fucking losing it idk what's going on, ever since i moved to a new town earlier this year it's just been getting worse and worse for me mentally. im sorry
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
I believed in gangstalking when I was paranoid with psychosis but the thoughts disappeared once I was medicated
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Cathy Ames

Cathy Ames

Cautionary Tale
Mar 11, 2022
i appreciate the sentiment but i've been having a really hard time trusting literally anyone in any position of power lately. ia m fucking losing it idk what's going on, ever since i moved to a new town earlier this year it's just been getting worse and worse for me mentally. im sorry
Moving to a new place rates pretty high on the "stressful events" list. Hang in there.
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Oct 25, 2021
Gangstalking isn't real, it's a form of paranoia.
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Aug 26, 2022
I think people are way to quick to dismiss gangstalking. Many people online report these things happening to them in real life and almost all of them are perfectly sane. Even if there is not a group gangstalking someone the symptoms are there and external so something is up obviously.
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Aug 21, 2022
i don't leave home, can't prove existence of the phenomenon empirically
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Tfw you don't have a gang of female CIA agents slightly moving your chair every time you leave a room.
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who knows
May 21, 2022
it definitely exists imo. i believe i've been gangstalked myself on-and-off by u.s. government organizations (?) over the years for whatever reason but for now i think they're just putting thoughts into my head from a distance. i guess they learned not to make it too obvious.

Hey, I hope this doesn't sound offensive or irrespectful, but even if it feels real I think you should keep in mind that it's some sort of paranoia. Some people feel that way, but it's as real as any other hallucination. It's true that the US government spies on us, but they spy on you as much as they do on me or any other user, and you're not any specific target for them (unless you're a big name in some criminal organization). So overall, try to keep in mind that it's a malfunction of the mind, and possibly get some specific help, it's up to you what to do about it.

Just as a resource, you'd perhaps want to take a look at this:

In the video, he explains about how he has been supposedly gangstalked by the population of Romania, it may give you some insight on other people that also share a similar problem, if not the same.
Either way, these are my two cents to it, it's perhaps not too much but I hope it serves a bit at least, best wishes.
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Aug 6, 2020
Gangstalking is real - Community mobbing etc it gets some people so worked up they believe in thought control or something etc - its just a form of mobbing. If your community knew you were on this site someone could take offence and you becomd a target of community mobbing. it plays on your fears.
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Sep 16, 2022
Most likely gang stalking would be likely to used against a high value target, not common people, save for the development and test stages. Once the method was perfected it would probably used to destabilize a targeted person or group of people. It could be useful for scenarios where say a international drug dealer, or terrorist was beyond the reach of the nation's legal, military, or intelligence or security agencies. Imagine making a target psychotic, or have a nervous breakdown, or even commit suicide? But for regular people, we are just not that important.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
I think the belief that this is a thing is actually part of the criteria for some sort of persecutionary disorder. I forget the specifics but essentially it's been widely agreed upon that this kind of surveillance from the government doesn't happen. Think about it, what reason would there be for some high level organization to remotely plant thoughts into the mind of apple2myeye on SS, assuming that's even possible?
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Aug 6, 2020
Its not the government its someone who doesn't like you, just laugh it off. They can't put thoughts in your head but can use power of suggestion especially if there popular or influential. Part of you wondering is this the government? is part of the psychological game.

I'm not saying it is etc just the above post. People do get spied on for things like benefit fraud even if there innocent as a means of investigation.

Stalking, trolling and general surveillance are on the increase because of advances in technology. Women are especially vulnerable. These can lead to a feeling of lack of any privacy and create a state of unease - your mind then questions the situation and you can play into there hands.

A series of events that someone else might not experience such as trolling, bullying and stalking can I think obviously lead to a nervous breakdown - if you seek help from someone who hasn't experienced such things that might say something such as don't worry these are isolated events etc You however may not be able to see it as such. A stalkers goal can be to make you suffer in such a way so it becomes a catch 22.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
I think it is completely false. Some conspiracies make sense and are obviously real, gangstalking some nobody seems like a waste of resources.

We might be under archontic oppression though, who knows, those of us 'that can see'.

Kiwifarms is SIMILAR to gangstalking but it's only applicable to people that have some e-fame, not you or me.
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Mar 13, 2022
i am not psychotic, it is a real thing. they can poison your food and use radio frequencies to alter your thoughts and behaviors
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Oct 26, 2019
It sounds like you have a bit of psychosis, I'd go to a psychiatrist to get antipsychotic medication, you'll feel better
Hi Joes - We're not here to tell other people what drugs to take, or that they "WOULD" feel better after taking major tranquilizers - you can describe YOUR feelings after taking these drugs, not other people's!
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
Hi Joes - We're not here to tell other people what drugs to take, or that they "WOULD" feel better after taking major tranquilizers - you can describe YOUR feelings after taking these drugs, not other people's!
It was just a suggestion. And they're not tranquilizers anyway!
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Oct 26, 2019
Ok "antipsychotic" and "major tranquilizer" are synonyms for the same drugs
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Black Mesa Research Facility (B.M.R.F.)
Jul 14, 2022
I believe gangstalking would require a lot of resources and would be hard to organize for one simple unknown person, but for a well known internet celebrity on the other hand is full game, like reviewbruh for example
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Aug 6, 2020
I agree and personally don't believe in mind control or any of that but I can say it's real. I can't say why or to what purpose and fully agree its not logical and in the realms of fiction. That's parcellary why its so creepy who would waste all that time on a nobody.
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Aug 14, 2022
I believe gangstalking would require a lot of resources and would be hard to organize for one simple unknown person, but for a well known internet celebrity on the other hand is full game, like reviewbruh for example
It really wouldn't. A simple and quick Google search of "Surveillance role playing" will give you a bit of info.
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Black Mesa Research Facility (B.M.R.F.)
Jul 14, 2022
It really wouldn't. A simple and quick Google search of "Surveillance role playing" will give you a bit of info.
Oh. but that's unconstitutional! and why would they go after a nobody like you or me?
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Aug 14, 2022
Oh. but that's unconstitutional! and why would they go after a nobody like you or me?
Now you see how the people who are part of that community feel. Especially when people tell them they're crazy, to take their medications, and that it's a conspiracy theory.

It's funny because a lot of people especially on this website think that since they did a quit Google search, and either saw information or that doctor saying that people who are experiencing this sort of situation are schizophrenic, and that because whatever organizations or agencies or civilians are part of this didn't flat out come out and say that they're doing it, that it must not be happening to people.

When you have a lot of money and power you can get away with almost anything including covering your tracks.
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Black Mesa Research Facility (B.M.R.F.)
Jul 14, 2022
Now you see how the people who are part of that community feel. Especially when people tell them they're crazy, to take their medications, and that it's a conspiracy theory.

It's funny because a lot of people especially on this website think that since they did a quit Google search, and either saw information or that doctor saying that people who are experiencing this sort of situation are schizophrenic, and that because whatever organizations or agencies or civilians are part of this didn't flat out come out and say that they're doing it, that it must not be happening to people.

When you have a lot of money and power you can get away with almost anything including covering your tracks.
Damn, I just want a simple life
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no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
If it were possible for the government to control people's thoughts and behavior, they would use that power on randos. They'd use it on everyone. The world would suddenly be free of all crime and war. There would be nothing but happy, obedient subjects endlessly cheering for their benevolent dictators-for-life.

(It's not possible.)
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Sep 21, 2020
Gangstalking is an umbrella term for a lot of different things. I believe most of it. Cointelpro is not a theory.

In addition to mass media, entertainment, political infiltration of culture, art, academia and now social media, it is possible to influence people's minds with a variety of methods including group dynamics, drugs, hypnosis, and electrical-type waves that affect people's brains. I'm not going to bring the last one up to a more sophisticated description because I don't pretend to know about the technical details but if I'm not mistaken Delgado put a chip into a bull and apparently controlled its physical movements and emotions in the 1970s.

A lot of people who've claimed to be gangstalked are not mentally ill and even if they were it still wouldn't disprove their claims, even if they seem farfetched. Despite the campaigns about "satanic panic" (after the campaigns about satanic sects that included a US military officer showing up on a talk show dressed like a creepy vampire and telling everyone he formed his own satanic sect during the era of "moral majority" voting blocks), organized pedophilia - including with bizarre rituals - is a real phenomenon and not everyone saying so is easily discredited. In the case of gangstalking average people, I believe they're being used for research. I'm guessing the oversight on that kind of activity is minimal (because it's shady from the get-go) so the experimentation could easily get out of hand.

Among those claiming to be gangstalked in some form or another there could be people who are delusional, people who are not mentally ill and reporting real phenomena, and people who are mentally ill but also reporting real phenomena. Since being gangstalked can make people mentally ill, mental illness is even less relevant than it would be for anything else involving unusual beliefs. I guess some people claiming to hold these beliefs might be not mentally ill and just lying, which would still make me wonder who's running that and why.
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"to be overly conscious is a sickness"
Mar 13, 2020
I have no doubt there's some sadistic people, groups, think tanks and just human beings who group together tend to be awful... But yeah I also think it's a support to us to hasten our downfall and wish to leave this life, the sooner the better m if I'd have lost all hope truly lost all hope when I was 18 I'd have soared another half life of suffering. Decades of misery to learn it's all a giant sick sham.
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