Marijuana. I'm a huge advocate for herb. I smoke weed all day, everyday. "Perma-stoned" haha. Everything about it, I love. The act of smoking is more fun than just BEING high, in my opinion. Hitting the bong is my favorite hobby.
LSD. You don't know till you know, gotta try this one, man. My first trip was .. ugh I have no words. It was beautiful and magical, I was literally hearing colors and seeing the vibrations that were permeating my room via my megaboom speaker. My tapestries came alive and I danced freely, my soul became music and I was just.. gone. Completely out of my head. Beautiful.
Cocaine. Not my favorite just because of how short the high is for how much money you spend on it, plus, it's VERY easy to obtain shitty coke. It just makes me hyper and talkative, and 100% down to go streaking through a public school at 11 am. Not good for me lol..
Ecstasy. Aka, X, disco biscuits (my fave to call it), or molly.. etc etc. Super fun. I'm not a raver, so I always took it alone but I would just vibe to music in my room and exercise hella. It made me EXTREMELY happy and loving, I couldn't stop smiling. I have to say though, the comedown is AWFUL!!! It feels like you're going to die, every time. Your body starts shaking and sweating and you get EXTREMELY depressed (yeah, I thought it couldn't be any worse than usual.. was wrong). My heart rate slowed to a terrifyingly low pace and my mind was racing. I thought I'd have a heart attack at any moment.
Mushrooms. I love mushrooms, but I can no longer take them around other people. Someone caused me a very anxious trip last time, he wouldn't SHUT THE FUCK UP, so now I don't enjoy company while on them. But I take them in the woods, near my favorite spot, in my favorite tree, at my favorite beach. It's perfect. Everything is swirly and pastel-like. It all looks like a wooshy Bob Ross painting that's alive and softly dancing. Love me some magic shrooms. Smoke weed while on them though, as the anxiety peaks around the fifth hour.
I think that's about all I have to offer.