

Jun 18, 2018
I notice I tend to feel better when home or at the park disconnected from the internet.

When I'm engaged with the world, it feels like this image: 712703A5 B972 43D8 A2E4 C127E75B0BC3
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Sep 27, 2018
You ever see the United States of Leeland? Weird movie but I love it .There is this line about how when people look at kids playing baseball they just see kids playing but that the main character only sees the outcast kid excluded from playing. Besides being that kid, that's how I see society... I see the outcasts and it weighs my heart down.
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Aug 5, 2018
I notice I tend to feel better when home or at the park disconnected from the internet.

When I'm engaged with the world, it feels like this image: View attachment 1576
Same here. There are so many things wrong in society I'm sure you could fill hundreds of pages.
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Sep 17, 2018
I wish, it would be socially acceptable to say "I am depressed". And people would be like, "Oh that sucks. This world can be quite awful, I hope you feel better soon." And maybe offer an ear, if they feel like, or just leave it like that, if they dont, instead of getting all defensive and redirect you to medical professionals or platitudes.
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Jun 18, 2018
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Sep 8, 2018
Societies endless need to stereotype everything.
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Morning Angel

Useless Broken Wings
Aug 8, 2018
This thread might go south quickly.
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Morning Angel

Useless Broken Wings
Aug 8, 2018
Abuse of power.
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if we can stand outside the borders of time
Sep 21, 2018
These days people are literally offended by everything.
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Dani Paradox

Dani Paradox

Permanently Banned
Aug 17, 2018
What ever happened to all you need is love?
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An Angel’s Broken Wings
Sep 26, 2018
Sitting back and watching all the injustice of the world, I actually was considering writing a book about how fucked the world is, explain all of its issues and how the others are connected, and how to fix them. Just so I can say I did something good for this world before I left it. There are pages upon PAGES I could write. And a lot of the world's problems are so fucking simple to solve too if effort was put forth to do it. But this world is too varied that even a request of "hey be a good person" can and will be ignored.
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Jul 12, 2018
Oh fuck don't get me started. My perception is obviously narrow due to my experiences but here are a few things that bother me.

Modern technology in general can be used for great things but when children are minded by their computers, the television and the internet I think it can have a horrible effect. From what I've seen of my niece the TV is killing her curiosity faster than anything, she can't take her eyes off the screen and my sister thinks this is totally fine. I believe the less curiosity she has of the world around her the more complacent and empty life she'll grow up to live. Same for me and the internet, due to home circumstances I learned to rely on friends online for any comfort I needed, I dated exclusively online (met only one of these people but hey its better than zero) and pretty much became obsessed with stuff online for a number of years. It gave me a lot of immediate comfort and satisfaction whenever I needed it but I literally forgot about real life as it crumbled around me.

So this is one thing I hate about society, how people downplay the dangers of technology, social media, etc etc just because they think that's the only way to keep indulging in these pleasures without feeling bad. I think my niece is going to grow up and live a life as shit as I did because we're both children of tech.

I hate how people like to say that society is so progressive because of the rights people have now that they never did yet black, trans and gay people still get beaten to death in developed countries and worse in others. There is still no equality between genders at all, no matter what people say individuals still have very old fashioned beliefs and aren't afraid to vocalise them where they're not welcome.

I hate how whenever you read about suicide and suffering its always irrational because "suffering is transient", ask anybody starving and dehydrated in the southern hemisphere if its transient. Were told to live and accept that sufferings unavoidable yet there are families and individuals in the world who could cure world hunger but choose not to.

I hate how greater communication presents the problem of much greater levels of hatred to be directed anonymously at one another, I hate not knowing truly what affects our insanely fast technological advancement is having and being a proponent of free speech becomes very hard when these advancements always find a way to be used for evil.

I hate how people are so limited by their experiences and perceptions that even people with the purest intentions (cough sjws) are unable to make the change they need because many people prefer to look virtuous and get angry at, humiliate and shame "ignorant people" who don't already know the info they're trying to put out there. I hate that nobody seems to know how to interact to truly resolve problems and so I can never see society working towards happiness for the majority.

Also I hate how sick perverted individuals somehow always find their way into "caring" careers.

If a handful of people can't agree on how to move a ladder then how the fuck do we solve any real issues? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immovable_Ladder
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Jul 12, 2018
I hate how it's impossible to freely travel the globe without money or even to just live in a hut off the land. There's no way to just "get" a piece of land and even if you want a home chances are you'll be paying the mortgage for half of your life. I feel homes are so expensive purely so that once you gain a slight bit of independence you're a slave to paying for it for years, there's no reason a bog standard home should be hundreds of thousand £££

Most of all, I hate that I don't have autonomy over my own body and life. I hate that if people were to know that I planned to end my life I would be physically and forcibly stopped, this is the most disgusting thing to me. Especially in this age of overpopulation.
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Jul 12, 2018
The idea of housing and supported living for vulnerable people is great except that its never considered some of those "vulnerable" people are exactly the opposite. They're poor remorseless thieves and will take advantage of anyone they view as weaker. It goes completely unseen and I've never seen it broached as a worrisome issue. I've seen multiple cases including myself of being stolen from, abused and threatened by other "vulnerable people".

I think society is blind to many things and I can't single handedly open peoples eyes so I choose to leave. This world the way it is right now is too daunting and dark for me.
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Dani Paradox

Dani Paradox

Permanently Banned
Aug 17, 2018
You got weedoge going lol
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Jul 12, 2018
Have you seen requiem for a dream? Life just feels like the scenes where the old woman is watching that cult like TV game show and I hate how I became so corrupted by society and let my passions and desires be skewed so heavily, I genuinely wish I was raised in a library learning all the things I never got chance to because I didn't even know that I was focusing on unimportant things the entire time. (Although hey, everything is unimportant)
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Apr 30, 2018
Have you seen requiem for a dream? Life just feels like the scenes where the old woman is watching that cult like TV game show and I hate how I became so corrupted by society and let my passions and desires be skewed so heavily, I genuinely wish I was raised in a library learning all the things I never got chance to because I didn't even know that I was focusing on unimportant things the entire time. (Although hey, everything is unimportant)

That movie was fucking profound.
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Death is the only God who comes when you call
Sep 25, 2018
Society is just a tribe of people, which at this point we can look at as countries. Each country is a tribe, and sometimes our tribes attack each other for no good reason. I think that the biggest problems in society is that we used to be hunter / gathers and we used to have so much purpose in just surviving, but we haven't evolved to compensate for not really feeling as if we have a true purpose in society. Money of course doesn't help, theres been studies with monkeys that we are horrible with money, and that's natural. It's just a horrible system, I'm sure that if we all cared more about solving problems instead of social status, fucking each other, and other rudimentary tasks that consume all our thoughts and time we would be in a golden age right now instead of a apocalyptic age.
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I've figured it out
Sep 20, 2018
Fear of offending others is my biggest. And lying to comfort others
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Dani Paradox

Dani Paradox

Permanently Banned
Aug 17, 2018
Everything is basically backwards and upside down.
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Going Home

Going Home

Sep 21, 2018
There's alot wrong but what I hate most is those holier than thou people. I'm not interested in being proselytized and some don't know when to stop and back off.
Also those who question someone's love for Christ calling others "fake". Mother fuck them.
If I do still believe in God or some other form of worship thats my fucking business. If I decide I want to pray once a month that's my fucking business too!
Also people who say they don't care but are constantly in my business. If you don't care about me then stay the fuck away from me.
God if you are real take me now! Fuck this and family members can be the worst fake fucking liar bastards on the planet.
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Oct 1, 2018
Too many.
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Sep 27, 2018
Coming back to this.. me. I'm not a good person and maybe not only do I want to leave this world.. maybe it would be a better and happier place without me. At least for those people in my life.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Society as a whole is broken and twisted. There's no good reason as to why we can't all exist in comfort with all the help we need, and no massive financial burdens, especially as technology continues to advance. It's beyond absurd that thousands of people a day still die of hunger.

One of the most saddening realizations of my life is that we are essentially born into slavery. When people say things like "I like the world. It's not perfect, but... " Not perfect? It's not even close to acceptable. Those people are just hugging their chains. This has led me to feel something of an existential crisis. To my mind, it means we are born of evil on some level, and that is disturbing to think about.

The sheer fact that we have to work to exist is odd. We are the species that runs the planet, but I have to constantly stress about money while my cat chills at my feet and sleeps for 16 hours a day? Who's the idiot here?
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Sep 7, 2018
Human society is based on conformity.

An organized group of persons associated together for religious, benevolent, cultural, scientific, political, patriotic, or other purposes.

In other words, it encourages people to adhere to a group way of thinking. They are individuals on the surface but underneath they are shit scared of being an outsider and will sacrifice their individuality if ever their sense of conformity is threatened, which is very easily.

What i won't miss is therefore the duplicity in people, despite a few exceptions. I could go on but others have already said most of it in other posts, especially weedoge
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