

Aug 2, 2020
Extra points if you also answer why you'd give that specific piece of advice.
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Jul 15, 2020
Kill your self as soon as possible because it's not going to get better
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Aug 7, 2020
How about you go tell a teacher about your abuse sooner, DHS isn't very good but it would have saved you from a lot of trauma.

Drinking the most at a party doesn't make you cool no matter what everyone says

You can't buy friends so stop trying

For the love of God of you want to lose weight don't starve yourself and please don't throw up

It isn't cool to be the slacker

Basically avoiding each of those would have prevented me from going down a really dark path
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The cause of suffering is the desire to exist
Jul 27, 2020
Start listening to Kendrick Lamar sooner because his albums fire.
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Jun 26, 2020
1. You can't be so sensitive to others perceptions of you. It will make living impossible.
2. Persuade your parents not to move you across the country. It does not turn out well.
3. Always fight back, even if it means getting the shit kicked out of you. When you accept other's mistreatment of you, you internalize it, and all that repressed anger will find a terrible outlet.
4. Stay away from computers, and tech generally, as much as possible. It's too easy to use as a way to numb problems that really need to be solved early.
5. Lower your expectations, and accept whatever happiness comes your way. Life is not a story - nothing is 'written in the stars'. You have no destiny. You have to forge your own path.
6. Never allow yourself to do anything that you couldn't confess to someone who really loved you, if your life depended on it. Keeping that kind of secret will make you feel more alone than you could possibly imagine. Listen to your conscience. You are not as innocent or well-meaning as you want to believe. Understand your own capacity for evil.
7. The world seems to be in a pretty bad way. You should probably at least try to do something to help, if only to reduce the guilt later on.
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Jul 19, 2020
You're going to be offered a great opportunity when you're 32. You'll want to turn it down because you believe there's a chance for love waiting for you somewhere else. Well, ignore him. He's not worth it. He's not into you, and he'll eventually break your heart. Take the opportunity. Start fresh. It's going to lead to something really special.
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Bury me, bury me...
Aug 1, 2020
Don't ever try alcohol, lol. It's not an escape, futurecarter, it's just a deeper level of hell on earth
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Nov 4, 2019
At 25, I'd advice myself, "It's all good your going your own way, but don't forget to learn how average Joe and average Jane think." Would have put me in a different social situation later on.

At 30, I'd advice myself, "Don't work so hard, it won't make any difference." Had I followed this word of advice, my bipolar disorder would never have been triggered. The trigger was stress at work.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
I don't think the advice I'd give myself would be any different then the solid advice I've received through the years. I wouldn't listen to it either because I'd be "hearing it from myself" and not drawing my own logical conclusions. If that makes any sense, I'd be in the same boat I'm in now.
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Jun 23, 2020
Get out of the midwest.
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draw a circle

Apr 10, 2020
life is longer than you thought it would be; take it seriously. go date some people. it's okay to not listen to mother for one time when you're choosing your college major. you have skills; utilize it to the max! work harder in school. don't read too much manga. you are not special.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Given and assuming that I have prior knowledge from the past (which is this current) life, I would say, no, it's not worth the suffering and look for ways to die ASAP (while overriding SI) so that way my reincarnated self would not have to endure suffering all over again.
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Feb 14, 2019
It depends do we have the power to re-write our life or will it be exactly the same?
If we can re-write life the list of advice to myself is a mile long but in short never work at that evil place and never speak to my abusive ex.
If life stays same. Kill myself at 14 and definitely at 22.
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Jun 3, 2019
That being obnoxious is not the same thing as being important, most of the people around me such as various family members as well as classmates, and in fact a large percentage of the people in the city I was to grow up in were really trashy. Not to try to emulate them or I was going to be ashamed of my behaviour until the day I died. The best course of action until I could escape would be to tone my own crazy behaviour down, try to avoid certain people (a list of names handed over) and work on getting out of there.

To be a bit more assertive when necessary.

Not to voluntarily stay behind in my final year of school in order to get a better final mark in maths.

To join the army for 18 months after school instead of doing the worthless marketing course that I did.

To leave South Africa after leaving the army.

To be more receptive of girls who liked me instead of assuming that they were trying to make an ass out of me when they showed interest.
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I just can’t get these damn wrists to bleed
Jul 22, 2020
The less you care about what others think, the happier you will be. Hell, if you could not even think about other people, that'd be even better. Be an island!
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
Never do what you are told.
Oh wait, I already gave myself that advice and that is why I'm in this shit, cuz I didn't listen to myself. Or maybe because I did.
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Deleted member 17949

Deleted member 17949

May 9, 2020
Probably just get mental help asap. I don't think a difference in actions could have avoided me having the mental problems I have, but they were definitely there when I was young and maybe if I knew about them and acted on this sooner I could have prevented them from really consuming me, or managed my life to better work with them.
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Deleted member 18655

Deleted member 18655

Jun 4, 2020
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May 27, 2019
Got no advice for you. You're fucked :)
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Aug 21, 2019
I could do well enough with saying just one sentence (that alone is enough to avoid ending up here!), but ideally I could give myself a whole laundry list of things I would've done differently.


Apr 8, 2020
Tell someone that your boyfriend rapes you. The shame and guilt you feel is normal, and this doesn't reflect on you as a person. You don't deserve to be raped.

Other than that, I don't think I would give myself advice. Most things in my life have just kind of worked out as they're meant to, for better or for worse. But I could have saved myself a lot of trauma and abuse if I just bloody told someone about what was going on with my ex. I thought I deserved it and brought it on myself... But no one deserves that.
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BPD Barbie

BPD Barbie

Dec 1, 2019
Learn to say no, get help sooner, don't be as stubborn and think you can carry the weight of the world on your shoulders cos you can't. If all of the above fail, get out sooner rather than later.
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lelouch. any pronouns. pfp is by pixiv id 3217872.
Aug 10, 2020
stop victimizing yourself.
be considerate of other people's feelings.
enjoy this life because it means nothing.


Chronic people pleaser
Mar 13, 2019
Don't let anyone control you, don't let people suck the life out of you and use you. And do not use all your time and energy trying to please everyone.
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Vehemently Pro-choice
Nov 19, 2019
Floss, brush thoroughly, and don't eat too many sweets.

My parents had to spend a lot of money on fillings for my cavity ridden back teeth. That money is debt that I can't die in peace without repaying. Plus, it was a shame to fuck my teeth up even if it doesn't really cause me any problems.

I'm not committing suicide because of mistakes I made in life, so I can't think of much that would have changed things substantially. My reasons are existential, general, and vain. I can't accept this nature, this world, and my physical appearance. I resent it all too much. I could withstand a full lifetime of suffering and humiliation if there were a reason to, but imo, there really is not.
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Not a person
Sep 30, 2019
What advice would I give myself I was reborn?

I'd give myself a mix of life advice (school/grades and being smart is overrated, focus on your social skills, have fun and be confident with girls, work out and get good looking) and a mix of career/investment advice (as soon as you hit 16 get a job and invest all of it in FAAMG stocks, don't go to college straight out of high school, go travel and have fun in an inexpensive country, having a regular job/career won't make you rich but investing early and in the correct stocks will over a long period of time, be patient).
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Sinai Silence

Sinai Silence

I think I'ma die alone inside my room
Jul 6, 2020
Got to and make sure you're properly prepared.
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Aug 14, 2020
Being reborn again to this sh!tty cruel world is not my cup of coffee. I had this (being reborn over and over again) fear as well. In my personal belief system, and in many other spiritual people's beliefs as well, we choose to incarnate. I don't believe in the "reincarnation trap", that we're forced to re-incarnate again and again against our will. I believe that our soul chooses to return to earth in order to learn lessons, heal karma and even fix other people's bad karma or just to fulfill some kind of specific purpose and make an impact on society. The soul isn't afraid to suffer because its main goal is to gain growth and mastery through overcoming adversity and hard times. That's why we may choose to incarnate into painful, difficult, or tragic circumstances because we can glean a lot of insight, growth, and development through the overcoming of obstacles and pain.

I do believe we have the free will as humans to put an end to our lives regardless, though. We may choose to re-incarnate again in order to learn or experience something we didn't experience in the last lifetime, but I don't believe it's a forced occurrence. I believe the soul "maps out" the general trajectory of a person's life on earth, and then we exercise our human free-will to make various choices throughout our lives that serve to help us learn life lessons and experience different outcomes and directions based upon those choices.
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May 27, 2020
I would tell my reborn-self to CTB earlier while they are still a young adult (18-20) and not leave it until later, because like me they will regret it.
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