

Life is too difficult for me
Oct 11, 2019
What is the most conclusive proof, and I am not interested in philosophical concepts but empirical observations of the world that can be seen by anyone, that God doesn't exist ?

For me, the fact that children can be horrifically assaulted and killed is the most conclusive proof that there isn't a god.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
The unfairness and randomness of this life, like how many people suffer much more than others through no fault of their own as everything is determined by chance.
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No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
my life, life of other people
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
That a fair bit of the world's workings can already be explained by science. Eg. evolution, the big bang theory. We might not know everything yet but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's magic or spiritual.

That nature doesn't comply to morals. Animals eat each other alive, kill for sport, thieve. Why would God's laws and morals only apply to the human race?

There are lots of different religions and Gods. Some of whom are very unwilling to share the limelight. How do we determine which one is the REAL one? Isn't it just as likely that none of them exist?

That religion makes a lot more sense as a manmade construction (to reinforce law and order, as a teaching tool, as a bunch of stories trying to make sense of the world) rather than a fundamental truth.

That religions bend according to the era (to an extent.) As I see it- religions are businesses- if their laws become TOO strict in a more liberal era- people start to turn their backs on religion. So to draw the people back- those laws become watered down to be less restrictive. If religious laws REALLY were so absolutely the word of God- no mortal would be able to change them.

That all said- I'm not an outright unbeliever (although I would like to be...) I think if there is indeed a God or Gods or a higher power- we're all in trouble because- looking around, I think they are a sadist... šŸ˜¬
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Life is too difficult for me
Oct 11, 2019
That a fair bit of the world's workings can already be explained by science. Eg. evolution, the big bang theory. We might not know everything yet but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's magic or spiritual.

That nature doesn't comply to morals. Animals eat each other alive, kill for sport, thieve. Why would God's laws and morals only apply to the human race?

There are lots of different religions and Gods. Some of whom are very unwilling to share the limelight. How do we determine which one is the REAL one? Isn't it just as likely that none of them exist?

That religion makes a lot more sense as a manmade construction (to reinforce law and order, as a teaching tool, as a bunch of stories trying to make sense of the world) rather than a fundamental truth.

That religions bend according to the era (to an extent.) As I see it- religions are businesses- if their laws become TOO strict in a more liberal era- people start to turn their backs on religion. So to draw the people back- those laws become watered down to be less restrictive. If religious laws REALLY were so absolutely the word of God- no mortal would be able to change them.

That all said- I'm not an outright unbeliever (although I would like to be...) I think if there is indeed a God or Gods or a higher power- we're all in trouble because- looking around, I think they are a sadist... šŸ˜¬
This is a great answer. Well said.
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Jun 22, 2022
I have to agree with science proving quite a bit of non existence. I believe religion is mere man made and that it is geographical. Religion is dependent upon where in the world you are born.
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Just a random person
Aug 5, 2022
What is the most conclusive proof, and I am not interested in philosophical concepts but empirical observations of the world that can be seen by anyone, that God doesn't exist ?

For me, the fact that children can be horrifically assaulted and killed is the most conclusive proof that there isn't a god.
If God existed, he would have maybe answered all my prayers that I did as a child where I asked for him to please stop the abuse that I was experiencing, but it didn't stop so I gave up on religion.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
What is the most conclusive proof, and I am not interested in philosophical concepts but empirical observations of the world that can be seen by anyone, that God doesn't exist ?

For me, the fact that children can be horrifically assaulted and killed is the most conclusive proof that there isn't a god.
That would never make the idea of God impossible, there could perfectly be a completely sadistic creator, or whatever that created reality could have such non-human aims and perspective that the suffering of children was a desirable part of the machinery.
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Dec 21, 2022
There's no reason why a god should necessarily care about morality or our suffering. It could be that we are like fleas to them and they don't give any fucks. Judging by the orderliness of the cosmos I would think that it's probable that something like intelligence is behind it. But if you're asking for reasons to not believe in say the god in the bible, then go read some of the many books written on the subject (Russell, Hume, Nietzsche), or just reject it outright for its ridiculousness.
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My name is Lucifer, please take my hand
Aug 26, 2022
Supreme being


We just want to go home early.
Feb 17, 2020
That would never make the idea of God impossible, there could perfectly be a completely sadistic creator, or whatever that created reality could have such non-human aims and perspective that the suffering of children was a desirable part of the machinery.
just had another thought, what if the creator was actually feeding on the sufferings and pains? that's why there's significantly less happiness on earth.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
As far as I know for sure, there is no free will and we are not responsible for anything that happens to us. This invalidates the existence of a God like that of Catholicism, belonging to one of the main monotheistic religions, which insists, in the texts where it is mentioned, to make us responsible for our actions.

I have no knowledge of other Gods and other religions and therefore I will not give my opinion about them.


Pel que jo se del cert, no existeix el lliure albir i no som responsables de res del que ens passa, aixĆ² sol invalida la existĆ©ncia d'un DĆ©u com el del catolicisme, pertanyent a una de les principals religions monoteĆ­stes, el qual s'empenya, en els textos on s'esmenta, en fer-nos responsables dels nostres actes.

No tinc coneixement dels altres DƩus i d'altres religions i per tant no opinarƩ sobre ells.
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no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
There just isn't a reason for a supernatural world to exist. Thus far, natural phenomena have always been satisfactorily explained by natural laws, and there's no particular reason to expect someone is going to discover God hiding in the middle of a chemical reaction sometime in the future.

And even if there were a supernatural world that existed outside the minds of human beings, why should it contain a consciousness that has any special interest in us? There's no evidence for such an entity. Instead, the universe seems chiefly notable for its indifference to human needs and desires. If you feel like testing that, jump off your nearest bridge and pray for a god to carry you away to safety before you hit the water. After you've finished that, pray that you quickly become a really strong swimmer.

Of course, perhaps God has a good reason not to step in and rescue you. Take your pick of the possibilitiesā€”there are many. Lots of people clever enough to know better have spent their entire careers essentially writing excuse notes for God after he failed to show up when needed. But honestly, it's much simpler and more plausible just to say that the gods are always no-shows because they simply don't exist.
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CTB Dream

CTB Dream

Injury damage disabl hard talk no argu make fun et
Sep 17, 2022
this no hard see prof nat lang ambigui God ambuigi this all easy no teach school uni etc keep say same that why human stuk stong age medval all easy thing see thro no one want think ape want argue ape arrog think ape Lang great no fault , this no sense, this all clear
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Apr 18, 2023
I saw quite a lot of gore videos on a gore site today. Saw some extremely brutal murders, and there undoubtedly can't be anything that can make them deserve it. I won't be describing them though, because they're quite disturbing. Those videos are proof that God doesn't exist(like Painless_end said, though it happens to all ages), or if he exists, proof that he is malevolent(like whatevs said, that he may be a sadist).

Also I must say that this thread has some really good answers. Next time I'm trying to convince someone that God doesn't exist, I'll link them to this thread.
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May 29, 2023
Diseases mainly. If he's almighty then why the hell does an 8 year old die to cancer? Why a child is born blind or deaf or with a deformity? I never understood that part about god. And i feel like blaming satan for the bad things is kinda stupid. But I get that it helps people too, we need that "hope" or something to believe in sometimes
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clovie !ā™”
May 20, 2023
The amount of times that I've asked for help from god and been left either alone or worse, just had let me know that god or any sort of higher being doesn't exist. After I begged god to save my best friend, one who has been with me for my entire life, and was let down with her painful passing. I stopped believing in god. Or even hating the idea of a god entirely. As much as I would love the idea of Heaven and the idea that someone higher is looking after us, I just can't logically think that when such great and wonderful things and people are destroyed so mercilessly. The bad are rewarded and the good are beat down. I can't believe any god would stand around and let that happen time and time again, or at least not a good one who should be praised.
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May 20, 2023
To quote George Carlin (Rest in peace), "And the invisible man has a special list of 10 things he does NOT want you to do - and if you do ANY of these 10 things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever until the end of time! ...but he loves you!"
The sheer amount of contradictions in the church (or any other religious establishments for that matter) lead me to believe that, while the principles upon which Christianity was founded - love thy neighbor, do not steal, be faithful in your marriage, etc. - are good, the whole thing is a bunch of bullshit, just designed for monarchs to more effectively unite large groups of people under a common, tangible idea. And that's the only reason why it's so prevalent! If you step back and think about it, isn't it kind of batshit insane to think that there's an invisible space man, who knows what everybody is doing at all times, and doesn't want you to whack off or swear or else you'll burn in an etherial lake of flame for all of eternity? Why? Why would a god care about that shit? Would he not intervene if he did care? And when have we even witnessed him intervene in real life? Apart from thousands of years ago, when a couple of guys in the middle of fuck-nowhere, desert saw God descend from the heavens and command them - because nobody ever thought that maybe, just maybe, these dumb motherfuckers sitting in 110 degree heat were hallucinating? Scheisse.


May 1, 2020
It's hard to even assess stuff like this. I'm not sure what would or wouldn't prove a god doesn't or does exist. I'm pretty sure a god would have to be something beyond the physical universe and we can't interact with extra-universal things. Not sure how we would either.