
Jan 22, 2019
I know that this will probably disgust a lot of people and it's even embarrassing for me to even post this but I need to get this off my chest. I went to the dentist today and I knew for a fact I'd receive bad news, but I didn't realize it'd push me over the edge as much. I just want to first say I put off on killing myself since I'm only 18 and maybe things will change down the road, but with no education, bad skin from not taking baths when I was younger, and also not taking care of my teeth at all. All of it is catching up to me and it's not helping at all. Anyways My dentist told me all of my teeth have decay or something on them, and I could probably loose all of my teeth, and the way she was looking at me made it seem like maybe I probably will, but I have to get 3 of my teeth pulled out, and one of them tomorrow morning. I don't know what to say anymore, my mom looked at me in disappointment and worry and I didn't feel anything, all I wanted to do was come back to the house and open my SN and drown it down my throat. I guess all I want to say is, I'm disgusting and I'm not sticking around to see if my teeth can be saved. I'll be 19 soon and Idk if I can face that reality.

TLDR : Majority of teeth have decay on them and I have a few cavities so I'll probably end up loosing all of my teeth, and I'm only 18 years old.
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May 31, 2019
Dont be embarrassed :hug: there is alternatives, if you do have to get them pulled you know, I'm sure your dentist will talk more about that to you. But you can get dentures, screw in teeth.. maybe some teeth will be able to be saved with some fillings? I dont know I'm not a dentist. But there is alternatives and no one would notice a thing if you had to get dentures. I know a woman who had to get all her top teeth pulled and replaced, and you would never even tell they weren't her own teeth. Try not to worry about it too much.
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Jan 22, 2019
Dont be embarrassed :hug: there is alternatives, if you do have to get them pulled you know, I'm sure your dentist will talk more about that to you. But you can get dentures, screw in teeth.. maybe some teeth will be able to be saved with some fillings? I dont know I'm not a dentist. But there is alternatives and no one would notice a thing if you had to get dentures. I know a woman who had to get all her top teeth pulled and replaced, and you would never even tell they weren't her own teeth. Try not to worry about it too much.
Thank you maybe I'm just triggered but I don't know. But I think I'm just going to end it before the new year comes.
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Anxiously biting fingernails.
Sep 8, 2019
Dont be embarrassed :hug: there is alternatives, if you do have to get them pulled you know, I'm sure your dentist will talk more about that to you. But you can get dentures, screw in teeth.. maybe some teeth will be able to be saved with some fillings? I dont know I'm not a dentist. But there is alternatives and no one would notice a thing if you had to get dentures. I know a woman who had to get all her top teeth pulled and replaced, and you would never even tell they weren't her own teeth. Try not to worry about it too much.

Seconding this.

It must feel horrible right now though, I can see that. I can somewhat relate as I have horribly damaged my teeth thanks to almost a decade of bulimia, and my body thanks to lots of other stuff.

Feel hugged. This is a bad situation, but there ARE solutions and we're here for you.
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Jan 22, 2019
Seconding this.

It must feel horrible right now though, I can see that. I can somewhat relate as I have horribly damaged my teeth thanks to almost a decade of bulimia, and my body thanks to lots of other stuff.

Feel hugged. This is a bad situation, but there ARE solutions and we're here for you.
So sorry about that, I mean you have bulimia for your cause, but for me. It's just me being stupid, and for whatever reason as a child I never thought to brush my teeth or shower or do any of that stuff until I started to get my puberty, and even still I didn't do it. I never had any consequences, no tooth ache's no nothing. Even still I just don't get why my dumb ass never thought to do anything for myself. It's too late now but looking back on it, something was missing as a child. I lacked logic I guess, I don't know.


Heaven gained a new ho
Feb 15, 2019
So sorry about that, I mean you have bulimia for your cause, but for me. It's just me being stupid, and for whatever reason as a child I never thought to brush my teeth or shower or do any of that stuff until I started to get my puberty, and even still I didn't do it. I never had any consequences, no tooth ache's no nothing. Even still I just don't get why my dumb ass never thought to do anything for myself. It's too late now but looking back on it, something was missing as a child. I lacked logic I guess, I don't know.
It's alright. A couple months ago, I had to get 14 fillings and 3 root canals. My teeth were disgusting. I've been trying to be vigilant now on brushing them but my mental health is just failing so I haven't in about 2 days. My issues came from not flossing though. Make sure to floss your teeth.
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May 31, 2019
Thank you maybe I'm just triggered but I don't know. But I think I'm just going to end it before the new year comes.
It's really never too late to turn the hygiene thing around you know. Even in terms of your skin etc, there are dermatologists, and things you can do at home to improve all that. I don't know your reasons for ctb, but if it was mostly to do with hygiene and teeth, I'd urge you to look into what can be done first.
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Jan 22, 2019
It's really never too late to turn the hygiene thing around you know. Even in terms of your skin etc, there are dermatologists, and things you can do at home to improve all that. I don't know your reasons for ctb, but if it was mostly to do with hygiene and teeth, I'd urge you to look into what can be done first.
Yeah there's so many other reasons why I'm ctb. I wouldn't do that because of one issue.

It's alright. A couple months ago, I had to get 14 fillings and 3 root canals. My teeth were disgusting. I've been trying to be vigilant now on brushing them but my mental health is just failing so I haven't in about 2 days. My issues came from not flossing though. Make sure to floss your teeth.
Wow, I'm probably going to have way more than that if I don't lose all of my teeth before I'm 20, if I do plan to live that is.
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May 31, 2019
Yeah there's so many other reasons why I'm ctb. I wouldn't do that because of one issue.
Well, I'm sorry for whatever else is going on with you :hug:
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Anxiously biting fingernails.
Sep 8, 2019
So sorry about that, I mean you have bulimia for your cause, but for me. It's just me being stupid, and for whatever reason as a child I never thought to brush my teeth or shower or do any of that stuff until I started to get my puberty, and even still I didn't do it. I never had any consequences, no tooth ache's no nothing. Even still I just don't get why my dumb ass never thought to do anything for myself. It's too late now but looking back on it, something was missing as a child. I lacked logic I guess, I don't know.

I can relate beyond my bulimia honestly, my dental hygiene wasn't good for a long time and I didn't give a fuck about my health in general.

Don't beat yourself up. It sounds like you didn't get much support from your parents with all of that...
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Vehemently Pro-choice
Nov 19, 2019
So sorry about that, I mean you have bulimia for your cause, but for me. It's just me being stupid, and for whatever reason as a child I never thought to brush my teeth or shower or do any of that stuff until I started to get my puberty, and even still I didn't do it. I never had any consequences, no tooth ache's no nothing. Even still I just don't get why my dumb ass never thought to do anything for myself. It's too late now but looking back on it, something was missing as a child. I lacked logic I guess, I don't know.

I can relate to the being stupid. I had to get a ton of fillings a couple of years ago. Too many sweets and no flossing, even though I actually did have tooth aches. I'm ashamed and disappointed in myself for damaging my teeth, but it's made me much more attentive to my dental hygiene, and now things are pretty much fine. I second LonelyLight about it never being too late to turn things around with your hygiene, especially the skin, since that heals and regenerates.
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Nov 4, 2019
It's just me being stupid, and for whatever reason as a child I never thought to brush my teeth or shower or do any of that stuff until I started to get my puberty, and even still I didn't do it.

I don't think you should punish yourself for what you did as a child. Had I thought about all the stupid things I did as a child and what consequences they would get I would have ended it all twenty years ago. You're young and there's still plenty of time to sort things out. You could wait a few years and if things are still as bad you can end it then instead. Just my two cents.
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Nov 25, 2019
Hey. It might seem small to some people, but to be honest those people probably aren't facing losing a bunch of teeth. I am, too, though, so I feel you, and I'm only a year older so I'm not in the typical tooth-trouble camp either. It's physically painful and then it's embarrassing and it's completely understandable to be upset by it, especially when everything else isn't going so great either.

Try to cut yourself a break though. Kids are stupid. I never brushed when I was small either. I didn't think beyond "ew, toothpaste tastes weird" because that's just how kids are. And then, I aggravated the situation by abusing the hell out of my mouth by other means in my teens. Whatever your reason for it was, it was made with an under developed brain that can't really be held accountable for its poor decisions. Hell, even in late adolescence as we are now, the portion of the brain that handles logic and fear of consequence is still a work in progress.

It sucks. And it may seem like it's your fault because you neglected your teeth. But a kid is never at fault. And you were a kid.

You can feel bad. It's a bad situation. But you shouldn't feel guilty or ashamed.
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Oct 6, 2019
You have to be careful with dentists. They make their money by doing procedures on and pulling your teeth. I'm not saying all dentists are this way as I've had good ones and bad ones, I had one really bad dentist. My old dentist had retired and she took over his office and inherited all of his patients. My old dentist had a very simple practice. He only had a receptionist and one assistant. He usually cleaned my teeth himself. I went to him for 10 years and never had any dental issues. Then the new lady dentist took over. She had her husband working reception and he is one of the rudest people I've ever met. He was not cut out to be a receptionist. Then she had 5 or 6 assistants and she never cleaned my teeth. Apparently, it was too lowly of a job for her to perform. Her assistants always did it. Next, she also had all of this fancy, yet unnecessary equipment -- like a camera on the end of a tube that you could stick in your mouth and be able to see inside your own mouth. Who the hell wants to see inside their own mouth?! I certainly don't. From my first visit with her, she found "issues" with my teeth right away. She started doing procedure after procedure on me, with each procedure creating a new issue that required the next one.
Plus, it required me to go see her at least once a week, if not more often. I wouldn't even be recovered from one procedure before she'd want me back for another one.
Finally, 4 months and over $3,000 later, I was sick of it. I went to a different dentist and he told me there was nothing wrong with my teeth. I didn't need all those procedures. He said she was probably doing that to most of her patients to pay for all of her assistants and all that fancy, yet unnecessary equipment. I started seeing him and never went back to this woman ever again. But for years I got calls from her staff wanting me to come back.

Also, my dad had all of his teeth pulled at age 18 and got dentures. He had some dental disease called pyorrhea, which I later found out is just an old term for periodontitis. It just means inflamed gums and loose teeth. It didn't seem to bother my dad at all. He never went to the dentist.
To the OP, I second those saying it's not too late. I got braces in my 20s and didn't really start seeing a dentist regularly until after I left home. From the above story you can see that my dad wasn't big on dental hygiene. When I was a kid, I only ever went to a dentist when I had a toothache. I didn't have regular checkups. My own dental hygiene habits are hit and miss. Sometimes I go through a phase where I pay close attention to it, then I go back to neglecting it again. My teeth are in pretty good shape though. It's hard to keep it up when you weren't trained to do so as a child. I have to think about it because it never became a habit with me. I usually forget to brush and floss before bed. Sometimes I remember after I'm already in bed and I'm too lazy to get up and do it.
Whatever you decide OP, I wish you well. :heart: :hug:
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Jan 22, 2019
Hey. It might seem small to some people, but to be honest those people probably aren't facing losing a bunch of teeth. I am, too, though, so I feel you, and I'm only a year older so I'm not in the typical tooth-trouble camp either. It's physically painful and then it's embarrassing and it's completely understandable to be upset by it, especially when everything else isn't going so great either.

Try to cut yourself a break though. Kids are stupid. I never brushed when I was small either. I didn't think beyond "ew, toothpaste tastes weird" because that's just how kids are. And then, I aggravated the situation by abusing the hell out of my mouth by other means in my teens. Whatever your reason for it was, it was made with an under developed brain that can't really be held accountable for its poor decisions. Hell, even in late adolescence as we are now, the portion of the brain that handles logic and fear of consequence is still a work in progress.

It sucks. And it may seem like it's your fault because you neglected your teeth. But a kid is never at fault. And you were a kid.

You can feel bad. It's a bad situation. But you shouldn't feel guilty or ashamed.
I really appreciate all of the comments and they've truly made me feel better. And yeah I was the exact same way, I hated the way toothpaste tasted and how it made other things taste weird so I would always hate to use it. I guess it's my parents who make me think I'm to blame, since they always say that I'm to blame for being stupid when I was younger.
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Oct 6, 2019
I really appreciate all of the comments and they've truly made me feel better. And yeah I was the exact same way, I hated the way toothpaste tasted and how it made other things taste weird so I would always hate to use it. I guess it's my parents who make me think I'm to blame, since they always say that I'm to blame for being stupid when I was younger.
hmmm. . . I don't like the taste or feel of toothpaste in my mouth either. It usually burns my mouth. I have to use a toothpaste that is unflavored and for sensitive teeth. I also agree with it making things taste weird.


Your RX drugs are likely your real problem
Nov 4, 2019
Good for you for being rational and realizing you're still young and things can and do turn around. There is plenty of time to fix your life. They have amazing dental technology now and you can have a mouth full of implants and bridges and no one would ever know... a friend of mine lost most of his teeth and had implants done and you would never know...

There is a lot of skin treatments that actually really help, there is nothing that can't be undone at your age.

As far as education goes... you're really getting pressure from someone or putting to much on yourself. lots of people dont finish high school, or go to college. Yoi can always get a Dimploma or GED if that is the issue, as far as college goes, their are lots of college freshmen in their mid to late 20's and some even as old as 50.

Give your life time to unfold, address your health issues and things that make you insecure now, and take your time to figure things out... you're life is just getting started. in my opinion way to early to consider ending it. the human brain doesnt become an adult until it's around 25 years old. Give yourself a chance...
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