That one weird girl

That one weird girl

A sad sad clown.
Jun 2, 2023
To get to the point Ive been wanting to lose weight since i was 15, i am currently 24 and suffering from deppresion and i have gained a shit ton of weight. My bmi is aroud 27 to 30 so its not good. Im about to take a loan out to get 360 lipo next month but im not sure if thats the best idea money wise so is there any "under the counter" medication that helps for weightloss? not willing to try heroine since ill like to keep my teeth but yeah basically any drugs that helps with weightloss will be must apreceated. Ive attached a photo of my body goals


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Oct 11, 2023
Limit your fat intake to 10g a day.

And eat more pasta with tomato sauce, potatoes, lentils, bean burrito without fat or oil.
Drink water.

That way you will trim down.

Fat you eat is the fat you wear.

And please stop counting calories. Calories in calories out is such a misleading concept. It never works.

Dp you find yourself overweight?
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That one weird girl

That one weird girl

A sad sad clown.
Jun 2, 2023
Limit your fat intake to 10g a day.

And eat more pasta with tomato sauce, potatoes, lentils, bean burrito without fat or oil.
Drink water.

That way you will trim down.

Fat you eat is the fat you wear.

And please stop counting calories. Calories in calories out is such a misleading concept. It never works.

Dp you find yourself overweight?
Hey so sorry I didn't clarify but my meds make me gain weight and I'm pretty sure I have PCOS :/ which is also why I'm getting lipo. I'm struggling so much with food it sucks. Either I eat like a pig or nothing at all until I collapse and binge. But yeah I don't know what to do other that taking drugs or triggering myself to starve which I feel like I'm far away from anyways. And yeah I am overweight. The internet sees me as obese but I feel like I carry a lot of my weight on my organs. It's not that visible even tho it is lol
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Oct 11, 2023
Either I eat like a pig or nothing at all until I collapse and binge.
I am not a doctor. But I can relate to this. All my life I ate like a pig. I never selected food. I always binged.

My solution was to eating only lentils, pasta, rice, white rice, and fruits. Then the hunger went away. I realised that for me binging happens when I cut down my carb intake. When I only eat nothing but lentils, pasta, rice, bread and tomatoe sauce with 10g fat limit. I never binged. It's been 1.5 years I stopped eating junk food. I never binge nowadays. Never.
The internet sees me as obese but I feel like I carry a lot of my weight on my organs.
are you talking about visceral fat?
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Nighty Night Princess
Sep 30, 2023
lower ur carb n fat intake as others have said, up your fruits, greens, and protein intake. If you binge a lot, volume eating way be helpful. u can also try doing workouts in ur room n stuff. As for OTC meds that may help, there isnt rlly any that I know of, I'd recommend talking to ur doctor as they may be able to prescribe smth if its hormonal weight gain and whatnot.
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Oct 27, 2023
Hi there, I am in a sim situ, I tried all the usual, but have found weightloss drugs orlistat , taking them daily they stop so much excess fat carbs sugar being absorbed , you could see if doc can prescribe them.( have lost 7kg in less than 8 weeks on them(might not b much but start) 🤷‍♀️
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Oct 11, 2023
Semaglutide? Other than that, abusing any stimulants or depressants (including ethanol, but only in its pure form or as vodka/only mixed with water) should work, but... It's not recommended.
If becoming/being addicted is not an issue, then methamphetamine is the best choice for losing weight.
you could see if doc can prescribe them.( have lost 7kg in less than 8 weeks on them(might not b much but start
As for OTC meds that may help, there isnt rlly any that I know of, I'd recommend talking to ur doctor as they may be able to prescribe smth if its hormonal weight gain and whatnot.

I think meds and drugs are to be used as last, last, last resort. There are too much side effects.


Nov 24, 2022
Weight loss is simple in theory, but it's a ton of hard fucking work. I've managed to shed over 10kgs by calorie counting (yes, it actually works!) and lifting. That's it. No meds, no keto diets or whatever. Don't get lipo, it's a huge waste of money -- if you don't make any changes to your lifestyle/diet, you're going to gain all that fat right back. I'd encourage you to get a gym membership instead, or buy a treadmill and/or dumbbells if you're uncomfortable with the idea of going to the gym. First and foremost though, it sounds like you've got an ED, so you need to work on your relationship with food, either in therapy or on your own.
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I hate my birth family
Apr 30, 2023


I know a lot about PCOS and endometriosis as my friends have it and I have something called Cushing's syndrome. Firstly, if you believe you have PCOS please go to your doctor and explain why you think you have PCOS. If there are any physical symptoms, then show your doctor this e.g. hirsutism, acanthosis nigricans etc. You will also need to request a blood test to be taken from you to test your level of testosterone and androgens (hormones). Additionally you will need to have an ultrasound to see whether you have cysts on your ovaries or not and you'll need to discuss how regular or irregular your periods are.

In relation to the weight loss if you have a BMI or 28 or more you will be eligible for a drug called orlistat from your doctor. I have a friend who used to take the drug and she was obese so I know a little about these topics as I have Cushing's syndrome. You should also use a calorie counting app so you know exactly how much you're eating and what you're eating per day. It's more of a "what" over "how much" you eat. 400g of strawberries is 120 calories, whereas 400g of the chocolate Smarties is 1884 calories. You need to pick foods such as fruit too, things that will keep you fuller for longer. I eat healthily and eating a pack of Walkers will only keep me full for 30 minutes, whereas having 250g of honeydew melon keeps me full for hours. So ensure you have enough fibre in your diet. If you struggle with binge eating disorder please ring/visit/text receive support from eating disorder charities. If you would like anymore advice please ask. Whatever you choose to do please do not participate in a crash diet. It will not work in the long term. I have had eating disorders (related to childhood trauma not physical distortions) and crash diets don't work.
Hi there, I am in a sim situ, I tried all the usual, but have found weightloss drugs orlistat , taking them daily they stop so much excess fat carbs sugar being absorbed , you could see if doc can prescribe them.( have lost 7kg in less than 8 weeks on them(might not b much but start) 🤷‍♀️
My friend uses orlistat, it's good apparently but OP needs to be mindful of what she eats and limit her fat intake if she goes down the orlistat route because experiencing oily stools or orange pants isn't pleasant from what my friend has told me.
I think if she doesn't need to lower her carb intake since she has hormone dependent problem that is being triggered by too much fat.
She thinks she has PCOS but she hasn't been diagnosed so may not have it. It could be a myriad of conditions, PCOS/endemetriosis or cushings syndrome like me. It's better to get a diagnostic test completed to rule out PCOS and the other two conditions.
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That one weird girl

That one weird girl

A sad sad clown.
Jun 2, 2023
Thank you so much for all your replies to my post. I'll try and see what I can do about it. My situation is a bit special since I'm struggling with a whole lot at the same time. I used to have an eating disorder in which I would exercise for 5 hours a day and eat 2 apples. I lost about 10 kg in a month but then Covid hit and I couldn't go to the gym to keep me away from food so I went right back.

I struggle with adhd (ADD to be precise) which makes counting calories and using calory apps extremely difficult as I use it maybe for 4 days and then forget to use it or just put it aside until I don't use it anymore.

The reason I feel like liposuction will help is that it will get rid of the fat cells that are lumped up on my stomach and ill have a new look that I'm gonna HAVE to take care of which might be a big factor in keeping me on track.

I can't really explain it other than I might feel the same way about my body as a Trans person (not saying it's the same) but fx they will get gender affirming surgery to feel more at home in their body which is what I want to. I've felt like a stranger in my body since I was 15 and I just want peace. I have no friends and never went out clubbing or had any dangerous fun because I have ZERO self confidence and I'm not very attractive. I belive this might help me.


Jun 12, 2023
Limit your fat intake to 10g a day.

And eat more pasta with tomato sauce, potatoes, lentils, bean burrito without fat or oil.
Drink water.

That way you will trim down.

Fat you eat is the fat you wear.

And please stop counting calories. Calories in calories out is such a misleading concept. It never works.

Dp you find yourself overweight?
Don't take this the wrong way, but this is all very bad advice. Studies have consistently shown overtime that low fat diets are far unhealthier and do not result in considerable weight loss.

Fat is a vital Macro-Nutrient that your body needs to survive. Limiting it to 10g per day is not wise.

Be more aware of the TYPE of fat you consume.

Healthy fats:
Monounsaturated fats - avocados, olive oil, etc (reduces inflammation, reduces LDL or bad cholesterol in the blood)
Polyunsaturated fats - walnuts, sunflower seeds, fish, etc (fish oils for example contain Omega 3 Fatty Acids that decrease blood pressure, increase HDL or good cholesterol in the blood, protects against heart disease)

Not too bad:
Saturated fats - red meat, dairy (drinking whole fat milk instead of skim milk results in a decreased risk of type 2 diabetes)

Literal death:
Trans fat - cheap oils / hydrogenated oils which are found in commercially baked good such as cakes, pastries, cookies, pies, deep fried food, margarine, etc...

There's some trans fats that are naturally occurring in animal products, these are not too bad, but many times trans fats are artificially produced and added to processed food or commercially prepared food. So a good rule of thumb is to just avoid processed food and commercially produced food. Instead opt for whole foods with unsaturated fats and maybe some saturated fats are fine too.

And yeah "calories in vs calories out" is not the only variable that contributes to weight gain vs weight loss, (since not all calories are the same), BUT it is still the #1 most important factor for weight gain vs weight loss.
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It's never too late. Unless you’re dead.
Jul 26, 2023
My thinking: pick whatever the fuck diet you most like the sound of. Go vegan. Go carnivore. It actually doesn't matter. Just being conscious and mindful, if slightly picky, of what you're eating is enough to lose weight.

Fats, carbs, proteins, micro nutrients, blah blah, its all highly debated, but people on any successful diet have had good results. Perfect is the enemy of good. If you try super hard it can work against you when you inevitably break a rule of your diet and then beat yourself up and give up altogether.


Jun 12, 2023
To get to the point Ive been wanting to lose weight since i was 15, i am currently 24 and suffering from deppresion and i have gained a shit ton of weight. My bmi is aroud 27 to 30 so its not good. Im about to take a loan out to get 360 lipo next month but im not sure if thats the best idea money wise so is there any "under the counter" medication that helps for weightloss? not willing to try heroine since ill like to keep my teeth but yeah basically any drugs that helps with weightloss will be must apreceated. Ive attached a photo of my body goals
30 bmi is not too bad honestly. I mean I really don't think its worth getting a lipo just for that, plus you'll need a loan when moneys already tight? Even more of a reason not to do it.

I'd say if you have the right information, it's possible to reach your goal through proper nutrition and exercise.

First off, drink more water. I'd aim for 100oz per day. Not only will this help with weight loss (when the water fills up your stomach it will be very hard to over eat, very simple) but it will also help with your mental health. This article sums up how and why it's so important:

"Approximately 70% of your body is composed of water. Nearly every body function you have is dependent on water, but how much do you really need? According to the Mayo Clinic, the average adult loses more than 80 ounces of water every day through sweating, breathing, and eliminating wastes. So one has to wonder if you drink less than 80 ounces a day, how is that impacting your brain function and overall health?

Studies show that you only need to be 1% dehydrated to experience a 5% decrease in cognitive function. A 2% decrease in brain hydration can result in short term memory loss and have trouble with math computations. Prolonged dehydration causes brain cells to shrink in size and mass, a condition common in many elderly who have been dehydrated for years.

Mental symptoms of dehydration can include
  • Depression
  • Afternoon fatigue
  • Sleep issues
  • Inability to focus
  • Lack of mental clarity, sometimes referred to as "brain fog."
The brain itself is made up of approximately 85% water. Water gives the brain energy to function including thought and memory processes. Water is also needed for the production of hormones and neurotransmitters in the brain. Since the brain cannot store water and you are constantly losing water through perspiration and other body functions, it's essential that you continuously hydrate. You'll be able to think faster, focus more clearly and experience greater clarity when your brain is functioning on a full reserve of water."

Secondly, you should figure out nutrition. Like I said just keep it simple. Avoid processed foods, stick to whole foods. No, you do not need to shop at Whole Foods, just got to Kroger, Walmart, Publix, etc. stick to the perimeter of the store. Despite what some may say, eating healthy is not expensive. You just have to do a little cooking.

Now there are multiple food portion charts that will work, because it's not black and white, plus different things work for different bodies and goals. But in general this is a solid plan to follow:

Screenshot 2023 11 10 at 80324 PM

You can have fun with it, you can swap out different protein sources (chicken breast, beef, turkey, salmon, etc), you can swap our different grains (rice, potatoes, beans, etc), you can swap out different vegetables (broccoli, onions, bell peppers, asparagus, carrots, egg plant, spinach, bok choy, zucchini, etc), and you can swap out different fruits (apples, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, kiwi, mango, pineapple, etc).

Maybe even do a little greek yogurt parfait in the morning to support your gut micro-biome. Have fun with it. But in general stick to these rough portions in this picture and you will be doing very good.

And thirdly, exercise daily. Even if its just a 10 minute walk, just do something every day. If you wanna be more ambitious, do some body weight exercise such as squats (normal squats, split squats, Bulgarian split squats, etc), lunges (forward lunges, backwards lunges, side lunges, walking lunges, etc), stairs (bleachers or stair master machine it doesn't matter) and so on. Those are just a few examples off the top of my head. Pick like 5 exercises and do 20 sets of each. That's 1 round, do 1 more, then call it a day. These are just simple routines, you can make you own routines or find some more routines. Doing things like this can develop you glutes, quads, hamstrings, calves. That's just the beginning but try starting out with something like that and after a while you'll start to see your body change.

You can do whatever you want with you life, but if I were you I'd go the natural route. It'll take time, discipline, and hard work, but if you focus on the 3 basics of hydration, nutrition, & exercise, I promise you that you will attain your goal.


Sep 18, 2023
Advice that I posted in a different thread:

It sounds like a serious overeating disorder.

I had overeating problems in the past too.
Only after more than 20 years I found out that most of it is caused by a bad gut biome.
Specifically, the abundance of certain bad gut bacteria and fungi.

None of the dieticians in the past told me about this.
I had to search around the internet and read through many self-improvement websites to learn this.

Bluntly put and very simplified: Your gut bacteria control most of your appertite, what food you like, and how much you eat.
The other part is hormonal. (Applies to both men/women btw).
If you try to 'resist' this, then you will suffer. That too is coming from those bad gut bacteria.

It can be a difficult problem to deal with.
It will require a more holistic approach instead of the usual nonsense that mainstream dietitians tell you.

You need to find a good dietitian for this. And you will need to do a lot of research yourself to understand it better.
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May 28, 2021
it really is calories in vs. calories out. you need to eat at a deficit in order to lose weight. every day you'll naturally burn a certain amount of calories depending on your height/weight. you can exercise to burn a bit more. google for a calorie calculator and find out how many calories you burn daily, and eat under it. one pound is equal to 3500 calories, so if you want to lose a pound a week you should try to eat 500 calories below the rate you burn them at every day.

diets work because they accomplish the above, not because the foods they have are somehow special. realistically you can lose weight eating nothing but twinkies (not recommended).

i think your major problem is the binge eating. i have been a binge eater my whole life, so i know the struggle. it's good to eat throughout the day rather than trying to go the whole day without food, because by nighttime you're going to be raiding the fridge and eating more food in the end that way. if you have counselling or a psychologist available to you, i'd bring up binge eating as something you're concerned with. or otherwise mention it to your GP?
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Metal Fan- Wants to hang Under The Oak
May 8, 2023
30 bmi is not too bad honestly. I mean I really don't think its worth getting a lipo just for that, plus you'll need a loan when moneys already tight? Even more of a reason not to do it.

I'd say if you have the right information, it's possible to reach your goal through proper nutrition and exercise.

First off, drink more water. I'd aim for 100oz per day. Not only will this help with weight loss (when the water fills up your stomach it will be very hard to over eat, very simple) but it will also help with your mental health. This article sums up how and why it's so important:

"Approximately 70% of your body is composed of water. Nearly every body function you have is dependent on water, but how much do you really need? According to the Mayo Clinic, the average adult loses more than 80 ounces of water every day through sweating, breathing, and eliminating wastes. So one has to wonder if you drink less than 80 ounces a day, how is that impacting your brain function and overall health?

Studies show that you only need to be 1% dehydrated to experience a 5% decrease in cognitive function. A 2% decrease in brain hydration can result in short term memory loss and have trouble with math computations. Prolonged dehydration causes brain cells to shrink in size and mass, a condition common in many elderly who have been dehydrated for years.

Mental symptoms of dehydration can include
  • Depression
  • Afternoon fatigue
  • Sleep issues
  • Inability to focus
  • Lack of mental clarity, sometimes referred to as "brain fog."
The brain itself is made up of approximately 85% water. Water gives the brain energy to function including thought and memory processes. Water is also needed for the production of hormones and neurotransmitters in the brain. Since the brain cannot store water and you are constantly losing water through perspiration and other body functions, it's essential that you continuously hydrate. You'll be able to think faster, focus more clearly and experience greater clarity when your brain is functioning on a full reserve of water."

Secondly, you should figure out nutrition. Like I said just keep it simple. Avoid processed foods, stick to whole foods. No, you do not need to shop at Whole Foods, just got to Kroger, Walmart, Publix, etc. stick to the perimeter of the store. Despite what some may say, eating healthy is not expensive. You just have to do a little cooking.

Now there are multiple food portion charts that will work, because it's not black and white, plus different things work for different bodies and goals. But in general this is a solid plan to follow:

View attachment 122716

You can have fun with it, you can swap out different protein sources (chicken breast, beef, turkey, salmon, etc), you can swap our different grains (rice, potatoes, beans, etc), you can swap out different vegetables (broccoli, onions, bell peppers, asparagus, carrots, egg plant, spinach, bok choy, zucchini, etc), and you can swap out different fruits (apples, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, kiwi, mango, pineapple, etc).

Maybe even do a little greek yogurt parfait in the morning to support your gut micro-biome. Have fun with it. But in general stick to these rough portions in this picture and you will be doing very good.

And thirdly, exercise daily. Even if its just a 10 minute walk, just do something every day. If you wanna be more ambitious, do some body weight exercise such as squats (normal squats, split squats, Bulgarian split squats, etc), lunges (forward lunges, backwards lunges, side lunges, walking lunges, etc), stairs (bleachers or stair master machine it doesn't matter) and so on. Those are just a few examples off the top of my head. Pick like 5 exercises and do 20 sets of each. That's 1 round, do 1 more, then call it a day. These are just simple routines, you can make you own routines or find some more routines. Doing things like this can develop you glutes, quads, hamstrings, calves. That's just the beginning but try starting out with something like that and after a while you'll start to see your body change.

You can do whatever you want with you life, but if I were you I'd go the natural route. It'll take time, discipline, and hard work, but if you focus on the 3 basics of hydration, nutrition, & exercise, I promise you that you will attain your goal.
Correct me if I'm mistaken, but I thought whole grains and fruit are considered bad for a diet.


Oct 11, 2023
Don't take this the wrong way, but this is all very bad advice. Studies have consistently shown overtime that low fat diets are far unhealthier and do not result in considerable weight loss.

I don't argue with people when it comes to diets because i don't care. I simply live solely on green lentils, potatoes, rice, and water.
(If I can find and want to eat, only %100 organic meat. Since commercial meats have become more fattier.)

But fat is toxic. Whether it's olive oil or nuts and seeds, eggs or commercial meats. There is no good type fat that you can rely on.

All fats are oxygen blockers. Almost all common western disease are caused by fatty foods and all fat sources.

Fat is easy to stock in your body. Every time you eat 'healthy fat' or fat, your body stores it without doing anything.

drinking whole fat milk instead of skim milk results in a decreased risk of type 2 diabetes)

Only fat causes type 2 diabetes. Sugar and carbohydrates make insulin better. Fat causes insulin resistance. China, Africa and Middle, and even US and Canada were way more healthier when they had no fat production industries. Nowadays, almost all people in the world are overweight due to increase in fat intake.

it's possible to reach your goal through proper nutrition and exercise.

Yes you are right with that. Only exercise burns fat. For example moderate pace of running, or walking for a long period of time daily burns fat due to consistent Oxygen intake. Muscle building is also fine.

I promise you that you will attain your goal.

You can't promise a thing by talking vaguely. We are just giving opinions here not facts. Even science, when it comes to nutrition especially, is all over the place. Because confusion makes profit. No wander diet books are the top sellers every year. People are desperate to lose the fat. Food industry is shady.

Avoid processed foods, stick to whole foods.

Yes. Makes sense. But again, whole foods are a vague term. Nuts and seeds are whole, but they don't help with anything.

'Whole foods' like: avocados, nuts, seeds, coconut are tasty to eat but they are not health food.

Fat/oil causes (animal fat, vegetable fat don't matter) cause.

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Alzheimer's
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Hormonal problems such as Acne
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • All heart problems such as Heart failure, heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Obesity
  • All types of cancers (it's not the only cause but fat makes cancers worse.

All of our body runs on glucose and oxygen primarily. If you block the blood flow by even eating healthy fats you will degenerate the organs and body.

My advice: Avoid all the fat (starches have plenty of fat, don't worry you can't go deficient. And avoid 'calories in calories out' mentality.)

In short, I won't argue with you or share 'scientific' data to mock your ideas. All i am saying. Fat is the problem. That's also the one reason I am going to ctb early. Too much fat mostly, makes girls ugly and bipolar. And we are running out of sexy girls every passing years.

Take care.

Screenshot from 2023 11 11 08 12 54
(This picture is closer to my idea of eating. Lean meat is okay for me though but it's not a daily necessity. I would lover the vegetables and increase starches. Like %90 percent starch % 5 fruit %5 vegetables. The more the starch the better. )
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Jun 12, 2023
Correct me if I'm mistaken, but I thought whole grains and fruit are considered bad for a diet.
Since when are whole grains bad? Sure it's not a super food with 1 million different micro nutrients in it but it's a great source of energy. Maybe if you don't exercise at all and you just load up on them all day and you never eat any other foods besides that then yeah that's bad obviously. But whole grains itself aren't inherently bad.

I don't know where you heard that about fruits, but no... fruits are amazing for you. Again, the only way it'd be bad is if you eat too much fruit. That's why it's a small portion in the picture. In that portion size it'd be completely fine.

These days there's people on social media saying everything is bad. There's people with weird diets that say "oh you can't eat meat" but then they take 100 supplements to make up for the nutrients they could have simply just gotten from meat... or "oh vegetables are bad for you" when the main guy promoting that message has too much iron in his blood and needs to get blood drawn periodically. These diet extremists online are so convincing its easy to get sucked into it but all I'm promoting is the basics. The most healthy people in the world just eat normal foods there's really nothing to overthink.

carbohydrates make insulin better
Well carbs actually spike insulin, I wouldn't call that "better" unless your goal was to gain weight... if you actually exercise and burn lots of calories then eating carbs is an excellent fuel source for the body, but for some reason I get the impression you don't exercise.

I want to believe you are a good person, but all of the things you are saying about health is simply the worst advice I've ever heard in my entire life. You're either terribly misguided or you genuinely want to spread misinformation and cause her to gain weight.

'Whole foods' like: avocados, nuts, seeds, coconut are tasty to eat but they are not health food.
There's too many things to disagree with you here, please don't take it personally, you probably got some really bad advice and are doing this with good intentions I hope, but this advice is insane. I'm just saying, I'm a high performance athlete and health is my main passion (I don't wanna reveal too much and expose my identity so that's all I'll say) but almost everything you've said about nutrition is crazy, misleading, or comes from a place of misunderstanding. You just said, "Avocados are not health food" there's absolutely NO WAY you just said that!

You can't promise a thing by talking vaguely. We are just giving opinions here not facts. Even science, when it comes to nutrition especially, is all over the place. Because confusion makes profit. No wander diet books are the top sellers every year. People are desperate to lose the fat. Food industry is shady.
Obviously she will not achieve her goals if she doesn't do anything... I'm saying if she sticks to the basics and follows through this is an easily attainable goal and I speak from experience. It's simple cause and effect. Good health is not complicated. Understand the difference between "diet" and "nutrition" because they are not the same. I am not in favor of promoting a highly specific diet that restricts the body of important macro-nutrients (even though many dumb and popular diets online tend to do that), all I am doing is giving the literal most basic information on nutrition with high flexibility of meals while still encouraging her to eat higher quality foods that come from the earth (both animal and plant). Again good health is really that simple, just eat real food. I don't know why you're trying to overcomplicate it. The body needs a variety of foods to thrive. You say I speak too vaguely then turn around and say its too confusing... that makes no sense. Again all I'm saying is what works. Get a good balance of real food (not processed) and if you reach a caloric deficit it's impossible to not lose weight unless you can break the laws of physics.

0% meat and 5% vegetables is absolutely ludicrous. No offense, but If this weird diet worked out, then why are you going to ctb due to this diet not working?
Again, that also makes no sense.

Unless you want to deal with the side effects I mentioned earlier, you'll be far better off with a simple balance of both meat and vegetables. Why?
There are multiple essential vitamins found in animal products that you simply cannot get in plants such as Vitamin A (Retinol), B12, Carnitine, Carnosine, Creatine, D3, DHA, EPA, Heme Iron, and Taurine. Same thing vise versa, there are also many vitamins in plants that aren't in animal products (to a significant degree) such as Vitamin C, Flavonoids (Quercetin, Catechins, Hesperidin, Cyanidin), Dietary Fiber (Beta-glucan, Pectin, Inulin, Lignans, Resistant Starch)... And without going on for too long giving an explanation on all the benefits of each individual vitamin, I hope you can see how you'd be starving your body of vital nutrients.

Telling someone to eat "90% starch" for their diet is like telling them you want them to die early, that is psychotic. Sure you may survive for a couple of months maybe a year on only starches, but you'll develop serious health conditions and you'll barely be surviving at all. You'll be nutrient deficient and you'll deprive your body of the vitamins it needs to defend itself against diseases, let alone survive.

Hmm I guess I shouldn't be surprised, with your nutrient deficiencies you have already had significant cognitive decline.
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