nothing too dangerous of drugs since im not ready to ctb (ive kind of just wanted a means to vent out my emotions to avoid doing it), mostly looking for stuff like weed or lsd.
Pretty sure that smoking weed would also end up worsening your lung issues. Smoking weed in general does come with a lot of health risks, including increasing your risk of developing cancer. Of course, those risks can be negated by taking them in edible form, so if you do end up getting your hands on it then I'd recommend taking them that way.
Also, LSD, and psychedelics in general, are probably some of the worst drugs to use for coping reasons. Psychedelics require that you are in a good place mentally before using them, otherwise you risk going on a bad trip. LSD is also probably not a good choice of psychedelic to take if you haven't done psychedelics before due to an LSD trip lasting anywhere from 10 to 12 hours. If you end up having a bad trip then it will be a long ride. Shrooms are probably better since they last closer to around 5 to 8 hours, at least from my experience. Going off of what others who have a lot of experience with psychedelics say, shrooms are generally considered more first-time friendly due to their shorter duration and them being easier to dose. Still, shrooms are sometimes noted as being less predictable and more introspective in comparison to LSD (though this varies a bit from person to person), so they are quite awful to take for coping reasons. When I first did shrooms for the sake of coping my first trip ended up being a disaster. It didn't stop me from using them though since I was looking for something that would cause me to suffer in a manner similar to that one time I got really drunk for the first time after drinking over half a mickey of vodka.
In general, I don't think that you should be using recreational drugs for coping reasons. Relying on drugs for coping reasons usually ends up being a recipe for disaster.