

Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Note: This is NOT a goodbye thread, but a thread discussing and showing yet another example of the harms of prohibition of the right to die as well as stigmatization of suicide, death, and similar topics. I am also speaking for the people who WANT to say their goodbyes to their loved ones, friends, and people in their life, but wouldn't (or couldn't) do so due to the risk of intervention, stigma, and other consequences.

While I have made my decision about not leaving a note when I CTB (personal reasons and such), I made this thread just to explore more on how a prohibitive society prevents people who otherwise may be willing to leave notes and say goodbyes into leaving secretly or quietly.

In TRTNLE Podcast #8 featuring Ashlee "Nose", at 43:44 into the video, Nose states that when people do CTB, people (normies and most other pro-lifers) are shocked at the event. She then states that if these normies and pro-lifers "listened to" and "didn't force" the person suffering, then perhaps they (pro-lifers and normies) would have been able to say their goodbyes, be around their loved ones, and had celebrations. Additionally, Nose also states at 44:44 into the video, that people who are determined to exit don't want to be stopped.

Anyways, the points made in the video, especially between the 43min until 45min, really highlight why we couldn't even say our goodbyes due to the risks of intervention, and other complications from divulging our exit.

For example (and this is just a hypothetical scenario!), if I was living in a world where CTB, death, and similar topics are not stigmatized, the consequences of talking about CTB doesn't result in unnecessary interactions with law enforcement, mental health professionals, and other undesirable, unwanted events, then I would be able to leisurely talk about it without fear, almost like an everyday topic. Additionally, I would be able to say my goodbyes without fear of interference, intervention, incarceration/detainment, and forced medication against my will. That alone would at least allow me to (at least short term) be more at peace especially if I know I have a guaranteed way out, without intervention or having my wishes and rights violated. When I mean guaranteed, I literally mean no moving goalposts, no arbitrary delays, just given as requested. Of course, writing a note or saying goodbyes in this society is ultimately up to the individual on whether one wishes to or not.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
To me it's just cruel how people cannot open up about their plans to die without the risk of other people interferring. It could make it easier for those left behind if the person who ctb was able to say farewell, as then they won't be shocked that the person is gone. And after all suicide is a human right and nobody is obligated to delay the inevitable so the subject of suicide should be able to be discussed openly. Death is the most normal thing after all that is completely inescapable so people really shouldn't view it as some kind of "illness" wanting to reach that point earlier to prevent unnecessary suffering.