

Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
This is something that just came to my mind over the years, but I never really connected the dots until just recently. It seems like whenever there is something that one doesn't like to partake in, whether it is watching a movie/show they don't desire, eating a certain food they don't like (not the best example because allergies are a thing), or even partaking in certain activities that (some) people don't like such as hugging and kissing, we don't seem to encourage or even cajole those who don't wish to, nor do we question or interrogate them for refusing and just respect their wishes without hassle. Yet when it comes to boycotting 'life' and sentience itself, it's forbidden, not allowed, or whoever takes issue with life/sentience (the root of all suffering and problems), it's seen as irrational and even 'mentally ill'. There is just not justification nor (objective and factual) demonstration that life is good, but rather an arbitrary and oftenly rooted in religious dogma.

Without the ability to boycott or even hold a view that life isn't sacred, let alone being discredited, gaslit, and/or hand-waved off, it only serves as an tyrannical and oppressive means to silence anyone who dares to question or protest the true root problem of all suffering, which is life and sentience itself! If anything, if we actually had real choice, we should be able to objectively and honestly question life itself and it's value that it holds with respect to the person experiencing it, then respecting the person's choice on whether to continue or to quit the game of life! Here are some example scenarios below:

Scenario A: The movie hater leaves
Movie fan: I love (insert title of movie)! It's cool and I want to see the whole run!
Movie hater: I don't like this movie, it sucks, I'm leaving.
Movie fan: Then don't watch it, bye!
Movie hater leaves the theater after watching about half the movie, and with the run time being about 2h15m long, spared their time and was able to go to other stuff.

Scenario B: Some people don't like being hugged (for whatever reason)
Hug loving person: I love getting and giving hugs, it makes me feel good, makes my day better!
Hug adverse person: I don't like hugs (insert any reason or whatever)
Hug loving person: Ok, I won't hug you then (respects personal space)
Other people seem to understand and don't try to prod or question the hug adverse person for refusing/rejecting it. The adverse person could be a trauma victim, could be an anti-social, a phobia of germs, or any reason and no one seems to prod them to partake in it.

Scenario C: Life sucks and I want out
Person don't like life: Man life sucks, I hate it!
Pro-lifer: Yeah it does, but there is beauty in suffering and life can be better (and insert more platitudes and drivel).
Person don't like life: Well there is no guarantee life gets better and it's not worth sticking around to gamble with things.
Pro-lifer: NO, CTB is wrong! get help! You are irrational! (seeks to intervene, meddle in said person's life, and/or preach about the sanctity and sacredness of life)
Most people (by extension are pro-lifers) hate the fact that their atavistic morals and values are challenged or even brought to light and will do just about anything and everything to shut that down, including the use of violence, oppression, or to a lesser extent, quotes and all the other pro-life spiel into shaming and patronizing those who don't share their beliefs.

So with the examples listed, most of which are probably common ones for many things in life, whether it is a product, a service, interest, or anything, they are allowed to be protested, challenged, boycotted, or even questions, yet when it comes to life or sentience itself, it's almost as though it is not allowed to be questioned in that manner. The amount of hypocrisy and idiocy that persists in such logic is absurd and more sinister is the fact that one faces the threat of the deprivation of one's personal freedom liberty (even temporarily) for speaking out, admitting, or even challenging the value of life. Instead, almost all assertions of the value of life is arbitrary and oftenly rooted in religious dogma and values. If life was really good (as many pro-lifers like to claim!), then they should not have to fear about people opposing their views and just enjoy "their own lives" instead of meddling and trying to force people to remain alive to satisfy their atavistic morals and values. It is perhaps they subconsciously fear that their view of life will be shattered once they admit the truth or face reality so they do everything they can to suppress the truth, use force (by extension through the State) to subjugate dissidents, and even go as far as to pervert any intellectual dialogue that may expose the flaw in their worldview, but that will be for another topic.
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Someday, eventually
Mar 29, 2020
Scenario C: Life sucks and I want out
Person don't like life: Man life sucks, I hate it!
Pro-lifer: Yeah it does, but there is beauty in suffering and life can be better (and insert more platitudes and drivel).
Person don't like life: Well there is no guarantee life gets better and it's not worth sticking around to gamble with things.
Pro-lifer: NO, CTB is wrong! get help! You are irrational! (seeks to intervene, meddle in said person's life, and/or preach about the sanctity and sacredness of life)
Life is just struggle it's like these people enjoy struggle.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It's just insane really how one is viewed as "ill" if they don't like life, not liking life and preferring the sound of non-existence is always a valid way to feel. And anyway it isn't like any of us could have consented to this in the first place, instead we were so cruelly burdened with the ability to exist and it just disgusts me how many humans don't respect our right to cease existing.

I hate how we exist in this society where life is worshipped so much and this is pushed onto everyone even know we all experience existence differently after all. It's just so wrong how not liking life isn't viewed the same as not liking what you mentioned, in my case the true problem certainly lies in existence itself, I'd certainly prefer to cease existing to avoid all future unnecessary suffering.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Life is just struggle it's like these people enjoy struggle.
Yeah and if they (the pro-lifers) do, then they should enjoy "the struggle" for themselves and not impose that standard onto everyone (including those who don't share the same sentiments).

It's just insane really how one is viewed as "ill" if they don't like life, not liking life and preferring the sound of non-existence is always a valid way to feel. And anyway it isn't like any of us could have consented to this in the first place, instead we were so cruelly burdened with the ability to exist and it just disgusts me how many humans don't respect our right to cease existing.

I hate how we exist in this society where life is worshipped so much and this is pushed onto everyone even know we all experience existence differently after all. It's just so wrong how not liking life isn't viewed the same as not liking what you mentioned, in my case the true problem certainly lies in existence itself, I'd certainly prefer to cease existing to avoid all future unnecessary suffering.
Exactly, the notion and presumption of people who don't like life, question life, or even evaluate the value of life to be mentally ill, irrational, or unsound of mind is nothing more than a ruse and tactic that pro-lifers like to apply in order to silence, discredit, and/or otherwise shut down any challenge or opposition to their atavistic moral views. As far as the universe is concerned, the value of life is just an arbitrary one, and moreso rooted in religious sentiments rather than something objective.

I agree that the boycotting of 'life' itself is not irrational and in fact, something that should be done more oftenly than it is. However, too many people may not openly evaluate and question it for fear of unintended social consequences, including the prying and prodding of one's welfare, the questioning and patronizing spiels that pro-lifers like to exact onto those who question life or hold a different view. It is indeed the best to never have existed to begin with and to be able to leave as soon as possible on one's own terms when one deems fit.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
The stranger thing I find is people killing themselves slowly via smoking, alcohilism, drugs, fast food etc. People may hate it that they are doing that to themselves but they won't always intervene as they recognise that that person has a right to choose. They may even enable the behaviour by buying them their vices because- it makes them happy. They don't want them to die but they respect the person enough to not intervene.

Eating disorders are sometimes the same. People don't always take as aggressive action as they would a suicidal person because they probably hope they still have time. Not that I know much about ED's but- you'd imagine- the longer they go on, I would have thought- the harder they would be to treat. Some disorders like anorexia are going to surely place more strain on the body the longer they go on for.

It's curious- human nature. In so many ways, we are careful not to infringe other people's right to choose. I briefly did care work and you even do courses that insist that you must in some cases allow people to make decisions that are not in their best interests. Not that final decision though- clearly.
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Someday, eventually
Mar 29, 2020
Maybe it is just me but I also think that half the time those who want to ctb or have ctb, they have been the nicest, kindest, most sensitive, self-less person and it is a pro-lifer that will be a malicious, cheater, liar, narcissistic, fake, selfish person. I'm laying on this mattress, none of my furniture, suicidal ideation, and lots more feelings because my partner for 15 years abandoned me. I have no idea what I'll do. I have to "rebuild myself". We were together almost every day, for 15 years, apart from working (and the other time he left me out of the blue) I have no job now for 2 years, that's how bad my mental health got, and not even a lover for that long could be bothered to see me be myself again. He lost faith. He told me he was proud of my progress, and he told me he'd be there no matter what. I tried so hard not to burden him in our relationship. I tried so hard to get better and still my mind would fail me. Do you know what he texts me? Something about going to do a course that cost £5,000. Do you know how that makes me feel? I'm far from jealous. I'm just shocked I'd have it rubbed in my face. Like he couldn't of done that when we were together? And then on the phone to the Samaritans I told them I can't stop thinking about jumping off this cliff (THEIR NUMBER IS ON A PLAQUE AS YOU WALK UP TO THE CLIFF BTW!!!) "okay well you must be resilient because you called today" none of them pro-lifers give a flying fuck deep down. They are the selfish ones who are in some sort of competition it seems. Now I'm just moaning and venting, I'm sorry.
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scared person
Mar 12, 2024
The stranger thing I find is people killing themselves slowly via smoking, alcohilism, drugs, fast food etc. People may hate it that they are doing that to themselves but they won't always intervene as they recognise that that person has a right to choose. They may even enable the behaviour by buying them their vices because- it makes them happy. They don't want them to die but they respect the person enough to not intervene.

Eating disorders are sometimes the same. People don't always take as aggressive action as they would a suicidal person because they probably hope they still have time. Not that I know much about ED's but- you'd imagine- the longer they go on, I would have thought- the harder they would be to treat. Some disorders like anorexia are going to surely place more strain on the body the longer they go on for.

It's curious- human nature. In so many ways, we are careful not to infringe other people's right to choose. I briefly did care work and you even do courses that insist that you must in some cases allow people to make decisions that are not in their best interests. Not that final decision though- clearly.
can I ask what carework was like?

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
can I ask what carework was like?

I didn't last long in the role to be honest. The people I worked with were amazing but it felt understaffed to me. Maybe because I wasn't experienced enough to feel confident in the role. But- lots of high risk residents. It was a whole mixture really. It could be lovely and rewarding- some of the residents were really nice. It could also be hugely distressing with people who didn't realise you were trying to help them and becoming frightened and violent. Lots of them had dementia. I still think about some of them- even though I was only there briefly. But, it definitely touches your life.


Over emotional, can’t handle criticm
Nov 26, 2023
Maybe my response to this is stupid and uninformed but boycotting is to refrain from certain things usually due to an underlying reason. If that's the case, boycotting life wouldn't so much be talking and wanting to die so much as it would be actually killing ourselves, right? And, even if it's shitty, people do see the issues in living and do have some level of trying to correct what's causing suicide. People do boycott life by dying and it has made an impact.

Now, the fact that we can't talk about wanting to die and that nobody will listen to our issues with existence unless we succeed in dying if even that? That's horrible, I can't stand it. There's also the fact that the help provided to us is awful and often unhelpful if not impossible for many to afford. It'll take a lot more death to make any good change. Perhaps boycotting by killing ourselves will lead to a better future.
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