

Apr 15, 2024
When we are born, we all get automatically sentenced to death. So we are all on death row currently. It's all so absurd!
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*perpetually annoyed*
Mar 14, 2024
My uncle died on death row... Very few of us didn't do anything to warrant an ordered early execution of death, at the hands of the state, sentenced because of an intentional choice of heinous criminal act or behavior.

But I get your point. We're prisoners nonetheless. Robbed of our dignity and sanity. Remembered only for one deed, by own our hands.
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Apr 15, 2024
My uncle died on death row... Very few of us didn't do anything to warrant an ordered early execution of death, at the hands of the state, sentenced because of an intentional choice of heinous criminal act or behavior.

But I get your point. We're prisoners nonetheless. Robbed of our dignity and sanity. Remembered only for one deed, by own our hands.
It's funny how the state kills people but then wants to prevent us from killing ourselves. Truly absurd
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*perpetually annoyed*
Mar 14, 2024
It's funny how the state kills people but then wants to prevent us from killing ourselves. Truly absurd
My uncle wouldn't have died had it not been for money. I see people all the time now getting life sentences for the same crimes, or less, because they bad money for good representation. Because he wasn't an evil person. It was an evil act from a mentally ill person who was abused and on drugs at the time. Plus this is a bible state. Things are especially absurd down here.
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
Yes, but too be fair the people on actual death row usually get a more peaceful death (with lethal injection) than the majority of people who die outside the prison system.
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Apr 15, 2024
My uncle wouldn't have died had it not been for money. I see people all the time now getting life sentences for the same crimes, or less, because they bad money for good representation. Because he wasn't an evil person. It was an evil act from a mentally ill person who was abused and on drugs at the time. Plus this is a bible state. Things are especially absurd down here.
Yes, it's totally corrupt. The state/government and corporations are one and the same. As a Christian also, I'm even more disgusted by socalled bible states and belts using religion for their own gain. I'm against the death penalty or any penalty as a pacifist and that's why I find it even more absurd that some are vehemently pro-death penalty and killing in self-defense with machine guns while at the same time vehemently opposed to the CHOICE of euthanasia.. even though we all die anyway.
Yes, but too be fair the people on actual death row usually get a more peaceful death (with lethal injection) than the majority of people who die outside the prison system.
Yes, that makes it even more absurd. But many of those on death row don't want to die, yet some of us who want to die are prevented access to those peaceful lethal methods. Totally absurd.
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*perpetually annoyed*
Mar 14, 2024
Yes, it's totally corrupt. The state/government and corporations are one and the same. As a Christian also, I'm even more disgusted by socalled bible states and belts using religion for their own gain. I'm against the death penalty or any penalty as a pacifist and that's why I find it even more absurd that some are vehemently pro-death penalty and killing in self-defense with machine guns while at the same time vehemently opposed to the CHOICE of euthanasia.. even though we all die anyway.

Yes, that makes it even more absurd. But many of those on death row don't want to die, yet some of us who want to die are prevented access to those peaceful lethal methods. Totally absurd.
It's curious to me that you're a Christian and still okay with suicide? Isn't that looks at as unforgivable in that faith?
It's funny how the state kills people but then wants to prevent us from killing ourselves. Truly absurd
Prisoners can't donate organs either :/ Waste....
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Apr 15, 2024
It's curious to you're a Christian and still okay with suicide? Isn't that looks at as unforgivable in that faith?
No, that is tradition. Even the Catholic church has repealed this view in 1983, realizing that many suicides are due to mental illness and thus can be forgiven. Anyway, Protestant Christianity, and especially evangelicals never believed it was unforgivable, since they believe in faith alone, which means all sins are forgiven by accepting Jesus as Savior who died for all sins, was buried and rose again. At most they would say suicide is murder... of the self, since God gave life, so it's not up to us to take away (neither of others nor ourselves). Yet even murder is forgiven. That said, I now doubt even that since it's not that clear in Scripture like the issue of murder of others is. Prominent chara ters like Samson and Saul actively ended their own lives when it was useless to continue living and fighting. And they are described as, albeit problematic, but redeemed characters who will receive resurrection. Schopenhauer wrote an essay saying how Christians against suicide cannot really point out a Scripture that condemns it. I am still researching, but I know that I'm a sinner anyway whether I ctb or not, yet am forgiven and saved by faith (Acts 16:31, Ephesians 2:8-9), that much is clear. I see it as having no choice. If I don't ctb, I am also just so weak that I'm wasting ressources and being a burden on others, which is sin too.
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*perpetually annoyed*
Mar 14, 2024
No, that is tradition. Even the Catholic church has repealed this view in 1983, realizing that many suicides are due to mental illness and thus can be forgiven. Anyway, Protestant Christianity, and especially evangelicals never believed it was unforgivable, since they believe in faith alone, which means all sins are forgiven by accepting Jesus as Savior who died for all sins, was buried and rose again. At most they would say suicide is murder... of the self, since God gave life, so it's not up to us to take away (neither of others nor ourselves). Yet even murder is forgiven. That said, I now doubt even that since it's not that clear in Scripture like the issue of murder of others is. Prominent chara ters like Samson and Saul actively ended their own lives when it was useless to continue living and fighting. And they are described as, albeit problematic, but redeemed characters who will receive resurrection. Schopenhauer wrote an essay saying how Christians against suicide cannot really point out a Scripture that condemns it. I am still researching, but I know that I'm a sinner anyway whether I ctb or not, yet am forgiven and saved by faith (Acts 16:31, Ephesians 2:8-9), that much is clear. I see it as having no choice. If I don't ctb, I am also just so weak that I'm wasting ressources and being a burden on others, which is sin too.
I've heard conflicting things regarding it being the only "unforgiviable" one. But it seems like I found something denouncing that in the bible; although I don't recall what it said. For now I just know that my family thinks that I will for sure go to Hell if I ctb... I'm a nonbeliever, but if I were, I wouldn't want a God like that anyway.
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Apr 15, 2024
I've heard conflicting things regarding it being the only "unforgiviable" one. But it seems like I found something denouncing that in the bible; although I don't recall what it said. For now I just know that my family thinks that I will for sure go to Hell if I ctb... I'm a nonbeliever, but if I were, I wouldn't want a God like that anyway.
In Scripture the only unforgivable sin is blaspheming the Holy Ghost, but even that has been overinterpreted. It was something Jesus said to Pharisees while He was doing miracles. They saw the miracles with their own eyes and since they couldn't deny them, instead they attributed the miracles to the power of Satan, thus basically calling the Holy Spirit Satan. But I've heard some say this sin is not even possible to commit today since none of us are watching Jesus live in person on earth now doing miracle signs. It was a very specific case where it was unforgivable. But people really freak out when hearing words like unforgivable and thus took the passage to mean all kinds of things it didn't say, like some think having intrusive dirty thoughts about God condemns them as unforgivable, lol, despite themselves being horrified at the thoughts they couldn't control.

Your family is wrong if they believe suicide, or any sin, results in hell. It ironically means they are not saved themselves, since salvation is by faith alone. If they think they will "go to heaven" by abstaining from ctb, then they are trusting in their own works for salvation and not Jesus alone. Then why did Jesus even die for sinners when we can just abstain from sin and be good enough by ourselves? The books of Romans, Galatians, Ephesians and more are all very clear in that salvation is achieved by faith alone no matter the sins.

Now, you're an unbeliever, yet if you at one point believed Jesus was your Savior who died for your sins and rose again, you would still be saved according to the gospel I believe.

That said, I believe hell is also misinterpreted. I recently studied annihilationism and it makes sense. The biblical texts describe unbelievers after the judgment as DEAD, perishing, being destroyed, burned UP, and corpses who will never rise again. So that means they cease to exist consciously. The tradition of "souls" basically ALIVE in a chamber is just that, a tradition. Old Testament scholars also have noted more and more how it talks a lot about the grave, the pit, sleeping in the earth rather than souls still alive. So the biblical hell is more like an execution place at the final judgment of the world. The true undebatable biblical afterlife is a physical resurrection with an immortal body that has no pain, sorrow or sin, not cartoonish depictions of ghosts with wings floating in the clouds. Yet most Christians since the 1800s only want to talk about "going to heaven" when the text rather says that the redeemed through faith will live on a new EARTH in a new restored PHYSICAL body. The old creeds and confessions from the first few centuries never mentioned humans going to heaven or hell forever, but mention resurrection.


*perpetually annoyed*
Mar 14, 2024
Well they're nondenominational if that helps. They believe Jesus died to save them from their sins; it's just that suicide is the one you can't come back from. Although we never got into specifics as to where or why they think that. But I did read sonething, somewhere, that it was forgivable. Not that I care. I renounced it all at like, age 11? I'm not sure if I fully believed or just wanted to follow in the faith of my mother. I know I always had my doubts. By age 12 I was done. Full, proud agnostic-atheist, and I do practice blasphemy, only when I'm alone or with family :/ Thank you for the explanations though. Something I will try to think more on in the future.


Apr 15, 2024
Well they're nondenominational if that helps. They believe Jesus died to save them from their sins; it's just that suicide is the one you can't come back from.
They don't understand then that Jesus died for ALL sins, even future sins. It doesn't matter the denomination, so many arecorrupted with works salvation where faith is somehow not enough. Hebrews 7:25: "Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them." This is why I have nothing to fear. If it's a sin, at worst I will get lesson from God why ctb was no good, after I was dead and got raised again. I won't burn in hell as a disembodied ghost, it's not what Scripture really states. Keep in mind most Christians don't even read their Bible. I've read it over 30 times by now, and heard different views rather than just slurping up what a pastor says.
Something I will try to think more on in the future.
Yes, it's important to think and study. I like that. My father is an agnostic or apathetic, and my mother a Catholic who barely ever goes to church and never reads the Bible. I came to faith by myself thinking and studying after hearing different viewpoints, so basically the opposite as you. I think religion transmitted through family and tradition is the most detrimental to religion, ironically. True faith comes from a conscious decision not by family let alone by force. Everyone should be left to make their own decisions.

If I would ever adopt a child (I won't procreate since I am also antinatalist), I would only teach what I believe, and why I think other viewpoints might be wrong, but let the child choose as they grow up. Way too many Christians think they can raise their children to be robots or legislate faith and it turns out the child never understood a thing about why momma's and papa's religion was the only truth. I actually find it hilarious when the parents are surprised, lol.
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*perpetually annoyed*
Mar 14, 2024
They don't understand then that Jesus died for ALL sins, even future sins. It doesn't matter the denomination, so many arecorrupted with works salvation where faith is somehow not enough. Hebrews 7:25: "Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them." This is why I have nothing to fear. If it's a sin, at worst I will get lesson from God why ctb was no good, after I was dead and got raised again. I won't burn in hell as a disembodied ghost, it's not what Scripture really states. Keep in mind most Christians don't even read their Bible. I've read it over 30 times by now, and heard different views rather than just slurping up what a pastor says.

Yes, it's important to think and study. I like that. My father is an agnostic or apathetic, and my mother a Catholic who barely ever goes to church and never reads the Bible. I came to faith by myself thinking and studying after hearing different viewpoints, so basically the opposite as you. I think religion transmitted through family and tradition is the most detrimental to religion, ironically. True faith comes from a conscious decision not by family let alone by force. Everyone should be left to make their own decisions.

If I would ever adopt a child (I won't procreate since I am also antinatalist), I would only teach what I believe, and why I think other viewpoints might be wrong, but let the child choose as they grow up. Way too many Christians think they can raise their children to be robots or legislate faith and it turns out the child never understood a thing about why momma's and papa's religion was the only truth. I actually find it hilarious when the parents are surprised, lol.
Yeah I hear that. My sister isn't knowledgable of the bible but somehow she has indoctrinated or brainwashed my niece into believing as she does. (I think through fear and narcissistic ways honestly.) I remember when she asked me if I believed in God at like 5yrs old... I didn't want to lie to her so I broke it to her as gently as I could. She told my sister looking for more information my sister says her brief piece, next thing my niece is practically balling because "what she called me as her aunt" is going to hell because she doesn't believe in God. Nice. Really? 5yrs old...

My mom never really had time to go to Church but she's always listening to certain pastors and using her bible app. She's not preachy. Just trying to use it for guidance and strength. So she's no Sister Mary fake... unlike my sister who just abuses the title and thinks because she's believes that she's saved. I'm not saved because I don't believe; hence condemned to hell. Plus the suicide thing. But before I go I will definitely leave some words for my mom and niece on that because I don't want them to worry, for my soul. Thanks for all you contributed. I'll pass it on.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
We were born to die
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Apr 15, 2024
Yeah I hear that. My sister isn't knowledgable of the bible but somehow she has indoctrinated or brainwashed my niece into believing as she does. (I think through fear and narcissistic ways honestly.) I remember when she asked me if I believed in God at like 5yrs old... I didn't want to lie to her so I broke it to her as gently as I could. She told my sister looking for more information my sister says her brief piece, next thing my niece is practically balling because "what she called me as her aunt" is going to hell because she doesn't believe in God. Nice. Really? 5yrs old...

My mom never really had time to go to Church but she's always listening to certain pastors and using her bible app. She's not preachy. Just trying to use it for guidance and strength. So she's no Sister Mary fake... unlike my sister who just abuses the title and thinks because she's believes that she's saved. I'm not saved because I don't believe; hence condemned to hell. Plus the suicide thing. But before I go I will definitely leave some words for my mom and niece on that because I don't want them to worry, for my soul. Thanks for all you contributed. I'll pass it on.

Yeah I hear that. My sister isn't knowledgable of the bible but somehow she has indoctrinated or brainwashed my niece into believing as she does. (I think through fear and narcissistic ways honestly.) I remember when she asked me if I believed in God at like 5yrs old... I didn't want to lie to her so I broke it to her as gently as I could. She told my sister looking for more information my sister says her brief piece, next thing my niece is practically balling because "what she called me as her aunt" is going to hell because she doesn't believe in God. Nice. Really? 5yrs old...

My mom never really had time to go to Church but she's always listening to certain pastors and using her bible app. She's not preachy. Just trying to use it for guidance and strength. So she's no Sister Mary fake... unlike my sister who just abuses the title and thinks because she's believes that she's saved. I'm not saved because I don't believe; hence condemned to hell. Plus the suicide thing. But before I go I will definitely leave some words for my mom and niece on that because I don't want them to worry, for my soul. Thanks for all you contributed. I'll pass it on.
Well, as a protestant I despise catholic doctrine because it promotes personal works as salvation rather than faith in Jesus. It's clear that if you once believed that Jesus Christ died for your sins, was buried and rose again from the dead, that YOU will ALSO join someone like ME in the resurrection of life (whenever that may be), compared to a person who thinks they are good enough to receive eternal life. I've got biblical news,.. nobody is righteous enough for eternal life (Romans 3:23).

Romans 3:27: "Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith."

Romans 3:28: "Therefore we conclude that a man is justified BY FAITH without the deeds of the law."

Romans 3:30: "Seeing it is one God, which shall justify the circumcision BY FAITH, and uncircumcision through FAITH."

Romans 5:2: "By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God."

So guess what, we humans are all sinners. That includes your family. So if you feel like ending your life, you are NO WORSE than your family, no matter how holy they SAY they are.

Don't let your family think they are better than you. 🙂 Even Job, Moses and Elias suffered so much that they wished to die.
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*perpetually annoyed*
Mar 14, 2024
Well I may or may not have believed when I was little. I don't remember a lot of my childhood. So I guess we'll find out lol. My family, mostly my mom, is just more so worried faithwise for me in that regard. She doesn't believe Christians are naturally better people. Hell I undid some of her bigotry🙄
I'd like to think, God forbid there is one, would know your heart of hearts and that's be enough, or it wouldn't. I wonder about the people who are never exposed to God... never having the chance/opportunity to believe. I don't recall how she explained it, but basically they're okay and they come too lol. Thanks for sharing. I'll rrlay the info. My mom will be bewildered by my strumming off scriptures lol.

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