

Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Which is why it comes across as so insane to me when people act like suicide is the worst thing ever despite the fact that all suffering is as a result of existence, it's like they forget that we are all going to die anyway where all we know will be forgotten about.

So why should people have to suffer so senselessly and unnecessarily in this meaningless existence when they don't want to, we are all just slowly dying and waiting around to die anyway.
I just don't see any point and value to this harmful existence, if there was no existence nobody would suffer which is what I see as ideal.

What I see as important is having the option to reliably escape from and find permanent peace from suffering, it's so horrible how suicide isn't accepted as a valid option despite the fact that we were so cruelly burdened with this existence in the first place where there is no limit as to how much we can suffer.

It's just wrong to make people have to struggle so much to die especially as we are all just going to die anyway. Existence was just a terrible mistake in the first place which is why only the thought of eternally not existing comforts me.
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Sep 30, 2023
Life in general is pointless and meaningless, and suffering is guaranteed.
Everything is mostly boring repetition and we have to find constant distractions to justify giving meaning to existence.
I see suicide as a logical solution to the problem of suffering in a meat prison body that is trapped on a planet filled with meaningless and pointless suffering.
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Physically ill suffering couch potato
Jul 5, 2019
Here are my opinions. I suffer like hell physically (and as a result of my bad physical health I also suffer mentally) and I have been doing this for many years but it just gets worse and worse, to a level where I will have to use a violent/painful method to be relatively certain I will die. I think it's important that there are some restrictions to avoid rushed decisions, sure we could say that "But it's my life, I should be able to decide" but at the same time if people could just go to their doctor and say "Hey, I wanna die" and they get an rx for short acting barbiturates or PAS. And the reason for this decision was because something hard happened in their life, and it's not unlikely that they would recover from it and enjoy life again. If they could make that rushed decisions and it impact their family, parents, kids, siblings. I don't think that would be a good solution.

So what do I think?

1. If someone is old and alone, it's important that they have access to health care and the help they need, so the reason isn't because they want to keep living, but they can't, because they lack the support they need. If they still want to die, why force them to live?

2. If someone have suffered for a long time and want to die, or even if they are just tired of life. Then their should be a couple of steps before they get access to a peaceful death. If they are in insane pain and maybe have been for a long time, or after a recent accident, hospitals need to try to help, if there is no help that improve their life to a level where they want to live, I think they should get what they want (a peaceful death) Let's instead say someone is physically and mentally healthy, but they just don't see any meaning in life (which a lot of doctors and people today would say is a mental illness, but it doesn't have to be) here I can see a problem, what if that person is a single parent? should they be allowed to get access to to PAS or barbiturates? Sure if you have parents or siblings, it's still your life and your decision, but if you have kids, you are responsible for them, your brought them to this world.

Also in my opinion I think everyone should be able to fill out a form like yearly (and they can update it when they want in between also) If they would end up in a situation where they can't express themselves because of an accident, stroke or other illness. Do you want to be kept alive or not? I think most people would want to be put to sleep for good if that happened, and it wouldn't be likely that they wake up in the hospital paralyzed, confused and can't talk and still think "NOO why did I say that I want to die if this happened, I really want to keep living in this situation staring at the roof feeling confused"

If I knew that I had a peaceful certain way out, I wouldn't feel the panic I feel now, I mean I really want to die, but at the same time I don't want loved ones to suffer from me leaving. But I would know that I can leave when it's not possible for me to suffer anymore, and at least I wouldn't have to feel fear of it being painful or the fear of failing my attempt.

But I can never see how this could become reality, if someone decide to end their life and isn't terminally ill or really old and really ill and have money for assisted suicide, then it's either going out physically peacefully, but with the risk of failure and ending up in a hell on earth for maybe decades, or physically painful but still not a 100% certainty to succeed.
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Oct 6, 2023
If I knew that I had a peaceful certain way out, I wouldn't feel the panic I feel now, I mean I really want to die, but at the same time I don't want loved ones to suffer from me leaving. But I would know that I can leave when it's not possible for me to suffer anymore, and at least I wouldn't have to feel fear of it being painful or the fear of failing my attempt.

But I can never see how this could become reality, if someone decide to end their life and isn't terminally ill or really old and really ill and have money for assisted suicide, then it's either going out physically peacefully, but with the risk of failure and ending up in a hell on earth for maybe decades, or physically painful but still not a 100% certainty to succeed.
I totally agree. It´s part of our paternalistic society that no one should be allowed for to decide when it is time to go. Rulers who pass respective bills give a damn shit about how people feel and why they want to cbt. They simply don´t care. Backuped by religions, they impose the obligation to live on everyone. No coincidence, most of these weirdos are anti-abortionists. Again, they give a shit about the fate of unwanted children after birth.

Imagine a society where erveryone would be respected for their autonomous decision to leave, not having to justify oneself at all. Free acces to painless methods. This would be real freedom. I am convinced that in such a free society, suicide rates would be much lower as they are today. But it is a dream and will always be. Man has to rule man, particularly when it comes to the most intimate decision that exists, the decision to be or not to be ...
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Oct 8, 2023
Yes, the thought that we will all die and be forgotten really devalues our lives. For example, how many people from the 18th century can you remember? Maybe two famous ones, but no more. In 3 centuries we will also be forgotten. Why can't you consciously interrupt this meaningless and incredibly difficult existence on your own? These sufferings haunt your entire life and are not needed for anything.
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