
Aug 18, 2020
I am not sure how much I support antinatalism. I was very in favor of spreading that philosophy for a long time in the past. But I was scared that others might perceive me as resentful or bitter which I was at that time. I have become more indifferent to it in the mean time. I am not sure what is the "right" philosophy. I don't want to interfere too much in other people's life and let them make their own personal decisions. However some time ago my sister opened up to me that she wants to procreate. She and her boyfriend came both from a family with severe mental health issues. And I worried a lot about her wish to procreate. In her position in this scenario this would have had a devastating outcome. I think her boyfriend ended their relationship because she lost parts of her sanity. The end of her relationship was pretty upsetting however I am glad that child won't come into the world presumably. I once told her that I don't think it would be a good idea to procreate in these circumstances. I am already planning my suicide and it is likely suicide has a genetic component. I always worried my suicide could affect that child badly. I was convinced to keep distanced to them. However I did not interfere in any way. I can remember I subconciously pressured one friend of mine into antinatalism. And gave him a guilty conscience. The story is complicated but when I realized my behavior this was a point where I distanced myself of that philosophy.

That is a long introduction. I want to show that I have to a certain degree sympathy for antinatalism and I am very very sure that I will never want to procreate. Not even adopting children. I am way too crippled mentally and I am scared this could spil over.

I have the feeling many people don't understand the difference between antinatalism and promortalism. As I said I have sympathy for antinatalism but I never had sympathy for promortalism. Some use these two words as synonyms which annoys me. Because for me there is a huge difference.

I will use some defintions of the internet:

"Antinatalism is a philosophical and ethical stance against human reproduction, rooted in harm reduction and rational consideration for future life. Antinatalism regards the implications that procreation has, both for humans, other animals, and the natural world. Antinatalists consider intentional human reproduction (besides exceptions related to force) an irreversible, unnecessary, indefensible, and enduring form of harm, regardless of circumstances, situations, or consciousness in living."

"Promortalism is a philosophical position and social movement that assigns a positive value to death. (i.e. Promortalists believe that the morally best thing to do would be to end suffering by ending our own lives. Promortalists say that the only thing that keeps most of them from killing themselves is the lack of willpower)"

Another one on promortalism: "Promortalism, also known as hyphenated form pro-mortalism, is a philosophical position for any sentient being, it is always the best to die as soon as possible."

Personally I have the feeling promortalism is kind of insane. There will be people who will fiercely disagre with me. I have healthy friends who enjoy life. They like to live, they are scared of death. When I explained them antinatalism some were interested and agreed on some stances. But my interaction of most other people show me if they internalized promortalism it would be extremely counterproductive for them to adopt a promortalist world view. I am now suicidal since a decade. I know which hell that is. Many many battle their suicidal thoughts over years before they feel with their back completely against the wall. I think most people with a somewhat decent life adopting promortalism could decrease their life quality a lot. I mean I ruminate about suicide since a decade. When I was pretty young I thought suicide was easy. It is the completely the opposite. The SI, the sorrows and the daily torment of thinking about it. People with a good life in my opinion should dodge such a mindset. It is extremely crippling to be in my position. It is a very slow processes approaching the seemingly inevitable. All the anxiety and all the fears. About the how?When? Why? Possible damage? The desperation. Being torn apart between hope and giving up. For me it is torment to face such an existential decision.

This is one reason why I think promortalism is probably not the best for one's own well-being. I have the feeling in some ways they consider dying as way too easy in that philosophy. Dying is often accompanied with fears and pain. So aiming for death is often accompanied with dread and misery. So dying is not really something which should be a goal for all people. For me such a notion is insane. These people would suffer unnecesssarily if they adopted such a philosphy.

There are other implications I disagree with. If it was the best thing for all people to die as soon as possible this would open the door to justify mudering people. I mean it was the best for them one could justify it morally. Such an argument (in another context) made me being more careful to apply my moral system to other people. Maybe I am the one who is wrong and other people are right.

Moreover promoratlism implies being pro-suicide usually. I am clearly not pro-suicide. I am suicidal since a very long time and I know how tormening it is to have those thoughts. If people have the choice to dodge all the pain that comes along with debating one's own suicide they should stay away from it. It is hell on earth. Furthermore it is for me absurd to pretend that there are not at least some people who enjoy life. Many people are struggling and sometimes people struggle who you never thought they never were struggling. Though I met many healthy young people who were scared of dying. They said they love life and enjoy life. For me it is aburd to say these people would not exist. In some way it makes my pain less valid. This is my perception. If all people would be as desperate as me my life would be average. (and the comparison with average people would be less painful). Though I don't consider this the truth. Our pain is so extremely unfair for example because the people who abused us often have way better life quality than us. I know that some of my bullies have pretty good life quality. They enjoy their life while they destroyed mine. To pretend these people were suffering does not reflect my perception. Life would be way more just if this was the true. The sad truth is: Many people who abused other people have way too often a good life quality for example because they are in a powerful position where they are protected of punishment. They can enjoy life whereas many of us suffer because of the abuse daily.

I wanted to demonstrate by that. Yes there are people who actually enjoy living. They are not in severe pain. So argumenting their death would be preferable for them seems illogical for me.

What is your opinion on it?
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
I think extreme pain is really many times worse than the weak human brain can remember or imagine to recreate that experience by just remembering. imo there is no reason to risk or go through the unbearable pain that is highly probable in life, cancer, stroke , alshiemers etc. Life has tortured trillions of sentient beings and 100 billion humans. And also tortured those to death. So why is that hidden and never talked about? Even a predator like a lion or coytote will get old and then can't hunt and then starve to death and get eaten alive by other animals. Most animals die by getting eaten alive by other animals. Most humans even now with all the tech die in nursing homes in pain with bedsores and dementia. If a serial killer, gang , war tribe tortured and killed hundreds of people no one would defend them and say but look at this "good" that they did or how "fun" this is that they do. But life has tortured and killed billions of trillions of sentient beings and 100 billion humans and then life is looked as being beautiful , sacred, good , a gift. imo life is torture and pure hell . I think non-existence is the only gift.
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Aug 18, 2020
I think extreme pain is really many times worse than the weak human brain can remember or imagine to recreate that experience just remembering. imo there is no reason to risk or go through the unbearable pain that is highly probable in life. Life has tortured trillions of sentient beings and 100 billion humans. And also tortured those to death. So why is that hidden and never talked about? Even a predator like a lion or coytote will get old and then can't hunt and then starve to death and get eaten alive by other animals. Most animals die by getting eaten alive by other animals. Most humans even now with all the tech die in nursing homes in pain with bedsores and dementia. If a serial killer, gang , war tribe tortured and killed hundreds of people no one would defend them and say but look at this "good" that they did or how "fun' this is that they do. But life has tortured and killed billions of trillions of sentient beings and 100 billion humans and then life is looked as being beautiful , sacred, good , a gift. imo life is torture and pure hell . I think non-existence is the only gift.
I am not sure wether my point is clear. For me it is a huge difference to never come into existence or ending one's existence. I think not to procreate can avoid a lot of suffering. However debating suicide while having a good life quality brings along a lot of unnecessary pain. So promortalism and its stance of a preferable death for everyone seems illogical for me. The huge difference is: when you are already existing trying actively ending one's existence often comes long with a lot of suffering. As we witness in this forum a lot.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
I am not sure wether my point is clear. For me it is a huge difference to never come into existence or ending one's existence. I think not to procreate can avoid a lot of suffering. However debating suicide while having a good life quality brings along a lot of unnecessary pain. So promortalism and its stance of a preferable death for everyone seems illogical for me.
What do you think of Life torturing trillions of sentient beings and 100 billion humans and then torturing them to death? That's what happened . They didn't all die from nembutal but by painful diseases like cancer starvation or getting eaten alive by other animals . Do you think Life is good or is Life bad? I think that is the basic question. Is working so hard to feed yourself every day 3 times a day and doing so many things just to exist and keep away pain of hunger and other discomforts only to age detiriorate and die extremely painfully is that good ? All for what they say a sunset or youtube video is supposed be "good" or "enjoyable" .
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Aug 18, 2020
What do you think of Life torturing trillions of sentient beings and 100 billion humans and then torturing them to death? That's what happened . They didn't all die from nembutal but by painful diseases like cancer starvation or getting eaten alive by other animals.
For me your argument is flawed. Because promortalism says death would be preferable for all. I never pretended "they all died from nembutal." So it is reversed from what I have stated. I just said it is the truth not all people suffer in an extreme way. So death as soon as possible is not preferable for them.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
For me your argument is flawed. Because promortalism says death would be preferrable for all. I never pretended "they all died from nembutal." So it is reversed. I just said it is the truth not all people suffer in an extreme way.
I don't think there was a sentient being that lived a whole life free from suffering or pain. For example all humans and sentient beings are constantly hungry for food and will experience the pain of hunger for food . and that is just one need that doesn't need to exist. there is no objective purpose to life. I also find it hard to believe that a being will not suffer the extreme pain because just for humans there is a 40% lifetime chance of cancer and 25% of stroke. and that's just 2 hells out of hundreds . Even if there exists the hypothetical lucky human that never suffered they would be 1 in 10000 and for that then the trillions of sentient others and tens of billions of humans tortured is ok? so do you think Life is good or is Life something that is bad?
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Aug 18, 2020
I don't think there was a sentient being that lived a whole life free from suffering or pain. For example all humans and sentient beings are constantly hungry and will experience the pain of hunger for food . and that is just one need that doesn't need to exist. there is no objective purpose to life. I also find it hard to believe that a being will not suffer the extreme pain because just for humans there is a 40% lifetime chance of cancer and 25% of stroke. and that's just 2 hells out of hundreds . Even if there the hypothetical human that never suffered they would be 1 in 10000 and for that then the trillions of sentient others and billions of humans tortured is ok?
Why do you think some people then shortly before they die say that they are thankful that they could live their life? I have met a lot of healthy people who said they enjoy life. And they are glad they came into existence. If you make a survey there will be a lot of people who would agree on that. It is just a fact that these people exist.


Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Why do you think some people then shortly before they die say that they are thankful that they could live their life? I have met a lot of healthy people who said they enjoy life. And they are glad they came into existence. If you make a survey there will be a lot of people who would agree on that. It is just a fact that these people exist.
i worked in a nursing home. that's actual reality .

Many of them asked me to kill them . I couldn't and wouldn't do something illegal . no way I will end up like that. Life is hell . Old age is 100000 times a worse hell. no way I would have others feed me bathe me etc.

From your responses I think you believe that life is good although you didn't answer explicitly that's what I gather from your responses. I believe life is very bad.

I think the human brain and especially memory is very weak. Who can name what the people were wearing the last few times they went to the grocery or what happened any day in sequence last year? A human can't even remember a 10 digit phone number after 30 seconds unless they do very hard work rehearsing repeating trying to memorize. Consciuosness can just handle 120 bytes per second which is nothing compared to a computer. reality is not really taken in imo but some very low resolution model. Memories are just recreations of a low resolution model of a bygone era

However what another human does wether they want to live or die is their business none of mine. So i guess Im pro-choice. I'm just stating my opinion that I think Life is something very bad but it's their choice if they want to risk that cancer diagnosis and if they think that is fun or that old age is fun that's up to them not my life and not for me. Life old age and especially the extreme pain that to me is unavoidable is not for me
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I do support the idea of promortalism, as I personally believe that it's always preferable to not exist no matter the circumstances and I do believe that existence could never be worth enduring. This is because life in itself is the source of all harm and death is the absence of it. I think that one of the main arguments to support promortalism is the fact that if one continues to exist they risk experiencing even worse torture as after all chance cruelly determines everything and nobody can guarantee that they won't end up being extremely tormented as long as they stay here. There is nothing insane about promortalism at all, the insanity lies in the fact that despite this suicide is still so stigmatised.

There is simply no limit as to how much we can suffer in this world, and that is the reality so from this perspective suicide can seem like the most rational option. I believe that suffering in any form is best to be avoided, and I'm not just talking about the most extreme suffering, life in itself is suffering, to suffer is the default state as life as a concept is focused around the fulfilment of endless needs, and if someone doesn't meet a need, then they will suffer and anyway human beings are never satisfied because of this. I see existence as being an unnecessary burden and it's a curse to be trapped inside this flesh prison which only exists to deteriorate from old age. It's undeniable that life itself is the true problem, and death is what solves it.

Non existence certainly is ideal to me as I consider existence to be a mistake, but I don't push this belief onto other people, it's possible for someone to support promortalism and be pro choice at the same time. I believe that the most logical thing is to cease existing but I wouldn't force someone else to die because of it, I respect their decisions. Promortalist beliefs do make sense to me when you see life for what it really is, all suffering is unnecessary and there is simply no benefit to having to suffer.
To me it's kinda obvious why antinatalism and promortalism are viewed as similar as they both place value on non existence and assumes it's always better to not be at all. They both suggest that existing is harmful, but one of them only focuses on not procreating and isn't about suicide/death.
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meow meow meow
Jan 23, 2023
i do believe death-positivity and accepting an inevitable end to life, are positive things.
i'm not sure that counts as "promortalist" though. i don't know and i don't really care to be frank. death is life, life is death, both are chaos.

Many of them asked me to kill them . I couldn't and wouldn't do something illegal . no way I will end up like that. Life is hell . Old age is 100000 times a worse hell. no way I would have others feed me bathe me etc.
watching my grandfather suffer like this in long-term care was really difficult. he had chronic-progressive parkinsons disease. he tried to end his life multiple times by cutting a tube that pumped his medication. he tried to escape and had to have special alarms put on his wheelchair (you most likely know what i mean). i strongly believe if maid were offered he would have taken the opportunity. he was ready to go, he lived a full life in his own right.

it was really hard to watch a really great man suffer so much. he was a high school science teacher, a football coach, and fished competitively. he did what he could to be a good man, i feel he deserved to go out with more dignity.
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Oct 9, 2022
I haven't done much research on either of these philosophies, but it sounds like pro-mortalism comes about after anti-natalism fails (so-to-speak).

It would've been best to never have been born. But now that I'm here, the next best thing is to die.
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Apr 11, 2018
I agree with both philosophies, but I do struggle with the endpoint conclusions that promoetaliam can come to. It really should be an individual choice, and an individual philosophy.
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Nov 5, 2022
It seems that many people aren't able to distinguish between any pessimistic philosophies like anti-natalism, efilism, pro-mortalism, etc. I don't really have any great theories as to why off the top of my head but have noticed this as an ongoing thing.


🎵 Be all, end all 🎵
Apr 17, 2023
Euthanasia centers now! 18+ with a signature
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Jun 13, 2021
That's a lot of text for 'I'm confused about both topics I mentioned'.
Euthanasia centers now! 18+ with a signature
Why does it feel like you're trolling/not genuine somehow? Hope I'm wrong.
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New Member
May 16, 2023
I guess my struggle with this is that I'm mentally ill and I don't wish I was never born, I just wish I could grow beyond it. But I totally understand.

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I'm pro-choice all the way. For me- I'm anti-natilist. Overall- I think anti-natilism is the most compassionate, fair option- seeing as birthing a child is really just playing russian roulette with someone elses life (in my view.) Plus, it's just burdening the planet with another consumer that's going to drain its resources and pollute it. That said- I don't hate people who have, or want children- I just worry/hope things work out ok for them.

As far as pro-mortalism goes- I don't think you can impose it on every living thing as their best option. EVEN if that creature is suffering- or, will suffer in future- it may still want to live. It's just as arrogant (in my opinion) to insist that it's just being delusional and it should just die as it is when pro-lifers insist that we should live.

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