Was your life ever good, or at least mostly good?

  • Yes

    Votes: 33 53.2%
  • No

    Votes: 29 46.8%

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Full-time layabout
Apr 7, 2018
Personally speaking, the only good thing about my past was that the novelty attached to escapism was much higher than it is now. Having a shred of blissful ignorance about the world is something that's long lost to me as well. Age, anhedonia, and general overexposure, have all done their part in largely destroying such things. In my case, I was mentally ill from a very young age and could never socialize properly with other children. I was pretty lucky in that I was never bullied (except for by my brother), but that didn't stop me from suffering intense anxiety/alienation, which eventually led to a nervous breakdown that put into motion my eventual dropping out of school, and just society altogether. My family life has always been rife with chaos, financial insecurity, or corrosively morbid stagnancy (not going anywhere, not doing anything, not having any kind of future to look forward to, et cetera).

When I think back on my past, I can only cringe at how mind numbingly awful it all was. Even as I sit here, I'm hard pressed to think of one good memory I have of the past, that isn't just how much better consuming media was back then. I enjoyed a couple nice holidays here and there (like Halloween, Christmas, Birthdays, et cetera), but that's about it. Right up until now, 99.9% of my memories are of my parents fighting with each other and suffering through a completely loveless marriage, being isolated and totally out of touch with life, all the pain and struggling just to tread water financially and barely get by, all the physical abuse/neglect from my dad and the sometimes vicious emotional abuse from my mom, all the catastrophes, cringey moments, disappointments, and just sheer crushing emptiness.

Honestly, I can't really wrap my head around how other people have actually had good lives with many memories that they cherish, or that they even still lead good lives now. Even if they're not doing so well right now, a lot of people who are depressed/suicidal tend to have good memories/experiences to look back on, but that's equally inconceivable for me. My life has literally been a complete pile of shit right up until this very moment, and the future is looking no different. If anything, it's looking much, much, much worse. When it comes right down to it, I'm the kind of person who really should never have been born x1000 of most other people, since what I've gotten from being alive hasn't even amounted to even the slightest residue of anything good.

The only silver lining to my existence is that I don't have to participate in society and am free to literally sleep 24/7 if I want to, but that's hardly much a fulfilling/enriching existence. Most people are ready to kill themselves after just 1.5 years of covid, yet I've been in a personal lockdown for going on 15 years. Most would regard my existence as being as equally nightmarish as it is pathetic, and to that I can only really shrug and say "yeah, fair enough, because it basically is". With the way things are, I can expect to spend the rest of my "life", for what little that amounts to, stuck in the exact same predicament. It's really unfair that there are some people, like me, who are just programmed to be dissatisfied and, on top of this, completely fucked over with a neverending series of unfortunate events, but, then again, maybe I'm a worthless loser too weak to make his life better, I don't know.
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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
When I was a kid, I never sat back and thought, "wow, my life is great!" It was just... life. There was nothing else. Nothing else to compare it to. And as a kid we do have a childlike innocence. We don't know everything that's going on in the world. I think it's easier as a kid to "look on the bright side."

So in that sense, I wouldn't say it was good, nor would I say it was bad.

I don't remember much of my childhood before age 11-12, which is when things started taking a turn for the worse. So I can't say that I have many memories that I cherish. I probably only have a handful of memories of that time at all. Before age 11-12, I think there were a few problems, but I didn't have the awareness to know they were problems, so they didn't bother me until I started "growing up".

corrosively morbid stagnancy (not going anywhere, not doing anything, not having any kind of future to look forward to, et cetera).
I can definitely relate to this, which is something I've found hard to put into words.
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only way left is out
May 13, 2020
yes, when i was a kid i was always always happy. after that everything went downhill and i started wanting to die. ignorance is bliss
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Oct 21, 2018
No, never. As far back as my memory goes, there has always been something very, very wrong.

This isn't to say that my life has been completely devoid of any and all things good, but regardless of which point in my life I look back on, any of the good has always been heavily outweighed by the bad. For example: As I write this, I have an incredibly sweet, beautiful, understanding, supportive husband in the other room whom I love more than I could ever describe, and who loves me just as much. At the same time, I have a grocery list of chronic physical issues/illnesses, alongside GAD, MDD, BPD and PTSD, that (to massively simplify it all) all leave me in varying (but equally severe) forms of pain, and overall just make me feel like I'm literally burning in hell 24/7, and like I'm going to disintegrate at any moment. And don't even get me started on my childhood – or really, any other point in my life, for that matter, which just brings me back to the main point of my post.

This might sound self-pitying, but it's unfortunately just a fact that every single point in my life has always been filled with an overwhelming amount of suffering that pretty much snuffs out anything that could have been even remotely good. I so badly wish that this wasn't the case at all, but life clearly doesn't give a shit what I want.
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Jul 12, 2020
From others perspective, I have never lacked anything and I had opportunities to move forward with good support. In my own perspective, life was a nightmare since I was aware of it. I wasn't happy but I have good memories. Sadly I'm forgetting them and time isn't filling the void they are leaving with new ones.

I miss when stupid things filled me with thousands of feelings. I guess people loses that intensity when their adolescence ends?
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Don't Cry for Me, I'm Already Dead
Apr 7, 2021
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
*laugh-cries maniacally*

Happy Bbc GIF by The QI Elves
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I think for me, times in the past were better in comparison to now but I wouldn't say the overall experience of life was ever good. From the start I have always struggled with living and I have lacked the ability to cope well with life's situations, it is just my personality. Being alive to me has never felt right. I've always had bad luck. I wish I was never born honestly. When I look back at memories everything just blends into one. I do not look at the past fondly.
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
Yeah. Until I was 18
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
There was a period in my life where I had "everything" I could've wanted. I was still miserable and couldn't see what I had.
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Dec 6, 2021
I guess before I was 7 years old I was fairly content or I just can't remember if it was otherwise. I liked playing with my toys and dad, watching cartoons.
After that it's been steadily downhill.


Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
It was all good enough, nothing special. It's just this last part (many years) that really sucks.


Mar 15, 2022
My life was beautiful before a self induced existential crisis and nervous breakdown. Now i live in immense pain each day
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
Yeah. Until I was 18
Mine was also good until roughly 20. Don't get me wrong, I am autistic, schizotypal and narcissistic so I was more miserable than average for sure, but it was beneath the threshold of "ok, fuck life".
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Apr 29, 2022
OMG Yes, I have had amazing moments in life. Beautiful wonderful amazing moments where my heart was so full and life seemed so amazing. I worked hard for it. I fought to try and keep it and fought even harder to try and find it again.
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Jul 13, 2019
it has had its good points the past 2 years have been a highlight some good a few great times, but also a reminder my life sucks.


Unlovable 💔 Rest in peace CommitSudoku 🤍
Mar 11, 2022
Most of my life was bad. I had a terrible childhood. In January I was happy for a few brief moments but then everything ended as usual.


Jan 27, 2021
Childhood and teens were good, at times great though my parents' terrible marriage cast a fair bit of gloom over family life. At 19 I was struck down with a severe depressive episode (at the time I didn't even know what it was). I never totally recovered my equilibrium after that and in other ten years received the bipolar diagnosis after some fairly classic manic episodes.

I just feel so fucking sad right now thinking about it. How I wish none of it had ever happened, so that I would be spared the bittersweet regret and sense of loss. Still living in the house I shared with my young son, his primary school around the corner, memories constantly triggered by the park and streets and people I see when I go out. I fucking hate all of it, one thing I never wanted was to pass this shit on to another generation. Our kids are supposed to do better than us not worse!

Sorry. I just needed to vent. I suppose it helps a little…
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
My childhood sucked. My adulthood sucks. My early 20s were okay, but still rife with anxiety and discomfort.
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