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Playboi Carti Enthusiast
Mar 20, 2022
Hi all. I don't know why but I figure I should introduce myself since this is my first post on this forum. I'm not sure how much detail I'm allowed to go into as I understand that we're supposed to be anonymous on this forum, so I hope no one is bothered by this post, and I understand if it needs to be deleted. I am Sadnessnsuicide (AKA ILoveUIHateU). I am hoping to ctb by the end of April. I mostly wish to ctb because of guilt I carry. I have been a bad person throughout my entire life, for as long as I can remember I've been a bad character. I began having mental issues when I was in the fourth grade, in elementary school, and now it's been over 10 years of struggling with these feelings and thoughts.

I know I'm going to Hell. I don't know if Hell exists, but if it does, I'm more than certain that that's where I am going. I have always been a burden for my family. I have mistreated and hurt every girlfriend I've ever had. I have lost every friend I've ever had because no one can stand to be around me for longer than a year maybe, typically even less. I've been kicked out of school twice, almost thrice, and arrested thrice. I'm in an immense amount of debt (~$30,000), I have a pending felony charge against me, and I'm totally alone.

The guilt I carry has built up over the years, but I realized that ending my life is necessary ever since my last arrest. In January, I was arrested after showing up drunk to my wife's (ex's?) apartment with a knife and threatened to kill her and her whole family. I was arrested for felony terroristic threats and released on bond the next day. My wife (ex?) then took out a restraining order against me and we haven't had contact since that day. I've been sober from alcohol since that day, making today my 52nd day sober.

I treated my wife so horribly. I cheated on her, I lied to her, I emotionally, mentally and even physically abused her. I deserve to die for the things I did to her. I need to die for the things I did to her. She was the perfect woman. Incredibly beautiful, hardworking, intelligent, loyal, honest, and dignified. All she wanted was to be held and loved and not to be cheated on and I couldn't even do that. I couldn't do the absolute bare minimum for the most beautiful person I've ever met. I know I need to die. No one can convince me that I should live. I don't deserve to live, period.

I also feel that I need to go through with committing suicide now that I have made public posts about my desire and told friends that it is something I am definitely going to do. One of my friends, after arguing with me, told me that I am manipulating everybody by "crying wolf." I do not with to manipulate or abuse anyone any longer, thus I feel I must commit suicide so everyone can see that I am truly suffering and truly do not wish to live anymore.

I would like to share my journey as to how I came to the decision to use SN. I hope people can read the thoughts I've had without feeling too much judgement, and at the same time please understand that I do know that I am a danger to society and that I need to be either medicated or hospitalized.

I have been suicidal really ever since I was 12 years old, but about a week ago I realized that I simply have to go through with it. I went to a gun store, picked out a 9mm Ruger I liked, filled out the FFL paperwork, only to find out that people under felony indictments (even if they have yet to be convicted!) are restricted from possessing firearms. I was so embarrassed and ashamed at the gun store, I screamed and cried in the car. I fucked up my life so much I can't even access the most realistic method available in this country.

I then considered overdose. I worked as a pharmacy technician, a damn good one, for two years before my marriage blew up from my affairs being revealed, so I know a good bit about drugs and at the bare minimum know how to do the research to figure out how to die using them. I don't have access to any opioids, much less F. I do know some friends who are involved in the local drug trade, but they refuse to work with F and even worse they outright refuse to sell to me since they know I'm suicidal. I then considered DPH. After reading medical case files of DPH overdoses, I realized I would have to take something like 300 tablets without throwing up in order to die, which seemed impossible not only due to my lack of an AE but also due to my weak mental state likely causing me to change my mind halfway through and living with the consequences. I then discarded the idea of using DPH.

I then considered using my Adderall (dextroamphetamine-amphetamine) prescription to overdose. Knowing that every month I get 1.8 grams of amphetamine in the form of Adderall, I would likely only need to save the pills I have now and refill the prescription I'll get at the start of April, netting me somewhere around 3 grams of amphetamine. According to multiple internet sources (who are likely citing the same source), the lethal dose of amphetamine is somewhere around 20-25mg/kg. Applying this formula to my weight, I would need to take something around 1.6 grams of amphetamine in order to die. However, I am skeptical of this number, as methamphetamine addicts, despite methamphetamine being the stronger and deadlier chemical, easily take a gram daily without dying. This is all without mentioning that I am prescribed two different delivery methods of amphetamine. The first is Adderall IR 30mg (Instant Release), which instantly releases 30mg of amphetamine within about 45 minutes, and the other being Adderall XR 30mg (Extended Release) which releases 15mg of amphetamine in about an hour and a half and then the other 15mg of amphetamine about four hours after consumption. (Before anyone asks, yes, I know I am prescribed a massive amount of amphetamine daily. I do not take both pills daily; I frequently will only take half of an IR). I do not know if using the Extended Release capsules would even function for suicidal purposes, given how long they are supposed to last in the body. I also fear that by using amphetamine to overdose I could suffer from a heart-attack, seizures, convulsions, or other painful and violent complications. I thus ruled out using amphetamine.

I then considered jumping. I live in a relatively medium-sized town in the south-east U.S., so the tallest points I could access and jump from would be parking garages, which are in this town at most six stories tall. I went to a parking garage on campus and scoped it out as best as I could to see if jumping would work, but on each side of the building there were trees which would break my fall. I then did my research to see if six stories would even be enough to die, and the answer all over the internet was "probably, but who knows." Even if I could find a taller building, the evidence I've seen online shows that people are miraculously able to survive from incredible falls, despite how extreme the height may seem. I thus ruled out jumping, realizing that I don't want to horribly cripple myself and live the rest of my life with whatever comes from that.

I have become so desperate I began to have truly terrible, violent ideas. I began to investigate buying a firearm illegally. I considered enlisting someone to buy one for me, though I realize that I don't have a good enough relationship with literally anyone in order to convince them to commit a very serious felony for me, not to mention that they would be implicated in my death if their firearm was discovered by my body. I also considered buying one off Armslist, the "craig's list" of firearms, where private purchases can be made without the need of an FFL background check. It goes without saying that I recognize the inherent risk in attempting either of these options, and thus ruled them out, as I desperately do not wish to return to jail or be charged with more felonies.

Even though I knew acquiring a firearm would be immensely risky, I continued to entertain the violent ideas I began having. I began to think about robbing a pharmacy to obtain the drugs I would need for an overdose. Without a firearm, I knew I would need something to threaten the employees. A knife seemed too Bri*ish of a method, so I purchased an airsoft handgun that looks exactly like the real-world firearm it mimics. I even carefully removed the orange tip of the airsoft gun in order to make sure that no one would think it false. With my background, as I mentioned, I knew which drugs would be outside of the CII safe and be accessible, and which would be useful. If I scoped out a pharmacy close enough, I could probably be in and out in 2 minutes or less. Of course, I recognize how incredibly reckless, selfish, and stupid doing so would be, and how immensely high the risk is that I could be arrested again. I obviously then ruled this idea out.

Keeping the false gun in mind, I then considered committing suicide by cop, by far the most reckless and riskiest of the methods I have considered. It stopped being important to me that I leave other people out of my suicide, I simply wanted to die by whatever means as soon as possible. I heard stories all the time on the news about people committing suicide by cop, using a gun, a fake gun or even just a knife to bait LEOs into fatally shooting them. Naturally, I began to hate myself even more for considering such a ruthless, selfish method, which ultimately doesn't even give me the choice to end my life, but instead places the choice in the hand of some random, poor police officer. I even considered taking someone hostage to make the situation even more charged, violent, and deadly, but again, my conscious prevents me from considering this a "good" method. Recognizing that this is a painful method without peace or even choice, I then ruled it out.

I then returned to my good old friend, the overdose, though with a different perspective. Funnily enough, I first heard of this forum and of SN in the New York Times article that made this site famous in the first place. I then read a good bit about SN, and to my research it appears as a fine, painless method. There were two complications for me initially, the first being finding a reliable source of SN, and the second being finding a reliable source of an AE. I considered falsifying a prescription for metoclopramide. Given that none of the dopamine antagonizing AEs are controlled substances, I would hope the pharmacist wouldn't look too hard at the script. However, I was still anxious to commit any crime, so I originally ruled out using SN, though I realized later that I actually do know of a trust-worthy source of metoclopramide. I have previously purchased non-prescription gabapentin from an internet vendor, which I believe is a German pharmacy peddling in Indian-manufactured medications. The gabapentin not only arrived as promised, but the store even put on sales, and I placed another order that came through just as successfully as the first, meaning I have had 2 successful ordering experiences with them. My third order with them will thus be for 30 metoclopramide 10mg tablets. However, there was still the matter of finding a source of the SN itself. Searching for it on the largest internet retailers did indeed yield results, though the reviews mentioned things like bags being unlabeled and shipping taking over a month, which wouldn't work for me given how desperate I am to ctb this very second. Fortunately, one user on this forum uploaded a picture of their purchased container of SN and though they hid the brand from the photo, the text on the bottle was enough that I could find the seller online. To my luck, the seller is cheap, U.S. based, and clearly reliable if they delivered to that user.

Having secured a source of both the SN and the AE, I thus chose SN as my method. I will first select music to play for my death and write letters and record memos for my loved ones saying goodbye. I will then mix 50 grams of SN with water. I will take the mixture and my car and drive to either a state park or a sparsely populated area in the rurals of my state. Once I arrive, I will call my ex one last time, tell her I love her and I'm so sorry, then I will play my music, send all the notes, drink the mixture, and finally be put to rest. With any luck my body won't be found for at least 12 hours, hopefully enough for the SN to kill me.

I recognize I have written a good bit here, over 2,000 words, and I would honestly like to hear the thoughts of other users here and how they came to decide on the method they would use. I recognize I have shared A LOT of personal information, and I hope nobody judges me for the ugliness that I am.

Thank you for reading if you actually managed to make it through to the end without skimming. šŸ˜Š

TLDR; I decided to use SN as my method to ctb after ruling out at least half a dozen other methods. If I wasn't under a felony indictment, I would simply buy a Beretta 92A1 and shoot myself through the roof of my mouth, but I am and thus I cannot.
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Reactions: AtMostOkay, Checkmate64, Al_stargate and 4 others


Dec 17, 2021
Hi. I too found this site from the NYT article a CPL months ago. I feel for you. I've not been a good friend and have only my mother to talk to and she just tolerates me. I have also chosen SN for my method. I got mine from a foreign country and yes, it did take abt 3 weeks to get it (I'm in the US too). I'm made of lesser things and am just wrong for life. I wish you peace until and if you feel you must ctb.
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Reactions: sadnessnsuicide and Dead Meat


Feb 8, 2022
Hi all. I don't know why but I figure I should introduce myself since this is my first post on this forum. I'm not sure how much detail I'm allowed to go into as I understand that we're supposed to be anonymous on this forum, so I hope no one is bothered by this post, and I understand if it needs to be deleted. I am Sadnessnsuicide (AKA ILoveUIHateU). I am hoping to ctb by the end of April. I mostly wish to ctb because of guilt I carry. I have been a bad person throughout my entire life, for as long as I can remember I've been a bad character. I began having mental issues when I was in the fourth grade, in elementary school, and now it's been over 10 years of struggling with these feelings and thoughts.

I know I'm going to Hell. I don't know if Hell exists, but if it does, I'm more than certain that that's where I am going. I have always been a burden for my family. I have mistreated and hurt every girlfriend I've ever had. I have lost every friend I've ever had because no one can stand to be around me for longer than a year maybe, typically even less. I've been kicked out of school twice, almost thrice, and arrested thrice. I'm in an immense amount of debt (~$30,000), I have a pending felony charge against me, and I'm totally alone.

The guilt I carry has built up over the years, but I realized that ending my life is necessary ever since my last arrest. In January, I was arrested after showing up drunk to my wife's (ex's?) apartment with a knife and threatened to kill her and her whole family. I was arrested for felony terroristic threats and released on bond the next day. My wife (ex?) then took out a restraining order against me and we haven't had contact since that day. I've been sober from alcohol since that day, making today my 52nd day sober.

I treated my wife so horribly. I cheated on her, I lied to her, I emotionally, mentally and even physically abused her. I deserve to die for the things I did to her. I need to die for the things I did to her. She was the perfect woman. Incredibly beautiful, hardworking, intelligent, loyal, honest, and dignified. All she wanted was to be held and loved and not to be cheated on and I couldn't even do that. I couldn't do the absolute bare minimum for the most beautiful person I've ever met. I know I need to die. No one can convince me that I should live. I don't deserve to live, period.

I also feel that I need to go through with committing suicide now that I have made public posts about my desire and told friends that it is something I am definitely going to do. One of my friends, after arguing with me, told me that I am manipulating everybody by "crying wolf." I do not with to manipulate or abuse anyone any longer, thus I feel I must commit suicide so everyone can see that I am truly suffering and truly do not wish to live anymore.

I would like to share my journey as to how I came to the decision to use SN. I hope people can read the thoughts I've had without feeling too much judgement, and at the same time please understand that I do know that I am a danger to society and that I need to be either medicated or hospitalized.

I have been suicidal really ever since I was 12 years old, but about a week ago I realized that I simply have to go through with it. I went to a gun store, picked out a 9mm Ruger I liked, filled out the FFL paperwork, only to find out that people under felony indictments (even if they have yet to be convicted!) are restricted from possessing firearms. I was so embarrassed and ashamed at the gun store, I screamed and cried in the car. I fucked up my life so much I can't even access the most realistic method available in this country.

I then considered overdose. I worked as a pharmacy technician, a damn good one, for two years before my marriage blew up from my affairs being revealed, so I know a good bit about drugs and at the bare minimum know how to do the research to figure out how to die using them. I don't have access to any opioids, much less F. I do know some friends who are involved in the local drug trade, but they refuse to work with F and even worse they outright refuse to sell to me since they know I'm suicidal. I then considered DPH. After reading medical case files of DPH overdoses, I realized I would have to take something like 300 tablets without throwing up in order to die, which seemed impossible not only due to my lack of an AE but also due to my weak mental state likely causing me to change my mind halfway through and living with the consequences. I then discarded the idea of using DPH.

I then considered using my Adderall (dextroamphetamine-amphetamine) prescription to overdose. Knowing that every month I get 1.8 grams of amphetamine in the form of Adderall, I would likely only need to save the pills I have now and refill the prescription I'll get at the start of April, netting me somewhere around 3 grams of amphetamine. According to multiple internet sources (who are likely citing the same source), the lethal dose of amphetamine is somewhere around 20-25mg/kg. Applying this formula to my weight, I would need to take something around 1.6 grams of amphetamine in order to die. However, I am skeptical of this number, as methamphetamine addicts, despite methamphetamine being the stronger and deadlier chemical, easily take a gram daily without dying. This is all without mentioning that I am prescribed two different delivery methods of amphetamine. The first is Adderall IR 30mg (Instant Release), which instantly releases 30mg of amphetamine within about 45 minutes, and the other being Adderall XR 30mg (Extended Release) which releases 15mg of amphetamine in about an hour and a half and then the other 15mg of amphetamine about four hours after consumption. (Before anyone asks, yes, I know I am prescribed a massive amount of amphetamine daily. I do not take both pills daily; I frequently will only take half of an IR). I do not know if using the Extended Release capsules would even function for suicidal purposes, given how long they are supposed to last in the body. I also fear that by using amphetamine to overdose I could suffer from a heart-attack, seizures, convulsions, or other painful and violent complications. I thus ruled out using amphetamine.

I then considered jumping. I live in a relatively medium-sized town in the south-east U.S., so the tallest points I could access and jump from would be parking garages, which are in this town at most six stories tall. I went to a parking garage on campus and scoped it out as best as I could to see if jumping would work, but on each side of the building there were trees which would break my fall. I then did my research to see if six stories would even be enough to die, and the answer all over the internet was "probably, but who knows." Even if I could find a taller building, the evidence I've seen online shows that people are miraculously able to survive from incredible falls, despite how extreme the height may seem. I thus ruled out jumping, realizing that I don't want to horribly cripple myself and live the rest of my life with whatever comes from that.

I have become so desperate I began to have truly terrible, violent ideas. I began to investigate buying a firearm illegally. I considered enlisting someone to buy one for me, though I realize that I don't have a good enough relationship with literally anyone in order to convince them to commit a very serious felony for me, not to mention that they would be implicated in my death if their firearm was discovered by my body. I also considered buying one off Armslist, the "craig's list" of firearms, where private purchases can be made without the need of an FFL background check. It goes without saying that I recognize the inherent risk in attempting either of these options, and thus ruled them out, as I desperately do not wish to return to jail or be charged with more felonies.

Even though I knew acquiring a firearm would be immensely risky, I continued to entertain the violent ideas I began having. I began to think about robbing a pharmacy to obtain the drugs I would need for an overdose. Without a firearm, I knew I would need something to threaten the employees. A knife seemed too Bri*ish of a method, so I purchased an airsoft handgun that looks exactly like the real-world firearm it mimics. I even carefully removed the orange tip of the airsoft gun in order to make sure that no one would think it false. With my background, as I mentioned, I knew which drugs would be outside of the CII safe and be accessible, and which would be useful. If I scoped out a pharmacy close enough, I could probably be in and out in 2 minutes or less. Of course, I recognize how incredibly reckless, selfish, and stupid doing so would be, and how immensely high the risk is that I could be arrested again. I obviously then ruled this idea out.

Keeping the false gun in mind, I then considered committing suicide by cop, by far the most reckless and riskiest of the methods I have considered. It stopped being important to me that I leave other people out of my suicide, I simply wanted to die by whatever means as soon as possible. I heard stories all the time on the news about people committing suicide by cop, using a gun, a fake gun or even just a knife to bait LEOs into fatally shooting them. Naturally, I began to hate myself even more for considering such a ruthless, selfish method, which ultimately doesn't even give me the choice to end my life, but instead places the choice in the hand of some random, poor police officer. I even considered taking someone hostage to make the situation even more charged, violent, and deadly, but again, my conscious prevents me from considering this a "good" method. Recognizing that this is a painful method without peace or even choice, I then ruled it out.

I then returned to my good old friend, the overdose, though with a different perspective. Funnily enough, I first heard of this forum and of SN in the New York Times article that made this site famous in the first place. I then read a good bit about SN, and to my research it appears as a fine, painless method. There were two complications for me initially, the first being finding a reliable source of SN, and the second being finding a reliable source of an AE. I considered falsifying a prescription for metoclopramide. Given that none of the dopamine antagonizing AEs are controlled substances, I would hope the pharmacist wouldn't look too hard at the script. However, I was still anxious to commit any crime, so I originally ruled out using SN, though I realized later that I actually do know of a trust-worthy source of metoclopramide. I have previously purchased non-prescription gabapentin from an internet vendor, which I believe is a German pharmacy peddling in Indian-manufactured medications. The gabapentin not only arrived as promised, but the store even put on sales, and I placed another order that came through just as successfully as the first, meaning I have had 2 successful ordering experiences with them. My third order with them will thus be for 30 metoclopramide 10mg tablets. However, there was still the matter of finding a source of the SN itself. Searching for it on the largest internet retailers did indeed yield results, though the reviews mentioned things like bags being unlabeled and shipping taking over a month, which wouldn't work for me given how desperate I am to ctb this very second. Fortunately, one user on this forum uploaded a picture of their purchased container of SN and though they hid the brand from the photo, the text on the bottle was enough that I could find the seller online. To my luck, the seller is cheap, U.S. based, and clearly reliable if they delivered to that user.

Having secured a source of both the SN and the AE, I thus chose SN as my method. I will first select music to play for my death and write letters and record memos for my loved ones saying goodbye. I will then mix 50 grams of SN with water. I will take the mixture and my car and drive to either a state park or a sparsely populated area in the rurals of my state. Once I arrive, I will call my ex one last time, tell her I love her and I'm so sorry, then I will play my music, send all the notes, drink the mixture, and finally be put to rest. With any luck my body won't be found for at least 12 hours, hopefully enough for the SN to kill me.

I recognize I have written a good bit here, over 2,000 words, and I would honestly like to hear the thoughts of other users here and how they came to decide on the method they would use. I recognize I have shared A LOT of personal information, and I hope nobody judges me for the ugliness that I am.

Thank you for reading if you actually managed to make it through to the end without skimming. šŸ˜Š

TLDR; I decided to use SN as my method to ctb after ruling out at least half a dozen other methods. If I wasn't under a felony indictment, I would simply buy a Beretta 92A1 and shoot myself through the roof of my mouth, but I am and thus I cannot.
I Feel your pain your story sound's familiar just like mine, drinking damaged so many relationships also financial. I'm choosing SN but I'm having a hard time trying to get the AE to use. Goodluck and thank you for sharing your story.
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Reactions: sadnessnsuicide and Dead Meat


A dream inside a locked room
Sep 6, 2021
Hi all. I don't know why but I figure I should introduce myself since this is my first post on this forum. I'm not sure how much detail I'm allowed to go into as I understand that we're supposed to be anonymous on this forum, so I hope no one is bothered by this post, and I understand if it needs to be deleted. I am Sadnessnsuicide (AKA ILoveUIHateU). I am hoping to ctb by the end of April. I mostly wish to ctb because of guilt I carry. I have been a bad person throughout my entire life, for as long as I can remember I've been a bad character. I began having mental issues when I was in the fourth grade, in elementary school, and now it's been over 10 years of struggling with these feelings and thoughts.

I know I'm going to Hell. I don't know if Hell exists, but if it does, I'm more than certain that that's where I am going. I have always been a burden for my family. I have mistreated and hurt every girlfriend I've ever had. I have lost every friend I've ever had because no one can stand to be around me for longer than a year maybe, typically even less. I've been kicked out of school twice, almost thrice, and arrested thrice. I'm in an immense amount of debt (~$30,000), I have a pending felony charge against me, and I'm totally alone.

The guilt I carry has built up over the years, but I realized that ending my life is necessary ever since my last arrest. In January, I was arrested after showing up drunk to my wife's (ex's?) apartment with a knife and threatened to kill her and her whole family. I was arrested for felony terroristic threats and released on bond the next day. My wife (ex?) then took out a restraining order against me and we haven't had contact since that day. I've been sober from alcohol since that day, making today my 52nd day sober.

I treated my wife so horribly. I cheated on her, I lied to her, I emotionally, mentally and even physically abused her. I deserve to die for the things I did to her. I need to die for the things I did to her. She was the perfect woman. Incredibly beautiful, hardworking, intelligent, loyal, honest, and dignified. All she wanted was to be held and loved and not to be cheated on and I couldn't even do that. I couldn't do the absolute bare minimum for the most beautiful person I've ever met. I know I need to die. No one can convince me that I should live. I don't deserve to live, period.

I also feel that I need to go through with committing suicide now that I have made public posts about my desire and told friends that it is something I am definitely going to do. One of my friends, after arguing with me, told me that I am manipulating everybody by "crying wolf." I do not with to manipulate or abuse anyone any longer, thus I feel I must commit suicide so everyone can see that I am truly suffering and truly do not wish to live anymore.

I would like to share my journey as to how I came to the decision to use SN. I hope people can read the thoughts I've had without feeling too much judgement, and at the same time please understand that I do know that I am a danger to society and that I need to be either medicated or hospitalized.

I have been suicidal really ever since I was 12 years old, but about a week ago I realized that I simply have to go through with it. I went to a gun store, picked out a 9mm Ruger I liked, filled out the FFL paperwork, only to find out that people under felony indictments (even if they have yet to be convicted!) are restricted from possessing firearms. I was so embarrassed and ashamed at the gun store, I screamed and cried in the car. I fucked up my life so much I can't even access the most realistic method available in this country.

I then considered overdose. I worked as a pharmacy technician, a damn good one, for two years before my marriage blew up from my affairs being revealed, so I know a good bit about drugs and at the bare minimum know how to do the research to figure out how to die using them. I don't have access to any opioids, much less F. I do know some friends who are involved in the local drug trade, but they refuse to work with F and even worse they outright refuse to sell to me since they know I'm suicidal. I then considered DPH. After reading medical case files of DPH overdoses, I realized I would have to take something like 300 tablets without throwing up in order to die, which seemed impossible not only due to my lack of an AE but also due to my weak mental state likely causing me to change my mind halfway through and living with the consequences. I then discarded the idea of using DPH.

I then considered using my Adderall (dextroamphetamine-amphetamine) prescription to overdose. Knowing that every month I get 1.8 grams of amphetamine in the form of Adderall, I would likely only need to save the pills I have now and refill the prescription I'll get at the start of April, netting me somewhere around 3 grams of amphetamine. According to multiple internet sources (who are likely citing the same source), the lethal dose of amphetamine is somewhere around 20-25mg/kg. Applying this formula to my weight, I would need to take something around 1.6 grams of amphetamine in order to die. However, I am skeptical of this number, as methamphetamine addicts, despite methamphetamine being the stronger and deadlier chemical, easily take a gram daily without dying. This is all without mentioning that I am prescribed two different delivery methods of amphetamine. The first is Adderall IR 30mg (Instant Release), which instantly releases 30mg of amphetamine within about 45 minutes, and the other being Adderall XR 30mg (Extended Release) which releases 15mg of amphetamine in about an hour and a half and then the other 15mg of amphetamine about four hours after consumption. (Before anyone asks, yes, I know I am prescribed a massive amount of amphetamine daily. I do not take both pills daily; I frequently will only take half of an IR). I do not know if using the Extended Release capsules would even function for suicidal purposes, given how long they are supposed to last in the body. I also fear that by using amphetamine to overdose I could suffer from a heart-attack, seizures, convulsions, or other painful and violent complications. I thus ruled out using amphetamine.

I then considered jumping. I live in a relatively medium-sized town in the south-east U.S., so the tallest points I could access and jump from would be parking garages, which are in this town at most six stories tall. I went to a parking garage on campus and scoped it out as best as I could to see if jumping would work, but on each side of the building there were trees which would break my fall. I then did my research to see if six stories would even be enough to die, and the answer all over the internet was "probably, but who knows." Even if I could find a taller building, the evidence I've seen online shows that people are miraculously able to survive from incredible falls, despite how extreme the height may seem. I thus ruled out jumping, realizing that I don't want to horribly cripple myself and live the rest of my life with whatever comes from that.

I have become so desperate I began to have truly terrible, violent ideas. I began to investigate buying a firearm illegally. I considered enlisting someone to buy one for me, though I realize that I don't have a good enough relationship with literally anyone in order to convince them to commit a very serious felony for me, not to mention that they would be implicated in my death if their firearm was discovered by my body. I also considered buying one off Armslist, the "craig's list" of firearms, where private purchases can be made without the need of an FFL background check. It goes without saying that I recognize the inherent risk in attempting either of these options, and thus ruled them out, as I desperately do not wish to return to jail or be charged with more felonies.

Even though I knew acquiring a firearm would be immensely risky, I continued to entertain the violent ideas I began having. I began to think about robbing a pharmacy to obtain the drugs I would need for an overdose. Without a firearm, I knew I would need something to threaten the employees. A knife seemed too Bri*ish of a method, so I purchased an airsoft handgun that looks exactly like the real-world firearm it mimics. I even carefully removed the orange tip of the airsoft gun in order to make sure that no one would think it false. With my background, as I mentioned, I knew which drugs would be outside of the CII safe and be accessible, and which would be useful. If I scoped out a pharmacy close enough, I could probably be in and out in 2 minutes or less. Of course, I recognize how incredibly reckless, selfish, and stupid doing so would be, and how immensely high the risk is that I could be arrested again. I obviously then ruled this idea out.

Keeping the false gun in mind, I then considered committing suicide by cop, by far the most reckless and riskiest of the methods I have considered. It stopped being important to me that I leave other people out of my suicide, I simply wanted to die by whatever means as soon as possible. I heard stories all the time on the news about people committing suicide by cop, using a gun, a fake gun or even just a knife to bait LEOs into fatally shooting them. Naturally, I began to hate myself even more for considering such a ruthless, selfish method, which ultimately doesn't even give me the choice to end my life, but instead places the choice in the hand of some random, poor police officer. I even considered taking someone hostage to make the situation even more charged, violent, and deadly, but again, my conscious prevents me from considering this a "good" method. Recognizing that this is a painful method without peace or even choice, I then ruled it out.

I then returned to my good old friend, the overdose, though with a different perspective. Funnily enough, I first heard of this forum and of SN in the New York Times article that made this site famous in the first place. I then read a good bit about SN, and to my research it appears as a fine, painless method. There were two complications for me initially, the first being finding a reliable source of SN, and the second being finding a reliable source of an AE. I considered falsifying a prescription for metoclopramide. Given that none of the dopamine antagonizing AEs are controlled substances, I would hope the pharmacist wouldn't look too hard at the script. However, I was still anxious to commit any crime, so I originally ruled out using SN, though I realized later that I actually do know of a trust-worthy source of metoclopramide. I have previously purchased non-prescription gabapentin from an internet vendor, which I believe is a German pharmacy peddling in Indian-manufactured medications. The gabapentin not only arrived as promised, but the store even put on sales, and I placed another order that came through just as successfully as the first, meaning I have had 2 successful ordering experiences with them. My third order with them will thus be for 30 metoclopramide 10mg tablets. However, there was still the matter of finding a source of the SN itself. Searching for it on the largest internet retailers did indeed yield results, though the reviews mentioned things like bags being unlabeled and shipping taking over a month, which wouldn't work for me given how desperate I am to ctb this very second. Fortunately, one user on this forum uploaded a picture of their purchased container of SN and though they hid the brand from the photo, the text on the bottle was enough that I could find the seller online. To my luck, the seller is cheap, U.S. based, and clearly reliable if they delivered to that user.

Having secured a source of both the SN and the AE, I thus chose SN as my method. I will first select music to play for my death and write letters and record memos for my loved ones saying goodbye. I will then mix 50 grams of SN with water. I will take the mixture and my car and drive to either a state park or a sparsely populated area in the rurals of my state. Once I arrive, I will call my ex one last time, tell her I love her and I'm so sorry, then I will play my music, send all the notes, drink the mixture, and finally be put to rest. With any luck my body won't be found for at least 12 hours, hopefully enough for the SN to kill me.

I recognize I have written a good bit here, over 2,000 words, and I would honestly like to hear the thoughts of other users here and how they came to decide on the method they would use. I recognize I have shared A LOT of personal information, and I hope nobody judges me for the ugliness that I am.

Thank you for reading if you actually managed to make it through to the end without skimming. šŸ˜Š

TLDR; I decided to use SN as my method to ctb after ruling out at least half a dozen other methods. If I wasn't under a felony indictment, I would simply buy a Beretta 92A1 and shoot myself through the roof of my mouth, but I am and thus I cannot.
Hell doesn't exist, and don't take it lightly to think that's where you're going.
If the human brain could conceptualize eternity, then you would not even be teasing the possibility.
Eternal burning and agony? Are you fking kidding me? Humans can live for 100 years and even 10 minutes of burning alive is considered one of the most painful deaths conceivable.

Times 1 billion days of burning by 1 million and you have 0.0000000000000000000001 recurring proportion of eternity.
Whatever you have done, I assure you, is not worth that price.

Hell is made up to instill fear. When people use the word lightly it actually is the only thing that offends me. I get that it's also a curse word, but I can excuse that as hyperbole. But actually saying 'im probably going to hell' is totally ridiuclous to me. You're not. Calm down. Rant over. Sorry.
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Reactions: Life is overrated, sadnessnsuicide, Bone and 1 other person


take me with you
Mar 17, 2022
Well shit that's quite the story.
Can't say all of it is forgivable, you do seem truly remorseful though.
Makes me wish for a life reset button.
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Reactions: sadnessnsuicide, Dead Meat and houseofleaves


Love from the deepest dream
Feb 14, 2021
I read through the whole thing. You seem to be genuinely sorry of your actions. I hope you find peace.
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Playboi Carti Enthusiast
Mar 20, 2022
Hi. I too found this site from the NYT article a CPL months ago. I feel for you. I've not been a good friend and have only my mother to talk to and she just tolerates me. I have also chosen SN for my method. I got mine from a foreign country and yes, it did take abt 3 weeks to get it (I'm in the US too). I'm made of lesser things and am just wrong for life. I wish you peace until and if you feel you must ctb.

Hi chickenhat, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. I relate so much. Particularly in how your mother only "tolerates" you. I feel the same exact way with my father, who constantly berates me and derides me for a variety of reasons. I also really, really, really relate to you saying "I'm made of lesser things and am just wrong for life." I feel that sentence in my heart. I feel that something about me is deeply flawed or broken, and no amount of therapy, aripiprazole or escitalopram can fix it. I also wish you peace, and I hope that these feelings pass.
I Feel your pain your story sound's familiar just like mine, drinking damaged so many relationships also financial. I'm choosing SN but I'm having a hard time trying to get the AE to use. Goodluck and thank you for sharing your story.

Hi Puma, thank you so much for reading and understanding my story. Yes, I feel immense guilt knowing how I let my drinking and drug use spiral from being a fun passtime (it feels gross calling it that) to being the very thing that unraveled the stability I had worked so hard to achieve. Good luck to you too and I hope you only experience peace and contentment in your future.
Hell doesn't exist, and don't take it lightly to think that's where you're going.
If the human brain could conceptualize eternity, then you would not even be teasing the possibility.
Eternal burning and agony? Are you fking kidding me? Humans can live for 100 years and even 10 minutes of burning alive is considered one of the most painful deaths conceivable.

Times 1 billion days of burning by 1 million and you have 0.0000000000000000000001 recurring proportion of eternity.
Whatever you have done, I assure you, is not worth that price.

Hell is made up to instill fear. When people use the word lightly it actually is the only thing that offends me. I get that it's also a curse word, but I can excuse that as hyperbole. But actually saying 'im probably going to hell' is totally ridiuclous to me. You're not. Calm down. Rant over. Sorry.

Hi VoidDesirer. Thank you for your input. I believe you are correct in what you say, and when I really get down to thinking about it, I know that there is nearly no chance that Hell is a real place or even a real point of existence. I do not mean to offend anybody by saying that what I did was the most grave crime that's ever been seen, but I am instead trying to say that I believe I belong to a group of people that are bound to suffer for eternity, be it due to divine punishment or from the very nature of our existence as beings.

I appreciate you reminding me to stay calm and reminding me that what I did does not mean I deserve to suffer for the rest of existence. I try to remember those points even when I'm suicidal, but when I let the guilt and depression overwhelm me, it's impossible for me to believe that I belong anywhere else.

I hope everything is well in your world and I hope you experience peace.
Well shit that's quite the story.
Can't say all of it is forgivable, you do seem truly remorseful though.
Makes me wish for a life reset button.
Hi deathbydragon,

Thank you for reading my story and sharing your thoughts on it. Indeed I am truly remorseful, and I too wish life had a reset button. What mostly stood out to me in your comment was you recognizing that not all of it is forgivable. Very few people are willing to admit to me that the things I did are un-reversable and unforgettable, and my own mother continues to try and convince me that I may have a chance with my ex to reconcile in the future. In my heart, and in my brain, I know that is simply not true, and I will never expect my ex to forgive me because I think it would be impossible to forgive myself if it were I in her place.

I wish you peace and I hope you find your life resets through the natural continuation of the story.
I read through the whole thing. You seem to be genuinely sorry of your actions. I hope you find peace.

Hi lonelyguy,

I am indeed very sorry for my actions. Many people after a breakup take on the perspective that all is forgivable because relationships are complicated and it is frequently true that both sides make mistakes. In my case, however, I know that I am the sole bearer of responsibility in destroying my marriage and causing even more heartbreak than there already was in my life. Part of me hopes that by maintaining this attitude I can improve and become a better man and husband, though in reality I simply wish to give up and throw in the towel, so to speak.

I hope you find peace as well, and I hope the two of us can reach a point of existence that is not so filled with suffering.
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Reactions: deathbydragon, HappyForever? and VoidDesirer22


I was once a pretty angel
Mar 4, 2022
Sorry about your situation but it's never too late to try and turn things around. Suicide is such a drastic step. You considered reforming yourself, I guess. You say you're already sober for 52nd day. That's big, addictions are hard to overcome and it takes a long time. You could try and foster new relationships, go to aa meetings, work slowly to get yourself out of debt. What I'm saying is, you still have a chance to make it right. If you go through with it, then that's how you'll be remembered, by your past actions. Nobody will see the new you. If you try and turn things around maybe the universe will be on your side. But anyway, I'm not in your shoes, sorry if you find my pep talk annoying.
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Dec 15, 2021
"She was the perfect woman. Incredibly beautiful, hardworking, intelligent, loyal, honest, and dignified. All she wanted was to be held and loved and not to be cheated on and I couldn't even do that. I couldn't do the absolute bare minimum for the most beautiful person I've ever met. I know I need to die."

Same. I cheated on the only girlfriend that ever truly loved me and cared for me and i lied to her many times and hurt her emotionally a dozen times. The grief is killing me. But also i think if you love someone, you have to let go. I wouldn't call her before you ctb, because it's risky and also you just could cause her more stress by calling. Write a note, with everything you wanna say. That's how I'll do it.
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Reactions: Iamchickenhat, Muse and Al_stargate


Tortured by evil humans
Sep 24, 2020
I believe that the only hell that exists is the one we already live in, I personally believe that death is true peace and an end to all suffering. It sounds like you have been through a lot. I hope you find what you are looking for.
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Dec 23, 2021
Your message moved me. I can feel remorse and guilt.

My boyfriend is like you. He has cheated all his life, lying all day long for his own purpose... he has a wife, alcoholic and depressed because of him, and 5 or 6 girlfriends including me. I am ashamed to be with him and to love that man but I have an attachment disorder. Sometimes he has regrets and feels guilty but he says that he can't stop and be an honest man. He is just like that. Destroying women.

I hope you will find peace and I hope that your ex wife will cope with the pain. You should tell her all the good things you had written here about her. That surely would be a solace.
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