Deleted member 7141

Deleted member 7141

Do not be prisoner of your life. Die a little, lol
Apr 15, 2019
If you need more context just ask. This is a response, to someone's response, about me saying we are a vulnerable population online and are at higher risk than the general population of be targeted by online predators.

The user said (paraphrased) in general, using the internet to meet up with people is inherently dangerous regardless any subgroup. I respectfully disagree.

That person and I are friends so this blip is only to give context. There is no ill will between us. I hope reposting my response will help people to remember to be cautious when meeting people offline.

Sometimes depression and stress can cause you to want to "just get it over with already" but make sure you are aware of all of the inherent risk of meeting up with someone under 'assumed circumstances'.


Someone with a history of mental health problems wanting to commit suicide with a partner, someone merely wanting to buy something from an online seller, and someone using a dating website to go on dates, are all different populations online.

So, yes there is inherent risk for all of them but they all aren't as vulnerable as the person using the internet to find a person to commit suicide with. Here is why I think this. It is just my personal opinion.

- They all start out with different circumstantial elements leading up to meeting. The purpose for each is different.

- The narratives in the media will be different if they meet foul play.

For people wanting to commit suicide with a partner if you end up being (abducted or murdered) the narrative pushed by the media at first, will be an assumption it was your mental health that lead to you being unaccounted for not necessarily that foul play has happened.

I would like to point out that going through with a suicide pact and being murdered are not comparable. One situation there is informed consent about how you are willing to die and the other scenario death is forced upon you in a way you didn't consent to. Both lead to death but under different circumstances immediately preceding you dying. So, context matters.

When a person is abducted while meeting someone to purchase something the
narrative pushed by the news would be a focus on robbery with a possible abduction.

So, from the start even "us" experiencing foul play will be viewed and treated differently. The crucial first 48 hours of us having gone missing won't be investigated as an abduction scenario until a certain amount of time has passed and they have to draw other conclusions why we vanished.

Giving a predator extracurricular time to cover his tracks and tie up loose ends while everyone thinks you merely are experiencing a mental health crisis.

When in actuality we might be tied up in someone's basement being assaulted and abused. Instead of experiencing a peaceful pre-planned exit with a safe reliable partner.

The whole process of wanting to commit suicide with a partner is shrouded in secrecy so no one finds out and attempts try to subvert our plans.

We are easy targets for psychopaths who can sniff out vulnerable people that are easily manipulated. In the condition most of us are in is a weakened mental state. This is not to imply we aren't thinking clearly about our desire to commit suicide.

I am pro-choice. I don't believe people should be forced to remain alive if they no longer want to. Especially given what some of us have been through and are still going through. Whether mental health or medical related.

I won't encourage anyone to commit suicide but speaking as a person who wants to I refuse to dismiss us as "crazy" for wanting "out" of this sh*tty world and existence.

This topic brings to mind two murders, Todd Kohlhepp and Brady Oestrike to name a few. Todd lured people from online to his property offering them cleaning jobs. Brady also lured people in search of easy money. While the lifestyles of the victims and their circumstances leading up to being entrapped were different they all ended up trusting online predators who gained their trust by appearing like normal everyday people.

Todd Kohlhepp's last and final victims were a couple. He murdered the boyfriend in front of his girlfriend then imprisoned her inside of a shipping crate that sat on his property in the middle of the woods. He tortured her for weeks until she was discovered by the police. Todd Kohlhepp was a successful realtor and businessman. Clean-cut, educated, friendly (according to his neighbors and loved ones).

Brady Oestrike lured a young pregnant woman to his home for intimacy in exchange for money. Let us cast all judgement aside about the context though. She was 18 years old so essentially a child. She didn't deserve to die. Her boyfriend who encouraged her to do this was murdered as well.

Brady like Todd had been planning and proofing their homes to be a killing ground before they found victims. They set out to seek and find vulnerable people. A couple struggling for money so bad they were cleaning homes are vulnerable. They needed money quickly. Just like Brady's victims.

How much easier would it be for future "Todd and Bradys" to discover a population online they don't have to bribe with money to lure them to their killing grounds? We merely want someone to say "yesss" to being willing to "help us die" and die with us.

People like the predators I mentioned are not going to "die with us" though nor honor a suicide pact agreement. They are going to take advantage of us in any way they want.

Whether it be a "thrill kill"or indefinite captivity they will assert their will being done. You will no longer be in control of the experience if they can lure you from the comfort of your home sitting behind a computer out into a neutral place/setting to be preyed on.

If we had went to Todd Kohlhepp's property in the woods under the premise of him, hypothetically offering to be our suicide partner, no one would have know where to look for us because we wouldn't/couldn't share our plan with loved ones. There are other Todd Kohlhepp out here.

While being chained up in his shipping crate hidden in the woods the police would probably still be considering you having had a mental health crisis but not abducted. Your friends and family would have to report your mental health history if you have one.

Which would means your disappearance will be handled in a different way with a different amount of urgency; usually less. In this situation you would be considered the sole cause of your disappearance. Due to mental health issues not a predator. Eventually it might be determined foul play has involved but by then you will either be long gone or confined somewhere.

What if there are Brady Oestrike on here? Predators come in every race, unattractive or unattractive, educational and socioeconomic background. Anyone online can claim they want to find a suicide partner. Talk about their mental health, family, relationship or health problems.

Some of what they say may have elements of truth but as a whole a predator's goal is to portray to you whatever you need to see, hear, experience with them to obtain your [trust]. After that you will be more willing to meet them.

The person on the other side of the screen may fantasize about kidnapping you for a sadistic or simply just murdering another human being for fun. From their perspective, "Hey, we said you wanted to die anyway."

We do but on our terms. We don't want to be brutally murdered or kidnapped but what better prey than a supposed "willing victim". I don't know about you but just because I want to die doesn't mean I want to die in a way I haven't approved of. I would be horrified to be tricked and end up dying by being murdered or tortured.

I don't think we see ourselves as "willing victims" and we aren't "asking for it" but someone who is a predator sees us this way. I hate that people like us who just wants to die with dignity have to be subject to this risk.

Remember, predators who search our forums know someone wanting to commit suicide isn't going to notify loved ones when they set out to meet up with a potential partner.

Where as someone buying a car i.e. would let people know "Hey, found great deal on car. Going to check it out. Talk to you later".

Or a woman/man going on date will tell their friends about the date and the person. " Tonight is the night. His screen name is (Mark86). He is picking me up at this my house around 7pm and we are going to that Thai place I wanted to try. I should be back home by 8pm.

These scenarios would be considered high risk abductions for a predator because other people would most likely know about the meet up and other basic information.

People would be expecting to hear back about:

"whether they bought the item or not"


"how the date went".

A suicidal person isn't going to tell people their plans or who it is with. The first 48hrs are crucial to retrieving an abducted person before they may be gone forever or kept indefinitely by a predator.

Predators know this!

We are trying to disappear already. We would help cover the tracks for a predator not wanting loved ones to find out we are going to commit suicide with a willing participant. The whole situation would make their job a lot easier.

They know we are willing to go with them without suspicion or a fight at first. As long as they can hide their true colors long enough to gain your trust and get you to meet them it will be an easy "kill" or "rape" or "kidnapping" for them.

If "they" have to pretend to be depressed for a few weeks or less and tell you some sob story to get you to empathize with them so you wilk trust them enough you will walk right into their spider's web they will commit to whatever persona they need to in order to get you in a vulnerable position where they are the one in control.
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
You're quite right. Which is why 'suicide pacts' are a bad idea unless you know the person IRL.
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I hope you don't mind me sticking this! I think this is something that people need to know and be aware about.
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Deleted member 7141

Deleted member 7141

Do not be prisoner of your life. Die a little, lol
Apr 15, 2019
I hope you don't mind me sticking this! I think this is something that people need to know and be aware about.

Please do!

I am afraid this almost happened to me. I am street smart but others may not be. There are people rangeing from "stay at home moms" to "18 year olds" on here and everything in between.

We all come from different walks of life. Everyone might not have experienced
truly bad people in the sense I am talking about. So may be more likely to trust at random a person they don't know, easily than most.

The type of person who can maniplatively mirror back (feelings, emotions, faux stories) in an attempt to get more naive people to let their guard down and cause them to feel like they are "bonding" with them or have a connection. When it may be someone trying to take advantage of them in the worst way.

Which is why I wanted to others to remember to be cautious. We are all hurting people here and so we empathize with others. We are searching for a connection. It is natural for many of us to be trusting of others who claim to know the same or similar challenges we have with continuing to be alive.

While I am sure most won't be a psychopath...heck, most never end up finding a partner. Which is why when someone does come along who seems all to willing we want to jump at the opportunity. It is in those moments I hope people take a step back and slow down. Figure out a vetting process and back up plans if you meet and things don't go as planned.
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Deleted member 7141

Deleted member 7141

Do not be prisoner of your life. Die a little, lol
Apr 15, 2019
You're quite right. Which is why 'suicide pacts' are a bad idea unless you know the person IRL.

I NEVER said suicide pacts were a bad idea unless you know the person. Huh???

I am encouraging people to be careful not abandon the concept entirely. I am still actively looking. Please don't put words in my mouth. I never said or implied that. I have only said to be careful! Which is different than what you said.

You must have misinterpreted my post. I never used that phrase or anything like it. My goal was to remind people there is inherent danger meeting up with someone offline.

I could get in a car accident does this mean I should never drive a car?

I don't know anyone who knows someone in their regular life that wouldn't think they were insane for wanting to commit suicide let alone with another person. To me the only option is to find someone from online in a community like this.

I accept in the inherent risk. Others might not have even thought of it. So, my post is about awareness. It is about taking as much time as you neef to feel comfortable meeting up with someone. Everyone isn't a bad person. Most of us are sincere. There is just a small percentage of thr population online who aren't. They are hunters with different hunting grounds they use to entrap people.

I think a guy I was planning to meet from another site was suspicious so I didn't end up traveling to his state to meet with him. I just want everyone to be safe...or as safe as they can be.

No hard feelings but needed to clarify because I did not say or imply that people shouldn't try to find partners from online. That is whole point why I joined the site. I will still pursue it.
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Apr 19, 2019
This is why I want to go it alone. I don't want to be dragged into some pro life scheme. Sorry to say but I can't trust anyone. This is literally the most important decision of my life and I can't have it being fucked up.
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Deleted member 7141

Deleted member 7141

Do not be prisoner of your life. Die a little, lol
Apr 15, 2019
This is why I want to go it alone. I don't want to be dragged into some pro life scheme. Sorry to say but I can't trust anyone. This is literally the most important decision of my life and I can't have it being fucked up.

I am always afraid of "pro life schemes". No one is asking for nor seeking someone to save us. We are adults making a decision about our lives. On other sites I have experienced "Christians" preaching at me. I am an Atheist so it is even more irritating. I am an adult and feel like I should be the one to decide this without people who don't know my life circumstances and reasons trying to persuade me want to live with logic that only makes sense to them.
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
I NEVER said suicide pacts were a bad idea unless you know the person. Huh???

I am encouraging people to be careful not abandon the concept entirely. I am still actively looking. Please don't put words in my mouth. I never said or implied that. I have only said to be careful! Which is different than what you said.

You must have misinterpreted my post. I never used that phrase or anything like it. My goal was to remind people there is inherent danger meeting up with someone offline.

I could get in a car accident does this mean I should never drive a car?

I don't know anyone who knows someone in their regular life that wouldn't think they were insane for wanting to commit suicide let alone with another person. To me the only option is to find someone from online in a community like this.

I accept in the inherent risk. Others might not have even thought of it. So, my post is about awareness. It is about taking as much time as you neef to feel comfortable meeting up with someone. Everyone isn't a bad person. Most of us are sincere. There is just a small percentage of thr population online who aren't. They are hunters with different hunting grounds they use to entrap people.

I think a guy I was planning to meet from another site was suspicious so I didn't end up traveling to his state to meet with him. I just want everyone to be safe...or as safe as they can be.

No hard feelings but needed to clarify because I did not say or imply that people shouldn't try to find partners from online. That is whole point why I joined the site. I will still pursue it.

Calm down, reread my post and you'll realize I did not attribute anything to you and merely stated my own opinion. I agreed with your warning, nothing more.

For the reasons you mentioned I think forming suicide pacts online is a bad idea since a) the potential risk is very high (brutal murder, rape, torture) and b) there's no reliable way of making absolutely sure a) is not going to happen. One could add (and this is my own caveat which I also do not attribute to you just to be clear) one runs the risk of incarceration as aiding someone in committing suicide is still a criminal offence in many countries. Some people who formed pacts did survive and faced charges.

If you want to take that risk and think you are smart/cunning enough to protect yourself that's your business but I do think I have the right to express my opinion here.

Are we clear now? I'm afraid your reaction to me was completely redundant including the preposterous car analogy. The correct analogy would be the choice between a) driving your own car and b) getting into a car with someone else whom you don't know at all. In scenario b) you still run the risk of getting into a car accident and die (which might be higher than when driving one's own car since you don't know the other person's driving skills and potential flaws in the vehicle) with the added risk of being abducted, murdered, robbed...
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Deleted member 7141

Deleted member 7141

Do not be prisoner of your life. Die a little, lol
Apr 15, 2019
Are we clear now? I'm afraid your reaction to me was completely redundant including the preposterous car analogy. The correct analogy

No, my car comment was correct according to my opinion of what I wanted to convey thank you very much. The "correct analogy" is the one I used. No input needed! It was the exact anaolgy I wanted to use and it was correct according to "my personal opinion" and message! Step back please!

Just because their is potential for something to go wrong (inherent risk) doesn't mean the thing shouldn't be pursued. I like how I worded it and feel your analogy clearly only posted to be catty, expresses a different message than the one I choose to post.

We are two different people who think differently therefore express and word our stream of thoughts and opinions differently. How can you tell me the analogy I used was the wrong one (lmfao)...Are you in my head monitoring my stream of thought?

You feel I misinterpreted your post. That was something I actually saw and read at least. If I misinterpreted it was a misunderstanding. My stream of thought and intention are not able to be interpreted as "wrong" or "right". I feel the analogy I used perfectly expressed what I wanted to convey. How would you know? Correct yourself, lol

Calm down,

I don't need to calm down I am already chill. I can feel and be whatever I want. I didn't ask for your opinion or advice about my disposition. My response was valid according to how I interpreted what you wrote. I didn't want people to think I agreed implied or stated that. No regrets!

If you want to take that risk and think you are smart/cunning enough to protect yourself that's your business but I do think I have the right to express my opinion here.

Once again....
➡I didn't say or imply "I think I am smart/cunning enough to protect myself...blah blah blah

Just because you don't agree with pacts doesn't mean it isn't a valid way to go. It can be a safe way to (cbt) if you find a good partner. There no guarantees in life but everyone isn't a monster. There are good people just not wanting to die alone. As my posted stated the type of people I mentioned are a small percentage of the population at large.

I am also allowed to express my opinion and did. Will continue to too just like you. *stare

There is nothing wrong with people who want to pass in a different way than you. To each his own. There is safety issues and if someone survives there is potential for legal woes.

It still doesn't mean if someone doesn't want to die alone the idea should be completely abandoned, in my opinion. Everyone doesn't want to spend their last day on earth alone. We are all adults and have to make that decision when it comes time for it. There is an entire mega thread dedicated to it for a reason.

To each his own. You want to die alone...great! I respect and accept your personal reasons. Things could still go wrong going alone as many people have experienced. If someone wants to go with a partner .. great! It is about everyone making the best decision for their life. Inherent risk come no matter alone or with a partner.

It is good to know the risk like the potential for legal woes if one person survives and the other risk I mentioned but none of that means everyone should live in a constant state of fear and paranoia and not pursue their last dying wishes. I hope everyone stays safe, well informed about different methods, and last days are everything they hope for.

Are We Clear NOW? *eye roll
I have the right to express my opinion here. Are we clear now?

You calm down. Obviously, I misinterpreted what you said according to you which is only reason why I responded the way I did to the comment you are referencing. I never said or implied I was opposed to you expressing your opinion. It was a misunderstanding! What about this don't YOU understand? Are we done yet?!

If I had know you were referring to yourself I wouldn't have commented the way I did, obviously. *eye roll

There are parts of your response that are condescending and meant to be catty. My response to the comment at the center if this wasn't meant to be offensive just informative. To bring clarity. Your response was you being triggered because I misinterpreted what you said.

Misunderstandings happen. You latched on to this and took stupid jabs at me when all you had to say was let me know you felt I misinterpreted your comment. No, why be mature about it? You want to be catty and disruptive. Are you done yet, Jean?

By the way, supposedly redundant or not (I disagee) some of the stuff I wrote was also just me expressing my opinion. Its okay for you to do that clearly but not me. Gotcha!
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
No, my car comment was correct according to my opinion of what I wanted to convey thank you very much.

The way you wrote it wasn't clear and could be interpreted more than one way. Its not like you added context. I stand by everything I wrote. I said what I said.

If you it was misinterpreted you could have explained without all the extar but whatever.

So you admit you jumped to conclusions. If something can be interpreted more than one way ask instead of guessing and making foolish accusations.

What I can and cannot do is not for you to decide.
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Feb 8, 2019
Great post and information worth sharing. While i'm not actively looking for a partner a lot of your points are spot on and enter a level of depth I had not really considered.

I actually think in some ways that desire to leave with someone when done for company and not practical reasons leaves an extra longing for connection that let people drop their guards.

First meetings should always be in public, ideally after you have already had sufficient contact to really gauge where your partner is. Hell, I really think before anyone does anything solo there should really be a few meetings but the first one for sure.
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Sep 17, 2018
I would also never do a suicide pact because of fear of legal difficulties, the other person not doing it, the other person being a predator, them knowing my identity and contacting family etc.
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Jan 19, 2019
Any online population is vulnerable tbh
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Apr 10, 2019
Ever notice its middle aged men who prefer females and want to die deep in the woods
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Mar 3, 2019
Ever notice its middle aged men who prefer females and want to die deep in the woods
I met a guy for pact and he was a predator and not as he described at all. I stupidly brought him to my home and it turned out to be a very long run thing. Years before he left me alone and it was probably down to my neighbour that he's stayed away. He had no intention of dying, he wanted a better life for himself. It was pretty awful.
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Apr 10, 2019
I met a guy for pact and he was a predator and not as he described at all. I stupidly brought him to my home and it turned out to be a very long run thing. Years before he left me alone and it was probably down to my neighbour that he's stayed away. It was pretty awful.
Thats terrible. There are a few i could pick out with certainty that are creeps posing as females to lure women, or men offering to pay for everything snd go into the woods
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Apr 10, 2019
Bottom line if the person is of the opposite sex and prefers a young female in the woods to ctb with. Yikes
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Jumpin Jack Flash, it’s a gas gas gas
Jan 16, 2019
I think it's a very good post, especially because there seems to be a lot of young people on here. And like you said, not everyone has street smarts. There was a story on the news where I live a few weeks ago about a string of cars being burglarized. Why? Because it was in a "nice" area and no one locked their car doors! I was cracking up, because since I was young I've worked in some of the shittiest areas around. I would actually have to make an effort to NOT lock my car doors. But not everyone thinks like that. And yeah, if you're on this forum, chances are you're extremely vulnerable and easy to influence. I keep thinking of the serial killer in "The Murder of Giovannni Versace" practicing empathic faces in the mirror so he could manipulate the hotel manager. Imagine how easy it is to fake sincerity online. I think you touched on a lot of good points, because ultimately, we should decide our own fates. I'm really a loner and wouldn't want a partner for a suicide, but thanks for reminding me to stay vigilant in all areas.
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Jun 30, 2018
Just put people through a vetting process before meeting up with them in real life. Put them thought tests, ask a lot of questions etc...
Bottom line if the person is of the opposite sex and prefers a young female in the woods to ctb with. Yikes
Well that is a huge red flag because someone who is going to CTB, doesn't really give a shit about being with a young female or an old man etc... If I do decide to CTB with a partner, my only requirements is someone who is not obnoxious and/or someone who is not abusive. Because I don't want to deal with BS before I die...
Thats terrible. There are a few i could pick out with certainty that are creeps posing as females to lure women, or men offering to pay for everything snd go into the woods

Well due to human beings being selfish by nature, nobody is going to pay shit unless they can get something out of it... And that's a red flag...
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Oct 16, 2018
Hi I'm in florida too wanna meet up?
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Apr 8, 2019
Thank you for highlighting this. Someone on here keeps asking me if I wanted to do a pact, like multiple times.
All of his posts are asking other people if they want to do a pact. It's probably nothing, but it just seemed a bit fishy.
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Professional fence sitter
Mar 15, 2019
I agree. There are some recent posts that smell of troll here. I'm even more wary with the recent publicity.
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Jun 2, 2019
Where on earth are people getting manipulated by psychopaths to commit suicide? I mean. Aside from just a single comment on social media, are there genuinely active "bullycide" communities or something?
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Jun 30, 2018
Where on earth are people getting manipulated by psychopaths to commit suicide? I mean. Aside from just a single comment on social media, are there genuinely active "bullycide" communities or something?

In Highschools all over the country, yes.
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Jun 7, 2019
Thank you. I think I needed this reminder.
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Deleted member 7141

Deleted member 7141

Do not be prisoner of your life. Die a little, lol
Apr 15, 2019
You are welcome
Thank you. I think I needed this reminder.
Thank you for highlighting this. Someone on here keeps asking me if I wanted to do a pact, like multiple times.
All of his posts are asking other people if they want to do a pact. It's probably nothing, but it just seemed a bit fishy.

You are welcome
Great post and information worth sharing. While i'm not actively looking for a partner a lot of your points are spot on and enter a level of depth I had not really considered.

I actually think in some ways that desire to leave with someone when done for company and not practical reasons leaves an extra longing for connection that let people drop their guards.

First meetings should always be in public, ideally after you have already had sufficient contact to really gauge where your partner is. Hell, I really think before anyone does anything solo there should really be a few meetings but the first one for sure.


May 18, 2020
If you need more context just ask. This is a response, to someone's response, about me saying we are a vulnerable population online and are at higher risk than the general population of be targeted by online predators.

The user said (paraphrased) in general, using the internet to meet up with people is inherently dangerous regardless any subgroup. I respectfully disagree.

That person and I are friends so this blip is only to give context. There is no ill will between us. I hope reposting my response will help people to remember to be cautious when meeting people offline.

Sometimes depression and stress can cause you to want to "just get it over with already" but make sure you are aware of all of the inherent risk of meeting up with someone under 'assumed circumstances'.


Someone with a history of mental health problems wanting to commit suicide with a partner, someone merely wanting to buy something from an online seller, and someone using a dating website to go on dates, are all different populations online.

So, yes there is inherent risk for all of them but they all aren't as vulnerable as the person using the internet to find a person to commit suicide with. Here is why I think this. It is just my personal opinion.

- They all start out with different circumstantial elements leading up to meeting. The purpose for each is different.

- The narratives in the media will be different if they meet foul play.

For people wanting to commit suicide with a partner if you end up being (abducted or murdered) the narrative pushed by the media at first, will be an assumption it was your mental health that lead to you being unaccounted for not necessarily that foul play has happened.

I would like to point out that going through with a suicide pact and being murdered are not comparable. One situation there is informed consent about how you are willing to die and the other scenario death is forced upon you in a way you didn't consent to. Both lead to death but under different circumstances immediately preceding you dying. So, context matters.

When a person is abducted while meeting someone to purchase something the
narrative pushed by the news would be a focus on robbery with a possible abduction.

So, from the start even "us" experiencing foul play will be viewed and treated differently. The crucial first 48 hours of us having gone missing won't be investigated as an abduction scenario until a certain amount of time has passed and they have to draw other conclusions why we vanished.

Giving a predator extracurricular time to cover his tracks and tie up loose ends while everyone thinks you merely are experiencing a mental health crisis.

When in actuality we might be tied up in someone's basement being assaulted and abused. Instead of experiencing a peaceful pre-planned exit with a safe reliable partner.

The whole process of wanting to commit suicide with a partner is shrouded in secrecy so no one finds out and attempts try to subvert our plans.

We are easy targets for psychopaths who can sniff out vulnerable people that are easily manipulated. In the condition most of us are in is a weakened mental state. This is not to imply we aren't thinking clearly about our desire to commit suicide.

I am pro-choice. I don't believe people should be forced to remain alive if they no longer want to. Especially given what some of us have been through and are still going through. Whether mental health or medical related.

I won't encourage anyone to commit suicide but speaking as a person who wants to I refuse to dismiss us as "crazy" for wanting "out" of this sh*tty world and existence.

This topic brings to mind two murders, Todd Kohlhepp and Brady Oestrike to name a few. Todd lured people from online to his property offering them cleaning jobs. Brady also lured people in search of easy money. While the lifestyles of the victims and their circumstances leading up to being entrapped were different they all ended up trusting online predators who gained their trust by appearing like normal everyday people.

Todd Kohlhepp's last and final victims were a couple. He murdered the boyfriend in front of his girlfriend then imprisoned her inside of a shipping crate that sat on his property in the middle of the woods. He tortured her for weeks until she was discovered by the police. Todd Kohlhepp was a successful realtor and businessman. Clean-cut, educated, friendly (according to his neighbors and loved ones).

Brady Oestrike lured a young pregnant woman to his home for intimacy in exchange for money. Let us cast all judgement aside about the context though. She was 18 years old so essentially a child. She didn't deserve to die. Her boyfriend who encouraged her to do this was murdered as well.

Brady like Todd had been planning and proofing their homes to be a killing ground before they found victims. They set out to seek and find vulnerable people. A couple struggling for money so bad they were cleaning homes are vulnerable. They needed money quickly. Just like Brady's victims.

How much easier would it be for future "Todd and Bradys" to discover a population online they don't have to bribe with money to lure them to their killing grounds? We merely want someone to say "yesss" to being willing to "help us die" and die with us.

People like the predators I mentioned are not going to "die with us" though nor honor a suicide pact agreement. They are going to take advantage of us in any way they want.

Whether it be a "thrill kill"or indefinite captivity they will assert their will being done. You will no longer be in control of the experience if they can lure you from the comfort of your home sitting behind a computer out into a neutral place/setting to be preyed on.

If we had went to Todd Kohlhepp's property in the woods under the premise of him, hypothetically offering to be our suicide partner, no one would have know where to look for us because we wouldn't/couldn't share our plan with loved ones. There are other Todd Kohlhepp out here.

While being chained up in his shipping crate hidden in the woods the police would probably still be considering you having had a mental health crisis but not abducted. Your friends and family would have to report your mental health history if you have one.

Which would means your disappearance will be handled in a different way with a different amount of urgency; usually less. In this situation you would be considered the sole cause of your disappearance. Due to mental health issues not a predator. Eventually it might be determined foul play has involved but by then you will either be long gone or confined somewhere.

What if there are Brady Oestrike on here? Predators come in every race, unattractive or unattractive, educational and socioeconomic background. Anyone online can claim they want to find a suicide partner. Talk about their mental health, family, relationship or health problems.

Some of what they say may have elements of truth but as a whole a predator's goal is to portray to you whatever you need to see, hear, experience with them to obtain your [trust]. After that you will be more willing to meet them.

The person on the other side of the screen may fantasize about kidnapping you for a sadistic or simply just murdering another human being for fun. From their perspective, "Hey, we said you wanted to die anyway."

We do but on our terms. We don't want to be brutally murdered or kidnapped but what better prey than a supposed "willing victim". I don't know about you but just because I want to die doesn't mean I want to die in a way I haven't approved of. I would be horrified to be tricked and end up dying by being murdered or tortured.

I don't think we see ourselves as "willing victims" and we aren't "asking for it" but someone who is a predator sees us this way. I hate that people like us who just wants to die with dignity have to be subject to this risk.

Remember, predators who search our forums know someone wanting to commit suicide isn't going to notify loved ones when they set out to meet up with a potential partner.

Where as someone buying a car i.e. would let people know "Hey, found great deal on car. Going to check it out. Talk to you later".

Or a woman/man going on date will tell their friends about the date and the person. " Tonight is the night. His screen name is (Mark86). He is picking me up at this my house around 7pm and we are going to that Thai place I wanted to try. I should be back home by 8pm.

These scenarios would be considered high risk abductions for a predator because other people would most likely know about the meet up and other basic information.

People would be expecting to hear back about:

"whether they bought the item or not"


"how the date went".

A suicidal person isn't going to tell people their plans or who it is with. The first 48hrs are crucial to retrieving an abducted person before they may be gone forever or kept indefinitely by a predator.

Predators know this!

We are trying to disappear already. We would help cover the tracks for a predator not wanting loved ones to find out we are going to commit suicide with a willing participant. The whole situation would make their job a lot easier.

They know we are willing to go with them without suspicion or a fight at first. As long as they can hide their true colors long enough to gain your trust and get you to meet them it will be an easy "kill" or "rape" or "kidnapping" for them.

If "they" have to pretend to be depressed for a few weeks or less and tell you some sob story to get you to empathize with them so you wilk trust them enough you will walk right into their spider's web they will commit to whatever persona they need to in order to get you in a vulnerable position where they are the one in control.
This was a wonderful post and thank you for the time you gave in writing it.
It will help a lot of people!
I'm not one of the people who would want a ctb partner but reading the responses and other threads makes me understand why people do it.
Imho, which doesn't matter much as I'm new and online, so with a grain of salt....
I don't have many answers in life but I know people. If it's one thing I know about people, the common theme, they will let you down.
I understand wanting comfort at the end of your life but any stranger that would risk jail if it didn't work would already ping my radar.
anyone that cares for you would turn you in.
THERE ARE WORSE THINGS THAN DEATH. I've experienced some. Being tortured for any length of time let alone a long time, is a fate worse than any of us go thru now. It's just not worth it to me.
In a perfect world... assisted ctb with no stigma, comfort around an no pain would be the goal.
Life's a cruel bitch. That option won't be here for a long time.
Just chiming in that true evil is worse, I know. So don't trust your life with anyone. Best case scenario you will still be left wanting, worst... try some cartel videos and you quickly see a glimpse of what might await you.
This planet has some beautiful souls but it also has evil the depths you can't fathom
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