Hello there. I am addicted to narcotics with amount of prescribed ones I have taken for severe pain for many years, but with heroin itself I am not really up on. If you have never used any sort of opiates before then you would obviously, in theory get better results I would think than someone like myself who tried to OD on them because my body is so used to them that would need an elephant truck load to do anything for me.
Please dont go rushing into anything with this, do wait and get some advice from other people here. I take it the powder in bag in heroin? You see I really am quite naive when comes to any drugs which aren't prescribed. You really need to be sure you are ready on many levels, not just having the right amount of things you need. CTB from opiate use can be incredibly nasty, if it failed you could end up with very very quality of life.
Do plenty of research, ask more questions and dont ever feel alone as we are here.
I know I haven't been much help with your question, but with opiates its a complicated thing as what one person maybe able tolerate quite safely, another wouldn't. Its like Ecstasy, some people take it every time they go to a nightclub and are fine, someone else may take it just once and die.
As with most things in life, there is no one size fits all.