

“Is there no way out of the mind?”
Mar 27, 2023
Cant get an appointment with my psychiatrist so Im relying on Valium, which I can get plenty and I still have plenty, to overcome my anxiety and just forget... is like getting high, only thing is Im scared I will grow a tolerance for Valium and wont affect me anymore, now I take 2 valium at once and maybe half an hour later Im feeling it, If I take it multiple times a day I wake up the next day not quite remembering what I did last day, its like getting high...

If I keep this up will I start tolerating valium like the other meds and then stop feeling the effect? oh god, I read "My year of rest and relaxation" (a book) the other day, the main character has a psychiatrist that gives her any fucking med she wants, made me feel jealous, If I could contact my psychiatrist I could change my medication but Im unable to reach him, so Valium is all I have.

Also Im searching for a job and its draining me, thought I did a good job at the previous place I worked at (same business my sister works in) but my sister tells me everyone disliked me because I wasnt kind with customers, never received a complaint from any customer myself, or from any coworker, and the guy that hired me sent me like three emails saying he loved working with me and hopes he can hire me in the future and to tell him if I find something else because he is really looking out to hire me again soon... so I really love my sister, but wtf right? I told her I preferred working in customer service but if I can I want to avoid restaurants and food related places you know? she told me I needed to work on my attitude because Im rude asf with every customer... I asked her if she had recieved any other complaints about me and she said no, and I said "well Im glad my attitude didnt send anyone to therapy and everyone is ok" and then said "yeah Im not working in customer service you are right" and took three valiums, when you are talking with someone with no self esteem and you say these things what are you expecting to happen huh? Im totally going to my next job interview full of confidence thank you very much...

Also everytime I talk about me going to therapy she (my sister) constantly says "as long as YOU can afford it" bitch you dont even know how easy is to fall down the abyss I come from and fucking kill myself, dont worry I know Im the one paying, mind you my sister and her husband are not rich but they live GOOD, like money is not a problem at all, Ive never lived in a house where people had this kind of money and this kind of life...
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May 6, 2024
Like with other benzos, valium can become addictive and lead to withdrawal symptoms. It can be easy to build a tolerance also.
I would be careful taking benzos for any too long a period. But your psychiatrist should be advising you of all this.
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Jul 11, 2024
Where I'm at in the US benzos are all but black listed so maybe count yourself lucky but as @landslide2 they are habit forming.

Ive never lived in a house where people had this kind of money and this kind of life...
It's a real shocker to see how some people live. I hate when people say "everyone has problems" when I've seen first hand how some people are living in god mode.
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“Is there no way out of the mind?”
Mar 27, 2023
Like with other benzos, valium can become addictive and lead to withdrawal symptoms. It can be easy to build a tolerance also.
I would be careful taking benzos for any too long a period. But your psychiatrist should be advising you of all this.

Yeah I knew this already but I guess I was trying to deny it to myself, thank you ,I guess there really isnt any long term effective ways out of the mind...

Where I'm at in the US benzos are all but black listed so maybe count yourself lucky but as @landslide2 they are habit forming.

It's a real shocker to see how some people live. I hate when people say "everyone has problems" when I've seen first hand how some people are living in god mode.

That sounds terrible, without valium right now I cant even imagine how would I live... I guess im lucky...
And yes, my sister and her husband are the type of people that say "we have no money" and 10 mins later they say "we are going to france to do some tourism" or "lets go on a cruise this summer"... I thought there wasnt any money?... My mom and I went through some real tough situations, where having no money meant having 0 money, ZERO, couldnt buy toilet paper, couldnt pay our house of course, couldnt even buy bread sometimes and had almost nothing to eat... and now I hear I have no money and they proceed to spend a lot of money on shit, unbelievable.... it really is shocking...
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ham and potatoes

ham and potatoes

Just some hillbilly
Mar 27, 2024
Benzos deff caise addiction, as I'm sure your aware. I'm not going to lecture you on their dangers though.
My only advice is to use the lowest dose you can to get you through the day.
The higher the dose, the more tolerance you'll build, and the higher risk you have for addiction
Take it from someone who has been prescribed Xanax for over a decade....
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Loona KLD

Loona KLD

Loonium Nytewite (LwN₂)
Jul 11, 2024
I hate when people with money act as if they don't have any… like bitch you have money just admit it, there's nothing wrong with admitting to it… it's like those people enjoy playing the "oh we are struggling too you know" game when you say stuff like "I can't pay for a therapist" or "I can't afford rent", they want to eat the cake and have it too, they want to dismiss my financial problems, blame me for bringing it up and move on… and I'm fine with that just don't say that you're "helping" or "being a good friend"
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A danger to myself
Sep 25, 2024
Customer service must be so hard, must take so much strength to do it. Benzos are very helpful and useful tools, it is nice at least that you can get it. Theyre all I want from my doctor but it's hard to know what to say. Say too little I get nothing and the hundredth SSRI/therapy talk, say too much I get hospitalised...
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  • Aww..
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