

Shattered Mannequin
Nov 21, 2018
Simply put its a education system design to grab as much students as possible while only catering to the top 20% of students, also its feudalistic as fuck with a family bloodline based hierarchy and the hipster charl3s manson version of christianity dominates the social life, meaning it pretty much eats up to later spit out those they deem a threat to their selfish path to the "celestial kingdom". Same for college and Job corps too! FML, utah should just seceded from the U.S if it wants to act this way man!


Oct 6, 2018
Simply put its a education system design to grab as much students as possible while only catering to the top 20% of students, also its feudalistic as fuck with a family bloodline based hierarchy and the hipster charl3s manson version of christianity dominates the social life, meaning it pretty much eats up to later spit out those they deem a threat to their selfish path to the "celestial kingdom". Same for college and Job corps too! FML, utah should just seceded from the U.S if it wants to act this way man!

Despite my current predicament I sure don't miss teenage years! Hopefully you're out of there soon where you can seek out like minded people.


Shattered Mannequin
Nov 21, 2018
Despite my current predicament I sure don't miss teenage years! Hopefully you're out of there soon where you can seek out like minded people.
Yeah, im actually in college right now but fuck I actually think in some fucked way its worse than H.S., at least in HS I got to do drugs galore and have filtered lesser sentences, also i had some homes to boot with too! Nowadays in my 20s its everybody acting like fucking manchildren and its super hard to get drugs! Also I need to work too and the jobs suck dick, semi-literally since you gotta back your metaphorical ass up for some obese toad looking cracker mother fucker!


Oct 6, 2018
Yeah, im actually in college right now but fuck I actually think in some fucked way its worse than H.S., at least in HS I got to do drugs galore and have filtered lesser sentences, also i had some homes to boot with too! Nowadays in my 20s its everybody acting like fucking manchildren and its super hard to get drugs! Also I need to work too and the jobs suck dick, semi-literally since you gotta back your metaphorical ass up for some obese toad looking cracker mother fucker!

We are all playing the game. No one says what they really feel or mean. It's more fake in the work place. I love to walk around calling people c u next Tuesdays and wankers and trogs etc in my mind. It's so therapeutic. All while smiling!


Shattered Mannequin
Nov 21, 2018
We are all playing the game. No one says what they really feel or mean. It's more fake in the work place. I love to walk around calling people c u next Tuesdays and wankers and trogs etc in my mind. It's so therapeutic. All while smiling!
I yeet to that good way of living!
I stopped being nice and I just started to let my inner asshole take physical manifest against this droned up soylent pumped neo liberalist world of suicide by means of obesity. I enjoy the suffering of others by letting them make mistakes that I can see far away and it pleases me seeing such vile people suffer because of it. I do enjoy helping and nuturing the truly unlucky of our fucked up world, however its getting harder to distinguish the poor lost souls and the filth that dissguies as such.


Oct 6, 2018
I yeet to that good way of living!
I stopped being nice and I just started to let my inner asshole take physical manifest against this droned up soylent pumped neo liberalist world of suicide by means of obesity. I enjoy the suffering of others by letting them make mistakes that I can see far away and it pleases me seeing such vile people suffer because of it. I do enjoy helping and nuturing the truly unlucky of our fucked up world, however its getting harder to distinguish the poor lost souls and the filth that dissguies as such.

I understand that. There are days when the mask slips and I find it hard to be nice. I've only really got time for others who have or are enduring some form of suffering. Only they understand eh.


Shattered Mannequin
Nov 21, 2018
I understand that. There are days when the mask slips and I find it hard to be nice. I've only really got time for others who have or are enduring some form of suffering. Only they understand eh.
True, I drink a shot to that statement. Im currently reading "Dune" and it fucking feels like Frank Herbert is directly wording my exact thoughts on the difference between humans and animals! Jesus, god knows what waits for me in his sequels!?!
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Aug 26, 2019
I'd be moderate with the drugs. All recreational and MH drugs act on your cns and can permanently alter your brain at a very low level, altering neurtransmission. Many here feel that MH meds harmed them.
BTW the US south is worse, stay west.
Sorry about the link being from US gov; it was at top on Google and seems pretty reasonable.
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