
Aug 18, 2020
I certainly won't watch it. However I think in his case it is ethically justified to watch he wanted that this video goes around the world. For the sake of my mental health I certainly won't watch it. It would be way too sad too. Self-immolation is the most political suicide there is allegedly. I am very much into politcs but I would never ctb for political reasons at least in my position and if I ctb self-immolation is very much at the bottom of all methods available. The pain simply is not worth it.

There is seemigly already a wikipedia article describing the act. It is really tragic but this is what he wanted. I hope I will contribute to his cause with posting this thread and referencing the wikipedia article.

On February 25, 2024, Aaron Bushnell, a 25-year-old serviceman of the United States Air Force, approached the Embassy of Israel in Washington, D.C., and committed an act of self-immolation at the front gate to protest United States support for Israel in the Israel–Hamas war. During the incident, Bushnell said he was protesting "what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers" and declared that he "will no longer be complicit in genocide" before dousing himself with a flammable liquid and lighting himself on fire. As he burned, Bushnell repeatedly shouted "Free Palestine!" while local emergency services arrived on scene. The act was livestreamed on Twitch. The D.C. Metropolitan Police Department responded to assist the United States Secret Service after he set himself on fire, and he was transported to a local hospital in critical condition. The Washington D.C. police confirmed Busnell's death the following day. This was the second self-immolation protesting the war at an Israeli diplomatic station in the United States, with a protestor setting themselves on fire at the Atlanta consulate in December.

Bushnell reportedly sent a message to media outlets before his planned self-immolation where he wrote "Today, I am planning to engage in an extreme act of protest against the genocide of the Palestinian people".

On February 25, 2024, at approximately 12:58 p.m. local time, Bushnell approached the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C. intending to immolate himself as an act of protest against the Israel–Hamas war. He had also created a Twitch account under the name "LillyAnarKitty" with a Palestinian flag as his profile banner with the caption "Free Palestine". While livestreaming, he said "I am an active duty member, of the United States Airforce. And I will no longer be complicit to genocide. I am about to engage in an extreme act of protest. But compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at their hands of their colonizers—it's not extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal,"[10] while walking towards the Israeli Embassy.

Outside the gates of the embassy, Bushnell placed his camera down and positioned himself in front of the gates. He poured gasoline over himself and exclaimed "Free Palestine!". A security officer approached Bushnell, asking if he needed help, but was ignored.

After igniting himself, Bushnell repeatedly shouted "Free Palestine!" as he was burning, until he collapsed to the ground. The security officer radioed in for assistance. Another police officer approached the scene, aiming a gun at Bushnell off-camera and ordered him to "get on the ground" multiple times, while another officer yells "I don't need guns, I need fire extinguishers". Multiple officers responded to the scene and used fire extinguishers on Bushnell. He was transported by the DC Fire and EMS to a local hospital where he later died from his injuries.

I think if he survived the injuries would have been insanely painful. I am kind of speechless. The situation in Gaza is nightmarish. I am lost for words.
Maybe or probably someone else already posted a thread about it. But I could not find it.
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Exit Through the Gift Shop
Feb 8, 2024
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Alcoholic Teletubby

Alcoholic Teletubby

Rip in piss
Jan 10, 2022
I watched the uncut video on Reddit; skip the comments.

To explain the events that occurred:
Presumably a combustible substance, Bushnell pours the contents of a metal water container all over himself. He stoops down, it takes him many flicks of his lighter to finally get a spark. (You can hear security starting to ask him about what he's doing at this point.) Swiftly rising, the flames first crawl up his left side and then in an instant cover his entire head. Bushnell is able to declare "Free Palestine" once before he starts yelling; as the anguish of the ordeal wears on, he continues declaring "Free Palestine."

At this time, the flames have completely enveloped him, and his skin has started to darken, taking on a subtle grayish color, with the area around his mouth turning black. Every time he yells, he has to inhale, which is quickly followed by painful exhalations. (The security is starting to panic and keeps shouting at Bushnell to "get on the ground.")

Bushnell stops yelling and begins to make stomping and waving motions (perhaps due to pain), at which point his skin completely becomes gray. The flames eat away at his uniform, and he begins to stumble in a circle. He soon comes to a stop, stands, and then collapses onto his side as his legs start to tremble.

(This is happening as an officer is calling for someone to get a fire extinguisher.)

Now, Bushnell is still burning, lying on his back. While other security officials try to put out the fire, one officer has his gun trained on Bushnell. (In the background, there appears to be an alarm sounding off.) Burnbell moves a little before he completely stops.

As soon as an off-camera cop locates the recording device, the video stops.
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Metal Fan- Wants to hang Under The Oak
May 8, 2023
I watched it and it was so horrifically awful that I wish I hadn't. Just extremely sad. I would personally advise against watching it.
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Dec 1, 2023
I watched it too, I think his intentions were very noble but it was disturbing to see, I guess that's the point
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Jul 17, 2022
The cop who aimed his gun at the man who's already engulfed in flames is a microcosm of our society.
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no i dont have a gun
Dec 19, 2022
The cop who aimed his gun at the man who's already engulfed in flames is a microcosm of our society.
it makes you lose any and all sense in humanity...
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Alcoholic Teletubby

Alcoholic Teletubby

Rip in piss
Jan 10, 2022
it makes you lose any and all sense in humanity...
For me, it was reading the comments. 'LiveLeak without the blatant self-flagellation. (just barely)
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wanting outta this bitch
Sep 23, 2022
He's absolute fucking moron who died committing one of the most painful acts of virtue signalling imaginable as an effort for protesting a nonexistent genocide.
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i have no enemies
Apr 1, 2020
it was an extremely hard watch, even for someone as desensitized as me. it's horrifying but not surprising how people can turn this into some kind of joke, or make fun of his sacrifice. i don't care what side you're on, it's disgusting to see his sacrifice be boiled down and pushed under the rug. you would think on a pro-sui site, people would respect his choice...

i feel that censoring his sacrifice is the complete opposite of what he would have wanted. he did it live on purpose. he wanted people to see the horrors of the genocide and it's effects. it's a shock factor, it's supposed to make people sick to their stomachs that humans can be this evil. his family asking for censorship shows they do not care for his cause.

it's looked back upon as honorable when the buddhist monk, Thich Quang Duc, self immolated as protest in the vietnam war. but now it's seen as mental illness, stupid, and 'virtue signalling.' he is just one person out of thousands that are being murdered on both sides of the war.

this should not be swept under the rug, or used as a catchy news title to eventually move on from. it's a statement that should be remembered, just as the monk and everyone else who has used extreme measures of protest similar to this.

his quote: "many of us like to ask ourselves, 'what would i do if my country was commiting suicide?' the answer is, you're doing it. right now." will always stick with me. it keeps me awake at night. like it was intended to.
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Little Russian in-cel
Apr 25, 2020
He's absolute fucking moron who died committing one of the most painful acts of virtue signalling imaginable as an effort for protesting a nonexistent genocide.
Exactly, haha! The Gaza Arabs are gonna be fine, the Jews are clueless about this whole genocide business. Look at Artsakh, Sept '23 the Turks expelled 100% Armenians, and nobody gave a fuck. Look at Arakan where the Rohingya Muslims were brutally evicted and exterminated by the peaceful, mindful Buddhist Burmese. Gaza's 30k dead is a drop in the bucket.

i feel that censoring his sacrifice is the complete opposite of what he would have wanted. he did it live on purpose. he wanted people to see the horrors of the genocide and it's effects.
Brenton Tarrant livestreamed murder, too, so what? Both the Gaza "genocide" and the "white replacement" are not considered generally accepted as facts.

Overall, the situation is super confusing and hilarious. After all, it's the Jews who used to control the narrative, but now the narrative has turned against the Jews, but the older Jewish ideas still apply... It's a mess.

The only truth in a post-truth world is that trans-lesbians are lesbians (a reference to a YouTube video on the topic).
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Alcoholic Teletubby

Alcoholic Teletubby

Rip in piss
Jan 10, 2022
Update: I've learned that rumors are going around that Aaron Bushnell may have used the pronouns she/her while referring to himself online (search for "LillyAnarKitty").

The purpose of this update is not to start a dispute within this topic, but rather to share some information I have found out about Bushnell and their personal history. In my opinion, this information merely helps us understand Aaron Bushnell on a deeper level than what people may say or think. Regardless of the pronouns Aaron may have used, they also made the decision to exit on their own terms, spending their last moments living out their beliefs. That is the main point.

Aaron was 25 years old when they passed. I am still here at the age of 25.

Aaron Bushnell, rest in peace.
his quote: "many of us like to ask ourselves, 'what would i do if my country was commiting suicide?' the answer is, you're doing it. right now." will always stick with me. it keeps me awake at night. like it was intended to.
Correction: The quote was ", 'what would I do if my country was committing genocide?"
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May 5, 2021
it was an extremely hard watch, even for someone as desensitized as me. it's horrifying but not surprising how people can turn this into some kind of joke, or make fun of his sacrifice. i don't care what side you're on, it's disgusting to see his sacrifice be boiled down and pushed under the rug. you would think on a pro-sui site, people would respect his choice...

i feel that censoring his sacrifice is the complete opposite of what he would have wanted. he did it live on purpose. he wanted people to see the horrors of the genocide and it's effects. it's a shock factor, it's supposed to make people sick to their stomachs that humans can be this evil. his family asking for censorship shows they do not care for his cause.

it's looked back upon as honorable when the buddhist monk, Thich Quang Duc, self immolated as protest in the vietnam war. but now it's seen as mental illness, stupid, and 'virtue signalling.' he is just one person out of thousands that are being murdered on both sides of the war.

this should not be swept under the rug, or used as a catchy news title to eventually move on from. it's a statement that should be remembered, just as the monk and everyone else who has used extreme measures of protest similar to this.

his quote: "many of us like to ask ourselves, 'what would i do if my country was commiting suicide?' the answer is, you're doing it. right now." will always stick with me. it keeps me awake at night. like it was intended to.
I agree that the story is tragic, but judging by his Reddit account, the dude is no angel.



🍭my lollipop brings the feminists to my candyshop
Aug 16, 2022
I agree that the story is tragic, but judging by his Reddit account, the dude is no angel.
For those interested, that screenshot's almost certainly a hoax. I debunked it fairly carefully here, @pebpebpebpeb

Here's an example of his real writing style:

3   cPIeqsW

  • The careful punctuation & capitalization.
  • Nuanced arguments.
  • The other screenshot has eerily zero Reddit context.
  • Such anarchists don't say things like "Palestine will be free when all the jews are dead" — other anarchists would attack them hard for it.
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May 5, 2021
For those interested, that screenshot's almost certainly a hoax. I debunked it fairly carefully here, @pebpebpebpeb

Here's an example of his real writing style:

View attachment 131805

  • The careful punctuation & capitalization.
  • Nuanced arguments.
  • The other screenshot has eerily zero Reddit context.
  • Such anarchists don't say things like "Palestine will be free when all the jews are dead" — other anarchists would attack them hard for it.
I think it's real and I have already explained to you why. In a very similar way, you feel very bad when you see Muslims tweeting from Gaza...


Until you check what they tweeted on October 7.



🍭my lollipop brings the feminists to my candyshop
Aug 16, 2022
I think it's real and I have already explained to you why.
People will make up their minds. If anyone else has questions/critiques, I'm happy to carefully think about it & respond!


brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
People will make up their minds. If anyone else has questions/critiques, I'm happy to carefully think about it & respond!
No offense but I think it was kind of foolish to go out in such pain to protest something that is out of his control anyways. Self-immolation sounds super painful and he as an individual can't change anything, they're still going hard at it in Gaza.
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May 5, 2021
People will make up their minds. If anyone else has questions/critiques, I'm happy to carefully think about it & respond!
Even if this particular screenshot is somehow fake, according to your own research, he still said that there are no innocent civilians in Israel. Here's the picture you posted:



🍭my lollipop brings the feminists to my candyshop
Aug 16, 2022
No offense but I think it was kind of dumb to go out in such pain to protest something that is out of his control anyways. Self-immolation sounds super painful and he as an individual can't change anything, they're still going hard at it in Gaza.
Well, self-immolations happen; and presumably no one deludes themselves into thinking they immediately end genocides. Like there was a point where a couple people in Turkey (aka north Kurdistan) were self-immolating to protest Turkey for imprisoning Öcalan

Real change happens by people & movements chipping away over time

But hey — most people on dying on SaSu won't be remembered. Whereas here we are, among the many talking & debating about Aaron Bushnell, poring over his censored words
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May 5, 2021
Well, self-immolations happen; and presumably no one deludes themselves into thinking they immediately end genocides. Like there was a point where a couple people in Turkey (aka north Kurdistan) were self-immolating to protest Turkey for imprisoning Öcalan

Real change happens by people & movements chipping away over time

But hey — most people on dying on SaSu won't be remembered. Whereas here we are, among the many talking & debating about Aaron Bushnell, poring over his censored words
I've already explained it to you, it has not been confirmed that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza (and it will be very difficult to prove such a thing). To prove Israel is committing a genocide you have to first prove that their goal isn't to dismantle Hamas, but to eliminate an ethnic group. It's actually much easier to accuse Hamas of genocide, because the governing charter of Hamas, "The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement", openly dedicates Hamas to genocide against the Jewish people.

1710264715166 1710264721022



May 5, 2021
Overall, the situation is super confusing and hilarious. After all, it's the Jews who used to control the narrative, but now the narrative has turned against the Jews, but the older Jewish ideas still apply... It's a mess.
Do you remember Kanye West's antisemitic remarks? People tried to cancel him so bad. A couple of months later, antisemitism is now viewed as progressive, with Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis being praised by Western leftists.

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wanting outta this bitch
Sep 23, 2022
Exactly, haha! The Gaza Arabs are gonna be fine, the Jews are clueless about this whole genocide business. Look at Artsakh, Sept '23 the Turks expelled 100% Armenians, and nobody gave a fuck. Look at Arakan where the Rohingya Muslims were brutally evicted and exterminated by the peaceful, mindful Buddhist Burmese. Gaza's 30k dead is a drop in the bucket.

Hmm, interesting take. Do you believe that Israel has the capability and intent of committing genocide, they just simply lack the militaristic competence or political will to carry one out?


May 5, 2021
Hmm, interesting take. Do you believe that Israel has the capability and intent of committing genocide, they just simply lack the militaristic competence or political will to carry one out?
To prove Israel is committing a genocide you have to first prove that the Israeli goal isn't to dismantle Hamas, but to eliminate an ethnic group (because genocide requires this intent). So, technically speaking, even if Israel indiscriminately bombed Gaza and didn't warn any civilian, it's still not a proof that they are guilty of genocide (probably a certain war crime, but not genocide). It's much easier to accuse Hamas of genocidal intent: according to their own charter, "the day of judgement will not come until Muslims fight the Jews and kill them". What can you expect from an organization that combines ultra-nationalism with fundamentalist Islamism?

1710384195121 1710384198899
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wanting outta this bitch
Sep 23, 2022
To prove Israel is committing a genocide you have to first prove that the Israeli goal isn't to dismantle Hamas, but to eliminate an ethnic group (because genocide requires this intent). So, technically speaking, even if Israel indiscriminately bombed Gaza and didn't warn any civilian, it's still not a proof that they are guilty of genocide (probably a certain war crime, but not genocide). It's much easier to accuse Hamas of genocidal intent: according to their own charter, "the day of judgement will not come until Muslims fight the Jews and kill them". What can you expect from an organization that combines ultra-nationalism with fundamentalist Islamism?

View attachment 132034View attachment 132035

Yes, I agree wholeheartedly. Unfortunately, many people nowadays are ignorantly using the word 'genocide' in place of "lots of people that died". They don't care if it's descriptively or semantically imprecise, they just like the rhetorical condemnation that is attached to such a morally-loaded term. Civilian casualties have been part and parcel of almost every armed conflict ever, but now detractors & critics want to pretend like Israel is somehow being uniquely reckless or destructive in its campaign. But where is their outrage for Hamas utilizing the Palestinian people as meat shields?

I wonder if these same people would've been out protesting and demanding that the Allied forces ease up their aggression against Nazi Germany in WWII?
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