Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
I watched a UK Daytime TV show called This Morning and the Health Minister let slip that the UK has an epidemic suicide rate this year with Covid-19 restrictions and lock down. Now we have entered Autumn called Fall in America and it's getting darker earlier and it's cold and miserable outside, it's only 17.30 and it's almost night time.

What chance do we have we are heading for another lock down as infection cases are rising again in certain area's this will no doubt be the whole of the UK soon, we will have greedy people stock pilling everything forcing supermarket to ration food and products.

Pubs and restaurants are closing at 10pm but will be shut, people who thought they could not work from home have managed too so don't want to go back to the office my friend is a trader in the City of London and he's trading at home no problem big business have caught on they don't need these big glamorous offices in the City to make a profit with social distancing many companies will need more building to operate, it's cheaper for people staying at home using there own tea/coffee, phones and electricity so everyone who relied on them are struggling to stay in business and redundancies are at record levels.

Will life ever return to normal, mass unemployment, people frightened to leave there house, the Government talking about raising taxes to pay for Covid-19, lol people will be paying for it for 100 years maybe 200 years as once they get there hooks into your money they won't give it back.

We are lucky if a healthy person lives until 80 years old so why has this shit happened in my life time, the future looks grim I reckon the UK suicide rate will surpass 10,000 they all talk about mental health but all they are doing is funding mental health telephone lines so you can talk to someone, no action is taken and we all know how that helps.

As soon as lock down was eased the stabbings, rapes and murders started again, It feels like there is no future to look forward to, I'm just happy I have my SN and meds to fall back on.

Plus at the back of my mind I feel this virus was created in a lab, designed to infect humans and animals and released as a warning ,bio warfare doesn't need to destroy one building.

Thanks for listening to my vent.


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Deleted member 19654

Deleted member 19654

Working towards recovery.
Jul 9, 2020
I'm not surprised that suicide rates have gone up. I'm pretty sure there's been more people joining SS too. I've certainly become more depressed and suicidal since this covid bullshit started.

The future looks pretty bleak. We're going to be feeling the effects of this pandemic for a long time. I don't really want to stick around to just suffer even more.
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The 21st century is when everything changes
Aug 8, 2020
I will be one of them :sunglasses:

Fuck coronavirus, fuck winter :angry:
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Aug 27, 2018
I love how we enter fall I like the autumn colors and the cool weather, as an adult I hate summer it´s too hot I don´t get why people love the heat so much like I can´t go for a walk without sweating like a pig in the summer, I have nothing to do because I have no friends and no hobbies and got dozens of allergies as an adult including pollen allergy so I am happy the summer is over it also feels like the longest summer ever. And I hope we will get snow this year when winter comes it´s so nostalgic but despite living in Denmark (Scandinavia) we got no snow none at all for the first time in my 26 year old life and even a few years back we only got a little snow, as a child we had so much snow and snow free days at school.

But on the topic of covid I don´t see it going away anytime soon, we started to see numbers going down months ago then the second wave hit and now they say it is as bad as it was in June and there are more and more restriction like as with you the 10pm curfew on certain establishments and now we have to use the masks even more places, and in our minds I´m sure we think as soon as 2020 is over things will be back to normal but I don´t think so I think it will take a long time and even years before things are totally back to normal like people shaking hands, the virus may go away sooner but the way people have behaved has become the normal like social distancing, not shaking hands etc. And I too think it is very possible that the virus was made in a lab it may not have been but I think it´s plausible.

Also despite only going out for a walk a day covid is so tiring I am so sick of seeing people with masks on, people avoiding each other like they think you have ebola, and seeing plastic glass in front of every register and at the pharmacy at one point when I could only pay with cash they would put on plastic gloves to receive it and it feels so insulting like dude I don´t have the plague or ebola chill the fuck down! And you never get a break from seeing or hearing about covid it´s the only thing they talk about in the news "the numbers are x amount today" and "so many people have died today" etc. and again with the supermarkets with stickers on the floor to tell you how far you should stand, and having to use hand sanitizer when you enter EVERY store even if you just used it a store seconds away. I am so glad I got to experience my childhood and teenage years before all this shit broke out it must suck wasting so much of your youth going through all of this.
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Sep 11, 2020
I watched a UK Daytime TV show called This Morning and the Health Minister let slip that the UK has an epidemic suicide rate this year with Covid-19 restrictions and lock down. Now we have entered Autumn called Fall in America and it's getting darker earlier and it's cold and miserable outside, it's only 17.30 and it's almost night time.

What chance do we have we are heading for another lock down as infection cases are rising again in certain area's this will no doubt be the whole of the UK soon, we will have greedy people stock pilling everything forcing supermarket to ration food and products.

Pubs and restaurants are closing at 10pm but will be shut, people who thought they could not work from home have managed too so don't want to go back to the office my friend is a trader in the City of London and he's trading at home no problem big business have caught on they don't need these big glamorous offices in the City to make a profit with social distancing many companies will need more building to operate, it's cheaper for people staying at home using there own tea/coffee, phones and electricity so everyone who relied on them are struggling to stay in business and redundancies are at record levels.

Will life ever return to normal, mass unemployment, people frightened to leave there house, the Government talking about raising taxes to pay for Covid-19, lol people will be paying for it for 100 years maybe 200 years as once they get there hooks into your money they won't give it back.

We are lucky if a healthy person lives until 80 years old so why has this shit happened in my life time, the future looks grim I reckon the UK suicide rate will surpass 10,000 they all talk about mental health but all they are doing is funding mental health telephone lines so you can talk to someone, no action is taken and we all know how that helps.

As soon as lock down was eased the stabbings, rapes and murders started again, It feels like there is no future to look forward to, I'm just happy I have my SN and meds to fall back on.

Plus at the back of my mind I feel this virus was created in a lab, designed to infect humans and animals and released as a warning ,bio warfare doesn't need to destroy one building.

Thanks for listening to my vent.


The suicide rate for U.K men was already at a record high even before Covid and its consequences. You are right of course....it will inevitably go up even more .
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Reactions: All washed up, Metalhead and Jumper Geo
Deleted member 19654

Deleted member 19654

Working towards recovery.
Jul 9, 2020
The mental health care system in the UK was already crap before the start of the pandemic. And now they gotta deal with an increase in depression and more people feeling suicidal.
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Oct 3, 2020
It does seem like I see a disproportionate amount of UK people here, but I might be biased cos I am one myself.

It doesn't surprise me in the slightest, seeing as I'm due to be one of the numbers. Whatever your beliefs are about it's legitimacy, Britan was heading for disaster with Brexit and a failing economy as it was before COVID. I have little to no hope for this country and my heart aches for my little 1 y/o nephew.
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Aug 21, 2019
People CTB over covid restrictions I can't help but find ridiculuous. I made it 13 years with covid-like conditions and I bet they'd also be the ones to call me "weak" for taking the "coward's way out" before all this.

I say this without the slightest tinge of exaggeration but if it wasn't for one specific thing my life would be at it's peak right now covid or no.
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Nov 7, 2019
Lockdown increased ctb rate. There are many people who can't stand being locked and decide to ctb.
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Aug 21, 2019
I love how we enter fall I like the autumn colors and the cool weather, as an adult I hate summer it´s too hot I don´t get why people love the heat so much like I can´t go for a walk without sweating like a pig in the summer, I have nothing to do because I have no friends and no hobbies and got dozens of allergies as an adult including pollen allergy so I am happy the summer is over it also feels like the longest summer ever. And I hope we will get snow this year when winter comes it´s so nostalgic but despite living in Denmark (Scandinavia) we got no snow none at all for the first time in my 26 year old life and even a few years back we only got a little snow, as a child we had so much snow and snow free days at school.

But on the topic of covid I don´t see it going away anytime soon, we started to see numbers going down months ago then the second wave hit and now they say it is as bad as it was in June and there are more and more restriction like as with you the 10pm curfew on certain establishments and now we have to use the masks even more places, and in our minds I´m sure we think as soon as 2020 is over things will be back to normal but I don´t think so I think it will take a long time and even years before things are totally back to normal like people shaking hands, the virus may go away sooner but the way people have behaved has become the normal like social distancing, not shaking hands etc. And I too think it is very possible that the virus was made in a lab it may not have been but I think it´s plausible.

Also despite only going out for a walk a day covid is so tiring I am so sick of seeing people with masks on, people avoiding each other like they think you have ebola, and seeing plastic glass in front of every register and at the pharmacy at one point when I could only pay with cash they would put on plastic gloves to receive it and it feels so insulting like dude I don´t have the plague or ebola chill the fuck down! And you never get a break from seeing or hearing about covid it´s the only thing they talk about in the news "the numbers are x amount today" and "so many people have died today" etc. and again with the supermarkets with stickers on the floor to tell you how far you should stand, and having to use hand sanitizer when you enter EVERY store even if you just used it a store seconds away. I am so glad I got to experience my childhood and teenage years before all this shit broke out it must suck wasting so much of your youth going through all of this.

I know! I hate the sun and I hate the heat. I wished we lived in perpetual winter because I never want to experience summer it sucks so much! It's very hot where I'm from so I may be biased.


Jul 16, 2020
Suicide rate increased by 100% in Italy compared to last year.
P.s. we already were in a profund economic crisis.
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Reactions: TimeToBiteTheDust, Metalhead and Jumper Geo
Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
Lockdown increased ctb rate. There are many people who can't stand being locked and decide to ctb.

A lot of people were stuck on there own for 3 months with no one to talk to, many people including myself have addictive personalities so booze, drugs, gambling many facing no job and financial ruin and I never forgot that old saying, we are only 3 paydays away from being homeless.

Will life ever be the same employers take advantage and have an excuse to make people redundant or force them into rewriting there old contracts to skim money and perks of them, there are thousands unsure of there jobs it's the uncertainty that creates anxiety as soon as this Government furlough incentive ends within 6 months we will see the devastating cost of Covid-19.

Anyway cheer up, it could be worse we could be stuck at home with no WiFi, :smiling:


I know! I hate the sun and I hate the heat. I wished we lived in perpetual winter because I never want to experience summer it sucks so much! It's very hot where I'm from so I may be biased.

I hate it when it gets to hot and unbearable but I love it when it's 21.00 and the sun is still shining outside.


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Dead beat dad

Dead beat dad

Mar 5, 2019
I watched a UK Daytime TV show called This Morning and the Health Minister let slip that the UK has an epidemic suicide rate this year with Covid-19 restrictions and lock down. Now we have entered Autumn called Fall in America and it's getting darker earlier and it's cold and miserable outside, it's only 17.30 and it's almost night time.

What chance do we have we are heading for another lock down as infection cases are rising again in certain area's this will no doubt be the whole of the UK soon, we will have greedy people stock pilling everything forcing supermarket to ration food and products.

Pubs and restaurants are closing at 10pm but will be shut, people who thought they could not work from home have managed too so don't want to go back to the office my friend is a trader in the City of London and he's trading at home no problem big business have caught on they don't need these big glamorous offices in the City to make a profit with social distancing many companies will need more building to operate, it's cheaper for people staying at home using there own tea/coffee, phones and electricity so everyone who relied on them are struggling to stay in business and redundancies are at record levels.

Will life ever return to normal, mass unemployment, people frightened to leave there house, the Government talking about raising taxes to pay for Covid-19, lol people will be paying for it for 100 years maybe 200 years as once they get there hooks into your money they won't give it back.

We are lucky if a healthy person lives until 80 years old so why has this shit happened in my life time, the future looks grim I reckon the UK suicide rate will surpass 10,000 they all talk about mental health but all they are doing is funding mental health telephone lines so you can talk to someone, no action is taken and we all know how that helps.

As soon as lock down was eased the stabbings, rapes and murders started again, It feels like there is no future to look forward to, I'm just happy I have my SN and meds to fall back on.

Plus at the back of my mind I feel this virus was created in a lab, designed to infect humans and animals and released as a warning ,bio warfare doesn't need to destroy one building.

Thanks for listening to my vent.


I feel this brother. This covid shit has fucked my life up (I got to be furloughed for 1 month and was full time dad to a pre-schooler which was actually pretty sweet). Now all I do is work, literally from the minute I wake up till the moment I go to bed to keep business afloat even though we're making less money.
But that's not even it:
There. Is. No. End. In. Sight...


Still I wish love and respect to you my friend.
So much hate in the world and the only thing that beats hate is love.

Peace friends

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Jan 29, 2020
But not working/losing a job should be the b all and end all, yes it was very sad situation and I feel mild mildly sad snd fed up when my last job ended but I realised it was t for me and it was too stressful to cope with plus my friend died and I also had a major argument with another friend but all I am saying is that life moves after lockdown.

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