
Oct 13, 2020
I guess I'm going through a crisis just now.. I'm already down for an 'urgent medication review' and I think urgent in nhs terms must mean waiting for weeks and hearing nothing.. fucking joke. Over the past couple of years I've got close to someone who I know is going to die this week (long story) and it's screwing me up badly. 70% of the time I just want to die as well and the rest of the time I have second thoughts and want help from someone. In one of those moments this morning I called to speak to my case worker and was told she doesn't work today..they then said they would leave a message for her to call me tomorrow but couldn't promise that she will. This woman also promised to call to check on me last week after I told her I was at Beachy head planning to jump off the weekend before. But she never called.
Im so tired of feeling stupid and like an irritating drain on people. I know there are people worse off than me and I'm so sorry for that. I don't even know what I'm trying to say. Just that mental health services are shit but that's not exactly new information is it??? It's why a lot of us are here.
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Sep 27, 2018
The other day I had someone say to me how lucky we are that we have the NHS but this is the reality of it. Waiting and waiting for weeks on end with some people who will never really care. Having worked in the NHS I am ashamed to say this is true, not every one is like this but they are so rare.

I am sorry you are suffering but nobody here is going to think you're an irritating drain on people. So if it helps, go ahead and vent.
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That's the hell I live with
Apr 19, 2018
The NHS is so shit!
I can't actually remember properly what happened with my experience with the NHS.
I have posted about it before though on here and reddit, but I can't work out how to find the posts.
Anyway, here's what I do remember.
That they told me that I was not in the right mindset for therapy, and when I told them I tried to hang myself twice (actually more then that but I only told them about those 2 times), they just brushed off and she actually said to me. "I wonder why you can't do it right."
She also made me watch a TedTalk about suicide and said it was an incredibly selfish thing to do.
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Nov 15, 2020
First attempt aged 19 I got called a 'stupid cow' by the nurse pumping my stomach. Hasn't got much better they're mostly ridiculous, only ones with power seem to have godlike tendencies and definitely don't get it right lots of the t8me. I feel totally failed. If people like us with lived experience mostly worked on psych wards and with others experiencing this sh** I reckon it'd be transformed. But we're stuck with dinosaur mostly useless system. Anecdotal rant over. I just got discharged in record time after bipolar diagnosis in late 40sand I don't care as I have zero faith in them at this stage..
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Jul 26, 2020
It's dire. I think the uselessness of CAMHS as a teenager permanently disillusioned me, lol.
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Oct 13, 2020
Thank you all of you sharing your experiences with me. Earlier I was really feeling so alone in this but sharing on here does make me realise I'm not. And that helps ❤️
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Lost and Lonely
May 23, 2020
I having similar experiences with my local southern NHS trust. First GP Referred me to health in mind waited 5 weeks for contact then was told no services available due to COVID. I started receiving once a week phones calls from health in mind basically asking if I was still alive ? They then referred me to a counselling service that never contacted me and once I'd contacted them they said they were shut because chap that ran it all sadly passed away so they closed it down without telling health in mind. I then went on the internal waiting list for a nhs counsellor which I waited for a further 4 weeks. One session with that counsellor and they assessed me to be in crisis and passed me to the crisis team. They rang and said I wasn't in crisis and they were going to refer me to health in mind for support. The following week had a massive breakdown was taken to A and E by the police and received 1 weeks worth daily contact and now nothing !
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
We spend our waking days berating both the US and UK mental health systems as corrupt and broken. If they had a suggestion box, it would've been deemed a SuperFund site due to the amount of toxic complaints that it would receive.
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Lost and Lonely
May 23, 2020
We spend our waking days berating both the US and UK mental health systems as corrupt and broken. If they had a suggestion box, it would've been deemed a SuperFund site due to the amount of toxic complaints that it would receive.
I wouldn't say UK NHS is corrupt but very poorly funded and money being wasted. So actually as I'm writing this I'm think hang on they blew billions on inflated priced PPE from companies recommended by our MP's and peers ! So I now agree ! Full circle lol
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signifying nothing

signifying nothing

Sep 13, 2020
We need to try and find ways to help ourselves. I know that's easier said than done, but what other choice do we have? In a way that's what the NHS is really saying when it acts as it does - help yourselves because we can't.
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The 21st century is when everything changes
Aug 8, 2020
My experience of the NHS is being left to get on with it... Where that could mean getting on with life or death. No-one really cares, they just want to cover themselves in case they get blamed.
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Oct 13, 2020
I having similar experiences with my local southern NHS trust. First GP Referred me to health in mind waited 5 weeks for contact then was told no services available due to COVID. I started receiving once a week phones calls from health in mind basically asking if I was still alive ? They then referred me to a counselling service that never contacted me and once I'd contacted them they said they were shut because chap that ran it all sadly passed away so they closed it down without telling health in mind. I then went on the internal waiting list for a nhs counsellor which I waited for a further 4 weeks. One session with that counsellor and they assessed me to be in crisis and passed me to the crisis team. They rang and said I wasn't in crisis and they were going to refer me to health in mind for support. The following week had a massive breakdown was taken to A and E by the police and received 1 weeks worth daily contact and now nothing !
Bloody hell I'm so sorry that's awful
I'm South UK too. It's been so bad.. I was getting the same sort of calls as you weekly or two weekly. One woman called me and asked me about suicidal thoughts and I said I couldn't say yes or no.. my mood changed all the time. She said she had to write an answer down or she would 'get into trouble'.. like her concern wasn't even about my likelihood of ctb it was only if she would get told off at work for not getting an answer. I mean I know these people aren't going to really actually care about whether I live or die, but it's when they make it SO clear they don't give a fuck that it sucks.
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Lost and Lonely
May 23, 2020
Bloody hell I'm so sorry that's awful
I'm South UK too. It's been so bad.. I was getting the same sort of calls as you weekly or two weekly. One woman called me and asked me about suicidal thoughts and I said I couldn't say yes or no.. my mood changed all the time. She said she had to write an answer down or she would 'get into trouble'.. like her concern wasn't even about my likelihood of ctb it was only if she would get told off at work for not getting an answer. I mean I know these people aren't going to really actually care about whether I live or die, but it's when they make it SO clear they don't give a fuck that it sucks.
I worked for the NHS for nearly 20 years we often used the acronym
C - cover
A - arse
R - retain
E - employment
That's what care actually means
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Apr 29, 2020
I guess I'm going through a crisis just now.. I'm already down for an 'urgent medication review' and I think urgent in nhs terms must mean waiting for weeks and hearing nothing.. fucking joke. Over the past couple of years I've got close to someone who I know is going to die this week (long story) and it's screwing me up badly. 70% of the time I just want to die as well and the rest of the time I have second thoughts and want help from someone. In one of those moments this morning I called to speak to my case worker and was told she doesn't work today..they then said they would leave a message for her to call me tomorrow but couldn't promise that she will. This woman also promised to call to check on me last week after I told her I was at Beachy head planning to jump off the weekend before. But she never called.
Im so tired of feeling stupid and like an irritating drain on people. I know there are people worse off than me and I'm so sorry for that. I don't even know what I'm trying to say. Just that mental health services are shit but that's not exactly new information is it??? It's why a lot of us are here.
I am in a similar position when it comes to receiving "help" from the nhs mental health services. It's an absolute sham in my area. I'm just a big inconvenience to them even though they were the ones that decided to work in a profession which involves caring for people with severe emotional distress often caused by injustices, inequalities.
I've been told I won't get "help" unless I agree to do as they say and learn all the "skills" needed to basically live a life after neglect and abuse. I would be more than happy to learn skills, but to be honest, I need support first. Rapport with a professional is crucial for recovery. And blackmailing me into services only makes me relive the abandonment, neglect and control I have been on the unfortunate end of throughout my life, starting in childhood. This is just my experience. I know some people who get access to everything. If you're like me and have a diagnosis of BPD then it's more common knowledge that we are bounced from one "professional" to another because they don't want to work with us.
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Lost and Lonely
May 23, 2020
I am in a similar position when it comes to receiving "help" from the nhs mental health services. It's an absolute sham in my area. I'm just a big inconvenience to them even though they were the ones that decided to work in a profession which involves caring for people with severe emotional distress often caused by injustices, inequalities.
I've been told I won't get "help" unless I agree to do as they say and learn all the "skills" needed to basically live a life after neglect and abuse. I would be more than happy to learn skills, but to be honest, I need support first. Rapport with a professional is crucial for recovery. And blackmailing me into services only makes me relive the abandonment, neglect and control I have been on the unfortunate end of throughout my life, starting in childhood. This is just my experience. I know some people who get access to everything. If you're like me and have a diagnosis of BPD then it's more common knowledge that we are bounced from one "professional" to another because they don't want to work with us.
If I knew how to hug it would of been a hug Banana rather than a like :)
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The 21st century is when everything changes
Aug 8, 2020
If I knew how to hug it would of been a hug Banana rather than a like :)
Press and hold the Like button and it gives more options :)
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Oct 31, 2020
Apparently I'm too much of a "risk" to access Nhs Talking Therapies, but not enough of a "risk" for Nhs Secondary Mental Health Support. And they wonder why people don't ask for help....
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Lost and Lonely
May 23, 2020
Apparently I'm too much of a "risk" to access Nhs Talking Therapies, but not enough of a "risk" for Nhs Secondary Mental Health Support. And they wonder why people don't ask for help....
Another one falls through the crack !


Oct 21, 2020
The whole of the NHS are crap. I've been having heart palpitations, pain in my chest, and lost over 2 stone in weight.

3 months later I speak to doctor today (yet another one at my surgery) "have you had a blood test recently?" Yes you've sent me for 3. "Have you had an ecg done" Yes you've done 3 of those as well. "Oh, what do you think we should do now?" I don't know, you're the sodding doctor.
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trapped here
Nov 9, 2019
The whole of the NHS are crap. I've been having heart palpitations, pain in my chest, and lost over 2 stone in weight.

3 months later I speak to doctor today (yet another one at my surgery) "have you had a blood test recently?" Yes you've sent me for 3. "Have you had an ecg done" Yes you've done 3 of those as well. "Oh, what do you think we should do now?" I don't know, you're the sodding doctor.
The nhs are terrible when it comes to diagnosing anything. It was just as bad before covid. The doctors have so many patients to see they literally have no time to go through one patients symptoms and figure out what's wrong. Nobody matters now except for covid patients.

a private doctor is no better either. The nhs has forced me to go private because I would've been waiting 5 years to see a nuerologist on the nhs. I went to him with a list of my symptoms and he said "well it's not clear from this list what's wrong" and I was like isn't that your fucking job to find out?!" I have to pay 200 pounds every time I see him and each appointment is only like 5 minutes. Barely enough time to get in and sit down.

in the U.K. you really have no hope. If you have a condition that is non visible or doesn't show up on a scan or a test etc you're fucked. They just say it's all in your head to get you off their back. They couldn't care less if you dropped dead. In fact they'd be happy because it's one less patient they have to deal with.
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Nov 7, 2020
Reading this thread, it's the last time I'll complain about mental health services in the Republic of Ireland, which seem somewhat (not much) better.
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trapped here
Nov 9, 2019
Reading this thread, it's the last time I'll complain about mental health services in the Republic of Ireland, which seem somewhat (not much) better.
I'm in NI they are probably better here too than in England. Maybe it has something to do with population and a shortage of mental health professionals too.

but maybe the only reason I've been able to have easy access is because I've been seeing psychiatrists since I was 13 years old. It's probably easier once you're in the system to continue getting therapy down the line.
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Aug 5, 2019
I think we're all just preaching to an echo chamber here lol, we all ended up on SS and I doubt many of us would have if we'd had amazing experiences with mental health services.
I actually have had some decent help from my GP and local crisis team, their psychiatrist managed to get me an autism assessment in less than 6 months (waiting list is at least 2 years). The community team is stretched way too thin though, I don't think they can cope with the demand and covid only makes this worse.

One of my biggest issues is that to get any kind of help from the NHS, you have to actually take action yourself and be your own advocate (no matter how long you've been in the system). If you tell yourself you don't deserve help, you don't want help, or you have no motivation to do so, then you just slip through the cracks because they don't notice you're struggling. The very reason why some of us ask for help is the same reason why we go unnoticed sometimes
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Dec 8, 2020
I guess I'm going through a crisis just now.. I'm already down for an 'urgent medication review' and I think urgent in nhs terms must mean waiting for weeks and hearing nothing.. fucking joke. Over the past couple of years I've got close to someone who I know is going to die this week (long story) and it's screwing me up badly. 70% of the time I just want to die as well and the rest of the time I have second thoughts and want help from someone. In one of those moments this morning I called to speak to my case worker and was told she doesn't work today..they then said they would leave a message for her to call me tomorrow but couldn't promise that she will. This woman also promised to call to check on me last week after I told her I was at Beachy head planning to jump off the weekend before. But she never called.
Im so tired of feeling stupid and like an irritating drain on people. I know there are people worse off than me and I'm so sorry for that. I don't even know what I'm trying to say. Just that mental health services are shit but that's not exactly new information is it??? It's why a lot of us are here.

I'm in a really similar situation. Back in September I had a mental breakdown and was referred to the lets talk nhs, registered severe for symptoms of anxiety and depression and was put on a 8 week waiting list for CBT. Still waiting. I dont expect a call from them anytime soon. I'm also planning a trip to beachy head, either that or hanging but the house is never empty.
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Sep 11, 2020
I ended up in hospital after a suicide attempt.. The mental health team up there let me go.. Even though I was pleading for help.. I said I will jump under a train if I leave. The psychiatrist up there does not like me as iv told her the drugs they gave me have given me permanent brain damage and sexual disfunction.. Iv told them to look up PSSD.. She said you shoiod never read stuff online.. There cunts the lot of them.. Just puppets on a string to big pharma.


Sep 29, 2020
I worked for the NHS for nearly 20 years we often used the acronym
C - cover
A - arse
R - retain
E - employment
That's what care actually means
They are the laziest people. If they spent as much time concentrating on their work as they did bitching about the Tories then it might be a decent service.... "service" is probably too generous a word to describe what they currently do


Apr 8, 2020
The nhs are terrible when it comes to diagnosing anything. It was just as bad before covid. The doctors have so many patients to see they literally have no time to go through one patients symptoms and figure out what's wrong. Nobody matters now except for covid patients.

a private doctor is no better either. The nhs has forced me to go private because I would've been waiting 5 years to see a nuerologist on the nhs. I went to him with a list of my symptoms and he said "well it's not clear from this list what's wrong" and I was like isn't that your fucking job to find out?!" I have to pay 200 pounds every time I see him and each appointment is only like 5 minutes. Barely enough time to get in and sit down.

in the U.K. you really have no hope. If you have a condition that is non visible or doesn't show up on a scan or a test etc you're fucked. They just say it's all in your head to get you off their back. They couldn't care less if you dropped dead. In fact they'd be happy because it's one less patient they have to deal with.
The NHS i call it the No Help Service.
Lawrence Fox( i don't like him he is an idiot) he said on Twitter the NHS is not my church and saviour.
NHS in Britain has become a religion oh my god.

What did you think of the whole clap for NHS thing?

I thought it was ridiculous especially as it was every week.
First attempt aged 19 I got called a 'stupid cow' by the nurse pumping my stomach. Hasn't got much better they're mostly ridiculous, only ones with power seem to have godlike tendencies and definitely don't get it right lots of the t8me. I feel totally failed. If people like us with lived experience mostly worked on psych wards and with others experiencing this sh** I reckon it'd be transformed. But we're stuck with dinosaur mostly useless system. Anecdotal rant over. I just got discharged in record time after bipolar diagnosis in late 40sand I don't care as I have zero faith in them at this stage..
I am sorry to hear that. Horrible nurse what a bitch.
Why do people go in to healthcare when they lack compassion for peoples suffering?
I read online there is a lot of abuse within mental health hospitals.
They are the laziest people. If they spent as much time concentrating on their work as they did bitching about the Tories then it might be a decent service.... "service" is probably too generous a word to describe what they currently do
The way the NHS was talked about during the election last year was disgusting
-pictures of people sleeping on floors
-media stories of Trump buying the nhs and the leaked documents jeremy was showing. My friends thought we will end up paying for nhs.
The NHS never will improve if we cant have civilised discussion on what needs to be done. The nhs needs money but it also wastes money as well. The nhs managers are eating the money.
I'm in NI they are probably better here too than in England. Maybe it has something to do with population and a shortage of mental health professionals too.

but maybe the only reason I've been able to have easy access is because I've been seeing psychiatrists since I was 13 years old. It's probably easier once you're in the system to continue getting therapy down the line.
NHS mental health services varies from area to area. Some areas are good others are bad.
Just depends whre you live really.
The nhs are terrible when it comes to diagnosing anything. It was just as bad before covid. The doctors have so many patients to see they literally have no time to go through one patients symptoms and figure out what's wrong. Nobody matters now except for covid patients.

a private doctor is no better either. The nhs has forced me to go private because I would've been waiting 5 years to see a nuerologist on the nhs. I went to him with a list of my symptoms and he said "well it's not clear from this list what's wrong" and I was like isn't that your fucking job to find out?!" I have to pay 200 pounds every time I see him and each appointment is only like 5 minutes. Barely enough time to get in and sit down.

in the U.K. you really have no hope. If you have a condition that is non visible or doesn't show up on a scan or a test etc you're fucked. They just say it's all in your head to get you off their back. They couldn't care less if you dropped dead. In fact they'd be happy because it's one less patient they have to deal with.
The NHS is so shit!
I can't actually remember properly what happened with my experience with the NHS.
I have posted about it before though on here and reddit, but I can't work out how to find the posts.
Anyway, here's what I do remember.
That they told me that I was not in the right mindset for therapy, and when I told them I tried to hang myself twice (actually more then that but I only told them about those 2 times), they just brushed off and she actually said to me. "I wonder why you can't do it right."
She also made me watch a TedTalk about suicide and said it was an incredibly selfish thing to do.
If a person suffered from cancer there is no way a healthcare professional would recommend Cancer patient watch tedxtalks
I am so sorry you were treated this way.
This thread has shown how everyone on here has been failed by the system.

People want this site taken down but these are the same people who do nothing to campaign for a better mental health care system or tackle mental health discrimination.

People today care about what is trendy such as black lives matter*, never trump movement or the stop Brexit movement
* Black lives matter: I am black female but this black lives matter movement is fake. Most of these people taking the knee or sharing the hashtag never cared about racial discrimination in thier own neighbourhoods or within thier families but are only caring because it is trendy to do. It is so nauseating.

This site i have found my friends here. The outside world didn't listen to people like me
If i was helped to live i wouldnt be here.
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Dec 6, 2020
The UK mental health services have known of my conditions for over 2 decades. They have tried to provide me with their "care". I have been left with PTSD and I'm now unable to attend hospitals or GPS ect. All down to their "care".
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Faking a smile is so much easier
Jun 26, 2020
I guess I'm going through a crisis just now.. I'm already down for an 'urgent medication review' and I think urgent in nhs terms must mean waiting for weeks and hearing nothing.. fucking joke. Over the past couple of years I've got close to someone who I know is going to die this week (long story) and it's screwing me up badly. 70% of the time I just want to die as well and the rest of the time I have second thoughts and want help from someone. In one of those moments this morning I called to speak to my case worker and was told she doesn't work today..they then said they would leave a message for her to call me tomorrow but couldn't promise that she will. This woman also promised to call to check on me last week after I told her I was at Beachy head planning to jump off the weekend before. But she never called.
Im so tired of feeling stupid and like an irritating drain on people. I know there are people worse off than me and I'm so sorry for that. I don't even know what I'm trying to say. Just that mental health services are shit but that's not exactly new information is it??? It's why a lot of us are here.
That's awful :( I would feel so neglected if that happened to me. I'm sorry that happened to you :( I've been looking at Beachy head as I gave up trying to find N. I moved to hastings from London recently hoping it would bring me some peace to be by the sea. It hasn't and I'm closer to Eastbourne now so... planning to have a trip there...just to sit and feel and just....I dunno

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