First off, you don't want 15psi; that's a pressure rating. You want 15Lpm, which is a flow rating.
My best guess would be that you want at least a 3.5L cylinder, and a 7.8L would be better. BUT, I'm not familiar with metric sizing, I'm just pulling those numbers off this chart, working from what I know of US sizes: In short, I'm assuming the litre-size is the liquid volume,
not the total volume of compressed gas. You will want to double check me with this.
I have a 40cf, which is the same as a 7.8L. Running the maths, a 20cf/3.5L cylinder has ~566L of gas under compression, which would give you ~38 minutes at a flow of 15Lpm. That's cutting it a bit fine, but judging from the figures I see commonly cited (10-40min to death) would
probably be adequate.
So if a 20L cylinder has a 20L liquid volume, yes, assuming it's compressed to a standard 2000psi, that should be much more than enough.
Have a look at that chart, and see if you can tell from the outside dimensions what size tank you're thinking of.