
Aug 18, 2020
Who would have the better chance to win the presidency as a GOP nominee?

Personally I think probably DeSantis. Trump had too many scandals like the FBI raid or his new charge in New York. I think the independents don't want Trump four more years.
In my country the media often say DeSantis was a version of Trump but with a brain. Not sure whether this is really true.

I think currently it looks like either Biden or Newsom could be the nominee. But at the DNC it is more unclear. I don't know much about Newsom.
Though I think Biden's age is a real problem.
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Infinity Weaver
Aug 2, 2022
Trump is a showman, but his 'brand' took a hit when he fumbled the pandemic. My money's on DeSantis. Sad part is, I don't know any Democrats that stand a chance at beating him.
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Sorry but cats are so much better than people
Jun 9, 2022
I agree that things have hopefully finally caught up to Trump too much for him to be the GOP nominee in 2024. DeSantis is more likely and that is a very scary probability.

Part of my reasons for wanting to CTB are that I'm stuck in Florida, hate it more by the day and can't stand the sight or sound of DeSantis and the morons here that want him for their leader. He is a dictator whose time as governor has only bolstered his evil arrogance. It's sickening that so many people are fooled by his claims of fighting for freedom (sure if you're an old white Christian) and don't see him as the danger that he is.
Not that it matters but I am both old and white and I am sickened by the beliefs of many of my peers, especially in the South.

As far as the Democrats, while I will most definitely vote (if still around) for anyone over Trump or DeSantis, I am nervous that there won't be a strong enough candidate to get the votes. Add that to the Republicans efforts to fabricate the election results and I don't have much hope for the US. We need young people and minorities to vote in record numbers.
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Dysgenic Pup

Dysgenic Pup

A canine that’s not so heavenly.
Sep 18, 2021
I think Trump would definitely have the support of the Republican voters and most right-leaning independent voters. I see tons of Trump 2024 signs around rural, conservative parts of my state and I talk to many locals. It's a small sample size but I believe this is a commonality across red states. I think the average-joe, American right-winger's vote is with Trump. I don't think DeSantis would want to face off against Trump and he would probably not even enter the race or just drop out and let Trump steamroll the Republican primaries.

With that being said, if I had to choose between Trump or DeSantis, I would choose DeSantis solely based on age and the fact that there isn't much deviation in their political beliefs. I just don't think we should normalize electing 70+-year-olds to be president. Only three presidents were ever elected while in their 70s: Reagan, Trump, and Biden. Eisenhower is the only other president to be in the office at 70 years old but was elected at 66 years old. A president in his/her 40s or 50s seems the most ideal.

If I didn't have to vote for Trump or DeSantis, I would probably vote for a 3rd party option.


shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
I agree that things have hopefully finally caught up to Trump too much for him to be the GOP nominee in 2024. DeSantis is more likely and that is a very scary probability.

Part of my reasons for wanting to CTB are that I'm stuck in Florida, hate it more by the day and can't stand the sight or sound of DeSantis and the morons here that want him for their leader. He is a dictator whose time as governor has only bolstered his evil arrogance. It's sickening that so many people are fooled by his claims of fighting for freedom (sure if you're an old white Christian) and don't see him as the danger that he is.
Not that it matters but I am both old and white and I am sickened by the beliefs of many of my peers, especially in the South.

As far as the Democrats, while I will most definitely vote (if still around) for anyone over Trump or DeSantis, I am nervous that there won't be a strong enough candidate to get the votes. Add that to the Republicans efforts to fabricate the election results and I don't have much hope for the US. We need young people and minorities to vote in record numbers.
I wouldn't go so far as to call him a dictator, but I also dislike DeSantis and hate it here in this trailer park of a state. My goal is to get the fuck out before it gets worse.
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Proud member of the FBI and CIA.
Sep 14, 2022
Trump 100%.

They're both terrible but DeSantis is clearly fake from inside out.

Trump is fake too but he's mentally ill and old, with no filter and a willingness to speak (unlike Biden), so you can see his though process clearly, making him a better leader to get behind.


he/him · tired/exhausted
Nov 11, 2022
For better or for worse, Trump, since he has a cult of personality outside Florida. (I find both Trump and DeSantis nauseating, so I'd be happy to see both of them defeated by Democrats.)
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May 10, 2023
Its past Trumps time he had his run and he fucked us with covid the lock downs were bullshit prioritizing the old over the young was stupid and should have been illegal, DeSantis is better actually gets shit done and doesnt let the left get to him So DeSantis > Trump but still Trump > Biden/any libtard


Jul 11, 2020
both are horrible.
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Mar 9, 2023
I'd say DeSantis. I see his policies as beneficial.


Soon, my soul will fly away. I love you all
Jun 8, 2023
Neither of them. Trump should be in jail, not in the White House
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Soon, my soul will fly away. I love you all
Jun 8, 2023
Yes, definitely. Fun fact: Trump's family originally comes from a small village pretty near my hometown. But if you ask the people there, almost everybody tries to deny that
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Apr 15, 2022
Trump or DeSantis?

As far as which one would make a better poster boy for why abortion should always be available and legal?

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Everything's gonna be OK
Aug 28, 2020
Ugh, neither. Vivek Ramaswamy is by far the best but people are too dumb to vote for him. Just like they were too dumb to vote for Ron Paul.
2024 is going to be one more clown show. Another match between Trump vs Biden. 🤔


dissociated angel.
Jul 8, 2023
i hope neither. in my heart i still root for jeb bush because he seemed the… least troublesome.

it'll be trump because trump has created this cult mentality with his supporters. he has a certain charisma that desantis lacks.
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Jul 18, 2023
Trump will eventually drop out and cut a deal to stay out of jail. The clock is ticking. Desantis quickly dropping. Watch Christie . . .


Nov 13, 2021
I believe Trump, despite the controversy, might have a better chance. I believe the controversy might even help to some degree.

I don't like republicans at all, so I really would prefer a democratic candidate. I just wish Biden had more of a backbone. Frankly, I'd prefer different candidates entirely, but I imagine this is gonna come down to Trump v. Biden again.
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Oct 11, 2022
Trump's reputation among the GOP may be deflating, but I'm not convinced anyone else has the reputation or charisma required to defeat him in a GOP primary. Certainly not DeSantis, who is even more transparently obsessed with fighting the vapid culture war than Trump is.


Here today, gone tomorrow
Jul 26, 2023
Trump is a showman, but his 'brand' took a hit when he fumbled the pandemic. My money's on DeSantis. Sad part is, I don't know any Democrats that stand a chance at beating him.
Desantis is the better choice for the gop because if he is nominated, its fairly set in stone he wins, the problem is, a lot of trump fans refuse to let go of trump. Its really hard to imagine biden beating desantis because (even if its not his fault) people tend to vote against the party in power when the economy is bad.