

We fight to live or live to die
May 26, 2019
Yet another night of being uncomfortable as fuck on a park bench, what made it worse is that I woke up to ants and mosquitos crawling all over me... is this what I am to my so called "family"? Am I that much of a peice of shit that they would rather let me suffer on the street? Am I really that much of a peice of utter fucking trash that they would leave me out here like this? I really want to know what I did so wrong to them... I have never stolen from them, I have never taken any drugs in my life which they are so against and convinced themselves that I am, sorry I am so exhausted and worn out from not getting any sleep for 6 days now...

I know my uncle sees us driving around because this is the city he works in, I fucking hate him... he's such a peice of shit who feeds off other people's suffering, my aunt told us that he has some sick twisted thrill of watching others suffer but I never believed her and now I can see it. He flat out lied to my family about a month ago telling them he drove me and my brother around in his car for 5 hours just so we can sleep, that's fucking bullshit... he drove us around to any park bench he could find for about 20 minutes while saying "well that looks like a nice bench to sleep on"... fuck you too dude, you're an asshole

I know he's been manipulating my family to not help us at all, he thinks he knows what is best for others but honestly he's fucking full of himself. He told me and my brother he stayed at a rest stop for six months and at a homeless shelter for another 6 months and come to find out that was another bullshit lie because we found out you can only stay there for a maximum of 3 months, and fuck staying there in general, it's a fucking dump I would never stay in, I wouldn't let a fucking cockroach stay in that festering shithole they call a "shelter" the reviews say staff steal, joke about people's problems and other bullshit like that. Me and brother went there to check it out and it was horrific, there are literally no doors on the shower, it smells like shit, the people are always high or drunk even though they say it's a dry shelter. One of the staff there gave me a bed right next to the window which had bars over it and he says to me "Well it looks like you get a nice window view" what the fuck? Do I care about that in my current situation? Nope its the last thing on my mind, you fucking asshole and I made sure to give him this very pissed off look on my face so I made sure he know I was not happy about what he said.

Anywhore... I know this post seemed to be aimed towards my uncle but I feel like it should be addressed, and I want to let the world know what an utter peice of "human" shit he is. Other than that at least I get to fucking eat some food today because my food stamps arrived, they were not there this morning and I went into full blown panic mode but as I am typing this I just found out they arrived, which made my day slightly better I geuss...

Sorry for the rambling folks, but this website is my journal, it's my sanctity to escape the everlasting bullshit that occurs in life, and if there is anyone following my situation I'll keep you updated, hey maybe you can get a few good knee-slappers out of it, I like making people laugh and be happy and that's enough for me not to CTB...

Anyways, cya later SS
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Sep 28, 2018
I am sorry that your family is not taking a step to help you.
and your uncle.. he sounds like a not-so-caring person. That's terrible. How can you not care when your own family member is suffering?
I can understand..it's a difficult situation to be in.
If you dont mind me asking..What have you been doing before you were homeless? And it sounds like.. you brother is not homeless, might have got some shelter. Is there a possibility that he can help until you find some job or something to survive?


We fight to live or live to die
May 26, 2019
I am sorry that your family is not taking a step to help you.
and your uncle.. he sounds like a not-so-caring person. That's terrible. How can you not care when your own family member is suffering?
I can understand..it's a difficult situation to be in.
If you dont mind me asking..What have you been doing before you were homeless? And it sounds like.. you brother is not homeless, might have got some shelter. Is there a possibility that he can help until you find some job or something to survive?
My brother is homeless with me aswell, we were both kicked out of our apartment illegally by our landlord and got $3,000 stolen by him from us, if I was the only one homeless he would take me in a heartbeat but unfortunately it's the both of us at the moment, and yeah they suck for not helping out all we are asking for is 2 weeks at one of their places but no... they think we want to live off of them and have them "support" us, but whatever their fucked up minds tell them I geuss
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Sep 28, 2018

My brother is homeless with me aswell, we were both kicked out of our apartment illegally by our landlord and got $3,000 stolen by him from us, if I was the only one homeless he would take me in a heartbeat but unfortunately it's the both of us at the moment, and yeah they suck for not helping out all we are asking for is 2 weeks at one of their places but no... they think we want to live off of them and have them "support" us, but whatever their fucked up minds tell them I geuss
I am sorry to hear that.
It's a bit hard to go through.. some people are just kinda..insecure , maybe.
I am sorry I could not be of much help at the moment.
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We fight to live or live to die
May 26, 2019
I am sorry to hear that.
It's a bit hard to go through.. some people are just kinda..insecure , maybe.
I am sorry I could not be of much help at the moment.
Oh yes, most definitely... my family is probably the most snobby insecure people you will ever meet, they love you at first but eventually they are going to bite your ass
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Jul 8, 2019
Damn, your dad sounds sadistic. It's pretty fucked up for no one in your family to help you out. That's why I don't put much faith in "family."

And yeah, only a complete ignoramus would recommend a shelter. They really are horrible. I learned that the hard way. Most people who have stayed in one will tell you that they are practically concentration camps.
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Broken Chimera

Broken Chimera

The abyss also gazes into you
May 27, 2019
I've been through a similar situation to that and I'm sorry. And yeah, it seems like family gets off on having someone in a bad spot in life. Why, I'll never know.
And yeah, only a complete ignoramus would recommend a shelter. They really are horrible. I learned that the hard way. Most people who have stayed in one will tell you that they are practically concentration camps.

That's one of the worst places I've ever stayed in. Everything you said is true.
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We fight to live or live to die
May 26, 2019
Damn, your dad sounds sadistic. It's pretty fucked up for no one in your family to help you out. That's why I don't put much faith in "family."

And yeah, only a complete ignoramus would recommend a shelter. They really are horrible. I learned that the hard way. Most people who have stayed in one will tell you that they are practically concentration camps.
Thanks dude, yeah he is pretty sadistic alright... we got into a little argument a few months ago and he literally said "I really dont care if you want to kill yourself, if you want to do it go ahead" That's when my brother flipped absolute shit on him and got into his face asking him why the fuck he would tell his own son to go and do such a thing
  • Aww..
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