

Apr 10, 2024
I can't take this existence anymore. Fucked up family situation. Dad was an alcoholic growing up. My childhood was ruined by my sister, and even as an adult she has my dad wrapped around her little finger. He raises her 6 kids, she fucks off and does drugs until she gets knocked up again. She's 35 and never had her shit together. My mom travels for work because its the only job that pays enough to support all those children. Me being the youngest, I was forced to raise them until I moved out with my brother in high school. They love me because I'm the only stable adult in their life. But I'm fucking exhausted.

There's nothing here for me. I have no life. I have no desire for a life. Friendships end and lovers come and go. When people realize how fucked I am in the head, they distance themselves and I don't blame them. My family thinks I'm stable and happy, only because they never listened when I begged for help. I attempted before I moved out, and that got them to lay off a bit. But they never took me seriously. God forbid I mention anything to my mother. Then it's "I didn't know your childhood was so traumatizing, depression isn't real." She shared with me when I was 10 how she wanted to walk in front of a semi, but when I say I dont think I can do this anymore, I'm being dramatic and should just make a doctors appointment.

In every aspect of my life, I'm the hard worker, dry humor making everyone laugh. Dependable. I make fucking peanuts but that doesnt stop my dad from asking me for money. In every aspect of my life I am useful, but not appreciated. No one checks on me. Just a fucking piggy bank or a work horse. A place to stick your dick in or get high with. Not a person. Probably my fault. I dont feel like a person nowadays. I dont think I ever have.

My head has been swirling with thoughts. I fantasize about driving away. Maybe stop by the police station, explain I'm leaving of my own accord, just so they don't waste resources, or try to stop me. Turning off my phone, or tossing it completely. drain my bank accounts and just drive. I think about buying a gun. Its hard to eat or sleep. I think about passing out at work, just to get a sliver of concern. I've been dosing myself with visine, and it makes me feel sick and weak, but after consuming 10 bottles over the course of 2 months, I dont think it's going to do anything long term. I dream about being hospitalized, laid up in a bed with machines breathing for me. Just to have a moment of rest and unawareness. I think about asking my plug for something stronger to OD on. Standing on an overpass or a bridge. Making a political statement with my useless life and setting myself on fire. I've thought of everything.

It's not just my life. It's this whole fucked up world. The things that are supposed to give us meaning, pursuing our dreams, they feel like unattainable consolation prizes.

Nothing brings me joy. In the grand scheme of things, our western world is powered by slave labor, exploitation of other countries resources. I cant even eat a chocolate bar without thinking about the pain and suffering that went into it. I think I developed hyperempathy to cope with the idea that no one cares about me. I cant stand the idea of treating others as callously as I have been, making them feel the way I feel.

When it comes down to it though, I want them all to suffer. I want my father to cry for failing me. I want my mother to understand the pain she let me suffer through alone. I want my siblings to understand the consequences of pushing your burdens onto others. I don't know if I want them to question if I'm out there, alive living my best life, or for them to have the closure that I'm gone forever.

These feelings come and go, but its getting worse. Its getting harder to push down and keep trucking. Theres less motivation for me to keep going for a thankless existence.

Sorry for the wall of text. TL;DR I wish I could go to sleep and never wake up.
  • Hugs
  • Aww..
Reactions: Unsure and alone, MyTimeIsUp, Ash and 1 other person


Apr 11, 2024
I would say if your siblings are no longer actual dependents in the sense of you having to raise them anymore, than you are free to choose any form of peace you desire. Not that it ever should have been your duty to do so, but it sounds like you've been a positive role model for them. I think if you do care for your siblings, then closure at least allows them to move on in some sense as opposed to always having a hope that you're out there.


Freedom seeker
Nov 8, 2023
You're a grown up, make your own money,wipe your own ass. Fuck everybody else and do what you want.
What is the visine supposed to do?


Apr 10, 2024
You're a grown up, make your own money,wipe your own ass. Fuck everybody else and do what you want.
What is the visine supposed to do?

I guess it wasn't clear in my post, but I live independently. I do make my own money. I'm the only person I have, my family asks for my support more than I ask them. It's a major reason why I want to blow my brains out. Even if that wasn't a factor, I just don't see a future in any endeavor due to the state of the world right now. I used to want children of my own, to show my family what well adjusted kids look like. But climate change and shit, I can't guarantee their future and it's just a selfish pipe dream now. Plus whatever fucked genetics I inherited.

As for the visine, idk it's something I saw on true crime cases of people murdering their husbands with eye drops. It took multiple doses over a period of time. It messes with your heart or nervous system or something. Only reason I've been dosing myself with it is because CVS had a BOGO sale and I was feeling impulsive. Don't recommend it, like I said it makes you feel dizzy and slow heart rate without any real results. Despite how shitty I feel I don't think I'm actively suicidal, just more wanting to sleep for a while. Part of me still hopes it'll catch up to me though. There's not an antidote or anything, just palliative care.

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