

Aug 31, 2024
I was planning on hanging, but I will admit I was having a bit of an anxiety attack and took a shit ton of expired metformin without thinking. Reading online, the chances of developing lactic acidosis with a dosage as high as mine is a lot more likely, but I'm not sure how much. Lactic acidosis can overwhelm the kidneys and easily be fatal, but I don't know how high the chances of death are, or how quickly the side effects start to appear, or how serious it really is. I didn't think through this attempt as thoroughly as I was planning my hanging so now I'm a little stuck. Is it worth it to wait and see if I developed it and die from that, or should I just go to the hospital now and save some heartache? I know overdoses are usually not very effective, but I don't know if this is serious enough to get pumped or anything.


New Member
Aug 9, 2024
No idea but would go to hospital if you can read this!
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Jul 1, 2024
There are a LOT of unknowns in your post and method. Including the fact that they were expired and you don't mention your age, height, weight, comorbidities, etc.

You should definitely go to the hospital. You DO NOT want to die from kidney or liver failure. It's slow and can be very painful.

Also, please reconsider hanging yourself or CTB, especially if this was a spur of the moment decision.

Call your emergency services and tell them you swallowed 40,000mg of Metformin. Give them your address and when you wake up, you can explain it to them how you see fit. If they don't see it as a suicide attempt you won't be sectioned. But, from first hand experience. Being sectioned was the best thing that happened to me after a very serious suicide attempt. I lucked out and got a team of psychiatrists who actually knew their shit. This was my 5th hospital stay but whatever, I owe them a lot.
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Aug 31, 2024
There are a LOT of unknowns in your post and method. Including the fact that they were expired and you don't mention your age, height, weight, comorbidities, etc.

You should definitely go to the hospital. You DO NOT want to die from kidney or liver failure. It's slow and can be very painful.

Also, please reconsider hanging yourself or CTB, especially if this was a spur of the moment decision.

Call your emergency services and tell them you swallowed 40,000mg of Metformin. Give them your address and when you wake up, you can explain it to them how you see fit. If they don't see it as a suicide attempt you won't be sectioned. But, from first hand experience. Being sectioned was the best thing that happened to me after a very serious suicide attempt. I lucked out and got a team of psychiatrists who actually knew their shit. This was my 5th hospital stay but whatever, I owe them a lot.
Almost 21 (in like less than a week), 5'3", 150lbs. No comorbidities as far as I know. So hospital seems the best choice right now? I'm just scared to go back to a psych ward since last time it was so terrible and they had me go so far away from home.


Jul 1, 2024
Almost 21 (in like less than a week), 5'3", 150lbs. No comorbidities as far as I know. So hospital seems the best choice right now? I'm just scared to go back to a psych ward since last time it was so terrible and they had me go so far away from home.
I know it sucks, trust me. But, you can make a lot of gains from a bit of pain.

And tell them straight up, last time was brutal and the staff were inadequate. Advocate for yourself. If you need help with that, feel free to message me.

The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Please dial emergency services.

Also, you're young so you have that going for you or against you (depending on how you look at it) as it will most likely attack your vital organs rather than stop your heart.

NOTE: This is not medical advice and should not be construed as such. I am not responsible for any actions you take or do not take in relation to my posts.

But, my hope is you go to the hospital...
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