

Oct 6, 2019
As the title states, today would've been my 16th wedding anniversary. Today is one of those days when I wish I just wouldn't have woken up at all. I miss my husband so much I can't even begin to describe the pain. I feel it all the time, but on days like this it's particularly hard to endure. ;-;
I decided to post this thread and throughout the day today, I may post my thoughts, feelings, and perhaps a few stories about my husband and our life together.

I would like to start out by posting photos of a little box that he got me which has our motto on it. As you'll see, the top of the box has Winnie the Pooh and Piglet. Written all around the box is our motto
" It didn't matter where they went as long as they went together". Thanks to AA Milne.

I would've gladly gone with him if I had been allowed to. I would've happily followed him into the depths of hell or anywhere else. I could've gone through anything as long as we were together.
Apart from him, there's just a deep dark empty hole. He was ripped away from me and my wounds have been bleeding out ever since.

C57F831B 8301 497E AA4F 52A4E902FFDB 2F8B5B9D 0C07 4EF5 A130 714F11BC00AD 217A7EA0 2103 49A5 9314 D0491CB6B164 768B080B B639 4038 834C 8033C3471DFE 32373222 8804 42E8 8EB8 CAA9FFA0AD6F 3EF32ECE D2DC 4C06 9B18 8EAA434F9C5E

More to come.
A2F0CF5B CF3D 476A 94E2 78DBBA70F78E

This definitely reminds me of my husband. He would have huge piles of stuff laying all over the place. To me they just looked like huge piles of stuff, but he could go into any one of them and find what he wanted. He knew where everything was within the piles. At first, it bothered me because I'm a relatively neat person and I like things to be arranged or put away. But I learned to tune his piles out, and eventually, to come to see them the way he did. In his mind, they were neatly arranged and he knew where everything was in them. To him they weren't just piles of stuff. As soon as I learned to see them the way he did, they stopped bothering me. Now that I live by myself again, I have my own piles of stuff all over the place. The only difference is I have no clue what's in any of my piles.
My server just went down in the middle of my previous post.
Also, my sister-in-law called me again today. This time I had to answer the phone because I was afraid if I didn't she might show up at my house. I had to agree to go out to lunch with her tomorrow because she hasn't seen me in an entire week. :ohhhh: Imagine going an entire week without intruding in somebody's life when they've asked you repeatedly to just leave them alone for a while! How will she live?! I appreciate her concern, but it's becoming very annoying and intrusive at this point. She doesn't realize that she's driving me closer and closer to suicide every time she bothers me when I've asked her not to.
It's hard enough when I'm already having a bad day like I am today and then I also have to deal with her intrusions. :ehh:
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Oct 6, 2019
The story of how my husband proposed to me is over a year in the making.

In spring of 2002, I had been living in my husband's house and we had been a couple officially for six years. By that point we had known each other for 11 years. However, my husband still hadn't told his family about me and who I really was. In some ways I felt like his "dirty little secret". As I've said before, he was quite a few years older than me. I've never been attracted to men my own age. I've always been attracted to much older men. I suppose it could have something to do with my father. I didn't have a very good relationship with him. I guess that's for Freud to figure out. My husband was 30 years older than me, but he didn't look like it and I didn't know for a long time that he was that much older than me. For a long time he refused to tell me his age because he was afraid it would make me not want to be with him. I never really cared how old or young someone is as long as I have things in common with them. Even though we had such a large age gap, we still had many things in common and we got along extremely well. He's really the only person I've ever known in my entire life that I could spend more than an hour with before I start wanting to get away from the person.

After thinking about this I've realized I'm going to have to tell it in three parts.

First is what led up to the proposal. As I said, it was spring of 2002 and my husband's family didn't know anything about me. His son was coming to visit and he was going to introduce me to him. My husband started acting all weird and telling me how to dress and how to wear my hair and so forth. He had never acted this way before and it was very upsetting to me. He picked clothes out for me that I didn't like. He wanted me to wear my hair piled up on top of my head in a bun, which I also didn't like. And he wanted me to wear my glasses instead of my contacts, which I really didn't like. I hate wearing my glasses in front of other people. It makes me very self-conscious. I felt like he was trying to make me look ugly or something. I didn't understand what he was doing and I still don't to this day know what he was doing.

I did what he wanted however and the meeting with his son only lasted for about 30 seconds. My husband introduced me to his son as "the maid". He told his son that I was staying at his house and taken care of it while he was working in another part of the country, which was true, but not the entire truth. The whole experience was very upsetting to me and it made me very wary of meeting any of his other family members.

The following November my husband was at his daughter's house for Thanksgiving and his son was there also with his family. I, of course, was not invited because nobody knew about me. His son was apparently talking about me at the dinner table and referring to me as the maid. My husband said in that moment he realized he needed to tell his family who I really was and what the true nature of our relationship was. The end of part one.
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Remember. I am ALWAYS right.... until I’m not
Apr 28, 2019
Happy Anniversary!

I left a message on Stan's page for you. :heart:
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Oct 6, 2019
Part two: The Pre-Proposal

About four months after that Thanksgiving dinner, in March 2003, my husband was at home one day and it was about 11 AM in the morning. He suddenly came into the house and told me that we had to go somewhere right away, but that it was a surprise, so I would have to keep my eyes closed. We got in the car and he made me close my eyes and put my hands over them and promise not to peek. We drove for a while and, of course, I had no clue where we were going or what was going on. Eventually, we arrived at our destination and my husband led me to wherever it was he wanted me to go and I was sitting on a sofa. There was noise all around me and echoes and it sounded like we were in a hallway or something. Finally he told me I could open my eyes and I realized we were at a hotel that we both like to go to in their lobby. He told me to stay put and he disappeared and returned a few minutes later was two glasses of champagne. Again it was only 11:30 or so in the morning and we normally didn't drink at that time of the day.
He told me he had brought me there because he wanted me to ask me a question and he just wanted me to think about the question, and not answer right away. I didn't know what was going on. I was terrified he was going to tell me that he was dying or something.
Finally he turned to me and said, " If someone were to ask you to marry them, what would your answer be?". I have to admit I was kind of stunned. I had thought about us getting married, but I never really thought it would happen because of the fact that he refused to tell his family about us and so forth. Plus I have my own issues with marriage from my childhood. My mother passed away, and I had two different stepmothers after that. I got along fine with both of my stepmothers, but the marriages didn't last.
He told me he didn't want an answer right away and that I should take a few months to think about it. I didn't really need that long, but I told him I would think about it.
We finished our champagne and went home.
The following July we went back to the same hotel lobby and had more champagne and I told him that if someone asked me to marry them, I would definitely say yes. With that, my husband got very excited and we started planning the official proposal.
My husband was a showman. He liked big elaborate gestures. All sorts of things went through my head as to what he would do to officially propose to me. My greatest fear was that he would drop a ring into a glass of champagne or something and I would end up choking on it. I know that sounds silly now, but at the time I worried about it.
However, I needn't have worried because his proposal was beautiful and I have to say everything just fell into place. It was like it was definitely destiny and "meant to be". :heart:
The official proposal occurred in October 2003. My husband and I met at the Hotel Del Coronado in San Diego, California. That was one of our favorite places to go.
In 2003, I developed a severe eating disorder and I had been starving myself for months in order to fit into a wedding dress. By October, I was down to 107 pounds. Shortly before my trip to California I had started getting a cold. I didn't want to have a runny nose and so on while on the plane, so I took some cold medicine. The problem was, I took the dose that I would've taken when I was heavier. Taking that dose when I only weighed 107 pounds practically knocked me out. I struggled to get out of the airplane. I felt like I was underwater. However, I made it to the gate and my husband met me. I forget exactly where I flew into, but it wasn't San Diego. It was a nearby town, so we had to drive a little ways to get to the hotel. It was October, which is fire season in California, and there was smoke everywhere.
I also remember we stopped off at a Starbucks and he got me my yearly pumpkin latte and pumpkin muffin. He did that every year. I didn't know it was autumn until I got my pumpkin latte and my pumpkin muffin.
We arrived at the hotel and we put our bags away. My husband had made reservations for us at a restaurant that used to be there called
The Prince of Wales, so named because some past Prince of Wales from a long time ago ate at the restaurant one day and liked it so much that every time he came to America he would make it a point to stop there and eat at this particular restaurant. Unfortunately, the restaurant is no longer there. It's been replaced by another restaurant that I can't remember the name of now.

In order to get to the Prince of Wales, we had to walk through a courtyard. It was a beautiful courtyard that had a gazebo in the middle of it. The Santa Ana winds had been blowing all day and there were flowers strewn all over the courtyard and the gazebo. At first, I thought my husband had arranged for this, but he always swore that he didn't do it. It was just nature. It was a beautiful scene and I wish I had had my camera so I could've taken a picture of it. I was so out of it from the cold medicine that my memories of this are kind of hazy. We walked through the courtyard and I was looking at it and admiring how beautiful it was. My husband pulled me into the middle of the gazebo, got down on one knee, and proposed to me. He then presented me with a beautiful diamond engagement ring. It was the most beautiful ring I had ever seen. Unfortunately, due to my extreme paranoia, I was afraid to wear it most of the time. He apparently spent a large amount of money on it and was upset when I refused to wear it on a daily basis. However, I was paranoid that someone was either going to try to steal it from me (which they would've had to kill me to do), or that the diamond would fall out of it. I didn't grow up with fancy things around me and I'm not used to that kind of stuff. Fancy expensive things just make me nervous.
As soon as my husband proposed to me, a feeling of calm came over me. It was like everything was suddenly right with the universe. I had finally found where I belong. I was finally, officially, no longer alone in this world.
We went into the restaurant to eat. He ordered the Kobe steak and I ordered lobster and then we shared our dinners. We each had a little steak and a little lobster. My husband had told the wait staff that it was our anniversary because he didn't want them making a big deal that he had just proposed to me. They brought us out a little chocolate cake. It was very good. By this time I was about to pass out, I was so exhausted from the effects of the cold medicine. We eventually went back to our room, and I think I blacked out at that point.
We then spent a nice day or two at the hotel and then I flew back East and he flew back to the Silicon Valley where he was working at the time. The following week, after I got home, he called me up one day and told me that he had decided we were going to get married around Christmas time. It was the end of October when he told me this, so I had less than two months to get a wedding dress and all the accessories together and so forth.
I was very paranoid about my weight and I started panicking that I was going to be too heavy. Remember, I only weighed 107 pounds, but I might as well have weighed 500 because that's how I felt. Eating disorders are horrible things.
I began the frantic preparations for the wedding.

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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
Words can't even. This is probably one of the saddest most beautiful threads I've read here. Thank you so much for sharing, you've stolen a piece of my heart.
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Oct 6, 2019
I had to go alone to pick out a wedding dress. I had no one to go with me. It was a very grueling and overwhelming experience for me. Originally, I picked out a dress that had an extremely long train on it. The sales lady pressured me into buying it. I felt like I tried on about 1,000 dresses. Eventually, I came to my senses and purchased an A-line dress instead.
I didn't intend to have a big wedding. In fact, if it had been up to me, the only people attending the wedding would've been me, my future husband, and the minister. I was certainly not going to tell anyone in my own family because they have ruined every special occasion I've ever had in my life that they were involved in. And since my husband's family were not involved with us very much during most of our relationship up to that point, I didn't see the need for them to be there either.
I completed all of my preparations and set about focusing on my weight. I think I partly did that to keep my mind off of how overwhelming the entire situation was to me. Getting married to my husband felt right and I had no issues with that. I just didn't like the whole trappings of a ceremony. I would've been just as happy to go to a courthouse and get married in a simple dress, but my husband insisted we had to do it in a church with a full wedding dress and so forth. I think he was trying to give me what he thought every girl dreamed of. Unfortunately for him, I was not one of those little girls at the age of 12 dreaming of my wedding. In fact, I never thought I would get married. I never thought I would find anyone. All the marriages I was exposed to when I was young were not the best of examples, so I wasn't even sure if I wanted to be a part of that. It was only because my husband was so different from every other person I've ever met that I even considered becoming attached to him and then marrying him. I was always extremely wary of getting stuck with a man who ended up being like my dad. That's the last thing on earth I wanted.
My husband originally wanted to get married on Christmas Eve, but as he found out, every church is kind of busy on Christmas Eve. Therefore, we settled for the 27th because it was the first Saturday after Christmas that year. It was nice because we didn't really have to decorate the church at all because it was still decorated for Christmas.
As I said, if it had been up to me it would've just been me, the minister, and my future husband at the ceremony. Unfortunately, his family found out about it and they all assumed that they were invited. His son had decided he wanted to move his family back to the town that we were living in. He had grown up there and I think he had nostalgic ideas about what it was going to be like. I don't think the experience was very good for any of his family and they ended up moving away less than two years later. But for the time being, they were living in one of the houses that my husband owned and paying us rent. They had just moved in and because they were right next-door there was no way that we could not invite them to our wedding. Then, once my husband's daughter found out that her brother was going to be at the wedding, she insisted that she had to be there as well. I wasn't very happy about it, but I couldn't really say anything. I knew they were going to ruin my wedding day though, and to some degree they did.
The morning of the wedding, I got up and went to get my hair and make up done. The sales lady had talked me into purchasing this very heavy tiara that was clearly too big for my head. If I had it to do over again, having more knowledge about such things now, I wouldn't have purchased that particular tiara. However, my hairstylist at the time was extremely good and she found a way to make that tiara fit on my head and stay there without falling off. I believe she might've use like three cans of hairspray or something!
The lady who was doing my make up was very nosy and kept asking me questions that were none of her business. At one point she asked me if my husband's daughter was my mother. When anyone ever asks me about my mother, I always very pointedly and sharply explain to them that my mother is dead. That usually ends the conversation very quickly, as it did in this case. My husband's daughter was staying at a hotel near the place I got my hair done, so I went there to change into my wedding dress. We managed to cram myself, my hair, and my dress into her small rental car and proceeded toward the church, which was on the beach. Unfortunately, the tiara decided to fall off my head at that point and my hair completely collapsed. We quickly made a U-turn and hightailed it back to the salon. My hairstylist was kind enough to come outside to the car and fix my hair and help me fit myself back into the car. We then drove directly to the church and prayed that my hair would at least stay up through the wedding ceremony.
When we arrived, I was very disheveled and wanted to rearrange myself, but my husband's son decided it was a good time to film me.
I hadn't even gotten out of the car before he poked a camera in my face. I told him I didn't want to be on film yet because I wasn't completely ready, but he followed me all the way to the dressing room at the church.
My husband had decided to include his two kids in our wedding by giving them each the task of filming the Ceremony. My husband's son was to film him during the ceremony and his daughter was to film me.
At the end of it, I was extremely upset because my husband's son got some very good pictures. He was filming right up to the point where they started playing "Here Comes The Bride". Then, the second I step out into the aisle, he shut off the camera! I have no good pictures of myself walking down the aisle. Meanwhile, his daughter filmed the entire ceremony completely out of focus and blurry so that you can't see anything. My husband's son spent hours filming the ground. It was clear to me that neither one of them gave a damn about the ceremony! I was so upset that after it was over, I demanded that my husband and I get dressed up in our wedding clothes again and have professional photos taken so that I would have something to remember it.
I had been stressed out for months and particularly that day, but as I stepped into the aisle, that feeling of calm swept over me again and I knew that what I was doing was right. I had no one to walk me down the aisle. I just went down the aisle by myself and I practically ran to my husband. The ceremony went perfectly and I was happy that we were married and it was over now. These types of events always seem better to me in retrospect than they do when they're actually happening.
My husband's son had fixed up his 1967 Vista Cruiser with tin cans and noisemakers and so on. After that day, we always referred to the car as our wedding chariot. As we were driving away after the ceremony, finally all the weight lifted off of me. I was so happy to have that part of it over. Now it would just be the two of us again. I've never been able to feel overwhelming happiness. I don't know why, but pleasant feelings are never overwhelming to me— not like unpleasant feelings. But I probably felt as happy that day as I've ever felt in my life. :heart:
ADD13A2C 9F83 403D A2E9 239BA3B2E8B7 77BE7FC0 F663 447E B278 20CF8BD19880 7EEA51FD 6888 4930 A618 B0453B413AD2 9974E987 B634 4066 94CA 0863040166AA 8A898298 987D 466D 9D93 EBE4BF007536 30BCA921 189C 49B1 98E1 B94184B1E039 33ADC7CB 533C 4874 A69B 7B5E8D723D2F ECAE93C4 F715 471C B415 2B3D2F6C3EC5

Here are some of the beautiful things that my husband owned and some of the things that he gave to me. With each gift I would feel both happiness and sadness. I knew that one day these things would be all I would have left of him. He was so proud of all of his treasures. He grew up without a lot of money and I think the fact that he could purchase nice-looking things made him feel like he had achieved something in his life. The house we lived in was like a museum. I was surrounded by beautiful things and he had them in cabinets with lights on dimmer switches. Many of the statues would be sitting out in the open. He had art all over the walls. His favorite type of art was Art Deco. One of his favorite painters was Salvador Dali. He had a copy of the painting of The Discovery of America By Christopher Columbus that was one of his most prized possessions. Another artist he liked was Erte. We had several of his paintings and statues all over our house. When you came into the entryway to our house you were greeted by The Kiss by Gustav Klimt.
I never knew much about art until I met my husband. One of the things that always astounded me about him is how completely well-balanced he was. On one hand, he was very logical. He had degrees in math and engineering. A lot of his thought processes were very logical and he was very interested in science. He worked for NASA at one point, as well as working for the government during the Cold War. On the other hand, he liked art and music and was very appreciative of beauty in many forms. He was a musical prodigy. He could pick up any instrument, even if he'd never seen it before, and be playing it like a pro within an hour. When he was younger, he and his first wife and a friend toured the country as a trio. My husband played the piano, his wife played the guitar and sang, and their friend played the drums. They used to tour around and play at Holiday Inn's all over America. However, after their kids were born, my husband didn't think that was a good way to raise children. His wife wanted to continue touring and singing. They eventually divorced and he kept the kids and raised them by himself. Although I think the split hurt him a lot, he tried to make it as amicable as possible. He told me about how his lawyer tried to get him to paint his ex-wife as a bad mother. He flat out refused to do so. I think he ended up having to pay her a lot of alimony, which is part of the reason why he was very wary after that of women trying to take all of his money. He worked very hard for his money and I completely understand why he felt that way. I would feel the same way too.
When I was younger, my father ended up in a similar situation with my first stepmother. Their marriage ended because she was cheating on my dad with her second husband. She had divorced him and met my dad while he was in jail for armed robbery. After he got out of jail, he saw no reason to stop seeing my stepmother, even though she was married to my dad. However, after their divorce, my dad still ended up having to pay her alimony for years. That never made any sense to me. It was her fault the marriage ended, so I don't understand why my dad had to pay her alimony.
Anyway, as I said, now all this "stuff" is all I have left of him. I have to say it's pretty meaningless to me without him here. I always tried to explain that to him, but I don't know if he ever really understood it. His stuff didn't mean anything without him. When I was forced into the psych ward against my will in 2009, my husband had to be at our house by himself for a couple of days. At one point, after I got out, he told me that when I was gone there was no color. He said everything seem to be in black-and-white and none of his stuff mattered because I wasn't there. I told him, "That's how I feel when you're not here. That's what I've been trying to tell you all this time. When I'm here and you're all the way across the country working, none of this stuff means anything to me. It's just stuff". I think for the first time he finally got what I meant.
A lot of it is packed away now. I can't get a lot of it out and look at it because it's too upsetting to me, even after more than two years. I think that's why I've been putting off going through my stuff. I'm dreading it so much. It's going to be so hard. I'm hoping the fact that this will be the last time I have to do it it's going to make it easier.
Hmmm. . . Well it looks like a lot of my pictures didn't come out. I could see them before I posted the reply. Maybe I'll try to post them again.
3B9D30E7 9C78 4328 99BB 606337DD64D6 EA6FDCDB 892B 4C89 BD56 97332FAA55A6 5719351B AC20 4BE2 A220 DA43035CD024 A126DBC9 6113 491B 987A 90E254D6C26F

here are our carousel horses. They were like our children. The bottom one is named Esmerelda. She's in my bedroom right now. She's the one that I talk to the most. I don't have room for the other three in my current condo, so they're hidden in the closet.
Their names are, from top to bottom: Victoria,
Fancy, Belle, and (of course) Esmerelda.
My husband gave them all their names. :heart:
Okay, well clearly something is going on with my pictures. they aren't posting the way they're supposed to. I can see them before I post them but then when I try to post them, they don't show up.
9F7CB262 4A71 485F B3EF 4D2659CFDB61

Well, I guess I'll just quit trying to post pictures because they don't seem to want to post.
I think something must be going on with my phone because it will look like the picture isn't posted, then when I look again it is posted, then when I look the next time it's gone again.
Anyway, thank you all for listening to me and supporting me on this difficult day. I'm going to take a short break right now I think. I'll probably be back in a little while to post some more stuff, if I can think of another story to tell. :heart:
Words can't even. This is probably one of the saddest most beautiful threads I've read here. Thank you so much for sharing, you've stolen a piece of my heart.
Oh, thank you for the support and for listening to me. This is my third year in a row doing this now. I think having the site and being able to talk to people about it is helping me a lot. Otherwise I would've been spending the day pacing around my apartment crying all day. That's what I did last year.
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Dec 25, 2019
Thank you very much for posting it all! Like Brick in the Wall said: It's probably most beautiful thread on this forum! It's been much pleasure reading this story! It is even way better than any book that I have read. You are a very talented story teller. I even went as far as to sacrifice some sleep just to finish reading your story, even though I know I should sleep more. It's sad to hear that your husband is no longer with you. I hope you are doing fine in this very special for you day. I look forward to reading any of your stories you would be willing to share with us on this forum in the future.

Happy Anniversary!
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Oct 6, 2019
Thank you very much for posting it all! Like Brick in the Wall said: It's probably most beautiful thread on this forum! It's been much pleasure reading this story! It is even way better than any book that I have read. You are a very talented story teller. I even went as far as to sacrifice some sleep just to finish reading your story, even though I know I should sleep more. It's sad to hear that your husband is no longer with you. I hope you are doing fine in this very special for you day. I look forward to reading any of your stories you would be willing to share with us on this forum in the future.

Happy Anniversary!
Thank you so much. Your love and support means more to me than you'll ever know. :heart:
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Oct 6, 2019
Okay, another story. . .

I mentioned on here how my husband and I had a bunch of inside jokes about the squirrels. That all started when I first moved into his house. At one point, I was getting this magazine called Birds & Blooms that had tips on how to attract birds into your backyard.
I liked to sit in the mornings with my cup of coffee and just watch the birds fly into the backyard and get seeds. I particularly liked it in the spring when the birds were mating and having their babies. It was interesting to watch them interact with each other.
I started going to a store and buying these specialty birdseed mixes that were supposed to attract specific birds to your backyard.
For a while, this worked really great. I got to watch all kinds of different birds fly in and out of my yard. Unfortunately, after a while, the pigeons discovered that I was putting out food. Eventually the pigeons chased all the other birds away. I wasn't going to spend all kinds of money on expensive bird food for the pigeons. I have nothing against pigeons, but I don't wanna spend a lot of money on food for them. The pigeons weren't my only problem though. I had two or three birdfeeders outside and the squirrels had already defeated one of my squirrel baffles. I started becoming interested in watching them trying to get into the birdfeeders. Squirrels are very clever and very resourceful. Every device I bought that was supposed to defeat them, they quickly found a way to overcome it and get into my birdseed. Eventually, I decided instead of fighting them, I would just start feeding them. I switched from buying birdseed to buying corn and nuts for the squirrels.
One day, my husband was at home, and the squirrels were jumping from our roof onto one of my birdfeeders. My husband suggested that we move it farther away from the house so that they couldn't reach it by jumping off of our roof. We went outside and pulled it up and proceeded to move it. I wish I had video of what happen next because I'm sure some people won't believe me. I'm telling you there were at least six or seven squirrels that all got on the fence and they were all screaming at us because we were moving the birdfeeder away from an area where they could get to it.
Another time, there was a baby squirrel who was attempting to climb our fence. He seemed to be having some trouble and my husband suggested we get him a "squirrel ladder". Well, as if to show my husband how ridiculous the idea was that he needed a squirrel ladder, the squirrel backed way up in the yard and got a running start. Then he ran straight up our fence and then he turned around and gave us this look as if to say, "I don't need no stinkin' squirrel ladder!".
My husband later found a T-shirt with all of these pictures of squirrels on it. It was laid out like mugshots and the squirrels had names like Sammy Seeds and Bobby Big Ears. Our favorite though, was a squirrel named Big Al. Big Al was the capo, the leader. My husband was constantly leaving me notes and phone messages in the name of Big Al. And when we would go over a bridge, he would do this thing he called a "squirrel cheer". He would make up some silly cheer and recite it in a high squeaky voice as we were going over the bridge. He was constantly doing things like that to try to make me laugh. We were constantly making jokes about how the squirrels were getting drunk and partying. Everyone around us thought we were crazy. It was nice to have something that was just between the two of us that no one else understood.
Of course, the downside to that is that now when I see a squirrel, it upsets me. I don't mind if I see them in parks or other places, but I don't want to see any of them in my yard because I just get upset. The place I live now doesn't have any trees in my yard, so I don't normally see squirrels all that often, unless I leave my house. However, this year shortly before the anniversary of my husband's death, for the first time I saw a squirrel in my backyard. He stopped and looked right at me.
And shortly after my husband passed away, a squirrel came and sat on the telephone line for an extremely long time out in the open and was staring down at my bedroom window. It was very unusual behavior for a squirrel. My husband's friend insisted that that was my husband sending me a sign that he was okay. My husband was fairly logical when it came to things of that sort and he didn't believe in signs or things like that, but she made him promise that he would give her and me both a sign that he was okay.
In her case, she was driving home in her truck shortly after he passed away and a cardinal came and flew right next to her truck for a long time. She said cardinals represented the spirits of those who had passed on and that was my husband telling her that he was okay.
In my case, he sent a squirrel, because that was what was special between us- at least according to my husband's friend. I'd like to believe that that's true, though I don't know that I actually do. Since then I've only seen squirrels a few times. They seem to be purposely staying away from me because they know how upset it makes me to see them. Whether it was actually a sign or not, it did give me comfort to look up there and see that squirrel staring at me. And to see the squirrel in my backyard shortly before the anniversary of my husband's passing. I like the idea that when you pass away, you go back to nature. I imagine that's what I'm going to have in my head while I'm drinking my SN. I'm going to imagine floating on the wind and finally being free, released from my body and my tormented mind. I don't know what death will actually be like, but I hope it's freedom, if nothing else.
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Oct 6, 2019
Alright, one final story.

My husband travels a lot for his work and he felt more comfortable staying in a hotel than he did staying in our own house. He told me that once.

As I stated above, one of our favorite hotels with the Hotel Del Coronado in San Diego, California. If you've ever seen the movie "Some Like It Hot" With Marilyn Monroe, Jack Lemmon, and Tony Curtis— when they're supposedly in Florida in the movie, they're actually at the Hotel Del Coronado. I don't know if it's still there, but at one point, when you would go into the hotel there used to be a huge photo of Marilyn Monroe standing on the beach behind the hotel in the entryway. They also have a hallway with all sorts of photos and things of various movie stars, dignitaries, and presidents who have all stayed at the hotel.

And now, a ghost story. . .

From the hotel website:

Kate Morgan – a young woman who checked into Hotel del Coronado in 1892 – never checked out. Instead, it's thought her lovely likeness and gentle spirit remain as the resort's resident ghost.
Kate Morgan, age 24, arrived on Thanksgiving Day, alone and unhappy. According to hotel employees, she said she was waiting for a gentleman to join her. After five lonely days, Kate took her own life.
At the time of her death, police could find nothing to positively identify her, so a description of Kate was telegraphed to police agencies around the country. As a result, newspapers began to refer to Kate as the "beautiful stranger." After Kate Morgan's identity was confirmed – she was married but estranged from her husband – it was surmised that she had arrived at The Del hoping to rendezvous with a lover.
Kate had been employed as a domestic in a wealthy Los Angeles household. From there, she traveled by train to the hotel, where fellow passengers reported that a woman matching Kate's description had argued with a male companion, who then deserted her en route. During her stay, Kate was described as sickly and sorrowful, venturing into San Diego to buy a handgun, and the San Diego coroner later confirmed that Kate had died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

The Ghost of Kate Morgan

According to the hotel's book, Beautiful Stranger: The Ghost of Kate Morgan and the Hotel del Coronado, since that time, guests and employees have attested to ghostly goings-on. Most have to do with Kate's original third-floor guestroom, where visitors have experienced flickering lights, a television that turns itself on and off, breezes coming from nowhere, inexplicable scents and sounds, items moving of their own accord, doors that randomly open and close, abrupt changes in room temperature, and unexplained footsteps and voices. The story of Kate Morgan continues to intrigue hotel visitors, and the room in which she stayed is the most requested guestroom at the hotel.

Independent paranormal researchers, in turn, have documented supernatural activity in Kate's room using high-tech gadgetry, including infrared cameras, night vision goggles, radiation sensors, toxic-chemical indicators, microwave imaging systems, and high-frequency sound detectors.

There have also been Kate sightings in hotel hallways and along the seashore. Another very "active" area is the resort's gift shop, Est. 1888, where visitors and employees routinely witness giftware mysteriously flying off shelves, oftentimes falling upright and always unbroken.

To my knowledge, my husband and I never stayed in Kate's room. But one night when we were staying there, my husband kept getting woken up by the sounds of people doing construction work outside our room. He claimed to hear people hammering, using my a hand saw, and running a drill. I didn't hear a thing. Several times he called to the front desk and they told him that there was no construction taking place on the floor we were on.
Again, my husband was a logical person and didn't believe in spirits or ghosts or any of that type of thing, but he was completely convinced that there were people doing construction somewhere on that floor that night. We never did find out what it was that he actually heard.

I'll be signing out of this thread now. Thanks to those of you who stayed to keep me company today and to listen to my stories and recollections. You've made what could've been a very difficult day for me a whole lot easier and better. I can't thank you all enough for the support. :heart: :hug:
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Green Destiny

Green Destiny

Life isn't worth the trouble.
Nov 16, 2019
Thank you for sharing stories about your husband. He sounded like a very down to earth person especially with art and music. Happy Anniversary.
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Oct 6, 2019
Alright, THIS is the final story.

This will be an extremely long post. I will have to do it in 10 parts. I apologize for all the grammar mistakes in advance. This has been a very emotional post for me and if any of you have the fortitude to read the whole thing, thank you in advance for listening to my story.

I tried posting this on the day of the 2nd anniversary of my husband's death, but I was so emotional and I had just joined this website, so I completely messed it up.

However, I would still like to put my story out there. I really don't expect anyone to read it because of how long it is, but again for anyone who does read the entire thing- -Thank you for listening to my story.

October 15th was the 2nd anniversary of my husband's death. He died on October 15, 2017 at exactly 8:50 PM. He had multiple myeloma (ie bone marrow cancer). The last few months of his life were horrible.

I met my husband in October of 1991. I was 22 years old and in the middle of a nervous breakdown caused by the death of my father a year earlier. My father was not emotionally supportive, but he did provide me with food, shelter, money, and things of that sort when I needed it. After his death, I had tried for months to get a job to no avail. I'm sure part of it was because I was obviously severely depressed and suicidal. Who would want to hire someone like that? I eventually got a job at a restaurant that was in a hotel. My husband was staying at the hotel and used to come into the restaurant every day for lunch. That's how I met him and got to know him. One day he came in and ordered a sandwich with potato chips. Potato chips were not on the menu however & the waitress insisted that he had to order french fries. There was a bar in the restaurant that was 10 steps away from his table and I knew there were potato chips in there.

To this day I don't understand why she didn't just get the potato chips for him. However, he insisted he wanted potato chips instead of french fries, and so after the waitress left, I told him I would get him some potato chips out of the bar and I did. That's how we met and started talking. After that, every day when he came in, I would go by his table and say hello and we would make small talk. At one point I had decided to move from the Midwest to California. My future husband told me he just happened to be about to take a job in California. When I left, I gave him my phone number, but I didn't really ever expect him to call me. I was shocked when a couple of months after my move, he called and asked me out to dinner.

The last thing I was looking for was a boyfriend. I didn't really trust men because the ones I grew up with didn't treat women very well, including my dad. I just assumed all men were that way and figured I'd be better off alone. Besides, I had already lost the 3 most important people in my life by the age of 21:

I lost my mom at age 3 to breast cancer, I lost my sister "Glenda" (not her real name) who was like a second mother to me tobreast cancer when I was 13, and I lost my father when I was 21. The last thing I wanted was to become attached to another person only to end up losing them. I feel like I have some kind of a curse on me where everyone I love is doomed to die and I am forced to sit and watch them suffer and die. I had vowed that I would never do this again and the only way for that to happen was for me to never become attached to another person. My future husband, however, would hear none of it. He chased me up and down the West Coast and the Midwest of the United States for 5 years as I moved from California to Oregon and back to my home state in the Midwest. Eventually, I came to see that his kindness and his love for me was really true and sincere and he wasn't just doing it to get something from me. He genuinely cared about me. He always put my needs first and when I was around him, he made me feel like I was the most important person in the whole world to him. Although I have no memory of it, I am told that my mother treated me the same way. And my sister Glenda also treated me that way. After my mother and Glenda both were gone, I was left with a family that mostly abused me and hated me. Though I did attempt suicide many times as a teenager, I still had hope that my life might get better once I was old enough to escape my family.

Unfortunately, what I found is that my problems followed me wherever I went and the only bright spot was my future husband. I saw him as my reward for all the horrible things that I had gone through in the past. Finally, I had someone who truly loved me and who I truly loved- - but I also knew that once I agreed to become attached to him and allow him to become attached to me that the the clock would start ticking and the sword of Damocles would be hanging over his head waiting to drop at the worst possible time. I knew being involved with me would end up killing him and I would have to watch him suffer, just like my mother, my sister, and my father. Therefore, I tried to cherish every moment that I had with him and remind myself of how lucky I was.
I tried never to take his love for granted.
Part 2

We were extremely happy together through our entire relationship. I'm not saying it was perfect. We had good times and bad times like everyone does, but we both realized how lucky we were to have found each other. We never forgot that no matter how long we were together.

For most of our relationship, I lived in one state and he worked in the state of California all the way across the country. Most of his work involved computers and he spent most of his time working in Silicon Valley, but neither of us wanted to to live there. Finally, in 2011, he decided to come home and I was so happy. All I had wanted the entire time he was working in California was for him to come home and for us to be a regular couple that saw each other every day and just did normal things together. The year he came home was very stressful and tumultuous because we had to move and rearrange a bunch of things in order for him to come home, but we got through it and I spent 2012 trying to recover from moving and everything. I was so happy to have him at home with me though. When he was in California I had made jokes to him that I knew that the minute he came home, he was going to end up dying because that's just the way my life goes.

I didn't know how true that statement was going to turn out to be.

I had just been getting over a long illness and had only started feeling like I was truly beginning to recover in September of 2012. Right on cue, in October 2012 my husband suddenly started becoming very ill. He couldn't keep food down, he was nauseous and vomiting all the time, he was rapidly losing weight, and he was having severe pain in his back. He spent the next three months going back-and-forth to the doctor at least once a week. The stupid doctor kept giving him one pill after another and trying to treat his symptoms without ever bothering to try to find the cause of the problems. At the end of three months, we had an entire counter full of pills that he was supposed to take. I remember looking at all those pills one day and thinking that there was no way that some of the pills could not be reacting with some of the other pills. This doctor was just throwing every pill at him that she could think of without thinking of how they were going to react with each other.

Then came the horrible week at the end of December when he went to bed and didn't get back up. This was very unlike my husband. He was not the type of person to lie around in bed in the morning. We both liked taking naps, but he would always be up early in the morning.

He was very sick and delirious and I didn't know what to do. I was by myself and I had no one to help me. After a week, I knew if I didn't do something he was going to end up dead. I finally decided to call his adult children even though I didn't really know either one of them. He had a son and a daughter and it was around Christmas time so I knew they were going to be together. I called his daughter and told her that when her brother arrived at her house I wanted them to call me so that I could talk to both of them at the same time. She eventually called back and I told them what was going on and I let them talk to their dad so they could hear how delirious and sick he was.

I had been trying to get my husband to go to the emergency room and he refused to go. I didn't know how to get him to go. At the time, I had run out of my thyroid medicine because my doctor would only let me get a refill if I went into his office in person and I couldn't leave my husband for that long, so I had been going without my thyroid medicine for over a month. Therefore I was not really thinking clearly or functioning very well myself.

This is why I didn't even consider calling an ambulance. However, his daughter told me to tell him that if he didn't agree to voluntarily go to the hospital that I was going to call an ambulance. We lived just five minutes down the street from the hospital and she knew that he wouldn't want to pay a giant ambulance bill when he could just get into a taxi and drive down there for a cheaper price. He agreed to go to the hospital and they eventually checked him in saying there was something wrong with his kidneys. The next morning I found out that if I hadn't gotten him to the hospital when I did, I would've woken up to find him dead the next day because his kidneys were already 2/3 of the way shut down by the time I got him to the hospital. The next step was to find out why were his kidneys shutting down. On Christmas day of 2012, they gave me the answer. His kidneys have been shutting down in a kind of self-defense move because his own white blood cells had been attacking them. The doctors told me his bone marrow was producing way too many white blood cells and he was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, which is cancer of the bone marrow. It causes problems with your blood cells and causes you to have severe back pain. This began a long and horrible road of chemo treatments, bone marrow biopsies, a bone marrow transplant, and him being placed in a nursing home so that he could work to regain his strength before he came home. They didn't want him to fall down and break a bone. I saw him get poked and prodded and stuck and tested, etc.

It was a complete nightmare and I think was hard on both of us. But he was a trooper and he allowed them to do whatever they wanted to do to him. I know he must've been in horrible pain most of the time, but he hardly ever showed it and he refused to take any serious pain medicine.
Part 3

After the bone marrow transplant, which is a very serious procedure, he was back to work in three months! He once told me that if he didn't have his work to go back to he probably would end up dead because that was what made him get up every morning. He knew he had to get up and go to work, and so he did. He did it many times when he should've stayed in bed. One time he had to give a 30 minute speech in front of some clients in a town 2 1/2 hours away.

The problem was that he could barely stand up because he was so sick. The chemo made him sick, the cancer maintenance drugs made him sick, and the bone marrow transplant had pretty much wiped out all of his immune system. Therefore, he caught any illness that was going around and brought it home to me and then I caught it. But even when I was at my sickest, I was at least not dealing with cancer the way he was. Anyway, he was very sick on this day, but he had to give the speech. Anyone else would've just asked someone else to give the speech, but my husband was determined to give it himself. He got a coworker of his who owned a station wagon to pick him up and he lied down in the back of that station wagon for the 2 1/2 hour ride to the place where he was going to give the speech. He then got himself together, went out and gave the speech, and then got back in the back of the station wagon and rode the 2 1/2 hours back home. His coworker said he had never seen anything like it in his life. He said the change in my husband right before he gave the speech going from looking completely sick and near death to looking like he wasn't sick at all while he gave the speech was one of the most incredible transformations he's ever seen in his life. The people he gave the speech to had no clue how sick he was. That was just one of many amazing things I saw my husband do while he was so sick he could barely hold his head up.

I now have a lot of my own health problems and most of the time I'm lucky if I can get out of bed, but there's no way in hell I could go out and do a job in the condition that I'm in. I have no clue how my husband did it. He was just the most amazing person I've ever known in my life. He was intelligent and creative. He had a masters degree in engineering and math. He was a musical prodigy. He could pick up any instrument, even if it was something he never played before in his life, and within an hour he'd be playing it like he'd been playing it his entire life. When I first met him he used to play songs that he made up for me on the piano. I wish now that I would've recorded some of them. He was always making up songs and calling me on the phone and singing them to me. I do have one recording of a song that he sang to me when he rented a karaoke machine for his grandkids while he was watching them one day. My husband was intelligent. He worked for NASA and Honeywell. He read books on quantum physics. He would try to talk to me about things and sometimes he would talk so far over my head that I had no clue what he was talking about, but I always found everything he said

fascinating. He would try to talk to me about string theory. He could've been a very wealthy man, but he always seemed to give his talents away for far less money than they were worth. He was the most generous person I've ever known in my life.
Part 4

We did his first round of chemo and the bone marrow transplant in 2013. From 2014 to August 2016, he wasn't cancer free, but there was so little cancer in his body that it was undetectable. They told us that the cancer would eventually come back though. By August 2016, he had been having back aches again for about three months. Of course, I didn't know this was going on because he didn't tell me about it. I did, however, notice that he had little lumps on his back. At the time it didn't occur to me that those little lumps were probably tumors. In August 2016 he finally went in for another bone marrow biopsy and I went with him.

The next day the hospital called and said he had to come in immediately. I was in the room when he was talking to the nurse and he was telling her that he had things he needed to get done for his work and he didn't have time to come in that day and he had brought me in the room to try to schedule an appointment for a different day. He had the nurse on the speakerphone and she said, " You have tumors all over your back. You have to come in TODAY". he got very angry at her for saying that where I could hear it. He agreed to go in, but he wouldn't let me go with him. He said he would go in and get his test results and then stop by a worksite that was near the hospital on his way home. I think he was in denial that the cancer had come back. He really didn't want it to come back.

A couple of hours later, he called me and told me they were checking him into the hospital. His cancer was back. His second round of chemo was just as horrible as the first, but the difference was he was no longer on the maintenance drugs. The maintenance drugs had made him exhausted and sick, much more so than the chemo did. Therefore, when he went off of them, he was almost like his old self again before he had cancer. Suddenly his energy came back and he was running circles around me even though he was many years older than me. Once we got into a pattern and we knew which days he was going to be sick from the chemo, he would take the days that he wasn't sick and use them to the fullest extent to do everything that he wanted to get done during those days. His daughter started coming around to help out. By this point, I had been taking care of my husband pretty much alone for nearly 4 years. She came in and made out like she was there to help and she pretended like she cared about me, and I stupidly believed her. I was grateful for the help because I was exhausted from taking care of him by myself for so long. I have difficulty with my energy levels and so forth anyway due to my thyroid problems, so any help that I could get was very welcomed. Of course, had I known what her real plan was, I would've shown her the door and endured whatever I had to to take care of my husband alone.

The second chemo was a big success, but unfortunately, the effects of any particular chemo regime only last for about eight months and then they have to change it because the regime quits working due to the cancer adapting to it. At least this is how it was explained to me. Therefore, after eight months of chemo #2, they changed the regime a bit and this signaled the end. Of course, I didn't know it was the end at the time.

I'm not sure exactly why, I think part of it was my husband's decision and part of it was a decision made by his doctors, but for whatever reason, my husband switched doctors and cancer treatment facilities. The doctors that had previously been working with him to take care of the cancer had all been extremely competent and I had every confidence in them. These new doctors didn't inspire confidence in me at all. Both I and my husband's daughter begged him to go back to his original doctors, but he insisted that these new doctors would be just as competent. He was very wrong.
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Oct 28, 2019
I haven't read the whole thing yet, but what I've read so far is very beautiful.....

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Oct 6, 2019
Part 5

First of all, the switch took much longer than it should have and, in the meantime, my husband was unable to get his chemo for a period of a month and a half which allowed the cancer to start spreading and my husband developed a plural effusion.

For those of you who don't know, I've included a description of a plural effusion as well as a couple of different treatment options below which I got from

"A pleural effusion is an unusual amount of fluid around the lung.

The pleura is a thin membrane that lines the surface of your lungs and the inside of your chest wall. When you have a pleural effusion, fluid builds up in the space between the layers of your pleura.

Normally, only teaspoons of watery fluid are in the pleural space, which allows your lungs to move smoothly in your chest cavity when you breathe.

A wide range of things can cause a pleural effusion. Some of the more common ones are:

. . . Cancer. Usually lung cancer is the problem, but other cancers that have spread to the lung or pleura can cause it, too.

2 possible treatments:

Pleural drain. If your pleural effusions keep coming back, your doctor may put a long-term catheter through your skin into the pleural space. You can then drain the pleural effusion at home. Your doctor will tell you how and when to do that.

Pleurodesis. Your doctor injects an irritating substance (such as talc or doxycycline) through a chest tube into the pleural space. The substance inflames the pleura and chest wall, which then bind tightly to each other as they heal. Pleurodesis can prevent pleural effusions from coming back in many cases."

The problem is that it makes you feel like you're drowning. My husband would feel this way anytime he tried to lie down and therefore he couldn't sleep. And then lack of sleep was making him sicker than he already was. This then became a vicious circle where he needed to sleep but he couldn't but the lack of sleep was making all his other symptoms and conditions worse.

He was put in the hospital in June 2017, which is when they discovered the plural effusion. He was then put in the hospital again in July 2017. The reason I've included the two treatments that are above is because when my husband was in the hospital, his daughter was in the room while the doctors were discussing how they were going to treat the plural effusion. I had previously looked it up on the Internet and saw that they could possibly install a drain and expect us to drain his plural effusion at home. This was something that I did not feel comfortable doing because I knew it was going to cause some kind of horrible infection and I didn't want to be responsible for it. I had enough stress and enough to deal with without having to worry about learning how to use this drain and so forth. So, when my husband's daughter was in the room and the doctors at the hospital were discussing what they were going to do— in front of her they made out like they were going to do the Pleurodesis. However, once they got my husband back in the operating room, they installed the drain without anyone's knowledge or permission. I went to the hospital because he told me he was going to be wheeled into the OR that morning at 10:30. However, he sat in the prep section of the OR from 10:30 in the morning until 4:30 in the afternoon before he was actually wheeled into the OR. When his daughter and I later asked for an explanation they claimed that they had some important people visiting the hospital and that's why it took so long for him to get wheeled into the OR. Apparently these people were much more important than my husband's surgery or any of their other patients! When he finally did go into the surgery, I wanted to know where he was so I could sit outside the waiting room and be the first person he saw when he was wheeled out. The hospital refused to tell me where he was in the hospital and told me I would have to wait in his room! I sat there waiting for over two hours and eventually a young intern came in and tried to get me to sign some papers.

As I look at these papers, I realized it was papers to accept some supplies and when I asked what the supplies was for the person replied that it was the supplies for the drain. I told them my husband's not getting a drain & the intern said, "Oh yes he is and you have to sign so that we can give you the supplies". I refused to sign the papers and I was livid. I called his daughter and told her what they were doing and she was also livid and she came down and we were both yelling at the doctors because they had lied to us. They had told us they were going to do one procedure when she was in the room and then when she left they took him into the ER and did something completely different, and something that she had told them specifically that she did not want them to do because we did not want to have to deal with the drain.
Part 6

Understand this is a drain that goes directly into a hole inside my husband's body. It's a prime candidate for some horrible infection that would most likely kill him. I did not want any part of that. I'm not a medical professional! That's why we pay doctors and nurses and home health care workers. I don't know about other countries, but I can tell you for a fact that in the United States they are starting to force the families of seriously ill people to do more and more of the work at home. I'm talking about things like tending to a drain or putting in an IV, or drawing blood. Things that a medical professional should be doing, but they're trying to force families who are already dealing with a sick loved one and are probably extremely stressed out, such as I was, to have to do these very difficult medical procedures on their own with no training. Why the hell do we even have doctors and nurses if they're just going to make us do all the stuff ourselves at home?! And then when I tried to talk to a doctor about it no one would talk to me. I spent four days calling and asking for someone to talk to me and absolutely no one called me back. Finally, one day I just called every hour on the hour until somebody called me back. Eventually the doctor called me back and yelled at me for bothering the nursing staff and was very condescending and snotty to me and told me that what they had done was none of my business.

It was my husband and I'm the one who had been taking care of him for the previous four years and I was the one who was going to have to tend to this fucking drain and he tells me it's none of my business! Several years ago they created this thing called Health Insurance Accountability and Portability Act or HIPAA here in the United States. It's supposed to be an act that protects the person's medical information. However, doctors are using it so that they don't have to talk to their patients' families and keep them informed of what's going on with their family members. I had signed papers and so had my husband's daughter stating that we could be told his medical information.

In fact, I had signed papers several times over and so had my husband stating that medical information could be shared with me, but every time I would ask about it they would tell me that I had to sign another paper or they couldn't tell me about it, and then of course that paper wouldn't be available for me to sign or whatever. They always had some excuse why they couldn't tell me what was going on. I'm not saying all doctors do this because I'm sure they don't. All the original cancer doctors that my husband had were phenomenal. They kept me informed of what was going on. In fact, in the early days of his cancer, if I wasn't in the room when the cancer doctor visited, he would either have one of his staff members or he himself would call me on the phone and give me a briefing on everything that he was doing and everything that was going on with my husband. He went out of his way to make sure that I was informed about what was happening. Unfortunately, toward the end of my husband's life, the doctors all did the opposite. They would lie to us over and over about what they were doing and what my husband's condition was. They would purposely prevent me from finding out what was going on and they would use all kinds of excuses to do so. In fact, they didn't even really want me going to the hospital and visiting him. Every time I would go visit after about 20 minutes a nurse would start coming in and telling me that I had to leave pretty soon. They didn't seem to want me to know what was going on and what they were doing to him when I wasn't around. It made me very fearful of what was happening.
Part 7

Then, when my husband got out of the hospital in July, he went to his cancer doctor and they had used up his cancer medicine for that week on another person because they didn't think he would be getting out of the hospital. My husband got very upset that he couldn't get his dose of chemo that week and so they gave him a dose of the steroid part of the treatment only. Unfortunately, they gave him an overdose, a big overdose. Then they proceeded to do nothing for the next month while he suffered. My husband and I would go into the doctor's office and beg them to do something about it and they would just act like it was no big deal at all!

Eventually, the doctor wouldn't even see my husband. He passed him on to one of his assistants! Then if that wasn't enough, in early August, he ordered a blood transfusion.

The day we went for this blood transfusion, my husband was very excited because he hadn't been feeling well at all and under every other circumstance that he had gotten a blood transfusion, it had made him feel better. He had made a bunch of plans that day because normally the blood transfusion didn't take more than an hour or two. However, when we got there, the doctors told us that this blood transfusion was going to take all day because they were going to have to do it very very slowly. This blood transfusion not only didn't make my husband feel better, but it actually made him much much worse. He ended up in the hospital the next day and the doctor told us that the combination of the overdose of steroids (which had already saturated my husband's tissues with water) and the long blood transfusion (pumping in even more water) had caused my husband to develop congestive heart failure!

From Healthline on the Internet:

"Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a chronic progressive condition that affects the pumping power of your heart muscles. While often referred to simply as "heart failure," CHF specifically refers to the stage in which fluid builds up around the heart and causes it to pump inefficiently."

This is what happened to my husband. They pumped him so full of fluid that his heart couldn't handle it and he developed congestive heart failure. Up to this point, my husband had no heart problems at all. They created this problem themselves, the doctors did! Then my husband spent the rest of August in the hospital as the doctors tried to balance all of his systems. They would get one system in balance and then another system would go out of balance. They were still trying to pump the water out of his lungs from the plural effusion, but they also had him hooked up to an IV. So they were both pumping water into him and out of him at the same time. It was all very strange and I didn't understand it. And these doctors were very evasive too even though it was at a different hospital.
Part 8

After a couple of weeks, my husband's daughter started trying to convince him to go into hospice. It's another long story that I won't go into, but basically my husband started a living trust for me so that I would have money to live on after he passed away. Now first of all, when people hear the words "living trust" they think you must have millions of dollars and in my case that isn't true. My husband had two life insurance policies and the value of our house, which is what made up this trust. I don't want to say what the value of the trust is, but let me tell you, it's not anywhere near enough for me to live for the rest of my life on comfortably. Not only that, but my husband didn't make me the trustee. I am only the beneficiary, but other people are the trustees, meaning they are the ones in control of my money. Therefore, I have no control over my own money. My husband's daughter had started coming around when he got sick the last time probably knowing that he was close to death. She waited for him to get so sick that he couldn't really resist her and then bullied him into making her a trustee. Her plan was to become a trustee and then take all the money for herself, leaving me with nothing, after I spent four years taking care of her father when he had cancer, and many more years than that taking care of him before that. There was no way in hell I was going to let her come in and take everything away from me! I think she thought if she made me think she was my friend, but then when she took all the money from me, it would be a surprise to me and I wouldn't be able to fight back. Well let me tell you something, she was wrong!!! But that's another story and I don't really want to go into it right now because I'm trying to focus on what happened when my husband died, not the horrible aftermath. I'll save that story for another day.
Part 9

So anyway my husband had been in the hospital for two weeks and he was very sick and his daughter had made herself a trustee. Once she was a trustee and she would have control over the money once he died, the next thing she needed was for him to die. Therefore, she started urging him to go into hospice.

At one point, she came home from the hospital and told me that he had decided to quit working. I knew that that was the end because my husband would never quit working on his own. I now believe that she probably just brought his computer home so that he wouldn't be able to work because she knew that would kill him. She and the doctors at this hospital had everything set up for him to go into hospice without my knowledge. My husband had even agreed to go, until a cancer doctor came in and told him that if he could just get himself balanced out and gain a little bit of strength he could start back on the chemo at a lower dose until he was strong enough to take the full dose again. This gave my husband a glimmer of hope that he needed and he suddenly refused to go into hospice. This made his daughter and all of the doctors at the hospital very angry. At this point, he was transferred to a nursing home where he was supposedly going to get some treatment and be allowed to regain his strength. However, when I went to see him, he complained to me that he could walk from the bed to the bathroom, but the doctors weren't letting him do it. They wanted him to sit in a wheelchair or lie in bed. They didn't want him to get up and move around. And I have no clue what drugs they were giving him at this nursing home, but I am 100% positive whatever they were giving him was designed to make him weaker and more frail so that he would be forced into hospice and die sooner. As usual, the nursing home staff wouldn't tell me what drugs they were giving him or what they were for or anything about his treatment. I was completely shut out. I was not allowed to know what they were doing and they didn't like me visiting him either. He spent September 2017 in this nursing home and went from being able to walk on his own and mostly breathe on his own to being forced to be in a wheelchair 24 hours a day and also be on oxygen 24 hours a day. This was their plan to get him stronger so he could go back on the chemo. Eventually the insurance company decided that he was well enough to come home even though he was on oxygen & in a wheelchair and I was forced to bring him home.

On one hand, I was extremely happy to have him at home with me again because I missed him so much and I hated visiting him in that horrible nursing home.

On the other hand, it now meant that I had to find people to help me take care of him because he was too sick for me to take care of by myself anymore. Again, I am not a medical professional and I am also not very physically strong. I couldn't pick him up and move him around or anything of that sort. All I could do was give him his medicine whenever he needed it, but at this point, he was on so many different medicines that I couldn't even make a chart out so I would know when to give him which medicine. A bunch of my husband's family members came around and I was hopeful that maybe they would help me take care of him, but no such luck. I still ended up doing almost everything myself, even though they were all laying around my house doing nothing and claiming they were there to help.
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Dec 7, 2019
I loved reading your stories. You are an excellent writer, and I hope you post more.
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Oct 6, 2019
Part 10

This whole time I had been trying to get him an appointment with his previous doctor so we could get him back on a good schedule. I finally managed to get him an appointment with one of those doctors and his son was kind enough to drive us over there and help me get his father in and out of the wheelchair and so on.

Unfortunately, they did the blood test on him and the doctor came back and told us that the cancer had spread so much because he hadn't had any chemo in over 2 1/2 months and there was no hope of pushing it back down. The doctor suggested he go into hospice. That was Thursday, October 12, 2017. On Friday, October 13, 2017 the doctors and my husband's daughter all got their wish and my husband was forced into hospice against his will. In fact, as he left the hospital the day before, he yelled about how they were all a bunch of pussies because they wouldn't help him by giving him the lower doses of chemo, even though he was sick. The doctor told him any dose of chemo would kill him and my husband replied that he would rather go down fighting by taking the chemo even if it killed him, but the doctor insisted that he had to go into hospice. This was not the outcome I had expected and I didn't even have a chance to think about it or say anything before hospice was in my house. That evening, Friday the 13th, 2017 at about 9:30 that night, my husband had said he was hungry and so I was feeding him cereal. Then he said he wanted some chocolate ice cream so I fed him some chocolate ice cream. We had been waiting for them to get some medicine for him because he was very anxious and upset.

Finally at about 10 o'clock the medicine arrived. Right before they gave him the medicine, I hugged him & took his hand and I said "I love you" and he replied "I love you too". I kissed him and walked away not knowing that that would be the last time I would ever speak to him again.

The next morning I got up early and went out to get my hair done because I had been in the house for a long time and I just needed an hour or two to myself because I still didn't have my head wrapped around the fact that he was in hospice. My husband's friend Sarah, whom I only met once for 30 minutes and whom is the other trustee meaning she's in charge of my money even though she's a complete stranger to me and lives all the way on the other side of the country. . . anyway, when Sarah found out my husband was in hospice, she texted me how wonderful it was and how he would now be "on his way to vitality and health". First of all, hospice does not come to bring you back to vitality and health! They come to make you die!! When I got back that morning from getting my hair done, I was met at the door by a hospice nurse telling me that my husband was exhibiting "the death rattle". She told me his death was eminent and if anyone was going to come and see him, they needed to come now. I and some of the other family members started making calls and telling people if they wanted to come and see him they better come. For the next day and a half we had people coming to visit him. It was horrible and wonderful all at the same time. I enjoyed hearing people telling me what my husband meant to them and how he had affected their lives. But there was also a part of me that just wanted everyone to go away and leave me alone. I got so sick of people telling me that everything was going to be OK because I knew it wasn't. I knew my life was ending. The wonderful life that I had was slipping away from me. For 26 years, this man had been the center of my life and everything good that had happened to me was because of him. Now it was all going to be taken away.

For most of the time that hospice was there, the only people in the house were me, my husband's daughter, and her son (my husband's grandson). First of all, this kid is so completely controlled by his mother, even though he's in his late 30s and married.. He had been wanting to see his grandpa for the previous two years and his mother had refused to let him come and see his grandpa when he was alive and feeling relatively well. Instead, she waited until he was in hospice and close to death before she dragged this poor kid over to our house to see him. And he seemed to have this desperate need to prove to me how close he was to his grandpa. He kept telling me about his opinion on what his grandpa's favorite movies were and so forth and I hated to tell him that he was wrong about just about everything that he said. He clearly knew almost nothing about his grandpa, probably because his mother wouldn't let him spend any time with him. He was like this bumbling man child. I think this may have been his first up close and personal view of death as well. I had this vision of what it was going to be like when my husband died and I thought I would be sitting next to him holding his hand for most of the time, but every time I went in there, his grandson was in there.

I never got to spend any time alone with him in the last few hours of his life because his grandson and his daughter were constantly in there and they wouldn't leave me alone with him. In the few moments before he died, his grandson had taken a computer in the room where his grandpa was and was very loudly playing the old Batman TV movie with Adam West. He and his grandfather both liked Batman and that's one of the ways they connected with each other. His grandson had previously told me that he was 100% positive that the old Batman TV movie with Adam west was my husband's favorite Batman movie. This was not true at all. His favorite Batman movie was "Batman Forever" with Val Kilmer as Batman, Tommy Lee Jones as Two-Face, and Jim Carrey as the Riddler. but I didn't want to start an argument with him so I just let him think whatever he wanted to. Anyway, when I say he was playing this movie loud, I mean he was playing it very very loud. I tried to go in there and sit with my husband and I had to leave because of how loud this thing was. And of course, if I had asked him to turn it down, his mother would've jumped all over me, so I just got up and left. A few minutes later the hospice nurse came in and told me that it was time. . . My husband was dying, he was leaving me. . . I've always believed he was probably trying to get away from all the noise from that stupid movie! I went in and sat with him and the nurse was there and my husband's daughter and grandson were there. Finally the nurse took his pulse and said, "He's gone".

I couldn't breathe. The nurse said she would call the funeral home and I told my husband's daughter that she was going to have to be there when the funeral home came because I wasn't going to be able to let them carry his body out of the house. I was left alone with his body for a couple of minutes and I hugged him and kissed him and I told him I loved him and I hope that wherever he ended up, he was at peace and not in pain anymore. Then I went into my bedroom and shut the door and I cried for what must've been hours. I heard the funeral home people come in and I heard them carrying him out, but I didn't leave my room. I waited until some time had past and I went and looked in the driveway and the hearse was gone. Then I went into the room where he had passed away and they left a rose on the bed where he had been lying. I picked the rose up and I just stood there not knowing what to do. I was alone again. The only person who ever really loved me was gone.
Part 11

Soon. . . Everything he gave me would be gone as well. My home, my car, my security, my happiness. . . All of that and so much more is gone now. Without him I have no reason to be here. There's no one to look forward to giving a hug to when I get up in the morning. There's no one that makes coffee and has it waiting for me with a nice note every morning when I get up.

There's no one for me to make little inside jokes about the squirrels with. In fact, when I see a squirrel now I get extremely upset. There's no one who leaves funny messages on my voicemail.. . and so many other things that are gone now that he's not here. I still see things on TV, or I'll read something or whatever and my first thought will be that I have to tell him about it. Then I remember I can't. I'm alone now. People have urged me to go out and make new friends. Now that it's been two years, people are telling me I need to quit mourning and move on. I still wear my wedding ring and people have been urging me to take if off, but I never will.

First of all, I don't want anybody else. I don't want any more friends.
I don't want any more significant others because I'm just sick and tired of watching people get sick and suffer and die. I will never go through this hell ever again.

The next person who dies is going to be me! Nobody's really had to watch me suffer, and nobody really cares about it, so I don't really see why they should be so concerned if I end up dead. In my darkest hours after my husband's death, absolutely nobody came to help me, not even when I was begging for help. As far as I'm concerned, if they didn't wanna help me then, then they have no say in what I do now. They can all go fuck themselves. I'm through with this world. I'm ready to move onto whatever is next. I'd like to think that maybe I'll find my husband in the next life and we'll be together again. But even if we're not, at the very least, I want to get out of here.

I don't want to be here in this world anymore. I hate this world.

I'm sick of being tough and "overcoming" and having to start over again after a tragedy. Just get me the hell out of here. I don't really care where I end up as long as I'm not here around all the people that I have to be around here. I just hope wherever I end up, I finally find some peace. That's all I want at this point is just some peace and quiet.
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
I'm sorry to hear about your loss and pain. A love that went that deeply can't ever really die and it's natural to still grieve over it. I don't really know what to say other than wishing you peace.
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Oct 6, 2019
Phew! OMG!! It is such a relief to get all that posted and get it out. I've wanted to tell my full story ever since I came on here in October, but I wasn't sure how to post that entire thing. I realize it's a marathon read and for anyone who actually reads it all, I salute your fortitude and perseverance.
I wanted to post the whole thing for two reasons:

First, I want everything that I went through to mean something. I want someone to know and understand every little thing that I went through at the end of my husband's life. I have no one IRL who really gives a damn about any of the stuff that I went through.
Secondly, I would hope that at some point in the future maybe someone will read the story and they won't feel so alone.

Once again, thank you all for listening to my stories and helping me through a very difficult day. . . And now for giving me the push I needed to just go ahead and make my attempt at posting the story. I can't tell you what a relief it is to finally get it all out. To be honest, I don't even care if anyone actually reads the whole thing. I just wanted to get it out there. Thank you all again for your love and support and for all the kind words. I really appreciate it. The people on here are the best. The rest of the world just doesn't seem to know what they're missing. :heart: :hug: :heart::heart:
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Global Mod
Sep 18, 2018
sorry about what you've gone through and the loss of the love of you're life. i could feel you're emotion and how much he meant to you. this is actually so cute as well, and it's so heartbreaking at the same time :(

hope you find peace one day and somehow cross paths with him in another life.
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Dec 7, 2019
I am so sorry I don't even know what to say.
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Oct 6, 2019
Disenfranchised grief 5
Clover Stroud

"Grief, I now understand, is a sort of madness, in the same way, that falling in love is madness."
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Oct 1, 2019

I finished reading your amazing story about an hour ago, and was so touched and moved by it I sat down immediately at the keyboard to send you a response.
I am still sitting here. Seldom when I write am I at a complete loss of words, but right now I am left wordless.
At the end of your post is a photograph with these words: "Grief, I now understand, is a sort of madness, in the same way, that falling in love is madness." Anyone who has ever been in love knows it is indeed a form of madness and destined to end in grief. That is the lesson. That sums it up for me.
Your remarkable and lovely recounting of you and your husband's life teaches us that very lesson. Thank you for opening up and sharing with us your life, your grief and your true love.
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Dec 25, 2019
Thanks for sharing. I've also known family and friends who've died of cancer. You're clearly still grieving exacerbated by your mental health problems. One thing I wish to ask is whether you believe in an afterlife or not.
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Oct 6, 2019
Thanks for sharing. I've also known family and friends who've died of cancer. You're clearly still grieving exacerbated by your mental health problems. One thing I wish to ask is whether you believe in an afterlife or not.
I've stated on this site many times that I'm not sure if I believe in an afterlife or not. I go back-and-forth on that. All I can say is what I hope.
I grew up going to a Baptist church where they did the whole "fire and brimstone" preaching thing. I don't really believe in hell though, unless you count where we are now.
When I was 13 and my family first found out I was suicidal, the first thing they told me was that I would go to hell if I killed myself. However, by then I had already decided that if there was a hell, I was already in it, so nothing else could be worse than that. If it was a lake of fire, then bring it on because it couldn't be any worse than what I was dealing with at the time stuck with my abusive family.
Believe me, I would've much rather faced a lake of fire.
As far as Heaven goes, my church taught me that everyone in heaven gets their own mansion. Therefore, I've always imagined my husband in heaven happily decorating our mansion and waiting for me to show up so he can give me the big tour. If he hadn't been an engineer, he would've made an excellent interior decorator. He was very good at picking out colors and making things go together in a room. Plus, he cared more about that stuff than I did. In my current house, I have no pictures on the walls, no decorations out of any kind really. Part of it may be because putting things out would remind me of him, and part of it is probably because I never expected to be here very long and I didn't want to have to repack everything, but a big part of it is also that I am just not that into decorating. That was my husband's area of expertise, not mine. And it brought him so much joy to do it. And he would always be so proud of it that he would give any new person that came into our house the grand tour of all of his treasures; pointing them out and telling stories about each item or painting as he went along.
I tend to believe that if there is a heaven, it's most likely what you make of it in your own mind. In the house my husband and I shared together, we had a TV room that had a red carpet, and a red velvet sofa. We would sit on the red velvet sofa together and hold hands and watch TV. That was my favorite place in the entire house and is one of the only pieces of furniture that I saved and brought with me from my old house to where I live now.
Of course, because it's red velvet, it doesn't go with anything. I got some black sofa coverings for it, partly so it wouldn't get messed up, and partly because I figured everything goes with black. However, I can't really sit on it that much because it reminds me of my husband.
So, if there is an afterlife, I would imagine my husband and I will be doing all the things that I wish we could have done when we were both here. For most of our relationship, my husband was working here on the West Coast where I am now, and I was living in our house which is on the East Coast. If I wanted to see him, I had to fly all the way across the country. All I wanted for most of our relationship was for him to come home and for us to be a normal couple that did normal things. I wanted us to be able to wake up together, to have coffee together, to go to the movies together, to be able to give him a hug whenever I wanted to. I got some of that when he came home in 2011, but then he became ill in 2012 & our entire world changed. In a way, I feel cheated because I waited for nearly 14 years for him to come home, and then when he did, I didn't even really get one entire year with him that was normal. We spent the first year that he came home moving and that was a very stressful traumatic year for me, even though I was thrilled to have him at home with me finally. We spent the next year that he was home recovering from the events of the first year, and, by the end of that year, he had gotten sick and been diagnosed with cancer. From then on, that's all our life was about was his cancer. It was an endless array of doctor's appointments and procedures and so forth. We didn't have just one lousy year to be a normal couple together, which was all I wanted. Therefore, when I imagine heaven, I imagine us being in our old house that we had on the East Coast with the same furniture and so forth. Maybe some things would be a little bit nicer since it's supposed to be a mansion. My husband would have his old car that he loved and he would also have an airplane because he was a pilot. He was in the Air Force for many years. I would be allowed to sit on the red sofa and hold hands with him and watch Casablanca, our favorite movie, over and over again and never get tired of it. Or we would go for a ride in his old Vista Cruiser, holding hands and he would make me laugh by doing his squirrel cheers which I mentioned in the above stories. And most of all, he would be in his chair when I woke up in the morning and I could go and wrap my arms around him just like I used to.
Of all the things I miss, that's what I miss the most— being able to wake up and have my first thought be that he's out in his chair working on his computer and if I get out of bed, I can go in there and wrap my arms around him. That was the only thing that ever made me want to get out of bed in my whole life.
So, I hope there is an afterlife because I think after the hardship and torture of this life, people deserve a reward for everything they go through down here. On the other hand, if I have to settle for eternal nothingness, I suppose it's still better than here but I might be a little upset, if I'm able to be, because that will mean all the suffering and torment here is for nothing and it was just some kind of a cosmic joke on all of us.
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Dec 30, 2019
Oh wow congratulations
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Oct 6, 2019

Here is an article that explains how a person who loses their spouse or significant other feels. I think this article does a good job of explaining a lot of things that I've had a hard time trying to articulate to people around me about how this is not just an ordinary loss of someone. This is the most significant loss I've ever suffered in my entire life, or ever will suffer. My other half is gone now and he's never coming back. There's no way I can just go on with my life as if it never happened the way people seem to think I should be able to! For as long as I live, I'm going to feel his absence and the never ending grinding gut- wrenching pain that it causes me every single second of every single day.
I've always thought of my depression as a metal ball. It's like a cold metal ball suspended in the middle of me. I can feel it in my stomach and in my heart. This ball spins around at extreme speeds and it has assorted spikes, gougers, and all manner of assorted horrific things that extend and retract from the ball as it spins— tearing and ripping at me as it endlessly spins around inside of me. Each new negative experience and each new loss adds more spikes and more tools to this ball that it can use to rip me apart. I've always wished they had some kind of an x-ray where someone could look at me and see how I look emotionally, and have that turned into a physical picture. I would be standing ripped apart and bleeding. I would have wounds all over every inch of my body, open wounds that bleed endlessly and never heal. I wish I knew how to paint or draw because if I did I would draw a picture of it.
There aren't enough words in the English language to adequately explain the level of pain or what that pain feels like. After all this time, you'd think I would get used to it, like dipping your foot into a hot bath, but that never happens. I go through periods where I'm numb. I think it's my mind's way of defending itself. But, I always know that eventually it's going to come back and it's going to feel just as bad as it ever did.

I'm so tired of it. I'm so tired of fighting with it, of dragging it around with me everywhere I go. It drains my energy and it drains my strength. I'm so tired of thinking about it and dealing with it. It gets so heavy and I can feel it on my chest. Sometimes it makes it so that I can't breathe, but unfortunately not enough to kill me. It never goes far enough to physically kill me, just enough to take me right to the edge. I can see the abyss and I want so much to just jump in and drown in it, lose myself in it. I want to sink down into it and let it consume me completely. I just want to quit fighting it. I'm so tired.
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Oct 6, 2019
A2D0EFD7 1FC6 4B7F ACCE 0764A8859E68

I was going to post on Stan's thread, but they've closed it. I hope they don't close this thread without letting me know beforehand. :aw:
217681 I Love Those Hugs Where You Just Don t Want To Let Go

I miss having my husband's arms around me. ;-; He gave the best hugs. I'm scared I'm going to forget what his arms felt like around me. I miss his presence. I miss just being in the same room with him and knowing that he's there. :hug::heart:
Message for husband

Love husband

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Oct 6, 2019
It's been a really bad day today. I miss my husband so much. And I'm tired of all this political crap. I don't care what's happening in Iran or what Iran is doing in response.
Let them all point their missiles at my house and shut the F***k up about it! I'm sick of all the news reports and all the no nothing people on TV droning on and on about it. None of them know what's going on, even though they pretend like they do. How many times have all these jerk offs been wrong about everything now?! Yet every time something happens they all go on TV and start screaming that the sky is falling and get everyone upset all over again. They have to keep the public in a state of constant panic so that they'll keep watching the news. If it's not about this, it will be global warming or some other crap that they're trying to say is going to kill us immediately. I say, "Go ahead! Kill me! At least then I don't have to listen to anymore of the non-stop hysterics"! I can't even come here and escape all the political bullshit. Makes me want to ctb even more. . . just to get away from it.
I'm getting closer. Today, I got some things done that I've needed to get done for a long time now. They have to be done before I ctb. I'm hoping by the end of the week, I'll have everything ready, then I just have to wait for the right moment to go.
Right now I'm just trying to make sure I have everything completely finished and I'm ready when that moment comes.
I've got a list and I'm checking things off of it every day.
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Oct 6, 2019
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Dec 27, 2019
In a way, I feel cheated because I waited for nearly 14 years for him to come home, and then when he did, I didn't even really get one entire year with him that was normal.

I cannot even imagine your pain. Reading this is really fucking me up, emotionally.

I already know nothing anyone says or does can ever replace or heal that part of you. That part of feeling safe, of being able to get up every day and survive what you have to survive just so you can spend a "normal" tender moment with that person. Those moments aren't normal though. They are extraordinary in that they sustain us, and make it all worth it.

Now someone's gone and put all these tears in my eyes :(
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Suicide Discussion
Suicide Discussion
Suicide Discussion