

Sep 16, 2022
Well I have a different opinion! I beg to disagree with you. Russia invaded a sovereign nation. That alone tells who the villain is. If you hate America and you live here I most strongly urge you to take your ass elsewhere. Russia persecutes gay people unmercifully, almost as bad as those sand countries that throw gay guys off of buildings to kill them, Russia used the excuse Hitler used for invading Poland in 1939. Ethnic Germans are being killed. No one believed Hitler in 1939, and no one believes Putin they are killing ethnic Russians in Ukraine. And before you go shooting your mouth off about how tough the Russian military is, please do yourselves a favor and check out the video Hair of the Dog, (yourselves meaning you, the FSB Russian internet tolls, spies, and toadies)!

Now You're Messin With A Son Of A Bitch (Military Tribute)

So give it your best shot and bring it on bitches! I'd love to see you try it. And if by the greatest military miracle ever known if you ever can get your boots on the ground in the USA. Sugar I look good in camo,(if you could see me)and like all red-blooded Americans I love my firearms,.

Love makethepainstop USA β€πŸ€πŸ’™

Ps never try to put your Russian propaganda on our site again!😎
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Nov 26, 2022
USA traded a guy nicknamed the merchant of death for an idiot feminist. I think Russia has bigger priorities than sasu
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Jul 29, 2021
what about the west invading iraq afghanistan libya wars
how many innocent lives have we ended
i see we because we let the government get away with it just like the pepole of russia let putin get away with it
we don't have a democracy if there was such a thing then the will of the pepole would of been to not to go to war
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Sep 21, 2020
USA traded a guy nicknamed the merchant of death for an idiot feminist. I think Russia has bigger priorities than sasu
That's what I was thinking. Why would Russian spies care about a bunch of suicidals?
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Sep 16, 2022
what about the west invading iraq afghanistan libya wars
how many innocent lives have we ended
i see we because we let the government get away with it just like the pepole of russia let putin get away with it
we don't have a democracy if there was such a thing then the will of the pepole would of been to not to go to war
How about the dictators who murdered their countrymen in those sand n countries?
How about foreign governments asking the USA for help, (clandestinely)?
How about 911? If you are so anti-American, we have nothing to talk about.
Most of the time when the USA is involved there was a reason(s), not known to the
citizens of both nations involved.
Do you really want another pearl harbor, 911, WW II?
Thanks to naive people who thought they knew something, these things happened.
To save 80 million lives lost in world war two, killing the Japanese, nazi and Italian leaders would have been a blessing.
That's what I was thinking. Why would Russian spies care about a bunch of suicidals?
Propaganda must start at lower levels in society. As the propaganda campaign continues, the false narrative grows large and larger, until the goal of belief in total disinformation is complete. As for this thread, someone already started an argument and when I went to reply the site said thread not found so, I wanted the person to know they are in error.
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Nov 26, 2022
what about the west invading iraq afghanistan libya wars
how many innocent lives have we ended
i see we because we let the government get away with it just like the pepole of russia let putin get away with it
we don't have a democracy if there was such a thing then the will of the pepole would of been to not to go to war
by the west im sure you mainly mean America. also I'd worry more about what China is doing. Why do we not treat China the same as Russia? That's the real question


Jul 29, 2021
by the west im sure you mainly mean America. also I'd worry more about what China is doing. Why do we not treat China the same as Russia? That's the real question
the west is uk spain australian france germany america usa and many more i can't think of.
Do you really want another pearl harbor, 911, WW II?
i am the one that want to kill everything and be nothing for all time


Sep 16, 2022
by the west im sure you mainly mean America. also I'd worry more about what China is doing. Why do we not treat China the same as Russia? That's the real question
China has not invaded anyone YET! Russia invaded another nation before Ukraine. So Putin was counting on a ten-day war. He figures the west wouldn't squawk, after the fact.
Once he had control he could use the nuclear power plants as a bargaining chip to gain concessions from the west. (Nuclear blackmail anyone)? Surprise surprise, surprise, the west noticed and acted.


Nov 26, 2022
China has not invaded anyone YET! Russia invaded another nation before Ukraine. So Putin was counting on a ten-day war. He figures the west wouldn't squawk, after the fact.
Once he had control he could use the nuclear power plants as a bargaining chip to gain concessions from the west. (Nuclear blackmail anyone)? Surprise surprise, surprise, the west noticed and acted.
Mali war 2012-present. They were also involved in the "War on terror"
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Sep 16, 2022
Mali war 2012-present. They were also involved in the "War on terror"
Those are not entirely what the public has been told there are hidden factors that are not revealed to regular people. China was involved in the war on terror because they had some problems with their Muslim population. The Ugars I believe they are called.
There were some events that China did not allow the world to know about as the Chinese government felt that reporting those events would cause them to lose face.
Last edited:


Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
How about 911? If you are so anti-American, we have nothing to talk about.
The American "government" (more like managerial class for the real powers that be) DID 9/11, you dolt! Haha, this is boring to talk about at this point, it's sooo passΓ©. Are people that believe the official narrative at this point sentient? πŸ€”
  • Yay!
  • Hmph!
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Sep 16, 2022
So you didn't see all of the videos of aircraft slamming into the twin towers?
Do you really think the pentagon would just quietly go along with such a scheme?
The stuff you are quoting was planted to manipulate the American people's opinion of the American government. I can promise you those tales are just that, fairy tales.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
You're entitled to have an opinion and I should learn to respect that, even if it means that thanks to the credulous majority you're a part of we are all living in a dystopian hell realm.
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Jun 9, 2022
People with a clear enemy image who believe themselfs to be the only good guys, have always been very suspicious to me ... Sorry!
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
First of all- I think we're all horrified by what is going on in Ukraine. Still, I doubt any country is entirely innocent.

I do kind of admire your patriotism. I used to be very patriotic (for the UK.) Still, I think most countries seem to have skeletons in the closet. I actually feel pretty disgusted when I start finding out about what the UK is REALLY like- plenty of shady financial schemes, the former British Empire. Plus- Britain invented the concentration camp.

I want to emphasize that I am in no way anti-America. Neither am I completely convinced by much of what we're told. I just think it's important to question everything- even things about your own country. I expect America isn't as pure as you seem to believe- sorry.

Overall, I think the REAL power in ALL countries lies with those with the most money and sadly- I'd say many of them got to have and keep that money by trampling over everyone else- their own countrymen included.
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Sep 16, 2022
First of all- I think we're all horrified by what is going on in Ukraine. Still, I doubt any country is entirely innocent.

I do kind of admire your patriotism. I used to be very patriotic (for the UK.) Still, I think most countries seem to have skeletons in the closet. I actually feel pretty disgusted when I start finding out about what the UK is REALLY like- plenty of shady financial schemes, the former British Empire. Plus- Britain invented the concentration camp.

I want to emphasize that I am in no way anti-America. Neither am I completely convinced by much of what we're told. I just think it's important to question everything- even things about your own country. I expect America isn't as pure as you seem to believe- sorry.

Overall, I think the REAL power in ALL countries lies with those with the most money and sadly- I'd say many of them got to have and keep that money by trampling over everyone else- their own countrymen included.
All those pro-Russian darlings had to do was leave that crap out of SaSu. If there is one thing that pisses me off is ANY and I do mean ANY attack on the USA. No matter how small or large.

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
All those pro-Russian darlings had to do was leave that crap out of SaSu. If there is one thing that pisses me off is ANY and I do mean ANY attack on the USA. No matter how small or large.
Hmm, I must have missed that post... And yes- when the chips are down- I hope I would defend my country also. I'm happy to die anyway. It would feel better to do it for a cause- although I'd have to be sure the cause was just- and I'm not sure I'd be convinced these days. Obviously defending is one thing but attacking is another entirely.

I certainly wouldn't want to kill other people because I was told they were a 'threat' but again- I'm not sure what evidence would convince me these days as I'm certain all countries rulers lie to their people to benefit themselves and their rich buddies. War, weapons and violence are profitable to some people- not to mention the spoils of war itself.

I think we just have to be careful with all the fake news out there that these 'attacks' are indeed genuine... Although I sadly have little idea on how you assertain that these days. Still, I don't think any country is above creating 'false flag' scenarios to justify attacking other countries. (Google false flag Vietnam for details on how the Gulf of Tonkin incident was reported as opposed to what happened. I'm sorry but I also have my doubts on 9/11. Perhaps it is all conspiracy theory nonsense but some things do look suspicious to me.)

I suspect you may vehemently oppose such suggestions and like I say- I do admire loyalty to one's country. I just wonder if our loyalties are warranted sometimes. I also think it's dangerous to blindly accept what we are told (guess that should be deafly). Most especially when those claims seek to incite violence. Not to say we should be meek and be walked over or wait to be attacked but we should be able to question EVERYTHING we are being told- even from our own governments.
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Sep 16, 2022
Hmm, I must have missed that post... And yes- when the chips are down- I hope I would defend my country also. I'm happy to die anyway. It would feel better to do it for a cause- although I'd have to be sure the cause was just- and I'm not sure I'd be convinced these days. Obviously defending is one thing but attacking is another entirely.

I certainly wouldn't want to kill other people because I was told they were a 'threat' but again- I'm not sure what evidence would convince me these days as I'm certain all countries rulers lie to their people to benefit themselves and their rich buddies. War, weapons and violence are profitable to some people- not to mention the spoils of war itself.

I think we just have to be careful with all the fake news out there that these 'attacks' are indeed genuine... Although I sadly have little idea on how you assertain that these days. Still, I don't think any country is above creating 'false flag' scenarios to justify attacking other countries. (Google false flag Vietnam for details on how the Gulf of Tonkin incident was reported as opposed to what happened. I'm sorry but I also have my doubts on 9/11. Perhaps it is all conspiracy theory nonsense but some things do look suspicious to me.)

I suspect you may vehemently oppose such suggestions and like I say- I do admire loyalty to one's country. I just wonder if our loyalties are warranted sometimes. I also think it's dangerous to blindly accept what we are told (guess that should be deafly). Most especially when those claims seek to incite violence. Not to say we should be meek and be walked over or wait to be attacked but we should be able to question EVERYTHING we are being told- even from our own governments.
The post disappeared, while I was responding. System started saying "Thread not found!"??? And POOF it was gone??

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
The post disappeared, while I was responding. System started saying "Thread not found!"??? And POOF it was gone??
Yeah- that's happened to me in the past- usually after writing some long response. Annoying isn't it?


Poles are shifting, death is looming
Jun 26, 2022
Nationalism of any kind is lame.

Keeping in mind that I could care less what any country does. I speculate that the US is using Ukraine to fight Russia, this is a war between the US and Russia. It's definitely about money and power, domination and greed is at the core of what drives most countries, a false sense of security.

I understand your passion, I just think it's horribly misguided.
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Apr 15, 2022
This idea about "bringing it on" is ill thought out. There are no winners in a nuclear war. Well, maybe us, at least some of us, as we won't have to ctb ourselves.
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Apr 7, 2019
Is this really the place for global political rants? Go back to reddit.
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I'm still here b/c of my dogs
Oct 28, 2021
The US government is the biggest terrorist in the world by far.
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Sep 15, 2022
I do not like Russia. I also do not like Ukrainian neo-nazis.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
By invading this website, the ruskies have shown their true colors once again. To the gulag with them all! Griner for the merchant of death does seem like a fair trade though, so long as you live on Twitter, like me.
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May 21, 2022
Well I have a different opinion! I beg to disagree with you. Russia invaded a sovereign nation. That alone tells who the villain is. If you hate America and you live here I most strongly urge you to take your ass elsewhere. Russia persecutes gay people unmercifully, almost as bad as those sand countries that throw gay guys off of buildings to kill them, Russia used the excuse Hitler used for invading Poland in 1939. Ethnic Germans are being killed. No one believed Hitler in 1939, and no one believes Putin they are killing ethnic Russians in Ukraine. And before you go shooting your mouth off about how tough the Russian military is, please do yourselves a favor and check out the video Hair of the Dog, (yourselves meaning you, the FSB Russian internet tolls, spies, and toadies)!

Now You're Messin With A Son Of A Bitch (Military Tribute)

So give it your best shot and bring it on bitches! I'd love to see you try it. And if by the greatest military miracle ever known if you ever can get your boots on the ground in the USA. Sugar I look good in camo,(if you could see me)and like all red-blooded Americans I love my firearms,.

Love makethepainstop USA β€πŸ€πŸ’™

Ps never try to put your Russian propaganda on our site again!😎
36386D52 DD8B 4D16 B28B 17910DF915B2
  • Yay!
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Aug 14, 2022
So you didn't see all of the videos of aircraft slamming into the twin towers?
Do you really think the pentagon would just quietly go along with such a scheme?
The stuff you are quoting was planted to manipulate the American people's opinion of the American government. I can promise you those tales are just that, fairy tales.
Here's a card game from 1995.
It's called the illuminati new world order card game.

71uX2m2ubeL 61kZ1MeyM5L AC SY580

Thought you mind find it interesting.
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Nov 2, 2021
I live in Russia and I really hate Russian state, Putin, etc.
However I find USA quite unattractive as well. Certainly you have more political freedom there. Yet you also manage to have almost two times more prisoners per capita than Russia. And your state too has a habit of invading other countries and bringing death and disaster to their people, it is just so powerful that it can avoid being heavily sanctioned for that.
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Sep 21, 2021
We don't need Ukrainian propaganda on here either.

Innocent people are dying all around. We should be calling for peace. Who's right and wrong is beside the point and will always be ambiguous. It's time for Putin and zelensky to negotiate. Not to send more weapons.

If that includes giving up eastern Ukraine (full of ethnic Russians), then so be it. They've been at war for their independence before Russia invaded anyhow.

This type of rhetoric you're using is war mongering, believe it or not. No, Russia isn't perfect. They do a lot of terrible things. So does Ukraine. So do we (Afghanistan, Iraq, etc). Calling people Russian trolls or other derogatory names isn't helpful.

This is a complicated conflict. Negotiation and de escalation will save lives. Calling people Hitler and placing the entire blame on one side (incorrectly) will get more people killed.

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