
Dec 26, 2019
Hey team

I'm so fed up. I need to leave this realm before my condition gets really bad. I have an inoperable brain tumour. I was fobbed off by the UK NHS for years when I asked then to investigate the symptoms. By the time it was finally diagnosed it was too late and risky to do anything. High risk of brain damage, loss of an eye, nerve damage, stroke, etc. if they operate.

I manage it ALONE, i live ALONE, I still work and am totally self reliant. No family, no friends (people run a mile when they know you have a time bomb in your head). I am self employed so don't get sick pay. No support from anywhere. The NHS still fobs me off and claims NONE of my symptoms are from the tumour - like the double vision, the daily nausea, the 3 day migraines, the tinnitus, the vertigo, the bloody fluid running out of my nose constantly, the clicking noises in my head, etc etc. That way they don't have to manage the symptoms, they just say it's not their problem.

The other day I read a comment here that really offended me, an angsty teenager claiming to be jealous of people with cancer. Wake up kiddo - you think cancer or a brain tumour is an easy death? You have years of slow decline and a shit quality of life. It's not instant.

And these euthenasia providers in Swizerland are so exploitative. I finally found 2 that will do it for non-citizens, but guess how much they want...............10 000 euros. So even a merciful death is the preserve of the wealthy.

And they won't even answer your emails unless you pay a "membership" fee! I got an initial email from another one that "only" wants 8 000 euros (which i don't have) and they expect you to go there for an interview as well. Well I can no longer fly because it causes intrcranial pressure - and thus double vision. Anyway thats by the by, i would get there by train for the interview if needed. But I asked them some simple questions (policy, procedure) to help me figure out whether i should pay the membership fee - and they won't answer me until I pay the membership fee!

I think it's an appalling way to treat people. A disgrace.

Sometimes my vision is screwed for months and that's when i really want to die. I need to use the time I have to get what I need. I offered these euthenasia people a deal - I said they could have the money from the sale of my house when I'm dead. But they wont answer me until I give them some money.

I emailed A: no answer. So no N from him. I find it suspicious that his full name is out there : you really think someone whose full name is out there is freely selling N? It's very fishy.

Cant get SN, plus I read up more on the side effects of OD and the vertigo and diarrhoea part scares me because I get severe vertigo and diarrhoea for 8 hours sometimes. Literally cannot stand up, just vomit while the room spins, it's pure hell.

So what are my options, hanging? I need something that's 100 a sure thing. I'm at risk of a stroke and seizures as it is - if I hanged myself, i'm sure i would have a stroke. Then what if it somehow fails ad I end up brain damaged and alive? Dependent on corrupt NHS staff who would abuse me.

Honestly, I feel like I'm in HELL right now, I desperately don't want to be here, I want out but I can't get out.

Every night I pray I will die a quick death in my sleep. Every morning I'm still here. I' getting desperate, am having to exercise massive self restraint so as not to do something desperate that could fail.

F8CK this world. Thanks for taking the time to read my rant. These euthenasia places are bloody unethical, they should be ashamed of themselves.
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Jul 20, 2020
Sorry to hear about your situation. It's difficult in UK to get access to Barbiturates and firearms. It's a shame Euthanasia isn't legal in UK, I think your best bet is to get 10,000 euros by selling your house or getting a loan and go to Switzerland. You could sell your house for less than its worth to sell it quicker.
Unfortunately no suicide method is 100% certain but some are more effective than others. Also there are often risks involved. This website is a good reference point. http://lostallhope.com/suicide-methods/statistics-most-lethal-methods

Personally I've considered

1) Drug Overdose
2) Exit bag with inert gas
3) Jump off Beachy head
4) Partial hanging
5) Sodium Nitrite & antiemetics
6) Shallow water blackout
7) Cyanide poisoning
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Oct 21, 2019
Hey mate I read it all. Obviously I'm really sorry you're going through this. It takes being very unwell and dependent on healthcare to see just how woeful it really is, as you've expressed. I also found the prices ridiculous with the clinics in Switzerland. I'd rather just do it my own way than support that. Also, I never bothered trying to get N. You could get a load of opioids on the dark web. Just mentioning since you didn't. It is actually quite easy to do.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
My experience of chronic care on the NHS is similar. They are shit.
Yes, the NHS is still better than the care many countries get, their emergency care is excellent and we are all grateful they are there doing what they do during this crisis, but that doesn't stop chronic care for certain issues being shit.
Secondary care is barely fit for purpose if they have to deal with anything nebulous or anything without a quick fix. They have care and diagnostic pathways. There are literally flow charts that they have to follow: if this then that. If you don't fit into that flowchart, then you are fucked, they just pick a random answer and send you down that path, often treating symptoms rather than causes and even then only one symptom at a time.

I was abandoned by them last year. The last experience I remember was asking the doctor: "This is going to kill me, isn't it?" He just nodded and turned away. Long story, never mind. I survived when I wouldn't have if I'd stuck to what they said. Still struggling.

Your condition is obviously serious and you should be receiving better attention for it for sure, not surprised you are pissed off.

I have nothing but admiration for you if you are still managing to work through that. And yes, everyone is out to get a slice. It may sound cynical but it's the truth as I see it. They all want cash on the barrel-head with no guarantees. These days they even want you to pay for your own funeral whilst you are still alive FFS.

I guess you are too far down the line to get your GP to refer you to tertiary care? I imagine so if you are here. :hug: I'm really sorry.
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Sep 16, 2020
I felt those threads were very inconsiderate too but bear in mind you've hit the nail on the head it's just angst teenagers or immature/un-intelligent people so don't take it personally. Life is a sick evil game buddy if you've truly accepted that hopefully some of your suffering is eased. I understand you want to take your hate out somewhere though, I do, but there's nowhere to direct it, we're dogs chasing our tail.... With terminal illnesses.
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Oct 10, 2020
When I was a teenager, I always wished to have cancer because I thought my death would be easier that way on my parents since they won't really blame themselves.
But after working with cancer patients, I saw how inconsiderate and immature that was, the suffering is just immense and I'm really sorry you're going through that, you obviously have a serious disease and you deserve better treatment than the one you're getting right now.
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Apr 18, 2020
Self-Euthanasia appears to be the best solution in your situation. Given your present condition, you could easily get access to the PPeH, whatever your age. It's 95$ for two years, and despite what some people say, it's totally worth it. You'll find several "updated" addresses of reliable N sellers and have access to their forum.

Good luck.
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May 13, 2020
If that passive aggressive comment was towards me BTW...

1: I'm not a kid
2: I get to live with irreparable damage to my brain from an infection that caused series of strokes, which I was never really treated for outside of making sure I didn't die, or helped to deal with, and now get to have a nice, slow decline in my health that includes a lot of pain, and worsening issues with my memory and ability to look after myself- all of which are things I'm not receiving any help for. I'm sorry if it came across the wrong way, and I'm sure what you're going through is at least as horrible as this, if not worse, but I don't think there's anything wrong with wishing for something fatal for a guilt-free death when this is the alternative. Most of the right side of my brain is made of scar tissue or just gone, everything really fucking hurts, and nobody cares or intends to help me.


Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Sometimes you gotta turn to street drugs if the other methods are out. I've thought about trying to obtain fent or heroin and just injecting a massive amount of it. I hate to be in a country that doesn't allow SN knowing you buy it on Jeff Bezos website....
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Dec 26, 2019
Sorry to hear about your situation. It's difficult in UK to get access to Barbiturates and firearms. It's a shame Euthanasia isn't legal in UK, I think your best bet is to get 10,000 euros by selling your house or getting a loan and go to Switzerland. You could sell your house for less than its worth to sell it quicker.
Unfortunately no suicide method is 100% certain but some are more effective than others. Also there are often risks involved. This website is a good reference point. http://lostallhope.com/suicide-methods/statistics-most-lethal-methods

Personally I've considered

1) Drug Overdose
2) Exit bag with inert gas
3) Jump off Beachy head
4) Partial hanging
5) Sodium Nitrite & antiemetics
6) Shallow water blackout
7) Cyanide poisoning
I have virtually no risk of being found - I live alone. No one will even notice me missing until neighbours smell something. I could hang myself in the garden so as not to damage the resale value of my house (i want the money to go to my nephews abroad so don't want to be leaking fluids in there). The issue is that I am not technically dying. But I have reduced quality of life, t I really hings are slipping away little by little. My greatest fear is ending up in some sort of institution being abused by NHS staff. Anyway I can't get 2 doctors to state I am on my last legs, because I'm not. You know how society works, we're expected to just keep living crap lives while we slowly fade away. Fuck that. But i don't think I have what it takes to hang myself. It's the fact that i'd almost certainly have a brain haemorrage when that is what I worked so hard to prevent all these years. I can't explain it. I mean, if on the off chance something went wrong and it didnt work, I would surely be brain damaged and that's my greatest fear.So anyway I could sell my house and then find they won't sign off on my case. I really envy people who have the resolve to go through with self deliverance. My problem is i do too much research.
Hey mate I read it all. Obviously I'm really sorry you're going through this. It takes being very unwell and dependent on healthcare to see just how woeful it really is, as you've expressed. I also found the prices ridiculous with the clinics in Switzerland. I'd rather just do it my own way than support that. Also, I never bothered trying to get N. You could get a load of opioids on the dark web. Just mentioning since you didn't. It is actually quite easy to do.
I know nothing about opiods and I've read in the past that it can be a horrible way to go. I want to be 100% sure of what i'm doing and what the outcome would be
Self-Euthanasia appears to be the best solution in your situation. Given your present condition, you could easily get access to the PPeH, whatever your age. It's 95$ for two years, and despite what some people say, it's totally worth it. You'll find several "updated" addresses of reliable N sellers and have access to their forum.

Good luck.
Really? Maybe I should reconsider that then. I've heard bad reports, for example, that the names of the vendors are missing, etc. And i wasn't prepared to pay to get A's email which I already have.
My experience of chronic care on the NHS is similar. They are shit.
Yes, the NHS is still better than the care many countries get, their emergency care is excellent and we are all grateful they are there doing what they do during this crisis, but that doesn't stop chronic care for certain issues being shit.
Secondary care is barely fit for purpose if they have to deal with anything nebulous or anything without a quick fix. They have care and diagnostic pathways. There are literally flow charts that they have to follow: if this then that. If you don't fit into that flowchart, then you are fucked, they just pick a random answer and send you down that path, often treating symptoms rather than causes and even then only one symptom at a time.

I was abandoned by them last year. The last experience I remember was asking the doctor: "This is going to kill me, isn't it?" He just nodded and turned away. Long story, never mind. I survived when I wouldn't have if I'd stuck to what they said. Still struggling.

Your condition is obviously serious and you should be receiving better attention for it for sure, not surprised you are pissed off.

I have nothing but admiration for you if you are still managing to work through that. And yes, everyone is out to get a slice. It may sound cynical but it's the truth as I see it. They all want cash on the barrel-head with no guarantees. These days they even want you to pay for your own funeral whilst you are still alive FFS.

I guess you are too far down the line to get your GP to refer you to tertiary care? I imagine so if you are here. :hug: I'm really sorry.
I hate the NHS GPs with a passion I cannot articulate. They are corrupt to the core and they hate me because I've bust them several times breaching GMC guidelines, etc. The NHS is not free - we pay through our taxes and in some cases we pay with our lives. These bastards refuse referrals but cleverly dont record on your file that you even asked for one. That way - when you are diagnosed late like me, they can deny you ever asked for a referral. If i'd not gone to A and E i would never have been diagnosed. I rarely see the GP but when i do I record everything on my phone. I've got so much incriminating evidence, but no one cares. QCC is corrupt, PHSO is corrupt. NHS Fraud Protect only investigates cases where they lose money. No one cares about human life. And nothng can save me so what does it matter. I tried every natural remedy under the sun. I can totally relate to your experience. As far as I know, they still get bonuses for refusing referrals. And they get financial incentives for things like giving you anti-depressants and flu shots. They are despicable and the only kind of justice they will face is the spiritual kind.
If that passive aggressive comment was towards me BTW...

1: I'm not a kid
2: I get to live with irreparable damage to my brain from an infection that caused series of strokes, which I was never really treated for outside of making sure I didn't die, or helped to deal with, and now get to have a nice, slow decline in my health that includes a lot of pain, and worsening issues with my memory and ability to look after myself- all of which are things I'm not receiving any help for. I'm sorry if it came across the wrong way, and I'm sure what you're going through is at least as horrible as this, if not worse, but I don't think there's anything wrong with wishing for something fatal for a guilt-free death when this is the alternative. Most of the right side of my brain is made of scar tissue or just gone, everything really fucking hurts, and nobody cares or intends to help me.
I dont recall the name of the person who made the comment, Your name doesn't ring a bell.
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