

Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
The fact that people do this just reminds me of why I have always preferred to avoid other people. Dictating who should be allowed the right to die and who shouldn't really is such a condescending and insensitive thing to do. As well as having the right to live, all humans deserve to have the right to exit at a time of their own choosing, just because some people see so much value in suffering doesn't mean that everyone does.

And the fact is that everyone has different limits as to what they can cope with in life, and everyone experiences life differently anyway, I think that everyone's feelings of wanting to die are valid. I do see it as cruel when some people act like suicide is a privilege that must be earned through suffering to a certain extent, not everyone sees suicide as being a "last resort", some people just have awareness that this futile struggle isn't really worth it, and that is a completely understandable way to feel, in fact I view it as always being preferable to not exist.
I've never really understood what is supposedly so great about life in order to want to stop others from making a decision in which they have every right to do, there is no real relief from suffering in this world and with life comes the potential to experience even worse torture at any moment. And of course under no circumstances could I ever wish to decay from old age.

But anyway it doesn't matter how others view this subject, the fact is that nobody is obligated to continue existing just because some people decided to selfishly procreate. Suicide could never need a reason or a justification, it's completely up to the individual when to exit and people shouldn't be judged for wanting to do so. It certainly is hypocritical to me when people who want to die themselves say that it's wrong for others, just because some people envy others life circumstances shouldn't give them the right to say that suicide is wrong for them. All those who wish to die should just have the option to pass away in peace without the interference of pro suffering people, I hate how this world is so anti suicide.
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Mar 29, 2023
I guess that if society wouldn't have been so anti suicide, humans would already be extinct and we would have never existed. To us the idea of non-existence and the end of humanity is a good thing but for most people who are outside of this forum this can be a terrifying thought, and that's why they're gatekeeping suicide - to prolong the existence of this species , even if it means prolonging the existence of suffering.

I agree that gatekeeping something such as a peaceful death is cruel, but that's probably the only way to make sure not everyone commits suicide, but only the most desperate ones
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CTB Dream

CTB Dream

Injury damage disabl hard talk no argu make fun et
Sep 17, 2022
Yea ppl sfr alws nob9d know no see, all life cncpt wrong ppl prtnd nothing hpn this all awful, all ppl sffr posbl all need undrstnd need peace, gtkp awful
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Mar 12, 2023
What about that 15-yr old kid who jumped off his balcony because he'd been grounded from his x-box? Do you condone all suicides? There is no accusatory tone to my questions, btw, pure inquiry.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
What about that 15-yr old kid who jumped off his balcony because he'd been grounded from his x-box? Do you condone all suicides? There is no accusatory tone to my questions, btw, pure inquiry.
It's not mine or anybody else's place to dictate if someone should continue existing or not, that decision can only be made by the individual. Anybody should be able to exit this world any time that they wish to, no matter their age and circumstances, as human beings aren't prisoners to this existence. To force someone to stay here when they want to die is inhumane and after all life is completely futile and meaningless, I don't see anything valuable about continuing to struggle unless that is what the individual wants.
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Jun 19, 2022
What about that 15-yr old kid who jumped off his balcony because he'd been grounded from his x-box? Do you condone all suicides? There is no accusatory tone to my questions, btw, pure inquiry.
I thought that was a hypothetical at first, did that really happen? 😟 I guess it's up to parents and teachers to help their kids cope with the ups and downs in life and that you don't CTB over completely stupid shit that you'll get over in a couple days. I think under-18s should be dissuaded in every possible way from something that should be an absolute last resort JMO.
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🍭my lollipop brings the feminists to my candyshop
Aug 16, 2022
There's a 13 year old boy who allegedly ctb'ed after he ran up a big xbox bill. But even if his family's telling the truth, we don't know all the factors. And we don't have many resources to humanely fix situations like his

But at least we have lots of resources for armies and hightech weapons that kill kids
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Mar 24, 2021
I think the reason is important because then it looks like this website promotes suicide and that's not the intentions we want. Suicide shouldn't be the first choice. I don't know I think the reason matters definitely. Some problems are temporary and others are permanent. Things like break up, not finding a significant other, being alone even or like being grounded or whatever those I feel there are actual solutions for and doesn't have to result in death. But it's just my opinion. We all have the choice to do what we want with our bodies.
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schizo doomer gurl
Apr 5, 2023
The fact that people do this just reminds me of why I have always preferred to avoid other people. Dictating who should be allowed the right to die and who shouldn't really is such a condescending and insensitive thing to do. As well as having the right to live, all humans deserve to have the right to exit at a time of their own choosing, just because some people see so much value in suffering doesn't mean that everyone does.

And the fact is that everyone has different limits as to what they can cope with in life, and everyone experiences life differently anyway, I think that everyone's feelings of wanting to die are valid. I do see it as cruel when some people act like suicide is a privilege that must be earned through suffering to a certain extent, not everyone sees suicide as being a "last resort", some people just have awareness that this futile struggle isn't really worth it, and that is a completely understandable way to feel, in fact I view it as always being preferable to not exist.
I've never really understood what is supposedly so great about life in order to want to stop others from making a decision in which they have every right to do, there is no real relief from suffering in this world and with life comes the potential to experience even worse torture at any moment. And of course under no circumstances could I ever wish to decay from old age.

But anyway it doesn't matter how others view this subject, the fact is that nobody is obligated to continue existing just because some people decided to selfishly procreate. Suicide could never need a reason or a justification, it's completely up to the individual when to exit and people shouldn't be judged for wanting to do so. It certainly is hypocritical to me when people who want to die themselves say that it's wrong for others, just because some people envy others life circumstances shouldn't give them the right to say that suicide is wrong for them. All those who wish to die should just have the option to pass away in peace without the interference of pro suffering people, I hate how this world is so anti suicide.
Yeah, I have exactly same mind. Wish I was never born, I'm way too sensitive to live in this fked up world, feel so trapped and it drives me crazy
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Nov 5, 2022
People don't even really give a fuck the majority of the time when it comes to the choice of some one who is facing psychological horror for decades where it feels like absolute hell 24/7 let alone some of the less extreme cases or a person who isn't over the age of 21.

The "Suicide is never the answer" bullshit just feels absolutely disgusting to me as a person who has been living through horrendous mental pain for years that has only deteriorated throughout my extensive recovery attempts.
It's extremely disheartening to know that I'd be locked up if I tried to save myself from this pain. It's pretty difficult for me to not register that kind of imposition as cruel.
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Sitting in the darkness.
Feb 28, 2023
No matter someone's thoughts on people with "invalid" reasons for ctb, it's simply undeniable that the logic is stretched to accuse all suicidal people of being impulsive and emotionally driven. I don't think it matters much whether I have to wait a few weeks before being allowed access, or have to try some kind of useless medication first, the problem is that death is completely inaccessible and suicidal people are treated horrendously by society. You are right that no one is obligated to keep existing, after all there is no logical reason for life having positive value other than peoples' natural bias. I don't want to live and the way other suicidal people are treated scares me. I hope you find an end to your suffering.
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Jun 13, 2021
The reason why so many people oppose suicide is bc it threatens their worldview that 'life is beautiful, meaningful, worth living'. This is an important delusion in the society. Death wise, most people won't care and wouldn't even know how we died, there's no logical reason for them to oppose others choosing assisted death, they could just continue not caring.

Since most say they were happy to be born, I don't think having access to assisted dying would result in a large number of people choosing to immediately exit: where some form of assisted dying is legal this number is low and a large % of approved cases don't follow through.. choosing death is hard even with more peaceful methods.

Bringing people into existence without consent and denying them the right to exit is torture. Imposing life's risks on others is a crime.
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Unsure and Useless

Unsure and Useless

Drifting Aimlessly without Roots
Feb 7, 2023
I feel like, regardless of the reason a person states is the cause behind them taking their own life, we, as "outsiders", have no right to determine whether or not someone is "allowed" to CTB since we usually don't know the full story behind said reason.

What could be insignificant/trivial to us is meaningful to someone else, and to determine if someone's reasoning to CTB is justified with our own opinion is both illogical and disrespectful. Additionally, that "insignificant" reason could possibly not be the main reason and is instead the final straw that broke the camel's back.

In some cases, it can make the situation worse as people come to SS to be heard and understood, not harshly condemned.

All those who wish to die should just have the option to pass away in peace without the interference of pro suffering people
Not to mention that, in most cases, these people are actively looking up ways to die in order to do so efficiently and painlessly, which requires a lot of time. People who suggest that they just "need time to think about it" don't realize that they had plenty of time to ruminate over this and have decided that they want to CTB. (There's also the time and consideration taken when purchasing materials and waiting for their delivery, finding the right time and location, etc.)

Death wise, most people won't care and wouldn't even know how we died, there's no logical reason for them to oppose others choosing assisted death, they could just continue not caring
It could be a variety of factors. Although, I'd like to think that it's a combination of human nature and society's expectations.

People generally feel good if they think they've helped others, so in a way, preventing someone from attempting CTB is doing an altruistic act to them. No one really benefits from the prolonged existence of this person, but the fact that they took the time out of their day to do something makes them feel as if they've done a good deed.

There's also how society as a whole is very anti-suicide. If Person A knew that Person B was going to CTB but didn't do anything about it, they'd be seen as a heartless individual because Person A should've stepped in to help their fellow man. As a result, people feel that, if they don't want to be deemed as a heartless psychopath, they must do something to "save" a suicidal individual. In other words, they don't really care, they just don't want to be seen as a bad person. Though, this is just my thoughts on it.
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Apr 6, 2023
What about that 15-yr old kid who jumped off his balcony because he'd been grounded from his x-box? Do you condone all suicides? There is no accusatory tone to my questions, btw, pure inquiry.
there definitely had to be factors leading up to that, i dont believe that's genuinely the only thing that happened. im sure things happened prior, and then that was his final straw
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Mar 12, 2023
There's a 13 year old boy who allegedly ctb'ed after he ran up a big xbox bill. But even if his family's telling the truth, we don't know all the factors. And we don't have many resources to humanely fix situations like his

But at least we have lots of resources for armies and hightech weapons that kill kids
God, no kidding. Like pro lifers(in the foetal way) who oppose universal healthcare.
I would imagine so. As one commenter here said, that's if the family is being honest. And a lot of suicidal people have been in such headspaces since childhood.
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