
life then Death
Jan 18, 2019
I know this is probably going to make lots of people butt hurt,but I think to many people on here are attention seekers and lie about the attempt, I see so many postings about it and can tell it's BS,how can you fail at hanging? Get a strong enough rope and do it where feet are off the ground it will work plain and simple? Carbon monoxide method people in Korea are doing it all the time and in japan, China so forth these are poor and uneducated people succeeding with very little means,so how can you screw it up with all the resources you have? The human body isn't indestructible it's the survival instinct that is the problem get past that and it will work!! Putting these fake failure post up is just adding to the fear of people who is ready, I'm not trying to put anyone down just don't post fake attempts if you aren't ready it's no big deal,if you want attention just say it people on here are always offering to help and talk with people,quit making the methods sound so hard when they are not and it puts fear in people who want to go but see all the so called failed attempts and just adds to their misery...... End of the rant (not going to argue with anyone as I know there are ones on here that like to try that also..)
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Feb 8, 2019
It could and probably does happen sure.

Though i'm not sure how much of it are lies and how much are actually poorly thought out and/or executed attempts. All the resource threads and we still see people asking about car exhaust, pill od's, cutting etc...

To say the methods are not hard is not truly accurate. Lot's of people trying partial I've never looked into it personally but that seems much easier to screw up than full, even a full seems to have lots of potential for failure or permanent damage.

In theory it's all simple, in practice we are people with feelings, emotions, biases and yes SI.

Should people lie for attention? of course not.

Should we be assuming someone here to be a liar based on our own assumptions? God no. Thing is people are wrong a lot and we should never hinder someone's attempt to ask for help even if that ask is a lie.

The thing is though we cant really know so we should assume the best of people and if we really cannot then we should say nothing and move on with our lives.
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Jun 18, 2019
My thougts also, but i don't know who's telling the truth and who's lying. Some people here are on the edge, i understand that and i don't want to push them even more, so i keep my mouth shut. If they want attention, so be it, no a big problem for me.
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life then Death
Jan 18, 2019
By all means I'm not trying to push anyone over the edge, I just don't think this is the place to tell lies like that might sound harsh but come on watch videos of hangings and all with feet off the ground work with right rope,read all the suicide reports in charcoal burning there are plenty with success, maybe I'm being a little harsh here IDK just my opinion I guess... I know there are a lot of people who want to talk and such that's why I said just say your in a bad way and would like to talk with someone lots of good people on here will talk with you


Feb 8, 2019
I don't think they're all fakes, just half-hearted attempts.
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Jun 1, 2019
Care to clarify what "to many" actually means? or "so many" just so we know if its a majority or minority you are referring to.

And could you also explain how you "can tell its BS" do you have some kind of meter for telling you the BS content of a post?

I am being very pedantic with you because I sincerely wish to know how you come to such a conclusion. Its not to argument or debate, I am literally just curious as to why anyone would say such a thing on a forum such as this. If you have the evidence that supports your claim, by all means show it, if not...........
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Empty Smile

Empty Smile

The final Bell has rung. Goodbye to all.
Jul 13, 2018
I agree a site like this isn't the best place to lie and hope for attention. However, a lot of people come here to get their issues off their chest, a place they feel comfortable talking about their problem. I feel more comfortable here with my issues, than in front of a therapist, or group therapy.

I do know SS has been a turning point for a lot of users who have given life another try, and we can only hope the best for them.
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life then Death
Jan 18, 2019
Care to clarify what "to many" actually means? or "so many" just so we know if its a majority or minority you are referring to.

And could you also explain how you "can tell its BS" do you have some kind of meter for telling you the BS content of a post?

I am being very pedantic with you because I sincerely wish to know how you come to such a conclusion. Its not to argument or debate, I am literally just curious as to why anyone would say such a thing on a forum such as this. If you have the evidence that supports your claim, by all means show it, if not...........
It's the majority of the failed attempt post, also been around enough BS in my 50 years to know when it's BS along with common sense that tells you it's BS as well as knowing you got butt hurt


Jun 27, 2019
It's the majority of the failed attempt post, also been around enough BS in my 50 years to know when it's BS along with common sense that tells you it's BS as well as knowing you got butt hurt

Always consider that you might be wrong and you could hurt someone by criticizing them in this way and making them feel more alone and misunderstood. Give people in general the benefit of the doubt because the cost of being wrong is a cost borne by them not you and we are never right every single time despite what our egos and intuition tell us. Worst it does to you is annoy you...and you don't even HAVE to read the posts but if they are genuine they have to keep suffering the thing that caused them to post in the first place.

I know how frustrating being frustrated can be, so I mean this with all respect, but in cases like this it's not about you...so as Mirror Universe Captain Picard would say "Don't make it so."
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Jun 1, 2019
If you know that much about BS, why did you make this thread? Just sayin, in a very butt hurt way of course.
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Oblivion Lover

Oblivion Lover

No life, no suffering
May 30, 2019
I think it's common sense that we all should be careful and skeptical of everything on the internet and take such posts with a grain of salt, but saying that most of them are all completely fake is not right, specially after considering that many suicide attempts end in failure.
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local fungi
Jun 25, 2019
it would be difficult to tell whether or not an attempt is fake, lots of things can get in the way. but im not disagreeing, im sure some people do it for attention
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Apr 5, 2018
I was considering to make a bb post If I would feel I'm dead set and wanted my acc to be blocked in case I will succeed... but I probably would give a damn about my acc or making any posts this point. As much as I like talking about death & dying, I view the act itself as a very personal decision.

I like your post, sometimes I think people here are too nice to eachother.
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Jun 27, 2019
I like your post, sometimes I think people here are too nice to each other.

Anything you can accomplish by being "not nice" can be done far better with kindness. Being anything but genuinely nice just transfers your bullshit onto someone else and it's selfish and lazy. We all fail and do it sometimes, but it's never needed nor better.
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Jun 1, 2019
I like your post, sometimes I think people here are too nice to each other.

As that last sentence was added as a edit, it has to be a wind up or a "troll by" of some sort, no one could write that with any serious intent.
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Jun 20, 2019
I made a failed, half-hearted attempt. I'm honest about it. I'm sure there are people who lie but many who rush it, don't research it, have their SI kick in.
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May 22, 2019
I'm sure a lot of the threads about failed attempts are fakes. And honestly, I think a lot of the reports about involuntary commitment are fake too.


Jun 20, 2019
Well mine was a "voluntary" 72 hour hold in a psych hospital. I stupidly told my psychiatrist and he said if I didn't go to a hospital he would call the police.
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Jun 1, 2019
Well mine was a "voluntary" 72 hour hold in a psych hospital. I stupidly told my psychiatrist and he said if I didn't go to a hospital he would call the police.

72 hour holds suck. They waste time, don't solve anything, and are slightly traumatizing.
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Jun 20, 2019
I think it's common sense that we all should be careful and skeptical of everything on the internet and take such posts with a grain of salt, but saying that most of them are all completely fake is not right, specially after considering that many suicide attempts end in failure.
Yeah the odds of failing are quite high.
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Lost in Aokigahara
May 26, 2019
I don't think they're all fakes, just half-hearted attempts.

I think some are "fake" attempts and some are half hearted attempts. But I also get the strong sense that there is a big population split that happened in recent months. (I'm a new member; this is based on lurking and the disparate sentiment between past and more newer posts.)

There seems to be a crop of people who really want to CTB and are truly agonizing over / working through the decision. Then there is a crop of people who are just into discussing death and reveling in the gory details of the act as if its showtime movie. The latter has turned me off from the forum a bit. I also noticed that many of the older members posts that I enjoyed reading are no longer posting / responding.

Its a bit disappointing in a way because there seems to be a depth of thought and effort that is slowly disappearing from the forum. This depth was my reason for joining and now the forum is starting to feel somewhat "empty" to me.
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May 25, 2019
I've posted about a failed attempt here before about hanging. Mine was rushed because I was so distraught and I used a extension cord. I was young and didn't think it through now that I'm older I'm planning because I don't want to put myself in a worse situation by failing. Death isn't easy to achieve if you're rushing . I never blacked out in full hanging which is why I won't do it again. If I post about the failed attempt it's because I don't want people to die by suffocating because it wasn't a blood choke and I'm frustrated because people make it seem so easy.
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Apr 8, 2018
I know this is probably going to make lots of people butt hurt,but I think to many people on here are attention seekers and lie about the attempt, I see so many postings about it and can tell it's BS,how can you fail at hanging? Get a strong enough rope and do it where feet are off the ground it will work plain and simple? Carbon monoxide method people in Korea are doing it all the time and in japan, China so forth these are poor and uneducated people succeeding with very little means,so how can you screw it up with all the resources you have? The human body isn't indestructible it's the survival instinct that is the problem get past that and it will work!! Putting these fake failure post up is just adding to the fear of people who is ready, I'm not trying to put anyone down just don't post fake attempts if you aren't ready it's no big deal,if you want attention just say it people on here are always offering to help and talk with people,quit making the methods sound so hard when they are not and it puts fear in people who want to go but see all the so called failed attempts and just adds to their misery...... End of the rant (not going to argue with anyone as I know there are ones on here that like to try that also..)

If your girlfriend says she will in with with you forever, what does that mean to you? It means she loves you at that time based on her feelings at the time. She doesn't literally means she loves you no matter the circumstances. On average it takes 3 attempts to commit suicide. Of course this does not account for those who suicides are labeled accidental deaths. People generally fail due to bad planning, backing out last minute, and that it be hard to overpower SI even if you are determined to die.


Jun 18, 2019
Committing suicide is not easy. There are many more failed attempts than completed acts. We just hear about successful cases and it biases us. My guess is that "completers" are not on this forum because they're just doing it, not excessively reading about it/posting. So the failed attempts on here could very well be legit... people who just couldn't go all the way for whatever reason.
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Life cares only for itself.
Jun 5, 2019
People read about it and stay a while for the company. Its a transient place. I would say the failed attempts are real. If they're not then that's pretty sick. There are a few sickos here but they're more subtle.
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Jun 20, 2019
I think there's a 1 in 24 chance of succeeding so...many many more failures.


Jun 28, 2019
If I may, I'd like to point out that many people with mental health issues or people who are suicidal in general are often invalidated and disbelieved both by medical professionals and loved ones. It certainly was the case for me, and the younger I was the less I was taken seriously. After waking up in the ICU from a coma as a result of my last suicide attempt, the first person who came to see me was my psychiatrist. Her eyes were wide as saucers and she asked me: "Did something happen?". At that point I'd been telling her that I was going to commit suicide for about a year and I absolutely didn't need something bad to happen to me to suddenly make me want to end my life out of nowhere. But for some reason she was incredulous that I actually went through with something I'd been talking about for a really long time.

You may think your BS detector is infallible but it's very harmful to invalidate people's attempts. And it's simplistic to think that committing suicide is easy. It may be for some people, but for others it really isn't. I'll use myself as an example again, just because I can't speak for anybody else. My first attempt was at age 12. Throughout the years I tried different methods and looking back they were very poorly executed, mostly because I was a kid. Nothing to do with education and resources. Even now "get a strong enough rope" doesn't mean anything to me, I don't know how thick a rope needs to be for my weight, or if a material is preferable to another. So, what may be really self-evident and easy for you, might not be such for others. It doesn't mean they're liars.

I have no way of knowing if what people say here (or anywhere on the Internet) is true or false but I don't think it's helpful to judge each other like this. We're already judged by the rest of the world for supposedly being selfish, useless, crazy, etc. On that note, just because someone disagrees with you it doesn't make them butthurt. But feel free to think of me that way if it makes you feel better :)
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
So you elevate your own personal impression to the level of knowledge and infer from it most posts about failed attempts are fake. Clearly you haven't got any actual evidence and are just guessing. One might simpy say you're pulling your 'conclusion' out of thin air. Which is a nice way of putting it.

It's a myth that wisdom comes with age. So called 'common sense' is nothing more than a synonym for prejudice. It's 'common sense' that suicide is immoral, absurd, springs from nothing but mental illness, cowardess and selfishness yet here we are.

I fail to see what the point of your post is: self-aggrandisement? Making life more difficult for those who are already struggling? Dissuading people from reporting their failures? Hiking up the succes-rate of attempts?

Of course it's possible certain stories are fake but since there is no way of knowing which ones are real and which ones aren't it's pointless to guess let alone drawing the absurd, completely unfounded conclusion that the majority of such reports are fake.

This reads like an attempt at guilt-tripping those who made an actual attempt but failed (a common occurence as most attempts fail) especially since you're positing honesty is somehow statistically unlikely. Which again you simply cannot and do not know. It's your opinion, not fact.

Starting a message with the phrase anyone who disagrees with you is 'butt hurt' and claiming not to be interested in any contrary replies is typical troll behaviour. It's also inconsistent since you did reply to such comments.

Why post anything if you're not interested in discussion? If you are why the needless drama? Could it be that you're just attention seeking?
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Life cares only for itself.
Jun 5, 2019
Shouldn't get too worked up about all this. @MISERYinlife seems practical and worried about his own situation.

Us old guys can get cranky sometimes.

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