
New Member
May 2, 2024
I get it. Everyone has hard days. That's a given. It's as certain as death and taxes.

Where I feel the disconnect lies is how much our leaders and peers have normalized the struggle one has to go through just to get their basic needs met. How many mediocre jobs and stressful side hustles someone has to have to put a meal on their plate, or have a bed to sleep on. How things are inexplicably transactional and everyone must earn their resting period. I can't speak for everyone else, but I, for one, am at the end of my rope. I'm sick of how many people are okay with this, including my "loved ones." I don't want to partake in moving the capitalist needle of exploitation anymore, but I wish that didn't come at the cost of having my necessities put in jeopardy. It feels like a lose-lose to where the only winning solution is death.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
I hate it too. Adversity and struggle are fetishized by many, especially in the context of stories of others rising up the socioeconomic ladder. In reality, those who can climb up that ladder are usually only able to do so because of luck. For every person who does the near impossible and somehow finds a way to become financially well-off through working hard, millions upon millions of people who have worked just as hard, if not, even harder than they did, are still in the same shitty situation they've been in their whole life. That's not even getting into the many stories of people who were once well-off becoming poor.

Sadly, people usually just end up blaming these people, acting as though their failures of a poor reflection of themselves rather than a reflection of the flawed system we live under. Then again, for the hierarchy we live under to function the way it does, the true people in power must ensure that we have groups we can look down, otherwise, they risk us all rebelling against them. An entire complex social and economic hierarchy has been created to keep people in their place, causing the common men to become divided and lash out at one another rather than at the people who truly hold all the power.
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Apr 25, 2023
I really don't know how people used to live like this, how they could work their whole lives just to have food and shelter.


Aug 6, 2024
I think a lot of it comes from religion, especially christianity. It is way too deeply engrained into the Western society. If you don't suffer, god hates you. Heck, it used to be nice to believe that some dude in the sky would help me sort everything out. Until the delusion finally shattered.
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Sitting in the darkness.
Feb 28, 2023
Terrible circumstances like that are unfortunately common, but yes they have been normalised as well, perhaps in the belief that whatever the average person experiences is acceptable, due to the dogma that life is a positive experience. Something that always irks me is the idea that my life is better than most other peoples', that genuinely makes me sad to think about. In my opinion the default baseline should be having everything handed to you on a plate.


Apr 18, 2023
I get it. Everyone has hard days. That's a given. It's as certain as death and taxes.

Where I feel the disconnect lies is how much our leaders and peers have normalized the struggle one has to go through just to get their basic needs met. How many mediocre jobs and stressful side hustles someone has to have to put a meal on their plate, or have a bed to sleep on. How things are inexplicably transactional and everyone must earn their resting period. I can't speak for everyone else, but I, for one, am at the end of my rope. I'm sick of how many people are okay with this, including my "loved ones." I don't want to partake in moving the capitalist needle of exploitation anymore, but I wish that didn't come at the cost of having my necessities put in jeopardy. It feels like a lose-lose to where the only winning solution is death.
I think it's worse how people just don't give a shit if you are. Even if they can help they still don't. Honestly I have no faith in humanity. People fucking suck.
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