I so badly need this too. Like- right now... My plan is put either a film or music on to try and distract myself. A well known (my me) film is the best. I know it well enough to not be distracted by it and I tell myself- I need to keep going till it finishes.
Not sure why it's become such a mental block for me. I'm not actually lazy in all aspects of life but- tidying and cleaning, I'm just terrible.
Have you tried to work out why you struggle so much with it? I've tried to figure it out for me. I suppose because I can live in turmoil. I don't exactly like it but, I can put up with it. So, the motivation isn't really there. Like, I'll like it when it's done and tidy. It will help my state of mind even but, doing it will feel awful and it won't last anyway! So, I'm excellent at talking myself out of it.
What might help is telling myself, I'm making life an awful lot worse for myself later if I don't do this now. I do have the time now. I'll end up regretting it if I don't get it done. It's literally like pulling teeth though!
I interestingly saw that reluctance to tidy/ clean can come about as a response to narcissistic abuse. I'm pretty sure I grew up with a narcissist but, I don't think I can blame mine on that. I think it's more when a partner or parent is narcissistic and they constantly criticise your efforts. So- people become afraid to even try.
I suspect mine has come about more in rebellion to quit a strict upbringing. Plus, I suppose like a lot of people here, we may not have very high respect for ourselves.
I'm actually better at doing chores for other people. So, I've wondered about using that tactic too. Telling myself I'm doing it for someone else or, that it's part of my job. Which it actually kind of is- seeing as I work from home.
I hope you managed to motivate yourself. I must at least try myself now...