It's too late for me, and I obviously won't be having any children, but I definitely wish I had the opportunity to be "unschooled". It seems to me what is called unschooling is simply the natural way for people to truly learn.
I absolutely loathe the traditional schooling model for several reasons I could rant about all goddamn day. For now, I'll just say it is essentially a day prison for children, meant to create obedient idiots who unquestioningly obey the psychopathic perverts that control the governments and economic systems we are all forced to live under. It has absolutely nothing to do with true education.
Of course, the powers that be create economic situations that force the vast majority of parents to have to work themselves to death, so that they don't have the time or energy to educate their own kids, hence delivering them to the government brainwashing institutions known as "public schools".
Mind you, I was an ideal student, got straight As, and even enjoyed attending school as a kid, until I got into my mid teens and woke up to the fact that I was not really being "educated," but instead controlled and indoctrinated into accepting society's bullshit as normal and good.