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they say it’s darkest of all before the dawn
Sep 13, 2023
This world is cucked. The more I think about it, the more absurd it gets. We're all born into a state of modern day slavery, destined to become wageslaves just to survive. We will all have to sell ourselves for our labor for survival purposes. I hate the systems and structures of this world. Who the fuck designed this world? How is any of it fair? I never chose to be alive. Why should I have to work to survive in order to pay to exist? It's honestly absurd that existence costs money. It literally costs money to exist on this prison planet. The most cucked thing is that no one consented to their existence, yet they will eventually have to pay for it. How is that just? It's not fair at all. No one chose to be alive, yet we're all expected to *earn* a living. This is so strange to me. Why should I have to pay to exist on this dumb planet? I didn't even choose to be here. I was forced into existence.

I don't want to work my life away just to afford to survive. It's NEET or rope for me. I don't want to become a slave to the system. That's dumb as hell. It makes me infuriated whenever I think about this. I'm never going to submit to society. I honestly hate this planet so much. We're all its prisoners. Thinking about my eventual fate as a wageslave if my family stops supporting me angers me and fills me with rage. That's probably going to be the trigger for me to ctb because I don't want to become a slave to the system. I'd rather die than become a wageslave. I will defy the system until death. Fuck society and fuck capitalism! Capitalism is evil
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Mar 4, 2024
Is what it is. If you make it to your 30s the copes are way harder. It's a complete shit show. Plus hopefully no medical shit random happens and fucks you up even more.

It's nonsense, the lot of it.
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I use google translate
Aug 21, 2023
Fuck the Universe.
Systems other than capitalism will not fix the problem of work.

We create systems to be able to function on this planet in a relatively orderly way.

We simply adapt to the reality in which we live.

What is the result, we all see.
SPOILER: The result sucks.

It's hard for me to imagine utopia.
I don't think I'll ever live in a utopia, in this world or any next.
If there is something after death, I expect the fight to continue.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I guess it's like a process of evolution in a way. Some animals are lone wolves. They provide and fend entirely for themselves. Others found they would survive better in communities and family groups. But I imagine in most of them- each individual carries their weight and contributes. Trade basically. Not all animals will be good hunters. Humans can't do everything either, so- we specialise in something and earn money to pay other humans to do the things we can't do.

Basically- if you want to live like you do- and who wouldn't? It means other people will have to work in order to keep you alive. What benefit does that have to them? Sorry to sound cruel but- that's what it comes down to in the natural world I suppose. What benefit does the herd see in keeping an individual alive?

The weird thing is- in human society, we aren't quite so cruel as to just totally abandon people who can't (or don't want to) pull their weight. Not in every case anyhow. But there again- they're quite often not treated all that well either! They probably aren't given enough anyhow. It's like, we do just about enough for appearances maybe- to try and convince ourselves we are more humane than the natural world.

Ultimately though- if you had children, would you be ok with providing for them forever? I'm antinatilist partly because I think it's unfair to condemn a person to wage slavery.

But realistically- how would your world function if everyone went NEET? No one worked or earned money or provided services. Surely, you'd be having to work even harder just to survive. I suppose modern living is supposed to be about making life easier rather than harder. As in- we don't have to be able to do everything ourself.

Can you build a shelter, hunt, obtain clean drinking water, know how to treat illnesses, set up good sanitation? No- you expect other people to provide that for you. Why would they do it for free though? Why should they? They need to survive too. If you aren't going to help them back in return or pay for their knowledge and help- how will they then survive?

So- as a philosophy- sure- why should any of us comply? We didn't choose this. Practically though- what's your alternative? Either some people slave away for your sake- is that fair? Or, we all give up and die- what else is there? How do you get to live the NEET lifestyle without other people working?
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Jan 29, 2024
We live in a dystopia but without any of the cool stuff like in Bladerunner or Cyberpunk.
We just got 1984.
George Orwell wrote it as a warning not a damn instruction manual.
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I use a translator
May 24, 2024
Nobody chooses to be born, if we really could choose whether to be born or not, how many would agree? Not many if you show them what it will be like to live.
The system was created little by little for millennia, in my opinion, there are too many people in the world.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
You use the word cuck a lot. You also seem to engage in a lot of ego-centric speech and sometimes it feels like you lack a theory of mind (probably because you are autistic).

Sorry for going very off topic here, btw. Also, that isn't meant to be an insult.
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they say it’s darkest of all before the dawn
Sep 13, 2023
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
Lol I learned that from Neets.net 🤣 but it's true. This world is cucked (and fucked up). Normies don't even have minds so…
"Normies" don't exist. Reducing down your fellow human beings to nothing but mindless dumbasses is just stupid. Have you ever thought that issue isn't always others but that it might just be you? You keep on engaging with the world in a very self-centred manner.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I fully agree, this world really is fucked. This world isn't one in which I want to live in. It's better to be dead for me as then I wouldn't suffer through this shitty world
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May 31, 2023
billions must cuck
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Feb 16, 2023
Whats most absurd to me is much of the problems in society are invented and fake. It's not necessary that people have to die waiting for healthcare, it's not necessary that people have to be without homes, we have enough resources, but put bullshit rules. Westerners think their society is civilized lol hilarious cope.
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My name is Lucifer, please take my hand
Aug 26, 2022
Normies. Like in people without a mental health problem?

Not a cool remark.

Not everyone out there is your enemy.
Tbh most normies are oversocialized. They have a constant need for group approval and base their views on the consensus. Any attempt to think or feel outside the socially accepted framework imposes a severe burden. Think something in the vain of minimal group paradigm, where they investigate the conditions for what is required for discrimination to occur. It's more a matter of microcosm-macrocosm if you view man in his entirety, as a whole, as opposed to the individual. In that essence, most people are normies.
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Global Mod
Feb 13, 2020
Tbh most normies are oversocialized. They have a constant need for group approval and base their views on the consensus. Any attempt to think or feel outside the socially accepted framework imposes a severe burden. Think something in the vain of minimal group paradigm, where they investigate the conditions for what is required for discrimination to occur. It's more a matter of microcosm-macrocosm if you view man in his entirety, as a whole, as opposed to the individual. In that essence, most people are normies.
Still no reason to call people mindless
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