

Jul 29, 2021
all we do is work from school to getting a job working into we are 65 into we reach retirement the best part of your life is over by 65
and you can forget chaging your life for the better at that age,

8,760 hours in a year
we work for at least 40 hours per week 2080 hours per year
365 days in a normal year - 365 x 8 = 2920 hours of sleep in the year. 24 hours in a day - 2920 / 24 = 121.66 so round up to 122 days of sleep in the year.
we sleep for 2920 hours per year
showering cleaning cooking traveling to work takes 3 hours per day 1095 hours per year

total 6095
leaves 2665 hours per year free time or 111 days
the average person watches 3.5 hours of tv a day that's 1277 hours per year
leaves 1388 hours per year or 57 days =2665-1277

the speed of light in meters 299,337,984
thats almost 300,000,000 meter per second
or 300,000,000,000,000,000 nanometers
If you could travel at the speed of light, you could go around the Earth 7.5 times in one second
the circrumfrence of the earth in meters 40,000,075

Drift velocity, the average speed at which electrons travel in a conductor when subjected to an electric field, is about 1mm per second.
It's the electromagnetic wave rippling through the electrons that propagates at close to the speed of light.

calculation shows that the electron is traveling at about 2,200 kilometers per second.
That's less than 1% of the speed of light, but it's fast enough

all of todays computers run on electrons and are very slow even if they could run on photons they only be 133 times faster still no where a enough to simulate even a cup of water there is 3,613,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms in a glass water thats more atoms in a single glass of water then all the transistors ever created in the history of integrated circuits this universe is so shit it's beyond words
what you would really want is the electrons to travel at 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 meter per second

to conclude my time alive here this place won't ever be worth living for
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Mar 21, 2023
I think you are preaching to the choir here, dude but I do like your numbers (unfortunately I barely passed math so the "language of the universe" will always be a mystery to me)

There's always the slim chance you win the lottery though (don't tell me the odds)
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
To me, existence could never be worth enduring, I certainly always see it as being preferable to not exist. Life in itself really is something so terrible and unnecessary, it's a punishment to be forced to exist with unlimited potential for us to suffer, simply just being awake makes the thought of non existence just sound so incredibly appealing.

There could never be any value to being trapped in this world where we have limited control over our existence and where chance so cruelly determines everything, life is just a pointless and tedious struggle that leads to nothing and nowhere than us just decaying from age. I never understand those people who believe that existence is worth it, existence could never be worth anything, it's a cruel mistake and a tragedy how life even exists at all.
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Reactions: 0000000000000, leavingsoon99, Rogue Proxy and 1 other person


life is evil
Nov 6, 2020
life is just waiting for death, and it's not only meaningless, but also very painful/torturous for many people. we also have many risks, life is very dangerous and doesn't produce any benefit, we're just addicted to it. why people don't ask themselves who guarantees them euthanasia if, for example, they become disabled, lose their legs, arms, etc? ppl are stupid and so deluded about this topic. i understand very clearly that life is not an answer. to work for decades, degrade in front of the tv and then decay painfully from old age - all this is not for me. there is no truth in it. we're just killing time until we finally die. we're just manure for future generations, and it sucks. i will never accept this life and their rules
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Reactions: 0000000000000, leavingsoon99, Rogue Proxy and 1 other person


I'm at peace... Finally.
Mar 16, 2023
Life is the 'gift' that you didn't know you didn't want or need.