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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
This site feels like it's filled with pro-lifers now and feels like it became too mainstream which is why to me it's not the "safe space" that others like to label it as. Sadly pro-lifers just seem to be everywhere in this society, sadly if you don't believe in forcing "help" onto suicidal people you will just be hated for it.

I wish this was a place focused on letting suicidal people vent openly and supporting the valid personal decision to die rather than pro-lifers telling you the way you feel is wrong, people saying that ctb is wrong for others and people acting like wanting to die is always a mental illness.

It's sad how this site became so mainstream even know people literally come here to escape from pro-lifers and their delusions and insensitivity, you can tell that the site became too mainstream as many have said things like "why don't you just ctb if you hate it" even know we exist in this society where people are denied the option of a painless, guaranteed death.

I don't understand those who label this site as a "safe space" when people just repeat the same things said outside of this site, to me it seems like there's many who wish to make the suicide discussion into a "recovery" discussion instead even know people are literally just venting and not looking for so called "advice".
But anyway I want to die as existence is very undesirable, my wish to die isn't "depression", or something to "recover" from, I find it insulting when people act like suicidal people need help and in general I just cannot stand pro-lifers.
I'd certainly prefer to not exist than to decay from age in this cruel, futile existence where there is endless potential to suffer, pro-life people just cause more harm, it's disgusting how we exist in this society filled with people against the right to die.
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Silent Raindrops

Silent Raindrops

The Darkness Awaits Me
Feb 3, 2024
No matter what you do, you'll always have some jerkoff telling you you're doing it wrong, or you shouldn't do it.

Either way, you can't win.
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Jun 12, 2018
Yeah this site is totally pro-life and mainstream... alright!
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Sep 12, 2023
Why don't you leave this site? I don't get why you even bother being here. If it's so freaking horribel to you.
Seriously, you should stop hating lady. Your basically hating on people that has done you nothing wrong, and that is trying their best to stay afloat.
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
... you can tell that the site became too mainstream as many have said things like "why don't you just ctb if you hate it"..

Ths wld b suicde Ncourgemnt & = agnst ruls

Pls rport thse ppl
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Do it once, do it right!
Sep 19, 2023
This site is not filled with pro-lifers imo.
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I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
Oh goody, we haven't had one on these posts from you in a few weeks.

I find it funny that you're bitching about this place not being a safe space when you're probably one of the most protected people on this site.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
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Jul 30, 2020
This site feels like it's filled with pro-lifers now and feels like it became too mainstream which is why to me it's not the "safe space" that others like to label it as. Sadly pro-lifers just seem to be everywhere in this society, sadly if you don't believe in forcing "help" onto suicidal people you will just be hated for it.

I wish this was a place focused on letting suicidal people vent openly and supporting the valid personal decision to die rather than pro-lifers telling you the way you feel is wrong, people saying that ctb is wrong for others and people acting like wanting to die is always a mental illness.

It's sad how this site became so mainstream even know people literally come here to escape from pro-lifers and their delusions and insensitivity, you can tell that the site became too mainstream as many have said things like "why don't you just ctb if you hate it" even know we exist in this society where people are denied the option of a painless, guaranteed death.

I don't understand those who label this site as a "safe space" when people just repeat the same things said outside of this site, to me it seems like there's many who wish to make the suicide discussion into a "recovery" discussion instead even know people are literally just venting and not looking for so called "advice".
But anyway I want to die as existence is very undesirable, my wish to die isn't "depression", or something to "recover" from, I find it insulting when people act like suicidal people need help and in general I just cannot stand pro-lifers.
I'd certainly prefer to not exist than to decay from age in this cruel, futile existence where there is endless potential to suffer, pro-life people just cause more harm, it's disgusting how we exist in this society filled with people against the right to die.
Seems to me that you are over-reacting to one or two posts that upset you. I have seen very few posts that are aggressively pro-life. I have seen some that say things like: "slow down a bit and think before you decide to ctb", and I have made some such posts myself, but that's OK, and in some cases it's exactly what needs to be said. What do you expect people to say? "Go and jump off the nearest tall building immediately you have finished reading this post."? I think you would do better to think about the positive aspect of this ste - and most of its aspects are very positive.
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and if i’m turning blue please don’t save me 🌛
Dec 14, 2023
Everyone copes with their problems in their own way. And yet it feels like you're the only one who has a problem with others having different perspectives than yours.

Truth is, we're all here because we dream(ed) about suicide and that's enough. However it affects your life and however you're trying to cope with it, it's VALID. And please don't make people feel guilty for just trying to find some help in their suffering. It's not fair.
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Jan 1, 2024
This is the most open minded site I've ever been on . It's awesome
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Aug 4, 2022
Holy shit just because people don't preach death and how awful life is all the time doesn't make them pro life. Some people think death is a serious decision(as it is) and shouldn't be done impulsively or under the influence of mind altering substances. Should we just let all suicidal people do what they want? That's not really compassionate. Some truly need help and can get better. Some won't. Pretending like we shouldn't care about both cases isn't pro choice it's pro death
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Quantum Particle

Oct 22, 2021
I'm not falling into this trap again
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Feb 2, 2024
I'm brand new here.
And I'm the mainstream. I am sorry.
Why is that?

Without the many small references to SaSu in other forums, some media coverage, I would never have found you. I would never have had access to information on methods that simply don't work, or advice on how to CTB as gracefully and peacefully as possible in a society that thinks I, my suffering and my desire to leave are sick. Maybe I am ill. But I don't feel like that.

In my country, all information about suicide is censored, this forum on the internet is suppressed and no matter what I looked for to feel better, I could only find phone numbers of "help organisations" that want to "cure" me. But again, I don't want to, I don't feel sick but rational when I say I better die than to carry on with the void I feel, the nagging grief and as a forced member of a society that truly makes me feel sick.

After finding you guys, soaking up all the information and finally getting round to registering after a long time as a guest amongst you, I suddenly feel better, relieved. I am no longer so alone, you are here, I can say that I am tired of life and I am not judged for it. I am allowed to be who I am. You are a safe harbour for me.

And this forum has saved me from CTB uninformed, impulsively and in an emotional emergency in the most idiotic and doomed attempt.

Would I advice others in those kinda situations to hang on (to life)? Absolutely. If you're determined to end you life, think about it first, you won't have a second chance if you succeed. And use your time to make sure you don't end up as a vegetable, so you finally will be helplessly exposed to the real Pro Lifers who even would keep an empty body alive and label it humane, compassionate or whatsoever.

Thank you all you mainstreamers here. It was you who brought me here, it was you who gave me a moment of peace, as I now know I can -and will- CTB with a reduced risk of surviving my attempt and therefore without proving the true Pro Life people right, that again someone is "calling for help" via an "attempt".

Now I can give my wish to die a plan and take my time.

I am sorry to have messed up your safe space. But I am just as sick, or just as rational, as you. I am just another soul finding its peace on SaSu.
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Global Mod
Sep 18, 2018
going to reiterate the first comment of this thread again because it is important.

you cannot win and someone will always have something to say.

the forum is not pro-life or pro-death, it is pro-choice. what makes the site a safe space is that it is inclusive to everyone, regardless of who they are and where they stand. it's what separates us from the outside world when talking about mental health and suicide discussions.

as the forum continues to grow, you'll have more and more people on different ends of the spectrum. whether they're on the edge and ready, or far from it and still taking time to get there. what's important to understand is that CTBing is not a race.

whether you've been here since 2018 or have thousands of posts, your opinion and right to die should be respected. I acknowledge that many times, you've had to deal with replies from members that are childish, immature, and often amount to personal attacks towards you because of their personal issue with your content.

with that said, it's important to acknowledge that whenever there is a violation of forum rules, replies directed at you have been deleted and the subsequent members are warned and spoken to.

"why don't you just ctb if you hate it"

remarks like the one above that you mention have always been dealt with. yes, they are posted from time to time. however, action is always taken to warn the member and delete the post. I've deleted several replies underneath your thread before that have amounted to encouragement and look exactly like the message you refer to.

hence, it's crucial to point out that staff does address these instances and such posts are not tolerated on the site and are immediately dealt with.

at the same time, I encourage you to take a step back and try to understand the content on the forum that you view as pro-life. some of the replies on certain threads that you reduce to being pro-life is instead, a natural human response to when we see another person suffering.

it is a rational act and often well-intentioned for a person to intervene and show concern and empathy for someone struggling. sometimes, we give what we have not got from others. we understand what it's like to not have a voice apart from our negative self-talk, telling us something different. that isn't being pro-life, it's being human.

here and there, there are toxic positive comments that are unsolicited and forced, especially when the member is not explicitly asking for advice. in these situations, those members are spoken to and edits or a deletion is made. however, this is not as pervasive as you claim, and so it's best to distinguish between the two instead of reducing it all into being pro-life.

my response is meant to be balanced and constructive, addressing where you're coming from, while also being honest. at the end of the day, it's your opinion. but, I hope you can step back and try to understand where the criticism underneath this thread is coming from.
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Doesn't read PMs
May 20, 2021
It's exceptionally difficult to have a discussion on a FC thread as mods delete and protect the OP so much.

However I would say, if someone can post that all life sucks etc etc, then why can the flip not be true? We are pro choice, not pro death.

Suicide by its finality is a last resort by its very nature. The reality is that all suicide is caused by depression, however you frame it up. Healthy minds do not consider suicide as a rational option.

Luckily most do recover and suicide rates remain low for the most part.

For me, telling people how terrible life is, without direction to potential recovery just feels like encouragement and makes every doom and gloom.

I know people like me are beyond recovery, but I know many people in real and on here who have gone on to amazing recoveries. I accept that it cannot be true for me and I accept my fate that I will almost certainly die to suicide.
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Jul 30, 2020
It's exceptionally difficult to have a discussion on a FC thread as mods delete and protect the OP so much.

However I would say, if someone can post that all life sucks etc etc, then why can the flip not be true? We are pro choice, not pro death.

Suicide by its finality is a last resort by its very nature. The reality is that all suicide is caused by depression, however you frame it up. Healthy minds do not consider suicide as a rational option.

Luckily most do recover and suicide rates remain low for the most part.

For me, telling people how terrible life is, without direction to potential recovery just feels like encouragement and makes every doom and gloom.

I know people like me are beyond recovery, but I know many people in real and on here who have gone on to amazing recoveries. I accept that it cannot be true for me and I accept my fate that I will almost certainly die to suicide.
You are mistaken that "Healthy minds do not consider suicide as a rational option". I am too old to open a worthwhile new chapter in my life, especially as my health is now starting to deteriorate. I have nearly completed my life's work, and once that is done if my husband dies before me I will have no reason to remain in this world, so I will depart. That's a much better, and more rational choice than spending the last months of my life wasting away in a hospital bed or something of that sort.
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Feb 5, 2024
I don't get it. From all the posts that you've made it seems that you want the community to just push people towards ctb. Tf?
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Jul 29, 2023
It's exceptionally difficult to have a discussion on a FC thread as mods delete and protect the OP so much.

However I would say, if someone can post that all life sucks etc etc, then why can the flip not be true? We are pro choice, not pro death.

Suicide by its finality is a last resort by its very nature. The reality is that all suicide is caused by depression, however you frame it up. Healthy minds do not consider suicide as a rational option.

Luckily most do recover and suicide rates remain low for the most part.

For me, telling people how terrible life is, without direction to potential recovery just feels like encouragement and makes every doom and gloom.

I know people like me are beyond recovery, but I know many people in real and on here who have gone on to amazing recoveries. I accept that it cannot be true for me and I accept my fate that I will almost certainly die to suicide.
Suicide can be rational in certain situations.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
Healthy minds do not consider suicide as a rational option.
Dude, not everyone who considers suicide is mentally ill. There have even been posts made on this site from people who are mentally healthy and whose reasoning for suicide mainly resides in other things, such as medical issues or not really wanting to have to live a life of working for however long until old age. Reducing suicide to something that only mentally unwell people consider takes away any nuance from the conversation surrounding it.

I'm not mentally ill but I still want to ctb.

This site feels like it's filled with pro-lifers now and feels like it became too mainstream which is why to me it's not the "safe space" that others like to label it as. Sadly pro-lifers just seem to be everywhere in this society, sadly if you don't believe in forcing "help" onto suicidal people you will just be hated for it.

I wish this was a place focused on letting suicidal people vent openly and supporting the valid personal decision to die rather than pro-lifers telling you the way you feel is wrong, people saying that ctb is wrong for others and people acting like wanting to die is always a mental illness.

It's sad how this site became so mainstream even know people literally come here to escape from pro-lifers and their delusions and insensitivity, you can tell that the site became too mainstream as many have said things like "why don't you just ctb if you hate it" even know we exist in this society where people are denied the option of a painless, guaranteed death.

I don't understand those who label this site as a "safe space" when people just repeat the same things said outside of this site, to me it seems like there's many who wish to make the suicide discussion into a "recovery" discussion instead even know people are literally just venting and not looking for so called "advice".
But anyway I want to die as existence is very undesirable, my wish to die isn't "depression", or something to "recover" from, I find it insulting when people act like suicidal people need help and in general I just cannot stand pro-lifers.
I'd certainly prefer to not exist than to decay from age in this cruel, futile existence where there is endless potential to suffer, pro-life people just cause more harm, it's disgusting how we exist in this society filled with people against the right to die.
You keep on making posts like these and I don't get it. If this place is too "pro-life" and "mainstream" for you then why are you still here?/g

Shouldn't the fact that you are even able to make the types of posts that you do be a sign that this place is not becoming overrun with pro-lifers. Even with the increased amount of people who know about this place I would still say that it's far from mainstream. "Mainstream" refers to things that are regarded as conventional. Your average internet user likely doesn't know about the existence of this forum and those who do view this place as weird and scary, not normal. This place is far from mainstream.
Last edited:
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⚰ Baby, let me decompose ⚰
Dec 15, 2023
Yeah you're right. Nobody here wants to die, we're all a bunch of pussies. For real though if you loathe the forum so much what are you doing here? Bitching about these pro lifers all around (whom I haven't seen but wtf do I know lol) won't fix anything, especially when it's in your head. Leave or stfu thanks.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Imagine posting 32,000 times on a site you hate.
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There is no escaping the burden of existence
Jan 8, 2024
His analysis was reductionist in categorizing all people into two opposing poles ("pro-life and pro-choice"). There is a miscellany of ideas that intermingle, different premises that lead to the same conclusion.

Defending individual freedom to kill oneself does not necessarily require declaring it recommended for all audiences. It is sadistic to force others to live, masochistic to want everyone to die.

You expose the hypocrisy of pro-lifers but you romanticize death too much. The infinite potential of existence can lead to suffering or joy. Faced with the absolute impotence of non-existence, the perennial torment becomes nostalgic.
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Aug 4, 2022
It's exceptionally difficult to have a discussion on a FC thread as mods delete and protect the OP so much.

However I would say, if someone can post that all life sucks etc etc, then why can the flip not be true? We are pro choice, not pro death.

Suicide by its finality is a last resort by its very nature. The reality is that all suicide is caused by depression, however you frame it up. Healthy minds do not consider suicide as a rational option.

Luckily most do recover and suicide rates remain low for the most part.

For me, telling people how terrible life is, without direction to potential recovery just feels like encouragement and makes every doom and gloom.

I know people like me are beyond recovery, but I know many people in real and on here who have gone on to amazing recoveries. I accept that it cannot be true for me and I accept my fate that I will almost certainly die to suicide.
Yeah I agree. Logging on here and just seeing doom posts just makes me want to ctb even more. I cant imagine what it does to people who are on the edge and still have a chance to recover. This isnt good for them.
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Jun 1, 2023
This site feels like it's filled with pro-lifers now and feels like it became too mainstream which is why to me it's not the "safe space" that others like to label it as. Sadly pro-lifers just seem to be everywhere in this society, sadly if you don't believe in forcing "help" onto suicidal people you will just be hated for it.

I wish this was a place focused on letting suicidal people vent openly and supporting the valid personal decision to die rather than pro-lifers telling you the way you feel is wrong, people saying that ctb is wrong for others and people acting like wanting to die is always a mental illness.

It's sad how this site became so mainstream even know people literally come here to escape from pro-lifers and their delusions and insensitivity, you can tell that the site became too mainstream as many have said things like "why don't you just ctb if you hate it" even know we exist in this society where people are denied the option of a painless, guaranteed death.

I don't understand those who label this site as a "safe space" when people just repeat the same things said outside of this site, to me it seems like there's many who wish to make the suicide discussion into a "recovery" discussion instead even know people are literally just venting and not looking for so called "advice".
But anyway I want to die as existence is very undesirable, my wish to die isn't "depression", or something to "recover" from, I find it insulting when people act like suicidal people need help and in general I just cannot stand pro-lifers.
I'd certainly prefer to not exist than to decay from age in this cruel, futile existence where there is endless potential to suffer, pro-life people just cause more harm, it's disgusting how we exist in this society filled with people against the right to die.
Your difficulties with know and though continue. I'm genuinely trying to help: it should read, "Even THOUGH people literally come here".


Get me out of here
Sep 21, 2023
Funeral cry you are like one of the most destructive user I have seen on here. Not to yourself but to everyone else.
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For my next trick, I will disappear
Dec 12, 2021
This place has actual method advice. That has not changed with greater membership. The subreddit was much better for socializing, but this site has remained fit for purpose for several years. As long as it stays that way, I've no substantial grounds for complaint.
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Global Mod
Sep 18, 2018
It's exceptionally difficult to have a discussion on a FC thread as mods delete and protect the OP so much.

However I would say, if someone can post that all life sucks etc etc, then why can the flip not be true? We are pro choice, not pro death.

Suicide by its finality is a last resort by its very nature. The reality is that all suicide is caused by depression, however you frame it up. Healthy minds do not consider suicide as a rational option.

Luckily most do recover and suicide rates remain low for the most part.

For me, telling people how terrible life is, without direction to potential recovery just feels like encouragement and makes every doom and gloom.

I know people like me are beyond recovery, but I know many people in real and on here who have gone on to amazing recoveries. I accept that it cannot be true for me and I accept my fate that I will almost certainly die to suicide.
this is important to address.

members are free to engage and express their disagreement as long as it is respectful, constructive, and productive enough to push the thread forward and lead to an actual discussion.

what will not be tolerated are people expressing their displeasure with another member's opinion with the aim of also putting them down. posts are not deleted for no apparent reason.

the reason some are deleted is because it leads to arguments and further division amongst members, derailing any sort of discussion and instead, results in flame wars. it's one thing to express displeasure in a constructive manner. it's another if you feel the need to express opposition by way of also putting the member down to get your point across.

The reality is that all suicide is caused by depression, however you frame it up. Healthy minds do not consider suicide as a rational option.

and what causes that depression to begin with?

if i'm depressed and suicidal because of my living situation; being impoverished and socio-economically disadvantaged. is my pain and suffering not a reasonable reaction and rational human response to the material conditions around me?

say I'm sick then.

i am a broken sick person that needs to be treated. now what? will medication and therapy improve the living conditions which exacerbate my depression and suicidal ideation?

healthy minds do consider suicide, and that level of suffering is a natural reaction to horrible conditions that some of us cannot escape no matter how hard we try.

the reason I'm addressing this is because it's the very same thinking that has led many of us to this forum. not all of our problems can be reduced to something that can be diagnosed, medicated, and resolved just like that.

the pain and suffering that I feel is VERY REAL and not in my head. my point is that we must shift away from this idea of the individual being the problem to what in the hell is CAUSING that individual to be SICK.
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