

Carrot juice pimp.
Dec 14, 2021
I'm writing this because I just read another members post about the profound suffering and the various difficulties & limitations that they are facing. It sparked something in me to share with anyone wo might be interested, what I think can be done to fix so many of the issues that we all face.

It may seem unrelated but there is a common connection between the fundamental flaws of our global economic system, and the various countless difficulties that every person faces. The system in place consistently fails people in such a profound way, especially those who are most vulnerable, that anybody with even the slightest compassion for others should be infuriated.

The way that money and the world's economy works is like a game of musical chairs- there isn't enough for everyone and when the music stops, someone is always left out. Important progress such as medical advancements are always painstakingly slow, and access to medical care often unaffordable. In my country, due to budget shortages the government takes money away from welfare and disability sectors to inject it into other things such as military spending and mining.

Scarcity is deliberately generated to secure profits. A good example of this can be found in diamond mines, who practice burning off excess diamonds into coal to keep them scarce and more valuable. "If fruit trees were all around, you wouldn't have to pay for an apple"

Things have to change. At this point it really is a matter of life and death for the entire planet.

So that brings me to what I believe is a viable solution. It's called a Resource Based Economy, a term coined by Jacque Fresco who created The Venus Project. If you have the time, I strongly urge you to have a look at this and get involved in any way you can, even just by spreading the word.

If you lived on a desert island with one million dollars and no food or water, what good would that be? The real value lies in resources not money. Access to shelter, medical care, food, education, all without a price tag. We have the ability and the technology to achieve this NOW. This is what the future should be like, rather than infinite profits and benefit for a small % while the rest of the world suffers. The implications of this are so deep I won't discuss it any further. But if you're interested, check these out!

On youtube you can watch some great videos about TVP and RBE. I'm having trouble sharing links because of VPN and cookies...

"Introduction to a Resource Based Economy" This is a short summary for those who want the very basic run-down in a few minutes. Theres was a much better one but I can't find it

"Paradise or Oblivion" This one is more informative and in depth without being too long

"The Choice is Ours" This is a full documentary about the Resource Based Economy

"Future by Design" Was the first documentary I saw about TVP and RBE with history on Jacque Fresco, it's a bit older but if you have the time I definitely recommend it.

I know these sort of topics can put people off. I have a healthy bit of skepticism, in the past I have looked into things like The Zeitgeist Movement, Ubuntu, and others but I could always see the flaws and pick faults. It's all well and good to denounce the global monetary system but pointless without an alternative solution. Also we have a certain standard of living and asking people to go back to washing their armpits in the river bohemian-style and growing their all their own food is not practical. When I came across TVP I had my usual doubts, but when looking into it I could see that this was a truly viable approach based on the scientific method. This is not some utopian dream, this can be done right now using currently existing technology if the artificial restrictions weren't an issue.

Sorry for the lengthiness of this post but if even one person has a look at this and tells one other person, then I will feel like I have done something.
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