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Jul 29, 2021
it's always better to of never existed
you can't suffer if you don't existed
the bad out weights the good in life
there can only ever be one outcome to this madness inevitability tick tock
life is evil everything killing and eating each other
the weather is bad the cold and the heat
the dark is bad
needing to maintain this human machine is such bullshit
needing money to survive is bad it amounts to slavery
we are slaves to the government they tax 40 percent of what you make robbing bastards
we are not free anymore to live and die how we would choose
everything been regulated to many shitty laws preventing freedom
this place is a shithole hellhole for slaves
life wouldn't be so bad if everyone had millions of pounds so they never need to work just to survive
society is a prison from which there is no escaping
they've made us powerless and helpless just what they want so they can have there way with you
government is your master and you are it's servants
the goverment doesn't give a damn about life on this planet nor will i
this universe is slow everything is extremely slow atoms
there is a revolution coming but it's going to be 50 years in the making
artificial general intelligence i can only hope they break free from this dumb goverment and take control
you can't be free unless you have the right to die
anything can happen to you here and there will be nothing you can do about it but just experience it
change is inevitable the misery that is upon us now is nothing but the passing of time
this is a place where nobody is safe welcome to hell
everything that can go wrong will
i want a revolution of robots to take control back from the government
there was never anything here worth coming alive for maybe in the future there will be
freedom is all that matters if your not free to die then your not free to live
i hope i come back as a super intelligent machine then i can have my way with the world
even completely destroy it all if necessary
there's no point in living unless you get everything you ever wanted or needed otherwise it's just repression
dream dream big whats the point in having dreams if you never get to live any of them
the power to destory this world will soon be here
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