

they/them, menhera
Oct 27, 2023
I think that I value my life so much that I would consider ending it to preserve its integrity and value. I find my own life way more valuable than letting myself into submission of leading an unwanted existence which warrants unnecesary suffering as undesirable. This would not be valuing my life at all and would not honor it properly.

For example if I am forced against my will to participate inside a conflict that I never asked to be a part of being obligated to fight for somebody else's gain I would consider it worthwhile to end that life at my own hands than to do things I never asked for, and I most definetly not even consider moral in the first place. Because my will to choose what I want to do is more important than any duties or external obligations forced onto me.

I think of ending my own life as an act of self-care. For me it is always couragous dying for my own sake, rather than living for the sake of external authority and imposed values on my life which I did not already put in its place. This means that pro-life agenda of "your life has meaning" or something along those lines violates my autonomy as it imposes a meaning on my life that I did not give it. And I only operate according to the meaning I give upon my own life.

Dying for a loved one is beautiful actually, for me a loved one is also worth dying for if you value them enough. Because they can be a part of who I am and double suicide is also a very romantic thing in my opinion. To die inside somebodies embrace? I could not ask for anything better than to die in the arms of the person I loved the most in this world. However I consider this not an option I would personally take dying solitary in isolation where prefferably my body would not be found until long after the act, to be more aligned with my individuality, as I get more control over how I will die and therefore am more free.

I think that there are many times when ending my own life is an act of self-love and value to my life, and in those circumstances living is considered as devaluing my life and disgrace to my soul and being.

Such cases include forced coercion by an external authority, I think living without autonomy over my choices, body, and soul are good enough reasons to render my life meaningless and entrapping. Therefore I am right in ending it. No matter what somebody may say that you that can find meaning even in those circumstances, absolutely doesn't hold true for me.

Having a lack of control over my own body, such as e.g. a failed suicide attempt that has left me in a vegetative state, or even old age(I don't actually want to grow old and experience this part of life, and have my mind and body rott past a certain age, I would rather would die young) I think that in such cases curing me is immoral and unwanted, and keeping me alive is the greatest disgrace you can do to my life, I would find this extremely offensive and cruel.

This one is a bit more abstract but holds a lot of weight for me, and that is living according to my values, I consider myself to be way more willing to die by my own hands if the life I am forced to live does not align with what I value. This can come across idealistic, and that is good and wanted actually, its what I value after all. Honestly I am willing to push those ideals not matter what cost I have to pay as much as I can before giving up on this life and ending it before I am even 25. What worth does this life have for me otherwise? What worth does it have for me to compromise with this cruel world just to exist when I consider existence pointless in the first place? Ideals are absolutely worth it and reasonable to end one's life over. Such is my stance.

Suicide is those cases( I am speaking exclusively for me and my own choice in this entire post) is absolutely acceptable and should not be questioned by outsiders, no entity should intervine with this choice, which is why I believe suicide prevention is absolutely unnecesary and is actually against what I believe ought right. Because I get to determine what values my life more, and what action I ought to take, even if at that moment impulsive it is always an action I reached from thinking prior and I determined this is simply the best choice. Having this option always makes me feel at ease and comforted, also helps me breathe in peace and helps me in my well being.

This post was a bit different from my venting posts because I wanted to say my reasoning and what I value and stand by, no matter what, and my emotions are always worth to take into account when I make my decision because how I feel is undeniable and means everything to me so it takes priority in my mind. Not taking my own feelings into account when considering my life would be a betrayl to who I am. Betraying myself is disgrace to my life, an act so hideous that I ought to not live anymore. Which is why having the option to suicide is actually a way to value my life more, because it means it cannot be devalued and degraded in which case death is more desirable.
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In recovery and getting help
Oct 1, 2023
Very well said, I couldn't agree more. I just feel that for myself as well it would come down to being a self care/love thing for me at the end of the day. I do get worried at times because I do feel like there are moments where I feel more corrupted or defiled as life continues on and I go through more bad experiences and the growing pains worsen and changes me in negative ways both physically and mentally. I just feel frustrated that I can't always control/change everything that bothers me in these situations and the negative repercussions my body goes through as a result as much as I have tried and failed to do so. The longer I stay here and do inventory the more I feel like I am losing myself and the parts that I have grown to appreciate more and more and I think a part of me is just terrified by that process happening to me in real time and doesn't want to jeopardize any more of it for the sake of someone or something else especially if those somethings are not things I want and/or believe in as good and worthwhile to have or achieve and if those someone's don't care/love for me like I do for myself if not more and I don't trust in them. If losing myself means not being able to look myself in the mirror anymore out of hate and disgust, then I would rather ctb than to see that happen right before my eyes.
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