Thomas Rekowicz
- Mar 10, 2025
- 51
So these are my photos in my new suit. I will be buried in IT after i CTB. I also go all in and bought true Swiss watch you can see IT on a picture IT is Roamer not very high end but for Polish standards quite luxurious. I will pack watch, bible translated from septuaginta (ancient translation of hebrew and arameic old testament to greek and than to Polish) (the best translation of a bible available in my country made by profesor from my catholic university) and gold cross necklace combined with half of my silver tag i wrote about earlier. These will be presents for my brother for his first communion i will write note to my step mother that Swiss watch is for his 18 birthday and she will give him box with a watch at his 18 birthday i will be long gone but i want him to remember he had a brother and that i loved him. My step brother is only person in my family that truly want and love me unconditionaly. He even Ask when i will live with my father him and my step mother in one house even that my father do not want me to live with them he only buy me some clothes and send alimony he think money can fix all the problems but i want to have true loving home so much. Only my lil brother care for me unconditionaly even that we are not bonded by blood. I will put bag with presents next to my drunk with SN corpse and Mark IT properly so they could give IT to my brother. I want to see faces of my family when they see that i gave him best first communion presents every litterally from beyound the grave. I will leave all my assets to my brother he will be only person mentioned in my will he will inherit stocks cash gold and bonds worth 70 000 zł about 19 000 USD IT is one third of a studio apartament price in my town IT is a lot money in Poland my family think i am poor this will be final middle finger for all of them for treating me like shit showing them that i CTB on my own terms being Rich in comparssion to them and Independent from them. the only thing i wanted in my life is love and that is only thing i can't get. I am ready to CTB.
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