

Jun 14, 2020
This game of called "Life" is just so weird. One day you just pop into existence and you're here in this floating rock that's floating in this endless void. You're with billions and billions of people and the game is rigged against you. You don't determine where you are and where you're born, it's all just by random chance because one day your parents decided to fuck.

It's just so weird to me because I know my life isn't technically the best , I did have some pretty decent okay moments and good friendships.

Technically you're a walking meat bag that's full of tissues/organs and it's so fragile, you can die at any moment. Get up one morning and have a brain hemorrhage...BAM DEAD. Get into a car and drive to work but some drunk ass decides to T-bone you, so you instantly die without you realizing it....BAM DEAD. No matter what you do and everything, life is unfair and you're going to die.

Good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people.

What's the point of money? To bust your ass for just stupid paper and wasting hours of your precious life that you'll never get back. I know it does seem like I'm lazy and everything but this existence just makes me question everything.

Going to college doesn't seem to work sometimes either for some. Getting into degrees/majors that you have to bust your ass for and most stuff that they teach is just outdated information. It would be so nice to get straight into the point and take classes that are required for the major. Like if you want to be an engineer, yes you have to learn math, science, chemistry, etc and everything that has to do with it. The whole job situation is rigged because you can go and work for a company and have a masters degree but they only pay you $15 an hour and they want you to have 5+ years of this, 2+ years of that, and 3+ years to know this. And 100% of the time, it's who you know because at times, you have to kiss ass to get to where you want to be and it's pretty sad to just stroke someone's ego. Fuck sociopaths.

For all we know this whole game of life could just be a simulation and some alien is just using us as an experiment or we're some ant farm. Imagine that? That would be crazy. Or we could be in the matrix and our real selves are just in some pod and we're living in what seems like VR.

Is there life after death? Maybe there is or maybe there isn't. With all of these NDE stories, it's crazy because it's called "near-death" and there's no coming back from "ACTUAL" death. Maybe there's an afterlife and it's incomprehensible for us. Something out of our senses and dimension.

It sucks that I have to participate in this stupid game.
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May 15, 2020
So. Take this with a grain of salt, because I also developed psychosis a few years ago.

I tried to CTB a few years ago by depriving myself of food and water. When I "died," it was like being birthed backwards-- into "their" world. I felt this tremendous love when I got there, and there were like 4 of them looking down on me, as if I were a newborn baby. The whole place had all these different "layers," if you will-- each layer was like being in a different room. It was like a pre/between birth staging area. Some layers had different entities who had different responsibilities. One layer was where souls received the bodies they would enter, which was bizarrely based on impulse rather than conscious thought. One was a purgatory-type area with a pleasant meadow and a beautiful old tree and a creekbed where souls go to wait for something. My favorite place was where creator entities created and willed their creations into existence. The pure love and joy they had for their creations of little animals and funny insects was extraordinary. I had a guide who was walking me through everything. At first I was very curious about everything, but as time wore on, I remembered the life I had departed, WHY I had departed, and became very angry. My guide told me to go up to see Capricorn. So I walked up a ton of stairs, and somehow, after a discussion and spending a great deal of time, I decided I wanted to come back and help the people who were still here. The entity seemed hesitant and said, "Things... aren't going to go well for you." But being warm and comfortable and facing none of the troubles of earthly life, I insisted.

And then I was hurled back into the hell that is this world. When you depart, everything gets lighter and lighter. When you come back, it gets darker and darker. And there is suddenly all this WEIGHT on you. It's hard to describe, but just layers and layers of weight.

I don't know if I actually died or not, but I woke up in a pile of my own waste, my eyes stung and were hard to focus, and my skin was extremely itchy. My memories are kind of hazy after that.
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Aug 21, 2019
NDE's (hallucinations) don't occur when people are dead and there is no point to anything. All spiritualism is derived from irrational, illogical wishful thinking and pure speculation based upon nothing. I think Nihilism is readily apparent when you look at the bigger picture. Would a benevolent life-force create something like... This? No, it's completely callous and unforgiving. Our joy is meaningless. Our pain is meaningless. We don't have free will and we live in a rigidly deterministic universe. What brain creates your consciousness is entirely based upon luck and individualism is a lie as we are all automatons living out a pre-determined script. The universe would not care if we spent the rest of eternity in writhing agony with no hope of salvation because it does what it needs to do: exist.

The truth is very ugly and this is why people invent ghost stories to sooth themselves. In a way, I can't even blame them.
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Life sucks and then you die.
May 10, 2019
Everything exists as a cosmic joke. There is no simulation. There is no "game". We are not in the matrix, and we're not in a pod.

Get ready, I'm about to try to explain something extremely complex, and I'm drunk and high.

Like you said, we exist on a rock in the middle of an endless void. We exist inside of a void. If you say that we we are "inside" of something, that is to say that we are not existing at the "top" layer of reality. If there are aliens that are creating simulations, and we are inside their simulation - then we would be existing at a sub-layer of reality. We would be "inside" of something, and not "outside" or at the "top".

We are at the top layer of existence. WE are the "aliens" that create simulations. We create simulations that hold beings that exist at a sub-layer. We create simulations where beings exist "inside" of, while we exist "outside".

We are at the top layer of existence. Nothing exists outside of us. We are not inside of something (VR, simulation, dream pod). Now there are exceptions. While we are asleep and dreaming, we exist inside of a dream, which is a sub-layer. When dreaming, we're not at the top layer of reality anymore, and THEN we are inside of a "simulation" virtual reality type of thing. But when we wake up from the dream, then we are back to being a the "top" layer of reality - not existing "inside" of anything.

You may ask, how are we here if we're not inside a simulation? If we're not inside of anything, what is supporting us? What is "holding us up"? The answer is, it's empty. There is nothing holding us up, and nothing supporting us. There is nothing but emptiness in every direction. We're not inside of anything, we're outside of everything. We're staring into voidness. We are empty in every way imaginable.

I'm about to go deeper. Now, this is my opinion. It's a theory I've been working on for a long time. I believe that we do not exist at all. I am not here typing on a keyboard right now - and you are not reading this right now. If we die, and all of our memories of everything that has ever happened to us die with us - isn't it like nothing happened to us at all? For example - if an event happened to you in the past, and you completely forgot about it - isn't it like that event never happened at all?

If we die, and all of our memories are forever forgotten, it's like we never lived at all. So while I am typing this sentence right now, after I die this memory will be forever gone, so it's kind of like this isn't even happening at all. It may of well never happened, it's insignificant if it's going to be forever forgotten after I die - it renders everything meaningless.

Sorry for the rant - I'm in a trippy mood, and I'm thinking deep.
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Jun 14, 2020
Everything exists as a cosmic joke. There is no simulation. There is no "game". We are not in the matrix, and we're not in a pod.

Get ready, I'm about to try to explain something extremely complex, and I'm drunk and high.

Like you said, we exist on a rock in the middle of an endless void. We exist inside of a void. If you say that we we are "inside" of something, that is to say that we are not existing at the "top" layer of reality. If there are aliens that are creating simulations, and we are inside their simulation - then we would be existing at a sub-layer of reality. We would be "inside" of something, and not "outside" or at the "top".

We are at the top layer of existence. WE are the "aliens" that create simulations. We create simulations that hold beings that exist at a sub-layer. We create simulations where beings exist "inside" of, while we exist "outside".

We are at the top layer of existence. Nothing exists outside of us. We are not inside of something (VR, simulation, dream pod). Now there are exceptions. While we are asleep and dreaming, we exist inside of a dream, which is a sub-layer. When dreaming, we're not at the top layer of reality anymore, and THEN we are inside of a "simulation" virtual reality type of thing. But when we wake up from the dream, then we are back to being a the "top" layer of reality - not existing "inside" of anything.

You may ask, how are we here if we're not inside a simulation? If we're not inside of anything, what is supporting us? What is "holding us up"? The answer is, it's empty. There is nothing holding us up, and nothing supporting us. There is nothing but emptiness in every direction. We're not inside of anything, we're outside of everything. We're staring into voidness. We are empty in every way imaginable.

I'm about to go deeper. Now, this is my opinion. It's a theory I've been working on for a long time. I believe that we do not exist at all. I am not here typing on a keyboard right now - and you are not reading this right now. If we die, and all of our memories of everything that has ever happened to us die with us - isn't it like nothing happened to us at all? For example - if an event happened to you in the past, and you completely forgot about it - isn't it like that event never happened at all?

If we die, and all of our memories are forever forgotten, it's like we never lived at all. So while I am typing this sentence right now, after I die this memory will be forever gone, so it's kind of like this isn't even happening at all. It may of well never happened, it's insignificant if it's going to be forever forgotten after I die - it renders everything meaningless.

Sorry for the rant - I'm in a trippy mood, and I'm thinking deep.
This one wins hands down
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Jul 9, 2020
If the history we're being told is accurate, this kind of system came about 12,000 years ago during the start of the Neolithic Revolution, when people started stagnating in areas and stockpiling unequal amounts of resources. Governments were shortly created for the sole purpose of protecting private property. Now we have this.
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