

May 22, 2023
We have been brainwashed to believe that human beings are born, grow, and die for some valid reason, just like in nature a lion kills a gazelle to survive. But all this is not acceptable. A design in which the strongest subdues the weakest, using violence and suffering as a tool of oppression, in the same way, that society exploits the weakest people to enrich a few people who maintain control without any scruples. Nature itself is based on violence and the murderous instinct, which is reflected exactly in human behavior. Once again, I find it absurd how the majority of people accept this design as normal. This is not an acceptable design, this is an evil design. A life in which sooner or later you will lose everything you love for no reason at all. I would like to know your thoughts on the fact that this is a concept that people peacefully accept.
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Mirrory Me

Mirrory Me

"Life's a mirror, but 'whose' mirror?"
Mar 23, 2023
I think humans are generally more evolved than that, or that's not how society functions.
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Mirrory Me

Mirrory Me

"Life's a mirror, but 'whose' mirror?"
Mar 23, 2023
In other words, do you think there is no underlying evil design?
I don't belong to Illuminati, but everything usually works out better if there is not too much violence involved.
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Jan 24, 2023
It's meaningless suffering. I'm shocked every day that people can accept this existence
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May 22, 2023
It's meaningless suffering. I'm shocked every day that people can accept this existence
I feel the same thing, and I can't find any solution.
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Apr 10, 2024
We have been brainwashed to believe that human beings are born, grow, and die for some valid reason, just like in nature a lion kills a gazelle to survive. But all this is not acceptable.

How do you see it?

How do you decide who gets the prettiest girl or the strongest, most powerful guy?

How do you decide who gets to live in San Diego and who has to live in Minsk?


May 17, 2024
I see this world as absurd. It's completely random and pointless. Everything we know is meaningless. We live just to die, like what? Like you mentioned, we lose everything we love. Everything is fleeting in life, and we're like summer flowers that wilt and die at the end of the season. Nothing is fair in society. The rich and the poor, the rich oppressing the poor. At the end of the day, I just mark it off as meaningless, it's all absolutely meaningless. There's no greater power guiding any course of action, it's just random. Which is why it doesn't really matter if I die and go to the void, because that's how this universe works, the duality of death and life. I choose death because I think it's better and more fair than life.
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May 22, 2023
I see this world as absurd. It's completely random and pointless. Everything we know is meaningless. We live just to die, like what? Like you mentioned, we lose everything we love. Everything is fleeting in life, and we're like summer flowers that wilt and die at the end of the season. Nothing is fair in society. The rich and the poor, the rich oppressing the poor. At the end of the day, I just mark it off as meaningless, it's all absolutely meaningless. There's no greater power guiding any course of action, it's just random. Which is why it doesn't really matter if I die and go to the void, because that's how this universe works, the duality of death and life. I choose death because I think it's better and more fair than life.
I agree. And then secondly, people are desperate to extend their existence, but they never want to face the fact that they will die one day. Extending their existence often means extending their suffering, just because they believe that living longer is equivalent to giving meaning to their life. It's all so terrifying because we are trapped in this existence with no easy way out.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I understand, personally I find existence to be the most horrific, terrible tragedy that just causes endless amounts of harm and suffering, I find it so painful how I was burdened with this existence at all, more than anything I wish I never suffered in this existence. I'd never wish to be conscious in this reality where there is no limit as to how much one can be tormented destined to decay and suffer way more, rather I only wish and hope to never exist again, I'd never wish for the cruelty and futility of suffering in this existence, to me existence itself will always be the true problem.
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Jul 29, 2021
Your perspective captures a profound critique of how both nature and human society operate on principles of exploitation, violence, and survival at the expense of others. This "design," as you describe it, is not only accepted by the majority but often glorified or justified as a natural order of things. It's striking how deeply ingrained this acceptance is, whether it's in the food chain of nature or the social and economic hierarchies of human civilization.

People tend to normalize these systems because they are taught from an early age that this is simply "how the world works." Many justify the suffering embedded in these structures, viewing it as an inevitable part of existence. The narrative of the "strongest surviving" and the necessity of competition is drilled into us, not just in terms of nature but also in how we approach life's challenges, work, and relationships. Society's values often glorify struggle and reward those who manage to dominate or endure, while overlooking the tremendous suffering that such systems perpetuate.

I share your view that it's astonishing how society can look at this harsh design and simply accept it as normal. This acceptance can be seen as a kind of collective resignation, a surrender to the idea that life is fundamentally about surviving in a brutal, indifferent system.

The design of the system you describe as "evil" closely aligns with capitalism, but it is not limited to capitalism alone. This system reflects broader patterns of exploitation, competition, and hierarchy that have been present in various forms of human organization throughout history. However, capitalism, as the dominant economic system in much of the world today, embodies many of the characteristics you critique:

  1. Exploitation and Inequality: Capitalism thrives on the extraction of value, often at the expense of workers, the environment, and the vulnerable. Wealth accumulates at the top, and a significant portion of the population remains in perpetual struggle, reinforcing cycles of inequality. This mirrors the "strongest subdues the weakest" dynamic seen in nature and human history.
  2. Profit Over People: The primary driver in capitalism is profit, often prioritized over human well-being, environmental sustainability, or ethical considerations. This relentless pursuit of profit leads to exploitation, where human lives and natural resources are reduced to mere tools for economic gain.
  3. Survival of the Fittest: Capitalism promotes a competitive, survival-of-the-fittest mentality, where success is measured by financial gain and market dominance. This mindset mirrors nature's ruthless dynamics, translating them into social and economic realms where failure often means poverty, loss, or marginalization.
  4. Consumerism and Distraction: Capitalism fosters a consumer culture that keeps people constantly striving for more—more products, more experiences, more status. This endless chase distracts individuals from deeper existential questions, encouraging them to equate their worth with what they own or achieve, perpetuating a cycle of desire and dissatisfaction.
  5. Power Concentration and Control: The system allows those with capital to accumulate power, often without accountability. Corporations and wealthy individuals wield disproportionate influence over politics, media, and social narratives, perpetuating a status quo that serves their interests while suppressing dissent or systemic change.
  6. Environmental Destruction: The exploitation of natural resources is a core aspect of capitalism, leading to environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity, and climate change. The system's need for constant growth is fundamentally at odds with the planet's finite resources, creating a destructive cycle that harms all life forms.
  7. Human Life as a Commodity: In a capitalist framework, human life itself becomes a commodity, whether through the labor market, healthcare, or education. People's value is often reduced to their economic output, with little regard for their inherent dignity or well-being outside of their productivity.
  8. Normalization of Suffering: The widespread acceptance of inequality, poverty, and exploitation is normalized within capitalist societies as unfortunate but unavoidable side effects of the system. This creates a moral numbness where suffering is seen as inevitable or even necessary for economic growth.
While capitalism embodies many of these traits, it is not the only system that operates on such principles. Feudalism, imperialism, and various forms of authoritarianism have also relied on exploitation, violence, and hierarchy. The "evil design" you speak of is deeply rooted in human history and behavior, reflecting our capacity for both cooperation and cruelty.

However, capitalism is particularly insidious because it often cloaks these dynamics in the language of freedom, choice, and progress, making it harder to recognize the exploitation at its core. The system not only tolerates but incentivizes harmful behaviors, making it challenging to envision alternatives that prioritize human and ecological well-being over profit and power.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
We have been brainwashed to believe that human beings are born, grow, and die for some valid reason, just like in nature a lion kills a gazelle to survive. But all this is not acceptable. A design in which the strongest subdues the weakest, using violence and suffering as a tool of oppression, in the same way, that society exploits the weakest people to enrich a few people who maintain control without any scruples. Nature itself is based on violence and the murderous instinct, which is reflected exactly in human behavior. Once again, I find it absurd how the majority of people accept this design as normal. This is not an acceptable design, this is an evil design. A life in which sooner or later you will lose everything you love for no reason at all. I would like to know your thoughts on the fact that this is a concept that people peacefully accept.
I agree that we have been brainwashed. I believe we have been brainwashed to accept meaningless suffering and extreme torture for no reason. We have been taught to see life as meaningful important sacred valuable a beautiful gift. It's really prison torture slavery an evil imposition.

No one can convince me that I should have to or want to live or do anything .

No one can convince me that any of the things they say are so good important are really objectively good or important .
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Jul 30, 2024
Life is neither a reward nor a punishment, it is simply what it is, the environment in which the existence of our personality plays out in some form. Beautiful - ugly, good - evil, pain - pleasantness are only two sides of the same coin of existence. To understand the true essence of existence we must personally and ethically distance ourselves from these qualifications ("On the other side of good and evil" Nietzsche) and realize that the only constant from our perspective of existence is transience. Transience is both completion and pain and inevitability, but at the same time the right to choice and liberation.
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flower, water
Jun 20, 2024
We have been brainwashed to believe that human beings are born, grow, and die for some valid reason, just like in nature a lion kills a gazelle to survive. But all this is not acceptable. A design in which the strongest subdues the weakest, using violence and suffering as a tool of oppression, in the same way, that society exploits the weakest people to enrich a few people who maintain control without any scruples. Nature itself is based on violence and the murderous instinct, which is reflected exactly in human behavior. Once again, I find it absurd how the majority of people accept this design as normal. This is not an acceptable design, this is an evil design. A life in which sooner or later you will lose everything you love for no reason at all. I would like to know your thoughts on the fact that this is a concept that people peacefully accept.
Yes exactly, conservatives will blame modernity, socialists blame capitalism, feminists blame patriarchy and male evolution, and finally biologists blame genetic evolution itself, I feel like everything's just wrong from the beginning. Carbon based life is inherently disgusting in many aspects and this universe is hostile. I also crave to be a ghost, belonging only to me...
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May 22, 2023
Your perspective captures a profound critique of how both nature and human society operate on principles of exploitation, violence, and survival at the expense of others. This "design," as you describe it, is not only accepted by the majority but often glorified or justified as a natural order of things. It's striking how deeply ingrained this acceptance is, whether it's in the food chain of nature or the social and economic hierarchies of human civilization.

People tend to normalize these systems because they are taught from an early age that this is simply "how the world works." Many justify the suffering embedded in these structures, viewing it as an inevitable part of existence. The narrative of the "strongest surviving" and the necessity of competition is drilled into us, not just in terms of nature but also in how we approach life's challenges, work, and relationships. Society's values often glorify struggle and reward those who manage to dominate or endure, while overlooking the tremendous suffering that such systems perpetuate.

I share your view that it's astonishing how society can look at this harsh design and simply accept it as normal. This acceptance can be seen as a kind of collective resignation, a surrender to the idea that life is fundamentally about surviving in a brutal, indifferent system.

The design of the system you describe as "evil" closely aligns with capitalism, but it is not limited to capitalism alone. This system reflects broader patterns of exploitation, competition, and hierarchy that have been present in various forms of human organization throughout history. However, capitalism, as the dominant economic system in much of the world today, embodies many of the characteristics you critique:

  1. Exploitation and Inequality: Capitalism thrives on the extraction of value, often at the expense of workers, the environment, and the vulnerable. Wealth accumulates at the top, and a significant portion of the population remains in perpetual struggle, reinforcing cycles of inequality. This mirrors the "strongest subdues the weakest" dynamic seen in nature and human history.
  2. Profit Over People: The primary driver in capitalism is profit, often prioritized over human well-being, environmental sustainability, or ethical considerations. This relentless pursuit of profit leads to exploitation, where human lives and natural resources are reduced to mere tools for economic gain.
  3. Survival of the Fittest: Capitalism promotes a competitive, survival-of-the-fittest mentality, where success is measured by financial gain and market dominance. This mindset mirrors nature's ruthless dynamics, translating them into social and economic realms where failure often means poverty, loss, or marginalization.
  4. Consumerism and Distraction: Capitalism fosters a consumer culture that keeps people constantly striving for more—more products, more experiences, more status. This endless chase distracts individuals from deeper existential questions, encouraging them to equate their worth with what they own or achieve, perpetuating a cycle of desire and dissatisfaction.
  5. Power Concentration and Control: The system allows those with capital to accumulate power, often without accountability. Corporations and wealthy individuals wield disproportionate influence over politics, media, and social narratives, perpetuating a status quo that serves their interests while suppressing dissent or systemic change.
  6. Environmental Destruction: The exploitation of natural resources is a core aspect of capitalism, leading to environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity, and climate change. The system's need for constant growth is fundamentally at odds with the planet's finite resources, creating a destructive cycle that harms all life forms.
  7. Human Life as a Commodity: In a capitalist framework, human life itself becomes a commodity, whether through the labor market, healthcare, or education. People's value is often reduced to their economic output, with little regard for their inherent dignity or well-being outside of their productivity.
  8. Normalization of Suffering: The widespread acceptance of inequality, poverty, and exploitation is normalized within capitalist societies as unfortunate but unavoidable side effects of the system. This creates a moral numbness where suffering is seen as inevitable or even necessary for economic growth.
While capitalism embodies many of these traits, it is not the only system that operates on such principles. Feudalism, imperialism, and various forms of authoritarianism have also relied on exploitation, violence, and hierarchy. The "evil design" you speak of is deeply rooted in human history and behavior, reflecting our capacity for both cooperation and cruelty.

However, capitalism is particularly insidious because it often cloaks these dynamics in the language of freedom, choice, and progress, making it harder to recognize the exploitation at its core. The system not only tolerates but incentivizes harmful behaviors, making it challenging to envision alternatives that prioritize human and ecological well-being over profit and power.
Thank you for your reply. I find your explanation very interesting about the fact that we have been indoctrinated to believe that all this is normal, taking away our ability to have a different critical thought. It seems that the normalization of violence and suffering is now universally accepted, moreover destined to worsen in the future.
Yes exactly, conservatives will blame modernity, socialists blame capitalism, feminists blame patriarchy and male evolution, and finally biologists blame genetic evolution itself, I feel like everything's just wrong from the beginning. Carbon based life is inherently disgusting in many aspects and this universe is hostile. I also crave to be a ghost, belonging only to me...
I agree with your point of view, and the only positive thing is that I understood that rational suicide is the only way out of this existence, which is not so obvious, since many suffering people want to continue living as long as possible, just because they are following someone else's dogma.
I agree that we have been brainwashed. I believe we have been brainwashed to accept meaningless suffering and extreme torture for no reason. We have been taught to see life as meaningful important sacred valuable a beautiful gift. It's really prison torture slavery an evil imposition.

No one can convince me that I should have to or want to live or do anything .

No one can convince me that any of the things they say are so good important are really objectively good or important .
Exactly, but I don't understand why most people don't realize this terrible scenario but continue to passively accept the idea that all of this has a valid purpose, even if it means suffering severely, for nothing.
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Even the stars make room for new stars
Sep 3, 2024
I agree. This existence is mostly suffering but somehow people don't see that reality.
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can we be done here
May 6, 2023
Everything is pointless. People say you have to be kind and helping and all that, but for what? What's the point? The person you are being nice to is going to die. You are going to die. We all die and we die painfully (most of the time). All of this is fucking meaningless and stupid. I used to think my kindness matters. It doesn't. Every single day is just.. meh
I don't understand and I'm scared that maybe there's no way out of this. I am terrified of being born again or some shit, because being alive is truly truly truly horrible.
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Jun 2, 2024
We have been brainwashed to believe that human beings are born, grow, and die for some valid reason, just like in nature a lion kills a gazelle to survive. But all this is not acceptable. A design in which the strongest subdues the weakest, using violence and suffering as a tool of oppression, in the same way, that society exploits the weakest people to enrich a few people who maintain control without any scruples. Nature itself is based on violence and the murderous instinct, which is reflected exactly in human behavior. Once again, I find it absurd how the majority of people accept this design as normal. This is not an acceptable design, this is an evil design. A life in which sooner or later you will lose everything you love for no reason at all. I would like to know your thoughts on the fact that this is a concept that people peacefully accept.
Peacefully accepting a hostile existence is against our very nature. As a peaceful person who has been subjected to a life that was anything but so I don't understand how there are those who go along with it either. I've put in FAR too much effort for FAR too long and where has it got me? I've been the doormat to everyone who supposedly loved and cared about me and even when I tried my hardest to shock the system by taking in a woman (my ex-wife) off of the streets, paid for her education, bought her a car, bought us a house, was loving and supportive of her, helped her get off of drugs, and was always there for her despite getting very little back in return, I was tossed in the trash bin yet again.

This world we have created as humans is a disgusting mess and it will never get better. There have been many nights where I laid in bed praying with tears in my eyes that a meteor would turn this planets surface into glass for a few thousand years so that some other civilization could rise up and take our place and maybe, just maybe not repeat our mistakes.
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May 22, 2023
Everything is pointless. People say you have to be kind and helping and all that, but for what? What's the point? The person you are being nice to is going to die. You are going to die. We all die and we die painfully (most of the time). All of this is fucking meaningless and stupid. I used to think my kindness matters. It doesn't. Every single day is just.. meh
I don't understand and I'm scared that maybe there's no way out of this. I am terrified of being born again or some shit, because being alive is truly truly truly horrible.
I understand what you mean. I have the same freaking fear about being born again after this life is over. I fear we are doomed in an endless cycle, with the possibility of being born in much worse circumstances. It's really scary.
Peacefully accepting a hostile existence is against our very nature. As a peaceful person who has been subjected to a life that was anything but so I don't understand how there are those who go along with it either. I've put in FAR too much effort for FAR too long and where has it got me? I've been the doormat to everyone who supposedly loved and cared about me and even when I tried my hardest to shock the system by taking in a woman (my ex-wife) off of the streets, paid for her education, bought her a car, bought us a house, was loving and supportive of her, helped her get off of drugs, and was always there for her despite getting very little back in return, I was tossed in the trash bin yet again.

This world we have created as humans is a disgusting mess and it will never get better. There have been many nights where I laid in bed praying with tears in my eyes that a meteor would turn this planets surface into glass for a few thousand years so that some other civilization could rise up and take our place and maybe, just maybe not repeat our mistakes.
I feel you. I have suffered so much in my life for difficult situations that made no sense. Now there is only pain and torment because of the trap we fell into.
I understand, personally I find existence to be the most horrific, terrible tragedy that just causes endless amounts of harm and suffering, I find it so painful how I was burdened with this existence at all, more than anything I wish I never suffered in this existence. I'd never wish to be conscious in this reality where there is no limit as to how much one can be tormented destined to decay and suffer way more, rather I only wish and hope to never exist again, I'd never wish for the cruelty and futility of suffering in this existence, to me existence itself will always be the true problem.
Thanks for sharing your opinion. You are right, I also think that many people don't realize that there is no limit to how tormented you can be and that scares me a lot.
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