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Oct 19, 2022
This is going to be a long read. I apologize for that.

Its said that thiopental has no analgesic properties. Some online articles suggest that there maybe severe withdrawal symptoms. This one article suggests: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2810589/
"If injected intravenously prior to the loss of consciousness, hot and burning sensations develop, and even if injected after the loss of consciousness by induction agents, a severe withdrawal movement, such as withdrawing the injected hand or arm, may occur due to pain."
"However in the 45 experimental patients pretreated with 2 mL (50 mg) thiopental, only 2 patients (4.4%) showed severe withdrawal movement (p<0.05)."
What does it mean by severe withdrawal movement in arms? Does it mean that because of pain one feels an extreme urge to move their arm by voluntary or involuntary response? The dosage for the trial was really low, could it be that with a really high dosage of 5-10g may result in extreme pain as well as extreme withdrawal movement in arms or throughout the body?

Regarding the pain "hot burning sensations", which as its suggested above that may happen even when unconscious. That would be fine if I could have the full dosage in my systems in go but with an active IV line I'm thinking that the movement may misplace the IV tubing or the cannula or something. Is there anything that can be done to help with this or to prevent this?

Some additional research on the topic: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1876417/
"SW2005 was noted to be breathing 3 min after thiopental, but not at the time of pancuronium bromide injection; the exact time respiration ceased was not recorded. DR2000 was noted to have chest movements two minutes after respiration was noted to have ceased."
If I understand it correctly after thiopental injection one person was still breathing after 3mins and somehow there was movements in another person after their breathing stopped. How is that possible to have physical movements when there's no breathing?

"Most US executions are beset by procedural problems that could lead to insufficient anesthesia in executions. This hypothesis has been supported by findings of low postmortem blood thiopental levels and eyewitness accounts of problematic executions. Herein we report evidence that the design of the drug scheme itself is flawed. Thiopental does not predictably induce respiratory arrest, nor does potassium chloride always induce cardiac arrest. Furthermore, on the basis of execution data and clinical, veterinary, and laboratory animal studies, we posit that the specified quantity of thiopental may not provide surgical anesthesia for the duration of the execution."
According the above, 5g of thiopental isn't significant enough for respiratory arrest or other words to stop breathing. Nor is it enough to keep anesthesia for more than 9 minutes. Idk but this is confusing!

"Moreover, in legal challenges to the death penalty, the leading expert witness testifying on behalf of the states routinely asserts that 3 g of thiopental alone is a lethal dose in almost all cases [14]. The data presented here, however, suggest that thiopental alone might not be lethal. First, extrapolating from clinical use, the lowest dosages used in some jurisdictions would not be expected to kill. Calculated dosages in North Carolina executions using 3 g of thiopental ranged from 10 to 45 mg/kg. Assuming inmates are roughly the same size across jurisdictions, the dose range would be 17–75 mg/kg in California, where 5 g of thiopental is used, and 6.6–30 mg/kg in Virginia and other jurisdictions, which use 2 g. Thus, at the lowest doses, thiopental would be given near the upper range of that recommended for clinical induction of anesthesia (3–6.6 mg/kg)—clearly not a dose designed to be fatal [20]. Second, the calculated doses used across lethal injections are only 0.1–2 times the LD50​ (dose required to kill 50% of the tested population) of thiopental in dogs (37 mg/kg), rabbits (35 mg/kg), rats (57.8 mg/kg), and mice (91.4 mg/kg) [21, 22]. Third, intravenous delivery of thiopental alone is not recommended by The Netherlands Euthanasics Task Force, which concluded "it is not possible to administer so much of it that a lethal effect is guaranteed" [23], even in their population of profoundly ill patients."
The above suggests that eye witness reports and clinical data doesn't match. Although it should be noted that the eye witness reports are of thiopental used on people vs clinical data based on dog, mice etc. Dutch organization mentioned above suggests thiopental simply isn't a good choice because as it was said above "its not possible to administer the required dosage necessary for lethal effect".

"The most compelling evidence that even 5 g of thiopental alone may not be lethal, however, is that some California inmates continued to breathe for up to 9 min after thiopental was injected. This observation directly contradicts testimony of that state's expert witness, who asserted that "this dose of thiopental sodium will cause virtually all persons to stop breathing within a minute of drug administration" and that "virtually every person given 5 grams of thiopental sodium will have stopped breathing prior to the administration of the pancuronium bromide" [24]. The witness has made identical statements regarding 3 g of thiopental [14]. Indeed, the clinical literature is replete with examples of patients experiencing respiratory failure after even low doses of thiopental [25]. Others, however, experience merely transient, nonfatal apnea. Of course, for inmates who did not stop breathing with thiopental alone, it is impossible to know whether the thiopental solution was correctly mixed, whether the entire dose was administered intravenously, or whether the apparent resistance was due to bolus dosing or individual variation. It remains possible, however, that bolus dosing of 5 g of thiopental alone might not be fatal in all persons. Indeed, nonhuman primates given as much as 60 mg/kg (the mass equivalent of 6 g for a 100 kg man) experienced prolonged sleep, but ultimately recovered [26]."
More information which suggests that some people continued to breath 9 minutes after 5g thiopental administration. But then it does mention some the unknown factors which may help shed some light on this but without more information maybe 5g should be considered inadequate I think?

Further into the topic it's said that "The North Carolina and California data together suggest that potassium chloride might not be the lethal agent in lethal injection."

"Indeed, pancuronium might have been the agent of death even in inmates who ceased breathing coincident with or shortly after injection of pancuronium, rendering permanent the thiopental-induced apnea."
Afterwards it's said that the pancuronium maybe the lethal agent in the protocol.

"Court documents and news reports indicate that at least Virginia [32], California [10], and Florida [31] have administered additional potassium chloride in multiple executions when the inmate failed to die as expected. If a Virginia execution takes too long and if the inmate fails to die, the protocol indicates that additional pancuronium and potassium chloride should be injected, although there is no provision for additional thiopental [32]. In cases such as Diaz's, additional drugs may have been required due to technical problems with delivery, but it remains possible that in others, the standard drug protocol failed to kill."
Further evidence suggesting that thiopental may not be the lethal agent. Atleast not at the given dosage of 5g.

"Medical experts on both sides of the lethal injection debate have asserted that 3 g of thiopental properly delivered should reliably result in either death or a long, deep surgical plane of anesthesia [13,14]. In support of this contention, continuous or intermittent thiopental administration was formerly used for surgical procedures lasting many hours. In one study, 3.3–3.9 g given to patients over 25–50 min resulted in sleep for 4–5.5 h [33]. Depth and duration of thiopental anesthesia depends greatly upon dose and rate of administration, however, and bolus dosing results in significantly different pharmacokinetics and duration of efficacy than administration of the same quantity of drug at a lower rate [22]"
First its said that properly delivered 3g of thiopental maybe lethal. It's also said that 3.3-3.9g thiopental administered over 25-50min resulted in 4-5.5h sleep. Does it mean thiopental really isn't a good agent for lethal puposes? Then again its suggesting dosage and rate of administration matters. Bolus dosage or administration in a short time period matters is whats being suggested above. Does it mean as per ppeh guidelines 10g thiopental in 50ml IV solution could be enough? But then I've failed before with almost double the suggested dosage of thiopental and phenytoin sodium (this isn't part of the lethal drug protocol, its from ppeh but I feel like phenytoin sodium adds another unknown variable to this complicated matter) via oral route. I was found after around 8 hours, so 8 hours wasn't enough.

"Not only are available data limited, however, medical literature addressing the effects of these drugs at high doses and in combination is nonexistent, emphasizing the failure of lethal injection practitioners to design and evaluate rigorously a process that ensures reliable, painless death, even in animals. In consequence, the adequacy of anesthesia and mechanism of death in the current lethal injection protocol remains conjecture."
So basically there aren't enough data regarding thiopental to suggest at dosage, concentration and rate of administration is lethal.

"Diaz's. Better training of execution personnel and altering delivery conditions may not "fix" the problem [41, 42], however, because the drug regimen itself is potentially inadequate. Our analysis indicates that as used, thiopental might be insufficient both to maintain a surgical plane of anesthesia and to predictably induce death. Consequently, elimination of pancuronium or both pancuronium and potassium, as has been suggested in California [41], could result in situations in which inmates ultimately awaken."
Based on available data they are concluding that thiopental alone may not be as lethal as it's considered to be.

Now I'm really confused. So thioeptal isn't really the "dream peaceful" lethal drug as its deemed to be? So far my plan was to use 30g thiopental mixed with 150-300ml 0.9% Sodium Chloride and maybe 1-3g phenytoin sodium and 3x10mg meto taken 45 minutes before but it feels like with 300ml the concentration might be too low, may have to go with 150ml. And with higher dosage of phenytoin sodium injection it could result in toxic epidermal nercosis (the pictures are really scary and I wonder if I should use this at all, specially intervenous at large dosage as its more effective that way). Meto itself also could screw things up. The whole topic above is making me wonder even at that dosage whether intervenous thiopental should work or it'll be a long long deep sleep or maybe I become a vegetable. Any idea's how to make it effective?


Oct 19, 2022
As the above article suggests vecuronium bromide might be the lethal agent is the protocol, would it work if vecuronium bromide 40mg/20ml IV or IM is used along with thiopental IV? Not sure how the IV would work cuz vecuronium bromide and thiopental when mixed causes precipitation and its said to be avoided. Maybe instead it can be injected directly into blood vessels using a syringe. The onset time of action for vecuronium bromide I've fonund online isn't accurate, its suggested from 0.5-1.5 minutes, 2-3 minutes, 2-4 minutes, I'm not sure which one is correct. If Taken the lowest time which is between 0.5 minutes or 30 seconds (could happen before 0.5 seconds), 40mg/20ml vecuronium bromide in injected with a syringe on the same hand as the IV cannula and a tourniquet is tightly set to prevent blood flow. After the whole solution from the syringe is in the blood stream, the tourniquet is released. Maybe after 10-15 seconds open the IV flow controller so the thiopental enters the blood stream, could it work or is there still a possibility of precipitation or other complications? How long should be the waiting period between vecuronium bromide injection and thiopental?
In lethal injection protocol first thopental is given and after sometime, atleast a few minutes vecuronium bromide is given. Not sure if its for the person to come unconscious and/or to avoid precipitation of the drugs. But for me to do it without proper medical equipment, I don't think I'll be able to wait more than couple of seconds let alone minutes as there's a good chance that I'll be paralyzed by then.
I have a feeling adding vecuronium bromide into the whole plan adds another really complicated variable as this could easily and really quickly lead to full body paralysis. Maybe even before I get the chance to open the IV line. Being fully conscious and paralyzed while asphyxiating would be horrible and really painful I imagine but I could be wrong.


Oct 19, 2022
I would like to add a few more things

Sodium thiopental is mainly metabolized to pentobarbital,[35] 5-ethyl-5-(1'-methyl-3'-hydroxybutyl)-2-thiobarbituric acid, and 5-ethyl-5-(1'-methyl-3'-carboxypropyl)-2-thiobarbituric acid

Pentobarbital-containing veterinary euthanasia solutions [12].
Pentobarbital-containing veterinary euthanasia solutions​
Trade names​
Veterinary uses​
Pentobarbital sodium powder​
392 mg/mL when reconstituted in 250 mL​
Fatal-Plus Powder (Vortech)
Pentasol Powder (Virbac)​
Approved for all warm-blooded animals​

Pentobarbital sodium for injection​
260 mg/mL in 100 mL bottles​
Sleepaway (Fort Dodge)​
Approved for use in dogs and cats​
389 mg/mL in 100 mL or 250 mL vials​
Socumb-6 gr (Butler)
Somlethal (Webster)​
Approved for use in dogs and cats​
390 mg/mL in 250 mL vials​
Fatal-Plus Solution (Vortech)​
Approved for use in dogs and cats​

Pentobarbital sodium/phenytoin sodium​
390 mg/mL pentobarbital sodium and 50 mg/mL phenytoin sodium in 100 mL vials​
Beuthanasia-D Special (Schering-Plough)
Euthasol (Virbac)​
Approved for use in dogs​

"lower-dose formulations utilized for human use"

"While the majority of these agents are administered intravenously, they are also efficacious via oral, intramuscular, or intraperitoneal routes."

"Each mL contains pentobarbital sodium 50 mg, in a vehicle of propylene glycol, 40%, alcohol, 10% and water for injection"

From the above nembutal has a pentobarbital concentration of 50mg/ml, euthasol 390mg/ml. Lethal injection protocols such as 3 drug protocol or single drug protocol both usages which lower concentration and total dosage of 5g thiopental. PPeh suggests thiopental dosage of 10g into 50ml fluid (200mg/ml) for both oral and intravenous route. The numbers are way off. 50ml euthasol would contain a total of 19.5g, nembutal total would be 2.5g. Lets continue more about this bellow.

"When used orally for anesthesia, pentobarbital is dosed at 14 to 15 mg per pound (28 to 30 mg/kg) on an empty stomach. On a full stomach, pentobarbital is dosed at about 31.5 mg per pound (63 mg/kg)."

If the above is correct and lower-dose formulations utilized for human use then the suggested ppeh dosage of 10g thiopental doesn't make sense. But then if we take euthasol, both the concentration and total dosage is much higher. And any of the above can be taken orally as its mentioned in one of the articles above. Which is the correct dosage or in other words lethal dosage for average people or the concetration as in mg/kg and mg/ml for said weight of the person.

"Several formulations of pentobarbital-containing veterinary euthanasia agents have varying types of Vaughan-Williams Class-Ib antiarrhythmics, most frequently phenytoin sodium. According to the Euthasol package insert, the rapid administration of these agents reportedly produces cardiotoxic effects during the anesthesia stage of euthanasia by "hastening the cessation of electrical activity of the heart" via interference with myocardial sodium channel function. In this patient, the clinical toxicity observed stemmed directly from sedative-hypnotic toxicity and likely very little from the phenytoin."
Based on the above phyentoin sodium may assist by hastening the process but as it says "likely very little"
Does it mean phenytoin sodium is unnecessary as the effect isn't significant enough?

"Pentobarbital (PB) is a euthanasia drug in doses of 2 to 10 grams, causing death within 15–30 minutes."
This is about a person who ingested 20g pentobarbital and survived. Iingested as in oral ingestion. While I did the same with almost 20g thiopental, 1-2g phenytoin sodium mixed in 50ml water and 48 hour anti-emetic regime as well as fasting before. I was found around 8 hours afterwards and somehow I'm still here.

"Serial serum pentobarbital concentrations were retrospectively assayed by high-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS) and are summarised in Fig. 1. Peak concentration was 116 mg/mL at approximately 29 hours post-ingestion (therapeutic 1.8–4.7 mg/L).

[IMG alt="An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is 13181_2018_675_Fig1_HTML.jpg"]https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6314932/bin/13181_2018_675_Fig1_HTML.jpg[/IMG]
Fig. 1
Serial serum pentobarbital concentrations and time post-ingestion. The lower dotted line represents the concentration at which deep sedation is commonly seen (10 mg/L). The upper dotted line represents the average lethal concentration (30 mg/L)"

While the serum concentration of pentobarbital was much higher than average lethal concentration the person survived. It should be notated that this is 29 hours post ingestion and the person was found found 10minutes after. At the time of the above test the person was in hospital.

"In a series of 261 cases of oral ingestion of 10 to 12 grams of pentobarbital as a sole agent for assisted suicide, median time to death was 23 minutes"
Based on the above some people actually dies from much less pentobarbital oral solution and in much less time. How I survived still remains a mystery to me.

"The concentration of pentobarbital reported to cause deep coma with cardiorespiratory compromise is in the region of 30 mg/L [6]. Upon presentation, our patient had a concentration greater than four times this, with absent brainstem reflexes for 5 days"
If I understand correctly the pentobarbital was way above its lethal limit and yet somehow (maybe the hospital environment) the person survived.

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1344622322001377?via=ihub (little bit different as it was labeled contract killing)
Another few articles describing pentobarbital survival. However it doesn't mention how much of it the person took. Note: the person was found rather quickly and taken to a hospital.

A lot of articles found online suggests pentobarbital or sodium thiopental death time from time of administration could take around 10 minutes.
However I've found some articles suggesting otherwise.

"instead suggest a single dose of barbiturate. But that could take as long as 40 minutes to kill"
If I'm not mistaken the single dose of barbiturate is sodium thiopental

Peacefulness of thiopental
Some articles such as this suggests:
"A review of more than 200 autopsies — obtained through public records requests — showed signs of pulmonary edema in 84% of the cases. The findings were similar across the states and, notably, across the different drug protocols used."
There's a chart which shows autopsies done where bodies showed signs on pulmonary edema based on different drugs. For thiopental 98 autopsies found signs of edema and 24 didn't, pentobarbital founding were edema 49 and 9 no edema.
(Pulmonary edema is a condition caused by too much fluid in the lungs.)
Froth And Foam Also Found In Some Inmates' Lungs char shows that for thiopental 48 autopsies had froth and foam, 74 didn't. Pentobarbital had 27 froth and foam, 31 no froth and foam.

Also there are number of online articles suggesting pentobarbital or thipental at a large dosage doesn't cuz any pain. How is that possible when both of them doesn't have any analgesic effects?

"Pentobarbital is the most commonly used intermediate-acting barbiturate for sedation. It has no analgesic effect"

"Pentothal (Thiopental Sodium for Injection, USP) is an ultrashort-acting depressant of the central nervous system which induces hypnosis and anesthesia, but not analgesia."

"If injected intravenously prior to the loss of consciousness, hot and burning sensations develop, and even if injected after the loss of consciousness by induction agents, a severe withdrawal movement, such as withdrawing the injected hand or arm, may occur due to pain."

Is it that because one is unconscious, its just assumed that they don't actively feel the notion of pain even though there's no analgesia effect in the said drugs?
Last edited:


Oct 19, 2022
More information regarding thiopental injection pain

"Agonizing pain, described as burning or scalding, spreading down the forearm into the hand immediately follows intra-arterial injection of as
little as 2 ml. of 5 per cent solution of thiopentone. This pain is the most constant feature and is rarely absent."

According to the article above lots of pain is to be expected with thiopental injection even at a really small dosage with small concentration.


Feb 22, 2023

Did you find about Thiopental?


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