

Apr 10, 2019
Nobody wants to help, to give me anything to cling on to. I can't keep flailing out to find nothing - I'm pretty sure that nobody actually wants me here anymore, that they're just waiting for the situation to "take care of itself." It must be tiresome to witness - if only they knew just how tiresome it was to live this way. Just the physical stuff or this mental onslaught, but both at once? I just can't.

My time is coming closer. It's been a hell of a long time coming. I can't go through another week of treading water, choking while everyone else swims on, happily progressing with their lives; another ignored special occasion; another week, month, year of uselessness; another round of tests and appointments and disappointments.

It's all too much, it's always been too much. I'm not a real person and never have been. I can't continue. I'm starting not to even care about what I will leave behind; none of it cares about me, the connections that once bound me tug a little looser every day.

I might end up just doing it at home after all, for the hotels still aren't yet open due to covid and I don't want to do it outside where there is a chance I could be found and "saved"(plus who knows who might stumble across the body and have their life ruined??); I'm not quite sure how to structure it for the smallest impact. Should I cover my face and body? Tape a note to my forehead? A note on the outside of my door might be too much of an early warning and serve only to interrupt my efforts rather than explain them. I could easily be left for hours undiscovered, my worry is the impact when they finally discover me cold and blue... any ideas anyone??

So scared of causing more trouble by leaving this way but can't help but feel responsible for ruining lives while I'm here. I'm not good enough, have never been good enough. I just want peace and to stop feeling so utterly awful, both physically and mentally. It's all just too much at once.

I just want it to stop. I never wanted to be this much trouble to anybody but it seems like no matter what I do or how much effort I put in to trying so hard to be good, it's NEVER ENOUGH, it just sets me up for failure and somehow makes me worse than everyone else who doesn't even try?? Nothing makes any sense to me, nothing I've been told about the world seems to be true because it doesn't reward kindness and patience, it makes you an easier target for evil; you don't get what you put in, there's often a huge disparity between the two; nothing seems to follow any logic, there's too much chaos and there's no way to muddle through unless you are, just... lucky... and I think we've established by now how goddamn unlucky I've always been.

All this time, all my life I have put in so much work in the hopes that it would change, that I wouldn't keep going through the same old shit over and over, trying different ways to get through but still ultimately getting the same, disappointing results. It's never going to be okay. It's time to just accept that I'm never going to fit in anywhere and this illness just takes away that last thread of usefulness that kept me here; now I really am the embodiment of "burden"...

Having been that, a burden, for so many years as a needy child, confused adolescent and invalidated young adult; to have fought through all that to have then finally taken those happy, precious steps towards independence; to have actually felt of real use and clearly imagined a future in which I might finally be the master of my own destiny, self-sufficient and worthy... Only for it then to have been whipped away so cruelly without warning... I was so empowered at the time and so naively hopeful, why does my memory looking back taint it with suppositions of malice in those around me and why do I remember the unkindesses far more frequently than the kindnesses?? Aside from the unfavourable ratio, that is!

All isn't lost, it was never "had" to begin with. They're just waiting for me to do it and I am impatient to go. Soon I think the wait will be over and I can finally rest... and they can finally get on with their lives.

I feels like this was destined all along, that I somehow survived my most serious attempt at 17 in error and that the world has just been waiting for me to correct that mistake, but is incredulous that I'm still slogging through, like a piece of crap stuck between the treads of a Real Person's shoe...

I kind of don't feel much further obligation to keep clinging on, that by now there is no shame in bowing out. I gave it a go, I was crap at it, never mind. I just wish that opting out was easier. It's the failed attempt that I'm worried about, the way they treat you, like FFS you can't even get that right. Punishing you for feeling bad; making you feel worse for feeling awful in the first place. Obviously wanting you gone for all the trouble your "feelings" are causing but chiding you when you try to resolve the issue yourself?

Covering their own arses, trying to pretend they did all they could to keep you here while wishing the whole time for you to hurry up and be done with it.

Sorry ranted a lil more than intended - struggling somewhat today and needed this badly - thanks for reading if you got this far!

TLDR: any ideas on how to make the finding of my body (method OD and/or SN) easier on family?
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
People obsess about the details, I don't think it really matters how a body looks. The cleanest death will still devastate most families.
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Can’t do this anymore
Jan 28, 2021
You don't say whether you live alone or not, but I'll presume that you live alone since you indicated that you might do it at home. If you ctb at home, and wish to minimize impact on your family, I would suggest a delayed email to police or emergency services so that they find you rather than a family member. Keep in mind that a suicide will lower the resale value if you own your home and your family will inherit it. I would suggest keeping the door unlocked so that it doesn't have to be kicked in. The cons of doing it outside are the risk of being rescued, so nighttime would be best. Of course, it will be less comfortable overall. And if privacy is a concern, your suicide is more likely to be covered by the press if you're body is found in an outdoor public place and your identity may be released, depending on suicide reporting guidelines in your country.

Question for you to consider: is it absolutely the case that ALL hotels are closed? What if somebody had to attend a wedding or funeral, or was having repairs done in their home that required they stay elsewhere temporarily? Surely, there must be some accommodation for them. Just a thought.
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Apr 10, 2019
I'm looking for hotels as I don't live alone
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Feb 3, 2021
People obsess about the details, I don't think it really matters how a body looks. The cleanest death will still devastate most families.
This is true, no matter how you die or when family and friends will miss you even when you die at 99
You don't say whether you live alone or not, but I'll presume that you live alone since you indicated that you might do it at home. If you ctb at home, and wish to minimize impact on your family, I would suggest a delayed email to police or emergency services so that they find you rather than a family member. Keep in mind that a suicide will lower the resale value if you own your home and your family will inherit it. I would suggest keeping the door unlocked so that it doesn't have to be kicked in. The cons of doing it outside are the risk of being rescued, so nighttime would be best. Of course, it will be less comfortable overall. And if privacy is a concern, your suicide is more likely to be covered by the press if you're body is found in an outdoor public place and your identity may be released, depending on suicide reporting guidelines in your country.

Question for you to consider: is it absolutely the case that ALL hotels are closed? What if somebody had to attend a wedding or funeral, or was having repairs done in their home that required they stay elsewhere temporarily? Surely, there must be some accommodation for them. Just a thought.
Doing it away from family if you don't live alone is important if your wish is to lessen the burden of their loss.


I’m haunted by the bottle & death on my breath.
Sep 6, 2020
I don't have much to give in terms of good advice but I just wanted to say that I relate to all this way too much and it's exhausting feeling like a let down all the time to everyone around you. My daughter, my husband, my mother, my job if I could even get the motivation to renew my license and go back to work, I am sure I will just disappoint them too. I never used to be this way. I used to be someone that was productive, a good wife, a great therapist, a good mom and daughter and now I just feel like nothing.

Sorry, I didn't mean to try to take over your post or anything, it's just nice (I guess that's the word) to be able to relate to someone and just say it to someone. My husband doesn't want to hear it anymore and I don't really have anyone else since I uprooted my entire life to another state last summer and left behind my dream job, coworkers that I loved, and the place I grew up.
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Apr 10, 2019
Good news - hotels may be taking bookings after may 16th :))
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Apr 10, 2019
Fuck, this was an old post!
Quite difficult to read how much I was struggling but a month ago...
Bad day, very bad day :notsure:
Hard to see all those worries and thoughts dogging my existence when I'm now trying so hard to look optimistically towards the future!
There's a lesson in this though, things can change in such a short space of time...
I hope I'm not in this hopeless place again for a long time.
It lurks in the shadows but is, for now, mostly banished!
Be gone, dark thoughts!! :pfff:

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