Deleted member 25508

shooting star
Jan 18, 2021
im disabled and stuck at home with a narcissist. the constant nagging, passive aggression, and backhanded comments will accelerate my demise. how am i supposed to get out? i cant work. im too sick for that. even if i get on ssi, that'll only be like $700 a month, and good luck finding a place with that much money.

what do they expect? society is killing me. theyre not giving me a choice. i think thats intentional

all people can tell me is "hang in there." theres no mechanism to save someone like me. its murder. if there was a way out i might not have to kill myself
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Nov 17, 2020
I'm sorry it feels like you have little option for your life. HUGS. Disability benefits barely give enough for anyone to live comfortably. I hope something comes that can help you.

I can understand your predicament because I am on disability (600$/month) & living with a subsidy in order to live away from home. This program is government funded, so if they choose to remove it, I would be homeless or having to move back in with my abuser. This is a great fear of mine.
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Deleted member 25508

shooting star
Jan 18, 2021
I'm sorry it feels like you have little option for your life. HUGS. Disability benefits barely give enough for anyone to live comfortably. I hope something comes that can help you.

I can understand your predicament because I am on disability (600$/month) & living with a subsidy in order to live away from home. This program is government funded, so if they choose to remove it, I would be homeless or having to move back in with my abuser. This is a great fear of mine.
is it like.. a safe area? i know about section 8 but im honestly concerned it would put me around dangerous people. maybe thats ignorant of me to think


Nov 17, 2020
is it like.. a safe area? i know about section 8 but im honestly concerned it would put me around dangerous people. maybe thats ignorant of me to think
For me, yes. The program allowed me to choose my residence & as long as the landlord agrees. It's only been in effect (the program) for 3 years
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
Exactly the same for me and I gave up fighting for the unrealistic scraps that society might give me because it wouldn't make my life worth living regardless. There is tons of red tape for getting both disability money and for finding housing; I'd rather just commit suicide then be stuck in a perpetual state of poverty, isolation, disability, and suffering. The resources really aren't there and probably even less so now due to coronavirus.

These quotes should sum it up quite well, society just pretends that it cares.

I used to think that suicide prevention was just another case of good intentions gone too far. That people really did care about those that wanted to die. That they did in fact want what was best for us and simply didn't understand that in some cases, they were doing nothing but prolonging a miserable existence.

And yeah, people are sympathetic, to an extent, to those who are suicidal. Nobody likes seeing someone in so much pain that they would rather die than keep living, but what are they actually willing to do to care for the people in such misery? Not much.

That's why suicide prohibitions and the current paradigm of mental healthcare in general are so convenient for everyone else. Despite claiming to follow the biopsychosocial model of mental health, clinical psychiatry/psychology pretty much leaves the -social part unaddressed and almost unacknowledged. Everyone is perfectly content to pretend that all issues of mental health are a matter of pathology. "Oh it's no problem that you can barely afford to pay your bills. That you've been isolated and ostracized, if not outright abused, for most of your life. There's just a problem with your brain chemistry, here's some pills. Go to some therapy because you clearly need to learn better coping skills."

The nice thing about painting our problems as individual defects or deficiencies, is that the onus is now completely on us to make our lives more livable. If they accepted that people are often driven to suicide by external pressures, that some people actually can't make it on their own, then they would have to make more tangible efforts to support those who are in need. Or they would have to admit that their honest attitude is, "Yeah we'd love for you to be living a satisfying life, but if enabling you to do so requires anything from us, well then fuck off."

Refusing to allow people to freely kill themselves allows the rest of society to feel like they're supporting suicidal people without having to assume any of the burden of those lives. And they know it isn't going to be enough for everyone. That is made abundantly clear by the thousands of people who kill themselves every year despite how difficult they've made it to commit suicide. But when those people inevitably fall through the cracks, everyone will just pat themselves on the back and tell themselves, "We did everything we could to keep them from dying." Yeah, but you did fuck all to give any of us a life worth living. -Suicidal stranger from the internet

Also, in many countries, and especially the United States, there are almost NO resources, very few support groups, and the United States government that has the authority, power, and plenty of money, could care less. They COULD do something to help but they DON'T.

Other people on a personal level COULD HELP but they DON'T. Why is that? Is it all about money? Or is helping a suicidal person just a downer for you or interrupts your lifestyle, or your lunch plans, should you really be preaching from your easy armchair? If it weren't for so many heartless people, I certainly wouldn't be as depressed. What about just doing what's right? Or does that just not exist anymore?

There is greed out of control everywhere. The majority of the population can barely pay their rent. There are no controls in place. Violence is skyrocketing, homelessness, pressures are skyrocketing, and the government people in power do absolutely nothing. Hey, all they know or care about is they're doing just fine, so they don't even think about it.

If I had their job for even one day, regardless of the system in place, I'd be doing everything I can to make the world a better place in any way I could. I would make a real effort.

What's even more terrifying is that more and more, most people have no conscience, most people are increasingly cruel, rude, and disrespectful to each other, and everything is unpredictable. No morals, no manners. When I actually DO encounter a genuine or a kind person, it's like a miracle. I feel like half the population are a bunch of cold hearted narcissists or psychopaths.

It just feels like chaos to me, all I want to do is hide at home directly after work, and hopefully I can still make my rent to even have a home to have peace in...and to not feel surrounded by darkness and cruelty everywhere around me.

And why wouldn't anyone want to escape that?!? To liberate themselves? To free their soul from immense suffering?

Basic safety, food, basic shelter, and a feeling of peace should be minimum human rights for everyone. There are more and more people that are tired of being used or abused, and it's hard to find true friends. More and more people isolate themselves not because they haven't tried... but because they are tired of trying seeing no help, no caring, nothing tangible in reality.

They have tried, they did try, they may even continue to try, and over and over again, all they see is nothingness. Nobody cares. People on this board, on this website, at least for the most part, have demonstrated MORE CARING than any pro lifer, with very few exceptions.

In the United States alone, there is more money and funding available, but they choose to use it on almost anything else but helping their own citizens. People preach, just do this or just do that, I have done 'this and that'...I have tried everything already.

People say life is precious...

YET We depressed people are simply told "you're on your own", or "that's your problem", or "just go get counseling", YET almost nobody wants to invest even a molecule of their time to help beyond a mere phrase, etc.

And you wonder why more people are suicidal or depressed?!?

There are many different types of circumstances where people cannot do it all on their own anymore, for whatever reason. Why does the society preach it is 'your responsibility', etc.,

this has NOTHING to do with 'responsibility'...it has EVERYTHING to do with "I'm suffering and I can't take it anymore".

May Callie be at peace, first & foremost.

As others have said on SS, why isn't society addressing the issues that push people into so much suffering in the first place that frequently results in suicide?

ACTIONS, not dressed up words, is exactly what we NEED in every country.

Every individual has a different set of circumstances combined with a unique personality, set of strengths & weaknesses, and needs. However, the universal thread in each suicidal person is... "i cannot take this pain anymore; it is overwhelming, with NO TANGIBLE EFFECTIVE RESOURCE to help remedy my pain"...

The highest priority should BEGIN with these CORE FUNDAMENTAL SURVIVAL NEEDS:

HOMELESSNESS should NOT EXIST...CARE & SUPPORT for VICTIMS of domestic ABUSE should be cost-free...EASY ACCESS to MEDICAL Treatment should already be in place NOT contingent on finances...Society MUST change responses to VIOLENCE and its instigators instead of allowing so much overwhelming damage.

How the heck can people actually be expected to be functional and relaxed in an out of control environment?!

The majority of ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, and FRUSTRATIONS are a DIRECT REACTION to TOXIC, UNHEALTHY, STRESSFUL ENVIRONMENTS. STOP BLAMING the VICTIM for their NATURAL REACTION to CRUELTY inflicted upon them. Our Reaction is not "mental illness", the environment is unreasonable in the first place.

No more excuses or justifications for the above MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR SURVIVAL... if they care so much about preventing suicide, demand that your government and your community on every level not just EMPTY PROMISES, but actually succeed in CREATING those MINIMUM STANDARDS for FUNCTIONING.

When people are FACED with the DAMAGING effects of ABUSE, the invisible gun to people's heads of threats of terrifying HOMELESSNESS & non-stop pressures of wage slavery, and with QUALITY medical care being only accessible to people with higher incomes... SUICIDES will CONTINUE UNTIL EFFECTIVE SUPPORT to remedy the underlying reasons are implemented.

This SS site has very likely PREVENTED / at least DELAYED My SUICIDE because i have more often felt CATHARTIC RELIEF... Validation of my deepest feelings, and best of all... SAFER SUPPORT that does NOT EXIST in so-called "counseling" available.

People that claim to "care" need to stop deciding for us what we should think, but we should be feeling, or what we should be doing. We feel the way we feel, it is what it is...

No other human being has the right to say, "well you should just get over it", or "think positive", one person might be able to handle a set of circumstances... but another person cannot.

All this NONSENSE of "pull yourself up" or "just get help" needs to STOP... If it were really that easy People would have already done so. They cannot keep comparing what they would do, or what other people have done, every individual is unique.

This pervasive cruel culture community attitude of "that's your problem" or "you're on your own"... will perpetuate and destroy many as the last thread they cling to is frequently destroyed. What exactly are we paying high taxes for... to a group of people that don't even care about us?

Every country's Government has responsibilities to those without authority... Why is it that they can easily vote for $ billions to be spent on certain programs or wars for example, YET they CHOOSE NOT to approve even one tenth of money on the very population they are being paid via forced taxes to help prosper?? Why is everything else a priority except the very population it purports to value?

If a suicidal individual needs more than what is available in limited "help" more relief, then they need more... Only each person knows what their limit is, only each person defines what they personally need for relief. Not other people deciding for them.

What kind of community/ society do we really live in when its most prevalent attitude & response to suffering is "pay me to care" or "that's your problem"?!?

Are we as a so-called society that "cares" showing compassion when given the opportunity to help people struggling & suffering? Is what they are doing actually working or making a real difference to the majority of those that are practically begging for kindness?

All of their definitions of "help being out there" they need to face the TRUTH that while that may work for a smaller percentage of the population, all of this so-called "help" is mostly THEORY NOT REALITY & doesn't make a damn bit of difference for at least HALF of the human POPULATION.

Until we as a SPECIES demand REAL SUPPORT for each other, Suicide will continue.

Their insensitive cliche of "That's life" only further isolates people that need real care; as if "that's just way it is" was somehow agreed to when people are born into this miserable chaos called "life". Thank goodness i stayed strong enough to never have children here; why would i want to procreate or have my precious babies into a heartless world?!

I REFUSE to ACCEPT this so-called "life" environment as good enough for me or my unborn offspring.


People will continue to try to ESCAPE this often NIGHTMARE ENVIRONMENT called SOCIETY with massive amounts of SUFFERING with abusers, sexual predators, mostly greedy economic systems that benefit only the lucky 15%, with out of control violence and skyrocketing homelessness, and LACK of COMPASSION in ACTION...

Reading Callie's highly intelligent & insightful words from her heart and beautiful soul... confirms what WE are all trying to communicate. Dearest Callie...We will see you in heaven someday you sweet soul. May God hold her safely with Love & Goodness all around her..

Again and Again, millions of souls' anguish around this world continue to be falling on collective society's deaf ears that ironically spout mantras that do NOT PROVIDE RELIEF for US.

Like all of us are saying here, Callie's feelings ECHO and REVERBERATE what WE are also FEELING." -Suicidal stranger from the internet
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